Tears Fairy

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Shocked, Feng Tianlei dragged his younger sister to hide in the surging crowd, and quickly walked forward.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

The cry of the crying old monster has followed like a shadow, Feng Tianqing only feels her scalp numb, after being shocked and disgusted, a strong desire to be strong suddenly arises, she must become stronger, Feng Tianqing must not allow this kind of oppression Being strong for a long time is my only goal now.

Feng Tianlei felt his younger sister's longing for strength, a gloomy and gloomy look flashed across his strong face, his eyes suddenly burst into fierceness and he gritted his teeth secretly, he was an older brother but he was powerless to protect his younger sister, he To become a strong man in this world, trample all the dregs who tried to rub their family into the dust.

Self-improvement is the only way to protect yourself, and you cannot count on the meager support from the family, because this maintenance is nothing in the face of reality.At this moment, as a descendant of the Feng family, but being so forced by others without half the honor of the descendants of the direct descendant, being forced to a dead end, he can only fight with his life.


A crying woman led two black-clothed male Xiu Fang Shihao's guardians, and suddenly appeared in Feng Tianlei's sight.The crying face of the woman at the street corner in front became more intense, and the two male guardians in black were still watching the two with expressionless faces.



The two black-clothed monks stretched out their big hands to catch the siblings.

"Crack, snap!"



Pa, pa, two black-clothed guardians who were in action, their faces immediately red and swollen, and they froze in place like a pig's head.

Um, hum, two sounds like thunder in the depths of the crying old monster's soul, the crying old monster stopped abruptly, suddenly a look of horror appeared on his face, and the power of the primordial spirit swept around wildly.

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianyu saw the frightened expression of the crying monster, and wondered in their hearts what made the crying monster so fearful.

"It's that fellow Taoist who wants to meddle in Ren Qiu's private affairs?"

After the horror, the old crying monster stabilized his mind and asked with fists in his heart unwillingly.There was no fluctuation at all around, and there was still a lot of traffic everywhere as before, and the crying old monster waited in spite of his temper.

After a long time, there was still no response, the crying old monster felt relieved, and the fierce girl looked at Feng Tianqing with her dark eyes, Feng Tianqing suddenly felt chills in her heart, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

Feng Tianlei wanted to stand in front of his sister in a flash, but in a flash, the two brothers and sisters were under overwhelming spiritual pressure.Unable to move for half a minute, the old crying monster chuckled, his eyes full of evil.

"Hehehe...Feng Tianqing, it is a blessing for you to be regarded by my son as a result of your cultivation in several lifetimes. You don't know what is good or bad. If you dare to contact outsiders to hurt my son, you must be prepared to become a lowly slave."

"I am the eighth generation direct descendant of Lord Fengcheng, do you dare to make me a slave?" Feng Tianqing roared angrily under pressure, with bleeding from his mouth and nose.

"Your direct descendant, you are so naive. The proud son in Fengcheng is from the same lineage. You, hahaha! It's just a joke in Fengcheng!"

"Joke, joke, joke!"

Feng Tianyu hid on a side pillar, using the invisible gray mist that was stirring and tumbling, three times the majestic coercion with the soul power of the law of infinity pierced through the depths of the crying old monster's soul, and the two words thundered in her In the sea of ​​consciousness during the distraction period, a storm broke out.

The crying old monster's mind trembled for a while, and his heart trembled in horror. This coercion definitely surpassed the distraction stage, the Mahayana stage?Who will it be?Lord of the Windy City?

No, it's impossible, the Lord of Fengcheng has ignored ordinary affairs for thousands of years, how is it possible?No, it's also possible that Feng Tianqing claims to be directly related to Yuan Wu.

Could it be that Feng Tian Feng deceived me?If Feng Tianqing is really a direct descendant of Feng Yuanwu, I can't bear it and walked away, "Feng Tianfeng," the crying old monster gritted his teeth and said three words, a burst of resentment welled up in his heart.

"Senior, please be angry with Ren Qiu for offending the two young masters. In order to make up for the two frightened young masters, Ren Qiu is willing to use [-] top-grade spirit stones to scare the two young masters!"

"20 million!"

"Yes, senior!" There was another shock in the crying old monster's soul, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes. He quickly took out a storage bag and drew 20 high-grade spirit stones from the storage ring, and accompanied the cautious Xiangfeng with a mournful face. Tianqing went.

