Tears Fairy

Chapter 78 Familiar Strangers

Chapter 78 Familiar Strangers
"Do I know you?……"

In the hundreds of turns, Xu Yunfei secretly asked over and over in his heart.For no reason, a familiar feeling permeated his whole body, Xu Yunfei's mental defense opened a gap in an instant, and his mind was relaxed immediately, an unprecedented joyful experience spread all over his body.

Feng Tianyu saw that Xu Yunfei, who was no longer talking, stared at him, and his dark and deep eyes looked at him in an extremely complicated way. He was joyful and puzzled, and he was in a relaxed state of relief. He couldn't help frowning and asked in a cold voice:


"Well, it's over!"

Feng Tianyu coldly glanced at Xu Yunfei, who was recovering from his injuries, and stared at the huge heavenly punishment array behind Xu Yunfei. This day's punishment array is probably the only link to the ancient array in the misty valley. The array is also the roulette for receiving the way of heaven.

And the Land of Heaven's Punishment, the huge array of Heaven's Punishment in the cave, is to absorb the punishment of Heaven's Law and evil. The evil in a world, only the Land of Heaven's Punishment absorbs [-]%, forcing it on unrelated exiles On the body, he took a share of the guilt for the real criminal.

Hunter Alliance?It really is extraordinary!

"Fellow Daoist, how did you appear here? Isn't the Land of Heaven's Punishment a forbidden place? This place is full of traps, and if you make a mistake, you will fall into danger."

Xu Yunfei looked at the ordinary and inconspicuous Feng Tianyu and asked gently. Under the cold appearance, his tone was rare and gentle.

Ever since he lost his warm home, Xu Yunfei returned to the coldness he had when he was a child. It has been a long time since he said such a long word.

Facing the indifference of the indifferent young man, he felt an indescribable sourness in his heart. He waited expectantly for the indifferent young man's answer. After a long time, he was disappointed.

"I have a map!"

Feng Tianyu recovered from his contemplation, and his cold voice rang in his ears. Feng Tianyu looked at Xu Yunfei's cold and disappointed expression, and sighed in his heart, he was another weak person persecuted by his family.

The weak are the fish on other people's chopping boards!
Feng Tianyu clenched his fist again, and his belief in becoming stronger became stronger and stronger.The firm and powerful belief in his eyes made Xu Yunfei's heart tremble violently. This is the perseverance to move forward bravely, this is the firm belief without regrets!
When Xu Yunfei's heart was shaken, a sense of pride also rose in his heart. He, Xu Yunfei, would also be the existence in Tianyuan Continent to control the lives and deaths of others, and becoming stronger was the only path he had to take to become a strong person.

Xu Yunfei suddenly stood up from the ground, clenched his hands tightly, and a cold and arrogant aura suddenly burst out from his body. He, Xu Yunfei, would let the family realize the true meaning of regret.

The icy aura that suddenly ran away from him made Feng Tianyu feel Xu Yunfei's powerful tyrannical aura flowing in the darkness.

"If you want to change the status quo, go out from the Land of Punishment first. By the way, in the Land of Punishment without aura and power, fellow Taoist Xu, how are you going to get out of the Land of Punishment?"

Feng Tianyu's cold voice rang in Xu Yunfei's ears. "How to get out of the Land of Heaven's Punishment?..." These words were passed into Xu Yunfei's ears, and over and over again they exploded like thunder in Xu Yunfei's ears like a magic sound.

The tyrannical airflow in the darkness suddenly disappeared into the darkness, and Xu Yunfei, who had just stood up, fell to the ground with a plop and lost his soul.

"This is the depths of the wild forest, it's almost dawn, I want to get out of here just before dawn.

At this time, there will be fewer desolate beasts encountered. Do you stay here to find a way out, or follow me out?Of course, if you can keep up with me. "

"I'll go with you!"

Xu Yunfei quickly stood up from the ground, and made a decisive decision without delay.

There was a trace of pity in Feng Tianyu's bright eyes. His experience was really sympathetic. After the schemer was broken, he became a child of a tyrannical family.Feng Tianyu decided to help him.

Xu Yunfei didn't notice Feng Tianyu's fleeting pity, he found that with Feng Tianyu, his tyrannical emotions calmed down a lot.The previous rage was gone.

In the natural operation of Xu Yunfei's mind-learning skills, the sense of familiarity is getting stronger and stronger. He must have crossed paths with this ordinary and handsome young man in front of him.

