Tears Fairy

Chapter 90 Tracking

Chapter 90 Tracking
While Feng Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief after the restaurant manager showed up, he and his younger brother Feng Tianxing faced back-to-back tense scenes, and were nervously watching the changes.

However, at this moment, two applause broke the tense situation between the two sides instantly.

"Yo! Today there is a full martial arts show in Tengfei Building, hehehe!" With two rounds of applause, a young man in white appeared in the corridor on the second floor with a clear voice under the protection of several guardians. He laughed at the touch-and-go scene.

"Little Lord?"

The manager of the restaurant couldn't help but exclaimed in shock when he saw the person coming, and hurried forward to salute immediately, looking at the young man in white cassock in surprise.

"Uncle Dong, it's the restaurant's fault for disturbing the guests. These two distinguished guests have spent all their money today, so I apologize for the shock to the two distinguished guests.

In the future, the restaurant will strengthen its defenses, and no cats or dogs will come to my Ji family's territory to run wild. After dealing with them, the relevant people will immediately go back to the punishment hall to receive their punishment. "

"Yes, my lord"

After Uncle Dong and the guards saluted the young man in white respectfully, the guards immediately rushed towards the dozens of men in black who were under the pressure of Uncle Dong's spiritual sense with sullen faces.

"You two juniors, you are shocked. Ji Xiaojie apologizes to the two juniors." The white-clothed boy who called himself Ji Xiaojie bowed his hands to Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing in apology.

"Ji Xiaojie??"

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing looked at the white-clothed boy in shock. Ji Xiaojie, who was 15 years old and practiced Qi Dasi, entered the foundation building period at 16 years old, and has already completed the foundation building Dzogchen at the age of 17?The two brothers asked questions in unison.

"Yes, I'm Ji Xiaojie, I'll give it back as a fake!" Ji Xiaojie said with a mocking smile in a relaxed tone.The majesty towards Uncle Dong and the others was completely gone.

"Feng Tianyu of Zhongyuan Second College, Feng Tianxing has met Senior Ji." Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing's worshipful eyes flashed with excitement.

The idol I admired suddenly appeared in front of me, and the adoring eyes of Feng Tianyu and the two brothers were twinkling with stars, making Ji Xiaojie suddenly feel comfortable all over, look!This is the celebrity demeanor, the focus of all beings.

"Young master, is the ancestor still waiting for you?" Seeing that the young master had forgotten the purpose of this trip, a guardian hurriedly reminded him.

"Ah, oh, then let's go now, the two juniors have fun eating!" Ji Xiaojie waved to the two brothers who admired him, and waved back and forth like the wind, and the man had already disappeared with the guardian at the end of the aisle .

After Ji Xiaojie and the guardian left the aisle like a gust of wind, Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing woke up from the excitement, looked at the sky, it was almost time "Brother..." The two couldn't help but lose their voices at the same time, their faces were pale.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sound of footsteps on the corridor, and outside the unrepaired door, two young men and women in white suddenly came into their eyes.

"Big Brother, Second Sister!" Seeing that the eldest brother and the second sister appeared safely on the corridor, the two brothers suddenly let go of their concerns, and their pale faces recovered.At the same time, he called his eldest brother and his second sister, and greeted his elder brother and his second sister.

"Third brother, fourth brother, go in and say, what happened here?" When Feng Tianlei called out to the two of them, he found that the door of the formation was damaged by the magic power, so he asked aloud.

"A group of men in black came, and they were dealt with by the people in the restaurant. We are fine." Feng Tianxing explained aloud.

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing looked a little worried, and immediately calmed down after knowing that they were safe and sound. Too many things happened today, which made the two brothers and sisters overwhelmed. Fortunately, you are safe and sound.

Feng Tianqing took out an isolation talisman and posted it on the door of the room where the formation had been lost, and the four of them sat down on the chairs.

Feng Tianlei tidied up his chaotic thoughts, and solemnly said to the three of them: "Let me tell you first, you listen, and everyone will add later, or come up with a better way."

Feng Tianqing and the other three hurriedly nodded in agreement, Feng Tianlei said with heavy eyes: "Although we are the descendants of the city lord, our foundation is in Black Rock City.

