Tears Fairy

Chapter 75 Hunter Alliance

Chapter 75 Hunter Alliance

Feng Tianyu looked calmly at the gray-clothed ghost who was saluting to him, "You saluted me, what request do you have?"

"I am 50 years ago. The Land of Heaven's Punishment claims to be created by a hundred powerful people, but in fact there are only 89 of them. I am also one of the founders. My name has no meaning anymore.

My time is very limited, so I will make a long story short with you. You are the only monk who can see me after I have been waiting in the Land of Punishment for 50 years.

The Land of Punishment originated from the hunter's conspiracy, and the so-called human rebellion was also a victim of the hunter's conspiracy.

Gathering 89 great monks, the initiator of the construction of the cage of heavenly punishment was also a hunter. When the 89 powerful monks used formations to connect to the punishment of heaven, the hunters successfully used the prison built by great supernatural powers to trap 89 powerful monks. In the eyes of the Land of Punishment.

I was sent out of the prison by 88 fellow Taoists who gathered thousands of years of cultivation. However, 89 powerful monks gathered at the eye of the heavenly punishment formation with their own energy, and the powerful power of the 89 people was at the eye of the formation After connecting with Heaven's Punishment, the Land of Heaven's Punishment has no room for monks to grow.

My strength vanishes into nothingness in an instant, I am not reconciled, not reconciled!The 99 peerless powerhouses in Tianyuan Continent, hehehe... 89 of them were buried by hunters in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, and 89 of them were buried in the Land of Heaven's Punishment created by themselves. This is the clear retribution of heaven! "

The weeping and faint words floated into Feng Tianyu's ears in the air. When Feng Tianyu heard the gray-clothed ghost mention the hunter, his heart jumped wildly, and he had no intention of interrupting the gray-clothed ghost. , and began to listen attentively to every word of the gray-clothed ghost.

The gray-clothed ghost sighed, and continued what he had just said, "The Hunter Alliance is one of the three most powerful forces in the Tianyuan Continent, a symbol of justice, and one of the representatives in the competition between the human race and the hundred races." .

After the human race lost the competition with the hundreds of races, the so-called rebellion of the human race appeared in the eyes of the world. We, the mighty strong standing at the peak of the Tianyuan Continent, use our huge power to extract the barren sea islands and rivers as the incarnation of justice, intercept Wild forest.

89 powerful monks jointly refined a Heaven's Punishment Cage and imprisoned [-] people on the Tianyuan Continent.

The wild beasts and wild sea beasts launched a destructive attack on the rebellious human race imprisoned in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, causing the rebellious human race to die in despair.

The hunters used the trust of the 89 great powers to start targeted calculations. During the month when the 89 great powers used their powerful power to set up the last formation in the depths of the wild forest, the hunter alliance created A small cage in the Land of Punishment.

When the formation eye was activated, the moment the Heaven's Punishment Land was connected to the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyuan Continent, the Hunter Alliance showed a hideous face.The prison in the prison was activated instantly, and the punishment power of heaven was connected to the prison in the prison. All 89 powerful monks were imprisoned in the prison in the eyes of the formation.

The human race lost the power of the strong, and it was a devastating blow to the human race. In the era of hundreds of clans, the human race lost the powerhouse who dominated all sides, and the fall of the human race is irreversible.Hunters are the true rebels of the human race.

We woke up too late. When we buried ourselves, we also entrapped a hundred thousand innocent people and imprisoned them.I was not reconciled, at the last moment, I used the few powers blessed by 88 great powers on my body, opened the spirit beast bag and released my beast pet.

After categorically severing myself, the soul merged with the soul of the beast pet, so that the soul pet and I became a desolate beast. Under the punishment and oppression of heaven's punishment, the altar became more and more muddy, and finally became a wild beast with only a moment of clarity. 35 years have passed in the wild forest.

The 35 years of ignorance under the ban of heaven's punishment.My sliver of clarity is of no use to my people in the tide of beasts, but I am not reconciled.

Until a Jin Wudi appeared among the human race in the Land of Punishment. With his strong and iron-blooded wrist, he launched a counterattack against the beast tide. Under the torrent of beast tide, I stabbed my head with a sharp knife When I was in the hospital, I suddenly came back rationally under the huge sting, and when I was about to seek help from the strong of the human race, I realized that I was just a desolate beast with a severe head injury. "

The gray-clothed ghost's fading figure and increasingly ethereal voice made Feng Tianyu more anxious. She knew too little about the hunter. She hoped that the ghost could provide more useful information about the hunter.

