Tears Fairy

718 The Rich Man

718 The Rich Man

Feng Tianyu yelled loudly and let out a roll, but did not stop the tall and thin man from reaching out to her hand, Feng Tianyu's eyes turned cold, and with a movement of his shoulder, the money bag on the shoulder was already in her hand.

With a sudden turn of the wrist, the purse hit the tall and thin man's pig's trotters like a hammer, "Crack! Crack! Ah!"

The sound of broken hands was quickly covered by a scream.Feng Tianyu turned her wrist and the purse landed on her thin shoulder again.

Feng Tianyu's indifferent eyes swept across the remaining four scar-faced men, and ruthlessly shouted at the four of them: "Get out!"

The scar-faced man darkened his face and said angrily: "Come on, tie her back to me!" While speaking, a big hand turned iron-colored and grabbed Feng Tianyu like an iron palm.The other three also pulled out iron rulers from their bodies to join in the battle to capture Feng Tianyu.

There was a sneer in Feng Tianyu's heart, when he saw the iron palm of the scar-faced man attacking, he became a little curious about the iron palm of the scar-faced man.In a blink of an eye, the money bag on his shoulder hit an iron palm and three iron rulers like a hammer drawing a golden iron arc.

"Clang clang clang clang!" Four metal and iron clanging sounds resounded above the street corner, and Feng Tianyu was already standing outside the battle circle stepping on the wind-following footwork. "roll!"

The scar-faced man held a bloody iron palm in one hand, and looked at the delicate woman in front of him in shock.The three men holding iron rulers took three steps back before standing still.

They also looked shocked when they looked at the empty palms.When did Wang Duzhong have such a person?Who is this woman?How is it so powerful?

They are the most famous local snakes in the capital, and all the city residents and merchants in the capital are afraid of them, not only because the scar-faced man is powerful, but also because Yue Qiu Dutong, the patrol camp of the king's capital, is the distant cousin of the scar-faced man.

Of course she doesn't know about these ups and downs, even if she knew, she wouldn't pay attention to it.In the mortal world, the state has state laws, and the family has family rules. She beat up the ruffians who were doing evil in the capital. Who would dare to blatantly trouble her?
The scar-faced man's face was livid, and the fear in the depths of his eyes could not be concealed.At this time, he deeply felt that his famous iron hand was useless.

From then on, he, Qiu Guozai, could no longer be king and hegemony in the capital, and he couldn't... He didn't dare to think deeply, he stood on the spot with a pale face and ashamed heart.

When Feng Tianyu yelled and told them to roll, the four of them looked at Feng Tianyu outside the battle circle in horror, and then ran out of the street with horror on their faces.

The tall, thin man who had lost one arm before watched the sudden change of situation with eyes full of shock, and when the scar-faced man was chased away by Feng Tianyu's shouts, he stumbled and chased after them with a face full of horror.

With a thought, Feng Tianyu put the money bag on her shoulder into the interspatial ring, and glanced at the fleeing hooligan, she shook her head, stepped around the corner of the street, she had to find a place to live, the king has a curfew, but No one is allowed to sleep on the streets.

Feng Tianyu is now a rich man, and with money comes confidence.She walked on the street calmly, thinking that she had to find a quieter restaurant to live in first.

There are very few single women staying in restaurants in Wangdu. When Feng Tianyu was standing outside the door of 'Qinggui Restaurant', a waiter in a restaurant was stunned for a long time before going forward to greet Feng Tianyu.

The waiter raised his hand and said, "Welcome! Please come in. Is the lady staying at the hotel or dining?"

Feng Tianyu said: "Dine and stay in the hotel!"

The waiter smiled and said, "Okay, miss, please follow me!"

The waiter led Feng Tianyu to the counter in the lobby, and said to the shopkeeper, "Master Ji, this lady is staying at the shop!"

The shopkeeper glanced at Feng Tianyu, and said to the waiter: "Okay! You go down!"

