Tears Fairy

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Feng Tianyu tightened the golden thunder sword in his hand, and walked slowly step by step towards the man in black lying under the array.

Under the Heaven's Punishment Formation, a male cultivator in black with his face facing the ground lay lifelessly on the ground, and Feng Tianyu stopped three feet away from the male cultivator in black.

While waving his hands, a trace of Yuanli rolled towards the man in black. The prone man in Xuancloth was a male cultivator, and was turned over by a trace of Yuanli from Feng Tianyu.

The bra of the male cultivator in Xuanyi was completely destroyed, and a black palm print was printed on the left chest of the male cultivator in black. The black palm print clearly showed signs of festering.

The black hair of the male cultivator in Xuanyi was scattered and covered the face of the male cultivator in Xuanyi. Feng Tianyu looked at the bruised palm injury that was obviously caused by the monk's attack, and was puzzled in his heart. Where did this male cultivator come from? ?

In the Land of Heaven's Punishment, there is nothing related to aura, and monks in the Land of Heaven's Punishment are just ordinary mortals, cold in winter and hot in summer, and eat three meals a day.

Without a monk's body to resist cold and heat, a monk needs three meals a day just like a mortal in the Land of Heaven's Punishment.

This male cultivator is definitely not an exile from the Land of Punishment. The only thing that can be explained is that he is a monk who has just entered the Land of Punishment. Moreover, he was blasted in by someone, and fell into it from the burst space like himself?Also happened to fall into the prison?
The prison in the prison is a huge cave, and it is obviously impossible to fall into it, so, all of this is premeditated!

It should have something to do with the Heaven's Punishment Array, right?

Heaven's Punishment Array?

As long as the male cultivator is not dead, everything will be solved after the male cultivator wakes up!In Feng Tianyu's thoughts, his soul power has detected that Nanxiu is still alive.

With a wave of his hand, Yuan Li brushed away the black hair covering the face of the black-clothed male cultivator. Using soul power and gray mist, a king-level golden fragrant fruit wrapped in the creation pearl floated out from the creation pearl.

Feng Tianyu reached out his hand in disgust to open Xuanyi Nanxiu's tightly closed mouth, and the king-level golden fragrant fruit was smoothly fed into Xuanyi Nanxiu's mouth, a trace of vitality squeezed the golden fragrant fruit, and the golden fragrance juice flowed down his throat It flows into the stomach, and begins to decompose the repairing medicinal power in the juice, and the medicinal power flows into the four meridians and eight channels to repair the damaged body of the Xuanyi cultivator.

Feng Tianyu took out a bottle of the army's spare disinfectant powder, spat out Yuanli with his fingertips on the black palm print on the left chest of the male cultivator in Xuanyi, cut a cross with Yuanwei, and a stench was accompanied by the black pus that flowed out The water spreads out.

Feng Tianyu stretched out his hand and pinched his fingers, his soul power and Yuan power formed a seal, and immediately moved towards the place emitting the stench to seal.


At the same time, an iron palm suddenly struck Feng Tianyu head-on, Feng Tianyu frowned, and stretched out his hand to slap, the attacking iron palm suddenly drooped weakly.

"Hmph!" After Feng Tianyu snorted coldly, he looked at the black-clothed male cultivator who attacked him expressionlessly and said coldly, "I really don't know what to do!"

The cold and deep facial features of the male cultivator in Xuanyi, on a handsome and cold face, while attracting people's attention, are even more inaccessible.

At this time, the male cultivator in Xuanyi opened his deep and cold eyes, and hung his arms weakly. When the piercing chill touched Feng Tianyu's indifferent eyes, his heart jumped inexplicably, as if he had forgotten somewhere in his memory. contacted.

Who is he?
The male cultivator in Xuanyi studied the kung fu with his heart, sensing the indifferent young man in five-color armor in front of him, there was a touch of familiarity hidden in the strangeness, and that familiarity made half of his chilling coldness dissipate, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. A trace of doubts.

"This is the disinfectant powder used in the mortal army. Now that you're awake, you can deal with it yourself." Feng Tianyu threw the Chinese medicine bottle to the male cultivator in Xuanyi.

She didn't ignore the doubts that flashed through the ice-like pupils of Xuanyi Nanxiu.

The male cultivator in Xuanyi took the powder bottle and sprinkled a layer of disinfectant powder on Feng Tianyu's left chest where the cross was made, the wound was numb and itchy with a hint of coolness.

Putting away the medicine powder, a sense of warmth rose in my cold heart for no reason, "Thank you for your kindness, I, Xu Yunfei, remember my fellow daoist!"

The cold words of the male cultivator in Xuanyi had a hint of warmth that he didn't realize. Feng Tianyu glanced at Xu Yunfei indifferently, and nodded without knowing whether or not.

"Tell me! How did you appear in this prison?" Feng Tianyu sat calmly on the ground three feet away from Xu Yunfei, and began to ask Xu Yunfei directly, the question that he cared about the most."

"After I got out of the family, I started exploring for several months..."

Before Xu Yunfei's eyes, the ups and downs he had experienced in the past six months unfolded again.

"Daddy, I, Xu Yunfei, swear that I will definitely save you from the land of heaven's punishment."

Xu Yunfei was stunned by his father and hid in the grass. After Xu Yunfei woke up, he immediately flew towards the Heaven's Punishment Hall in the Valley of Punishment.