"At the critical moment when hundreds of clans are fighting for hegemony in the Tianyuan Continent, and the competition between the human race and the hundreds of clans, we ignorantly built cages to imprison our fellow clans, and our 89 people are all sinners of the human race.

This is the crystal nucleus of my beast pet. After the pet beast becomes a wild beast, the crystal nucleus degenerates into a spar.

I used the 50-year sliver of clarity to record the hunter's life story with the energy in the wild beast spar. The geographically weak node with the Land of Punishment is the only way out for the Land of Punishment. It is also the most dangerous place in the Land of Punishment.

At the eye of the formation is the burial place of 88 powerful human beings, and it is also the only place where the Land of Punishment communicates with heaven and earth. I have drawn a map on the spar, my friend, you are the future of the human race, my wish, I only hope that the human race in the Tianyuan Continent will be strong, and I hope that my little friend can completely eradicate the Hunter Alliance, the cancer in the human race! "

The gray-clothed ghost bowed once, and finally asked, "Little friend, how is the Hunter Alliance now?"

"Senior, the Hunter Alliance is hidden in the Tianyuan Continent, and it is born every 100 years." Feng Tianyu saluted the gray-clothed ghost, and replied respectfully and truthfully.

"Little friend, the future of Tianyuan Continent depends on you. Do your best to solve the Hunter Alliance."

The smoky figure of the gray-clothed ghost began to dissipate, and a spar that was different from the desolate beast flew towards Feng Tianyu. The scattered gray fog was obviously the gray-clothed ghost waiting for Feng Tianyu's answer.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will try his best to deal with the Hunter Alliance. If he has the strength, he will definitely eradicate the Hunter Alliance, the rebellion among the human race."

Feng Tianyu bowed to the gray-clothed ghost floating in the air, and solemnly promised.

"Okay, okay, okay, hahaha... hope is still alive!" "Boom!"

Weeping hahaha laughter was interspersed with a humming sound, the gray figure of the gray-clothed ghost completely dispersed, disappeared without a trace in the windy and rainy Chinese army tent, only a ray of sound remained in the Chinese army tent reverberate.

"Is it the Hunter Alliance again?"

Feng Tianyu murmured softly, looked up to the depths of the wild forest, where was the center of the dungeon of punishment, Feng Tianyu began to calm down, and revealed a ray of law energy in the sea of ​​consciousness to read Information on the spar.

After the spar touched the law energy, it flew from Feng Tianyu's hands into Feng Tianyu's sea of ​​consciousness with a "swish". After the spar fell into the sea of ​​consciousness, the calm five-color sea of ​​consciousness caused waves of waves , the calm sea of ​​consciousness instantly rippled, and the information on the spar was instantly imprinted in Feng Tianyu's memory of reading the information.

Feng Tianyu was shocked, and suddenly, excitedly showed an ecstatic smile, her law power had reached a small level.A power of the primordial spirit that is superior to the power of the primordial spirit is slowly lifting the suppression of the Land of Punishment.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the mutated spar given by the gray-clothed ghost stopped three feet above the injured Jin Yuxiang's head, and traces of energy began to connect with Jin Yuxiang's breath.

A kind of superspiritual wave is inhaled in the breath with Jin Yuxiang, and the speed of Jin Yuxiang's recovery is strengthened in the exhalation.

Feng Tianyu's innovative and improved Promise Law new technique, which is fused with the gray mist for cultivation, evolves and sublimates into law element force. After a small success in the Promise Law, the Genesis Orb will automatically work together with Feng Tianyu to unravel the law of heaven's punishment. The prohibition of the land.

Feng Tianyu is stronger than the power of the primordial spirit, and after breaking through the restriction imposed on him by the Land of Punishment, he can enter and exit the Creation Orb in his mind.

The Yuanli of the Promise Law can ignore the prohibition of the Land of Punishment on spiritual power and consciousness.

The Law of Promise is a small achievement, and the powerful power turns around. In the excitement of Feng Tianyu's mind, gray mist emanates from the body. In the colorless air under the night moon, he flew towards the depths of the wild forest.

(End of this chapter)

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