Tears Fairy

Chapter 88

Chapter 88
After taking a bath, Feng Tianyu lives in the small courtyard of Tsinghua University outside. Yang Yuan prepared a spiritual meal early in the morning. Feng Tianyu thinks it is better to have a careful and capable subordinate. A rich spiritual meal.

"Thank you, Yang Yuan!"

"Master, Yang Yuan likes to cook delicious food since he was a child, but he doesn't know if it suits the taste of the master?"

"Oh, let me try it, yes, very good, master, I will leave my stomach to you in the future."

Feng Tianyu took a chopstick of thin noodles. The noodles are made of fine Ling noodles. I don’t know what is added in them. I just think that the noodles are not only smooth, but also have a fresh and not greasy smell of meat. The taste is really delicious.

After tasting the delicacy, Feng Tianyu praised it greatly, and even handed over the job of nourishing the stomach to Yang Yuan.

Seeing that the master likes to eat the breakfast he made, Yang Yuan couldn't help but said shyly and excitedly: "It's fine if the master likes it. If the master wants to eat it in the future, just tell Yang Yuan to do it."

"Well, okay, Yang Yuan, go down, don't guard me." Feng Tianyu ordered, and buried himself in the food again.

"Yes, Master Yang Yuan is resigning."

After Yang Yuan saw his master ordering him, he buried his head and ate happily until he was about to get up. Being affirmed by others is a happy thing in itself, and it is even more exciting to be affirmed by a master he admires and respects.

The smile on Yang Yuan's face when he exited the hall was like the sun at noon, bright and bright.

Feng Tianyu, eating the spiritual noodles made by Yang Yuan, can feel Yang Yuan's sincerity and heart, which is a heart of gratitude.

I couldn't help but recall the loving steamed buns made by my mother. The steamed buns contained my mother's true love, motherly love...

Missing is only because of missing. There are thousands of thoughts in the wind and rain, like wind and fog, like dreams and illusions.She has been away from her warm and loving little home for a long time.

After breakfast, Feng Tianyu calmed down and went out of the hall, looked up at the sky, today is a fine weather, should I do something?

On the Liberty Square outside the college, there are shops established in the college all around. Every merchant that settles in needs to sign a cooperation contract with the college before they can settle in the city of the seven colleges.

Feng Tianyu came to the carriage station on the square and bought a flight ticket, which was the first time flying from North College to Zhongyuan College.

Half an hour later, Feng Tianyu appeared at the chariot station in the square of Tianyuan First Academy.

After Feng Tianyu identified the direction, he walked along the street market in the direction of Zhongyuan College. There was a constant stream of pedestrians on the road and even a little crowded, and the noisy street market was very lively.

In the crowded market, most of them were students wearing the uniforms of the seven major academies, and among the relatively small number of passers-by, those wearing variegated cassocks were the guardians of the family's disciples.

Feng Tianyu was wearing a blue college student uniform from the North College. She looked around and found that there were still many students from the North College. Thinking about it, it became clear that when she was resting, the students from the North College who came to look for her brothers and sisters like herself Not counting girls!


When Feng Tianyu was sizing up the students from the same school in the crowd, there was a burst of noise accompanied by two swooshes, and they suddenly flew in the opposite direction of Feng Tianyu from the gap in the crowded crowd ahead.

"Big Brother? Big Sister?"

Feng Tianyu suddenly exclaimed, although the two of them were separated by a distance of one foot, Feng Tianyu could still clearly see the appearance of the two of them.Those two people were exactly the elder brother and second sister I was looking for.

At the moment when Feng Tianyu was startled by the big brother and the second sister, there was another scene of people turning their backs on their backs in front of them, and a burst of crying from Qianxiang suddenly entered Feng Tianyu's ears.

"Woo woo... woo woo..."

"It's the crying monster, and I don't know if that girl is going to suffer?"

"Hmph, who else could it be? Isn't it just Feng Tianqing! He doesn't have a son who provokes the crying old monster, but he is too unlucky to be seen by a second generation ancestor."

