Tears Fairy

Chapter 717 Talking about business

Chapter 717 Talking about business

The waiter stamped his feet, turned around and bowed to Feng Tianyu before asking: "Miss, what are your orders?"

Feng Tianyu asked: "As a waiter here, how many purple star coins can you receive a day?"

"Ah," the waiter was stunned for a moment, and then answered Feng Tianyu's strange question that seemed a bit out of the blue: "Fifty blue star coins a day!"

Seeing the waiter finished answering, Feng Tianyu asked again: "How many blue star coins per catty does the tea I drink now cost in the market?"

Although the waiter was surprised by Feng Tianyu's words and deeds, he still replied honestly: "This is Lishan Maojian, and it costs fifty gold star coins a catty, which is five hundred blue star coins!"

Feng Tianyu nodded and said: "Well, it's not expensive, you can go down!"


As soon as the waiter left, Feng Tianyu thought about it, five hundred, fifty, um, that seems to be the case.

As soon as the waiter left, the steward led a middle-aged fat man in a blue silk robe with a smile on his face.

As soon as he entered the living room, the steward hurriedly introduced to the middle-aged fat man: "The shopkeeper, this lady is looking for you to discuss business."

After the steward introduced Feng Tianyu to the middle-aged fat man, he hurriedly introduced the middle-aged fat man to Feng Tianyu and said, "Miss, this is the shopkeeper of Jindian Jewelry Building!"

Feng Tianyu stood up and gave a salute to the middle-aged fat man, and said, "Big shopkeeper, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

When the big shopkeeper introduced Feng Tianyu to the housekeeper, he evaluated Feng Tianyu with shrewd eyes. He has an elegant temperament and a calm demeanor. At first glance, he is a lady cultivated by a big family.

It's just that a lady from a great family doesn't stay in the deep boudoir, but comes to his jewelry building and promises to do business with him. No matter what he thinks, he feels that Feng Tianyu is a bit weird and difficult to understand.

Seeing Feng Tianyu saluting to him, the big shopkeeper hurriedly put away his evaluation eyes on Feng Tianyu, raised his hand to Feng Tianyu and said with a smile: "My lady, it's a pleasure to meet you! Please sit down!"

Feng Tianyu said: "Thank you!"

The shopkeeper sat down opposite Feng Tianyu, and the waiter stepped forward to offer a cup of tea. After taking the cover and taking a sip of the tea, he looked at Feng Tianyu opposite and asked kindly:

"What business do you want to discuss with me, Miss?"

Feng Tianyu took out a bulging brocade bag from her wide sleeve, and she pushed the brocade bag towards the big shopkeeper and said, "The big shopkeeper, please let me know how much these are worth?"

The shopkeeper smiled kindly, picked up the brocade bag that Feng Tianyu pushed towards him, and he took out a round and bright white pearl from it, and with one glance, he took out a few more pearls from the heavy brocade bag in shock.

At this moment, thud thud... His heart was beating like a drum, his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and then he fell down again, bang bang!There are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, white, and all kinds of colors, and the living room is immediately filled with splendor.

The big shopkeeper's eyes were shining, and his hands were shaking. After wrapping a table of pearls with a tablecloth, he stuffed his fat body heavily into the big chair.

He pressed the pearl wrapped in the tablecloth with one hand, while staring at Feng Tianyu with unconcealed excitement and excitement, he asked:
"Is this the business you want to talk to me about?"

Feng Tianyu nodded and said, "Well, is the shopkeeper interested?"

When the big shopkeeper heard it, the corners of his eyes couldn't help shaking, and he said in a hurry:
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm so interested!"

Feng Tianyu raised his eyebrows and reminded: "If you are interested, please estimate the price! Let me tell you, you only have one chance.

If the price is not worth the money, our business will collapse and there will be no second chance to bargain! "

The shopkeeper's heart skipped a beat, there was no chance to bargain, and also, who would want to bargain for such a good thing!
The big shopkeeper figured it out, and immediately agreed readily: "Ah, yes, yes, yes, I will definitely estimate it carefully."