The descendants of Fengcheng in the space world have started to attack us from rejecting us to guarding against us. Now there is some chaos in the academy, what we have to do now.

It is to try to find out Yu'er's whereabouts as much as possible, and see if she has come to the space world. If she comes, find her as soon as possible, put everything else aside, and discuss with Yu'er after confirming Yu'er's whereabouts! "

"Brother and I have announced the confidence to find people just now," Feng Tianyu hurriedly added when he saw that the elder brother stopped.

"Yu'er is here?" Feng Tianxing asked in surprise, Feng Tianyu also looked at his eldest brother with worried eyes.

"I guess she will come! I don't have any information about her. In today's space world, I always feel that a storm is coming. We are helpless in the Windy City. We can only try to keep in touch and hold each other tightly. Find Yu'er It is our most urgent task right now."

"Okay, big brother, let's take three days off immediately when we return to the college tomorrow. Let's go to the southeast, northwest and No. [-] Zhongyuan college. Two people will go to the five colleges in groups to find someone!" Feng Tianyu looked at his elder brother calmly and suggested.

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

After Feng Tianlei made his statement, Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianxing also unanimously agreed to pass it.

Feng Tianyu got off the roof of the car and was about to catch up with the eldest brother and the second sister when he suddenly caught the sound of a conversation.

"Master, the mission to kill Brother Feng Tianyu has failed!"

"The ten elders failed?" a deep male voice asked.

"Yes, all ten of them were killed by the steward of the restaurant."

"Idiots, who told them to go to the hotel to commit murder, pig brains! Where is that? It's the territory of the Ji family. A group of pigs!" The deep male voice roared violently.

After a while of silence, the deep male voice coincidentally rang out again, "The four brothers and sisters of Feng Tianlei are all gathered in the Tengfei Building now, and they happen to pass through Changqing Road when they return to the academy.

There is a grove there, inform the ten elders, mobilize the Heisha team, you set up an ambush there, try your best to kill the four brothers and sisters Feng Tianlei on Changqing Road, if you fail again, you will kill yourself on the spot. "

"Yes, my subordinates retire!"

"Get lost!" After a tyrannical growl from a low-pitched male voice, Feng Tianyu was enveloped by Feng Tianyu's soul, and Feng Tianyu's clear face was covered with a layer of ice. One step at a time, he chased after the man in white who was dodging in the distance.

Quietly walking all the way through the lanes where people come and go.The man in white stopped at the entrance of a three-story Shengji Danpu, and was led into the Danpu by the shop attendant. He looked around and asked the gray-clothed old man who came out of the counter.

"Is Missy back?"

"Young master Sheng, the master is already waiting on the third floor!" The old man in gray replied respectfully.

The man in white, Young Master Sheng, nodded, and quickly walked up the stairs. In a luxurious suite facing the street on the third floor, a gorgeous woman in red was lazily leaning on the imperial concubine's bed, her eyes slightly closed, looking at her for a while. When the sound of footsteps came, Fang opened a pair of bright eyes, a pair of eyes that flowed like water, making the whole place eclipse.

"Eldest sister, the tenth elder is a waste, the mission failed so ridiculously..."

After such a burst of noise, Young Master Sheng calmed down and asked: "Sister, what's wrong with my arrangement?"

"Second brother's arrangement is very suitable for me. I have already received news that a direct descendant named Feng Tianyu found by the ancestor of Yuan Wu has disappeared in the space world. So, as long as the four brothers and sisters of Feng Tianlei... Hehe, we Yuanshen together You can enjoy the honor of the lineage forever."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Feng Tianyu, who followed outside the door, looked at the cruel Young Master Sheng's siblings and couldn't help stroking their foreheads. This is the fame and fortune of the big family. There is a big reason, and it is an unforgivable crime to deal with the five siblings.

A burst of mysterious spiritual power suddenly enveloped the two siblings in the room. The spiritual power suddenly locked the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, and before they released the legal soul power lock, It is impossible to practice and fight.

After the young master Sheng's sister and brother lost consciousness suddenly, the wind and rain floated towards the young master Sheng's siblings like a breeze, stretched out his hand and tore off the storage rings from their hands, and a cold sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth Unconscious, turned around and flew towards the grove on Changqing Road.

(End of this chapter)

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