"What are you going to do?" Feng Tianlei pulled his sister behind with blood red eyes. "Uh! What's going on?" Feng Tianlei wondered in surprise, looking at his younger sister who was standing behind him, secretly surprised, the coercion was completely relieved in his nervousness.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Feng, this is the 20 high-grade spirit stones that I apologize to you. Please forgive my ignorance and mistakes."



Feng Tianlei was startled, in a daze remembering the abnormality of the crying monster, he felt relieved, and resolutely reached out to take the storage bag.


"Yes!" The crying old monster agreed, and left with Fang Shihao's two guardians at a high speed. The souls of the two guardians were oppressed by Feng Tianyu's powerful primordial spirit. The two of them have been traumatized, and when the coercion was lifted and the escape order was granted, the two immediately fled this nightmare with the crying monster.

"Brother, what's going on?"

"I don't know?" Feng Tianlei shook his head.

"Brother, I met a senior expert! The crying monster was scared away." Feng Tianqing recalled the weird behavior of the crying monster just now, and said affirmatively.

"Well, I heard her mention Feng Tianfeng, and her expression was a bit ferocious." Feng Tianlei couldn't help but think of the creepy eyes of the crying old monster.

"Yeah! I heard it too. From my point of view, we are really feared by Fengcheng's direct descendants! This is definitely Feng Tianfeng's conspiracy." Feng Tianqing became a little confused while worried. My four brothers and sisters, the situation of the four brothers and sisters is really not good.

"Yu'er?" Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing couldn't help being startled, Feng Tianqing lost her voice, "Yu'er, you won't be persecuted by them, right?"

Feng Tianyu couldn't help stretching out his hand to caress his forehead, and when he was speechless, he couldn't help but feel a warm current, this is the brother and sister who dotes on him!
"No, definitely not." Feng Tianlei shook his head abruptly in denial, looked at the direction where the crying old monster left, and looked around, Feng Tianlei cupped his hands and saluted all around: "Please show me, senior, what should the boy do?" Deal with these 20 high-grade spirit stones?"

The surroundings are still the same, the street is still noisy and noisy, but there is no senior power to appear, as if there has never been a great power to frighten the crying old monster.

"Brother, let's go! Go find Brother Yu and Brother Xing first. I have to find a way to find out about Baby Yu'er, I'm worried!"

"Okay, let's go! Since the crying old monster said that it was compensation for us, it is estimated that the mighty will not ask for these, otherwise, he will remind us instead of leaving quietly."

After Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianyu figured it out, they immediately went up the street, rented a dragon carriage at the entrance of the street, got in the car and said: "Go to Tengfei Building!"

When the driver swung his whip at the Dragon Horse Beast, the dragon carriage immediately galloped towards the Tengfei Building outside the center of the square.

Feng Tianyu twitched his lips when he heard the word Tengfeilou, and floated to the roof of the car that was driving away without a trace. It turned out that the third brother and the fourth brother were in Tengfeilou!
Tengfei Building is one of the nearest restaurants to Zhongyuan College. At this time, Box No. 14 on the second floor of Tengfei Building is where the four brothers and sisters often gather. Feng Tianxing and his elder brother Feng Tianyu are anxiously waiting for their eldest brother and second sister. Haven't arrived yet? "Boom boom boom..."

Finally, there was a rush of footsteps in the aisle, and Feng Tianxing chased after him happily: "It's the big brother!"

"No? There are only two elder brothers and second elder sisters, how could there be so many footsteps?" Feng Tianyu questioned.


"Dong dong... dong dong!" The door was knocked loudly in an instant, Feng Tianxing looked at Feng Tianyu in shock: "What's the matter, brother?"

"Prepare to fight, maybe something happened to the elder brother and the second elder sister." Feng Tianyu's eyes sharpened. He had heard from his elder brother that there was something wrong in the First Zhongyuan Academy, and it was probably the Crying Monster who made the move.

"Fourth brother, be careful to fight. If you can escape, try to escape. The space world may not be peaceful. Go back to the academy as soon as possible."

"Brother, what about you!"

"Me too, escape first before talking about anything else."

"it is good!"

As soon as Feng Tianxing said good words, Feng Tianyu suddenly pulled the alarm bell in the passenger compartment, and when the door formation broke open, the guards in the restaurant poured into the corridor.

"Who are you? Why are you disturbing the guests in my Tengfei Building?"

A restaurant steward subdued himself and suddenly attacked the man in black. He looked at the broken formation with gloomy eyes and displeasure, and confronted the man in black who opened the door and was about to enter the room. up.

"Pa, pa, yo, there is a full martial arts show in the Tengfei Tower!" In the aisle, a playful and clear male voice suddenly sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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