This is definitely an opportunity for the family to take off, and he must seize whatever he says.His family was not short of money, so he started to pick up the abacus and crackle to calculate.

After a cup of tea, the shopkeeper raised his fat head from the abacus, and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha. He smiled and said to Feng Tianyu:

"This is a deep-sea pearl handed down from ancient times. There are 120 pearls in total, and each one is a treasure.

I don't ask the source of the pearls, this lady, I will give you the most fair price, based on the valuation of each [-] purple star coins, plus [-] to make up an integer.

A total of 120 million purple star coins will be paid to buy your 120 deep sea pearls.Miss, would you like to sell it? "The big shopkeeper looked at Feng Tianyu nervously. He was afraid that she would not agree with her answer.

Feng Tianyu thought for a while and said, "Seeing as the shopkeeper is sincere, we've made a deal!"

After Feng Tianyu made a deal, the shopkeeper finally let go of his worries.He got up and walked into an exclusive room for the shopkeeper, and took out a purple star card from it.

The shopkeeper handed the Zixing card to Feng Tianyu and said: "Miss, this is 120 million Zixing coins! Please keep it!"

Feng Tianyu took a look at the card with purple stars on a platinum background, and said in a flash of thought: "Let's verify it first!"

The big shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "That's natural!" After speaking, he went to the exclusive room again, and when he came out, he already had a credit card machine in his hand.

When Feng Tianyu saw this thing, his heart was moved again, and he handed the card to the shopkeeper and said: "Please pay five hundred purple star coins first!"

The big shopkeeper said: "Okay, okay!" He put the card on the credit card machine, and when the blue light flashed, a string of numbers appeared on the light screen of the credit card machine, but Feng Tianyu was dumbfounded.

Because she didn't know the string of numbers, she blinked and memorized the appearance of the string of numbers, and after the shopkeeper swiped the five hundred purple star coins, she memorized the changed numbers.

After the big shopkeeper waited for Feng Tianyu to finish the inspection, he handed the Purple Star Card back to her, went to the cabinet in the exclusive room, took [-] Purple Star coins and put them into a brocade bag.

Feng Tianyu put the card away, took the bag of Purple Star Coins handed over to her by the big shopkeeper, and saluted the big shopkeeper:

"Let's take my leave, little girl!" Feng Tianyu saw the fat shopkeeper raising his foot to send him off, so he hurriedly stopped him: "Stop shopkeeper, don't send him off!"

Feng Tianyu went straight down to the second floor. Seeing that Feng Tianyu had left, the big shopkeeper hurriedly explained to the steward in the building, and left the Jindian Jewelry Building with a bag of deep sea pearls in his arms.

Feng Tianyu didn't panic when she had money, she walked indifferently on the street with people coming and going, but when she passed a Vantone Money House, she walked in after a little thought.

Feng Tianyu handed the Purple Star Card to the shopkeeper on the counter and said, "Shopkeeper, I will take [-] Purple Star Coins!"

The shopkeeper took the Zixing card and swiped it at the credit card machine: "Customer, wait a moment! It will be ready soon!"

After a while, Feng Tianyu came out of Wantong Qianlou with a bag of money on his shoulders indecently.

Feng Tianyu smiled wryly, in order to conceal her identity, it was really not easy for her.No, just as she was about to put away a bag of money on a deserted street corner, she was surrounded by five hooligans who followed her all the way.

The leader, a scar-faced man, foamed at Feng Tianyu: "Little lady, today I have changed my taste. I only rob money, not sex. Leave the purse and go!"

Feng Tianyu blinked, this is a blatant robbery, isn't this the capital of the kingdom?Could it be that the law and order in the capital is so bad?

A tall and thin man squinted his eyes and stared straight at Feng Tianyu's face covered by the blue gauze, and said unwillingly: "Little lady, don't leave, don't you want to stay and have fun with the old men? Ok?"

It's really obsessed with sex, and she doesn't know how to live or die. Seeing the tall and thin man reaching out to lift the veil on her face, Feng Tianyu's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he shouted in a cold voice:


(End of this chapter)

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