Xu Yunfei searched in his memory, but he had no clue. He believed him without hesitation, just because his heart longed to be close to him.

Deciding to follow the wind and rain, Xu Yunfei believed that ordinary youths appearing here must be seeking a way out of the Land of Punishment, and he was no longer close to him, and his usual volatile mood was gone.He really longed to stay by Feng Tianyu's side.

He didn't know the reason, but he just liked to be by his side. The familiar taste and feeling made him confused, and he was addicted to the tranquility and peace he brought him.

"Fellow Daoist, can you tell me your name?" Xu Yunfei asked Feng Tianyu who was about to go out in a soft tone, and the softened cold handsome face was full of anxiety.

Feng Tianyu looked at the handsome young man who seemed to come out of an iceberg, and Xu Yunfei, who was less icy, had a ray of sunshine on his handsome face. After people saw it, they would feel a sense of spring breeze in their hearts.

A smile finally appeared on Feng Tianyu's face, and there was also a hint of joy in his heart.

In other words, in the face of high-value people, as long as they are not the kind that strangers should not get close to, Feng Tianyu is also willing to give a thumbs-up to high-value people.

"Fengtian, my name!" The corner of Feng Tianyu's mouth was slightly hooked, and a brisk smile poured out along with the words.

"Fengtian? What a name!" Xu Yunfei felt relieved after getting Feng Tianyu's response, and his mood soared because of Feng Tianyu's answer. He seemed to be in a sunny paradise, There was more joy in the words of appreciation, and there was a sunny smile on Junyi's face.

In joy, Xu Yunfei began to be startled by his own transformation. His undefended attitude towards Fengtian, his complete trust in him and his feeling of being close to him made him more at a loss and subconsciously worried about gains and losses.

a familiar stranger?

"Fengtian, Fengtian?"

Fengtian made him not himself anymore!
Fengtian made his heart sink silently. Facing the thin and handsome Fengtian, he tried to resist him wholeheartedly, but in the end it only made him want to get closer to him even more crazily.

He naturally controlled his words and deeds, his ice-like heart began to slowly melt in front of him, his sunny side self-regulated and showed in front of him, and his smile was brilliant because of him.

After Feng Tianyu fully complied with the map given to her by the gray-clothed ghost and the nodes shown in the Heaven's Punishment Array map, she was ready to go back to the barracks.

"How is it? Can I go?" Feng Tianyu's clear voice seemed to be gravitational, Xu Yunfei's mood of worrying about gains and losses, calmed down for a moment, since he couldn't change his transformation, let it be.

Thinking of this, Xu Yunfei smiled and nodded, his deep eyes were extremely serious and focused, "It's ok, although I don't thank you for your kindness, I still want to say thank you!"

"Let's go!" Feng Tianyu mourned for the unlucky Xu Yunfei who was attacked here during the exploration, and at the same time mourned for him, and at the same time slandered him for being lucky enough to meet him.

"What the hell, God is teasing her, right? I just checked and picked up a bag and brought it back."

After Feng Tianyu finished slandering, he glanced at Xu Yunfei who had faded from the ice. The deep facial features on his sunny and handsome face were especially fascinating. For the sake of his good looks, let's accept him as a younger brother for the time being.

"Follow up," Feng Tianyu greeted Xu Yunfei in thought, and began to quickly return to the way he came.

Although Xu Yunfei was surprised that Feng Tianyu exceeded his expected speed.But he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest!
The two of them, one in front of the other, rushed forward in the dark corridor like phantoms.

After Xu Yunfei followed Feng Tian out of the dark black hole, he began to run quickly in the wild forest. Xu Yunfei's eyes darkened as he looked at the thin and frail figure that was moving extremely fast in front of him.

The thin figure of Feng Fu was running in the dark forest, and the figure of Feng Tian running and passing by under the moonlight, on the trunks of huge barren trees shaped like wooden pagodas, the thin figure seemed especially small.

In his memory, a delicate and delicate figure suddenly overlapped with Fengtian in front of him. She was the cinnabar mole in his heart.

What is Fengtian in his heart?

 The recommendation ticket is the author's peace of mind, and the collection is the author's peace of mind!Please recommend, please collect!Lushui in the Wind would like to thank the readers who have been with us all the way here, please continue to venture into the unknown world with Lushui in the Wind!Green Water in the Wind is grateful to all book friends and readers for their rewards, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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