"That's right, which of the girls he misses is not harmed by him? Hmph, Zhongyuan College is not as good as it used to be!"

"Shut up, don't know your life and death, let's go, we don't get involved." Several Zhongyuan students who were parallel to Feng Tianyu walked forward quickly.The information that could not be left made Feng Tianyu grit his teeth.snort!


A burst of whining and weeping flew away from Feng Tianyu at the right time, which was the direction where the eldest brother and the second sister were escaping.snort!Is the distraction period a big deal?
Feng Tianyu was caught in the crowd, looking away, the three crying monsters who were discussing with the students just now, with a thought, Huang Yu's student uniform style on Feng Tianyu's body automatically covered the original student uniform.

Feng Tianyu turned around and quietly chased in the direction where the crying old monster and the three left.

Feng Tianlei also reacted after his younger sister was dragged out of the academy. It was the young one who was beaten, and the old one who came out. He also used old tricks to catch someone for the second generation ancestor?
Feng Tianlei was very aggrieved when he was furious, the college's irresponsibility towards the students had gradually been revealed to the outside world, many girls already had more fear and anxiety, and there were more and more second-generation ancestors.

Because the victims were not paid attention to by the family, they did not attract the attention of each family, and the crying monster was the most perverse and arrogant affiliate of Zhongyuan College.

She is the descendant of Fang Zhongshen, the lord of Fangcheng Fangzhong, the Fang family in the space world, the seventh generation grandson, and the mother of the second ancestor Fang Shihao.

Fang Shihao is the original descendant of the Fang family in the space world.Calling the wind and rain in Fangcheng, and longing for the scenery of the college and the many famous ladies, so he entered Zhongyuan College as the second generation ancestor.

While Feng Tianlei was angry, he was also disappointed that he was a direct descendant of the Feng family. He was also a direct descendant of the Feng family, and his four brothers and sisters were overwhelmed by the direct descendants of Fengcheng.

The third and fourth brothers performed well in everything, but Fengcheng's direct descendants forced them to use tricks to replace them into the First Academy. Now it seems that the Second Academy is much better than the First Academy.

Feng Tianlei could always feel that there seemed to be something wrong with the First Academy, and there was always an uncoordinated voice appearing inside the academy.

He is a senior student at the pinnacle of the Dandan stage, an order member of the first class of the Dandan stage, and occasionally participated in one or two student representative voting rights organized by the college.

Feng Tianlei always felt that there was a problem within the Zhongyuan Academy. The recent students reacted strongly and demanded to rectify the college discipline, but the college didn't respond at all. He began to worry about his sister.

Feng Tianqing felt her brother's uneasiness, looked at her brother comfortingly and said, "Brother, we are also the eighth-generation direct grandchildren of the city lord, can the Fang family dare to rob us by force?"

"It's not impossible, let's be careful, otherwise, why should we escape?" Feng Tianlei smiled wryly, his roots were in Black Rock City.

"Brother, do you think this is a conspiracy? I always feel that I have fallen into an invisible net." Feng Tianqing looked at her brother in confusion.

Feng Tianlei clenched his fists, smiled calmly and said: "Don't think too much about it, go release the mission first, and then go to the Tengfei Building to meet with the third and fourth brothers to discuss countermeasures."

"All right!"

"Hello, host, I'm here to release the task." When Feng Tianlei was in line, Feng Tianlei politely handed over a text message he had written to the host.

"It's my pleasure to serve you, please add your contact address here." The host accepted Feng Tianlei's tracing task with a formulaic smile and a standard professional attitude.And immediately handle it and let the deacon go to the front hall to release it.

"Sister, let's go and join the third and fourth brothers."

"Has the brother's news been released?"


"Okay, let's go! Third brother, fourth brother may be in a hurry." Feng Tianqing smiled with a warm voice on his face.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

When Feng Tianqing and her elder brother were about to board the rented dragon carriage, a burst of crying rang in their ears.

"Brother..." Feng Tianqing exclaimed, Feng Tianlei saw that something was wrong, he stretched out his hand to pull his younger sister and burrowed towards the crowded place.

(End of this chapter)

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