The shopkeeper took out a housing booklet and introduced it to Feng Tianyu: "This restaurant has A-class suites, B-class upper rooms, and C-class ordinary houses. What class does the lady live in?"

Feng Tianyu said: "Class A!"

The shopkeeper smiled a little bit, ticked off the blank space in the housing booklet, and continued to ask: "Okay, how many days will you stay?"

Feng Tianyu thought for a while and said, "Half a month!"

The smile on the shopkeeper's face grew stronger. He picked up a registration book and asked, "Miss's name?"

"Wind and rain!"

The shopkeeper nodded, and said again: "Half a month's 350% discount, a total of [-] Purple Star Coins, distinguished guests must pay a deposit of [-] Purple Star Coins first!"

The shopkeeper swiped a pen and registered it in the book, indicating the house number. After Feng Tianyu swiped his card, he took out a key and handed it to Feng Tianyu with a smile: "I hope you will be satisfied with your stay!"

"Little Four, lead this distinguished guest to No. [-] on the fifth floor!" The shopkeeper greeted the waiter in the lobby.

"Okay!" A waiter agreed, and stepped forward to ask Feng Tianyu: "Your guest, please come with me!"

Feng Tianyu followed the waiter to the restaurant not far from the stairs, and stopped in front of a red lacquered wooden frame covered with flowers and green leaves. .

When the waiter rang the bell in the sky, the colorful baskets rose slowly and did not stop until they reached the fifth floor.When Feng Tianyu stepped out of the basket, he also felt that it was good to use this method instead of climbing the stairs.

When Feng Tianyu walked into Suite No. [-], he gave the waiter a purple star coin and forgave her, because she only had purple star coins on her body.

The waiter accepted Feng Tianyu's reward and was stunned for a moment.This lady is too generous!When Feng Tianyu closed the door, the waiter woke up from his cuteness, and hurriedly thanked Feng Tianyu:

"Thank you, little one, thank you for your reward!" One purple star coin was already his wages for a day, and he didn't do anything, just lead a certain way.

In the eyes of Feng Tianyu, coins are only used for consumption. She has a lot of good things to exchange for currency in circulation. The purple star coins are gone, so just exchange them.

Feng Tianyu's Feng Zi No. [-] still can't contact Xu Yunfei.Because this is a restricted area for aura, Feng Tianyu has the power of gray mist and law, but Xu Yunfei does not.Therefore, it is still impossible to find the same spatial trajectory.

With a goal in mind, Xu Yunfei began to vigorously recruit warriors, develop business, and continuously opened bodyguard branches in neighboring towns.

Jiang Ping, Fang Yunxuan and the other seven arrived in Yangcheng after trekking through mountains and rivers.Xu Yunfei's career has begun to take shape. After the seven members returned to the team, Xu Yunfei became even more powerful, and the world's bodyguards soon became famous all over the world.

In the Hongyu Courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, the girl Qingqing in the fragrant boudoir is reporting to the third lady: "...the boss of the world's bodyguard company is Xu Yunfei, who is the brat that the lady met half a year ago."

After Miss Qingqing finished her report, she stood by and waited for her orders.After a long while, Miss San asked softly, "Can our bodyguards be sure everything is fine?"

Miss Qingqing replied after hearing the words: "The world's bodyguards have a good reputation, so far, they have never failed! Our bodyguards arrived safely, there should be no problem!"

The third lady frowned and said coldly: "What I want is certainty, not should! Do you understand?"

"It's Miss, I will ask the people below to supervise the world's bodyguards to ensure that our bodyguards arrive safely."

The third lady said: "It's better to be like this!" After thinking for a while, she asked: "What's the fifth lady doing recently?"

Qingqing respectfully said: "Fifth Miss, you are trying to win over the city guard Dutong. There are signs that Wudutong is drawing closer to her!"

"Well, continue to pay attention to Fifth Miss. If there is any change, I want to know as soon as possible! Back off!"

"Yes!" Qingqing exited the third lady's boudoir with a respectful voice, and after Qingqing quit, the third lady began to meditate with a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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