The Valley of Heaven's Punishment surrounds the Tianxian Peak in the boundless forest. There is a dark mist in the valley. This mist is like a real portal, forming an arch. The Hall of Punishment stands tall at the mouth of the Valley of Punishment.


Xu Yunfei rushed to the Valley of Heaven's Punishment, and as soon as he entered the valley entrance, he saw a group of enforcers from the Temple of Heaven's Punishment activate the Order of Heaven's Punishment and open the arch in the mist. As soon as his son Xu Yunfei took one look, he was pushed into the gate of heaven's punishment by the law enforcers.

"Who is he?" asked a law enforcement officer from the Temple of Punishment.

"My lord, he is Xu Tianen's son Xu Yunfei!" Xu Song, the thirteenth elder of the Xu family, glanced at Xu Yunfei with some disgust, and respectfully replied to the law enforcement officers of the Heaven's Punishment Hall.

"After you go back, please be disciplined!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After the law enforcers led the people in the Execution Hall to leave, the thirteenth elder Xu Song immediately chased after Xu Yunfei who fled immediately when he saw the situation was bad.

During Xu Yunfei's rapid escape, he and Xu Song, the thirteenth elder who was chasing him, started a three-month chase in the boundless forest.

The Xu family, the head of the family Xu Chengjiang is Xu Yunfei's grandfather, Xu Yunfei's father is Xu Tianen and Xu Chengjiang's only legitimate son.

Xu Chengjiang had five sons in total, and two concubines each had two sons. The Taoist couple only gave birth to one Xu Tianen.

On the contrary, the four concubines have extraordinary aptitude, all above Xu Tianen, and now only Xu Tianen is still struggling in the late stage of alchemy among the five brothers.

Xu Tianen, as the direct son of the family and the successor of the head of the family, despite his unsatisfactory qualifications, the family resources are tilted towards him, and the family's strength is devoted to cultivating him. As the young head of the family, Xu Tianen also married Ji Ru Snow.

The young Patriarch with smooth sailing, with the family's tilted resources, Xu Tianen successfully entered the late stage of alchemy at the age of 67. When Xu Tianen advanced to the great perfection of alchemy, Xu Tianen's four younger brothers advanced to the Nascent Soul stage one after another.

Everything started from this moment. A series of unexpected accidents occurred in the family. When the Great Elder and the Seven Elders of the clan were protecting Xu Tianen in the boundless forest for routine training, they encountered a group of men in black who attacked him.The Great Elder died unexpectedly, one of the seven elders died and five were injured, and one elder disappeared without a trace.

From the moment Xu Tianen returned to the family under the protection of his two guardians, a family storm had formed. The so-called law enforcement team's investigation was the continuation of the conspiracy.

Xu Tianen began to accept the family law enforcement investigation, and the three-month-long confinement took a turn for the worse. His life also underwent a huge change, and the position of the young patriarch became idle.

In three months, Xu Tianen's name of rebellion was established, and the young Patriarch became a traitor?The whole family is shocked!Who believes it?Don't worry, when the criminal evidence is presented to everyone from the law enforcement team, you have to believe it.

Xu Tianen was escorted by the law enforcement team to the Valley of Heaven's Punishment, where he was exiled for punishment. The head of the family, Xu Chengjiang, silently acquiesced, and Guan Hong, the grandmother of the wife of the head of the house, Xu Yunfei, was closing the century-old barrier.

Everything was going on while Xu Tianfei's eyes were about to split.Mother Ji Ruxue, under the request of her grandfather's strong posture, and her grandfather completely severed all ties with the Xu family in spite of her mother's strong opposition, and asked Xu Yunfei to return to the Ji family from her mother's surname.It was flatly rejected by the elders of the Xu family.

Xu Yunfei followed his imprisoned father to the Valley of Heaven's Punishment, successfully rescued him and escaped, but when the law enforcement team chased him, his father stunned him, and he was finally sent to the Land of Heaven's Punishment by the law enforcement team.

"...I gathered my own people and the people of the thirteenth elder of the Xu family. After the decisive battle in the boundless forest, I started a three-month secret investigation to understand the whole story of the formation of the Land of Punishment.

Emperor Heaven lived up to my painstaking efforts. Finally, one of his subordinates recorded a conception and annotations about the Heaven's Punishment Formation Disk and the creation of the Heaven's Punishment Land in an ancient book found on a stall in the Black Rock City Trading Square.

Without the pursuit of the thirteenth elder of the Xu family, my men and I started a carpet-like search in the boundless forest. A few days ago, I found it in a misty valley, similar to the line of sky mentioned in ancient books. Heaven is the birthplace of the Land of Punishment, and it is the place where the Land of Punishment connects to the punishment of Heaven. When I used the Yuanli spar mentioned in the ancient book and put it into a huge ancient array, I was struck by a domineering force of the cathode. Enveloped, I stagnated for a moment, and a big handprint hit my chest. "

Xu Yunfei told Feng Tianyu in a deep voice, the ins and outs of his entry into the Land of Punishment, he lowered his head and stared at his itchy left chest, where the left chest was injured and festered, and scabs had begun to scab on its own, he was in a strange mood The calmness was so calm that it frightened him.

When did the tyrannical self have such a peaceful mind?
In his thoughts, his eyes could see the young man's emaciated, elegant, cold and indifferent expression. A dreamlike sense of familiarity violently attacked his entire heart, and he couldn't help but stare at Feng Tianyu.

she!who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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