Tears Fairy

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

"Tiny? Second sister?
Feng Tianyu accepted the information materials handed over by Yang Wan in surprise, and just turned to the first page, and sure enough, Feng Tianqing's name appeared on the first page, in the first message.

Feng Tianyu felt a burst of excitement, and finally got her sister's message, and immediately read it carefully, and after reading it, a trace of coldness escaped from the corner of her mouth, "Fang Shihao..."

Feng Tianyu put away the materials, waved to Yang Yuan, walked towards the door in a good mood, and encouraged by the way, "Okay, I'm back to the academy, Yang Yuan has to work hard to cultivate."

"Yes, master!" Yang Yuan's forward steps stopped when Feng Tianyu waved his hands, and he was so moved that he immediately bowed respectfully and agreed excitedly.

Feng Tianyu came out of the affiliated courtyard, read a word in the center of the moonlight, the phoenix feather turned into a fiery red dress and put it on Feng Tianyu automatically, and the phoenix feather disappeared into the air in his mind.

So far away!

Taking a step forward, Feng Tianyu had already appeared at the gate of Zhongyuan No. [-] College. The tall and majestic Zhongyuan College had a relief plaque on the tall white gate wall.The six black and gold characters on the plaque are flowing with black light, and Zhongyuan No. [-] Academy is like six people dancing their peerless swordsmanship.

Feng Tianyu's mind sank into it in an instant, and the super-powerful power of the primordial spirit quickly entered it. In the sword intent of the first Chinese character, on the battlefield where blood flowed like a river, a young man in white robe pointed his sword at a group of people wearing gold-rimmed black hair. The man in Xuanyi in the color robe, his sword moved in the wind and thunder.

Tianlei is extinct!A sword blasted out.


With a bang, the world changed, and a group of powerful men in black turned into flying ash in an instant. The wind and rain moved with their hearts, and they followed the trajectory of Tianlei's extermination sword, engraved in the depths of their minds.Introduce the aura of heaven and earth, gather the hostility of destroying the world, trigger the thunder of destroying the world, and destroy everything.


There was a roar of the soul, and the Lingtai was suddenly as clear as a mirror, and the primordial spirit split into two with a roar, and embraced into one again.The primordial spirit splits into two primordial spirits from Huashen, and the superposition of one plus one completes the stage of Huashen Yuanshen promotion and distraction, and the powerful power of the primordial spirit is absorbed once released.

In Feng Tianyu's mind, the gray mist surged, shielding the leakage of spiritual power, and using the power of the law of infinity to take a step into the distance.

So far away!

Just as Feng Tianyu took a step, a dozen or so distracted and powerful men appeared outside the academy and overwhelmed the entire academy area. They looked around suspiciously, but couldn't feel anything strange.When shock flashed across their faces, they all showed a puzzled look.

When Feng Tianyu stopped, he had already returned to North College, "Hmph, it's cheap for you."

Feng Tianyu whispered, and was extremely happy. Although I couldn't see my sister today, it was a great comfort to have such an unexpected harvest. The sky thunder is extinct, a thunder of God.

In my mind, the gray mist returned to the body, and the fiery red dress turned into a sky blue dress.After checking, Feng Tianyu walked briskly towards the entrance of the college.

"Wait a minute, this classmate, wait a moment."

Feng Tianyu looked around, she was the only student, she looked at the academy guard who was running towards her, and then stopped, in a good mood, she thought to wait and see what he had to do, as soon as her footsteps stopped, she listened A loud cry came from inside the courtyard.

"Run, they issued a ticket!"


Hearing Feng Tianyu's words, the phantom body technique was used to the extreme, and with a "swoosh", he had entered the academy, and the guard who almost caught up with Feng Tianyu immediately laughed and scolded "brat", then helplessly resumed Go back to the guard room.

Feng Tianyu stopped and looked at Wang Yifei, the senior of the freshman class who was looking over with a smile, hurriedly thanked Wang Yifei, and asked puzzledly: "Feng Tianyu, thank you for the reminder, senior, what is going on, senior! "

"The college stipulates that except for one day of vacation every month, you can stay overnight. The rest of the time is a violation of the rules of the college. Students who are out of school for more than one hour are also in violation of the rules of the college. If they are caught, they will be demerited and fined."

"Oh! Thanks to your reminder this time, otherwise..."

Feng Tianyu stretched out his hand and shook the ring on his finger, smiled, and continued sincerely: "Otherwise, the money bag will be thinner, and it will be on the nomination list, it won't feel so wonderful!"

"Senior, why are you here at this time?" Feng Tianyu looked at Wang Yifei and asked curiously.

"Hehehe, I just came back from outside too, um, when Zishi just arrived!" Wang Yifei said happily with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, the senior is indeed a senior, clever!" Feng Tianyu stretched out his thumb and exclaimed.

Feng Tianyu and Wang Yifei chatted and walked towards the dormitory area. After entering the student dormitory area, Feng Tianyu waved goodbye with a smile on his beautiful and indifferent face: "Goodbye, senior!"


Wang Yifei watched Feng Tianyu enter the girls' dormitory before turning back to the boys' dormitory where he lived.

Wang Yifei has an intuition in his heart that he must make good friends with Feng Tianyu. She has a convincing aura, but she is not overbearing. She is intimidating in her affinity, but she is extremely natural and has no sense of disobedience.

Feng Tianyu returned to her room, put on the isolation talisman array, and entered her own creation bead in her mind. On the top of the golden cloud where Jin Yuxiang moved into the creation bead, she began to practice. Comprehend the Heavenly Thunder Extinction Sword Style.

On the top of Jinlin Peak, when practicing the Tianlei Extermination Form in windy weather and rain, Jinleimu made a burst of thunder.

Zhongyuan No. [-] Academy, at the gate of the girls' dormitory in the morning of Xiumu, Fang Shihao guarded the gate of the girls' dormitory all night, and was invited back by the guards in charge of the dormitory early the next morning.

On the third floor, Feng Tianqing glanced coldly at Fang Shihao who had been invited away from the balcony, and couldn't help frowning. The entanglement of a dude gave her a headache, and now the whole college is talking about it!
Not only the college was talking about him, but also the elder brother of the college came to inquire specifically, and the third and fourth younger brothers also came to inquire.Make her very depressed.

This is a rice bug raised in a big family. He doesn't think about making progress, and chases after the circle of college girls all day long. One day he will make some slander with this one, and he will have some ambiguity with that one tomorrow!It doesn't matter if you kill yourself, it's a big deal if you cause trouble to others.

After Feng Tianqing tidied up, she quickly left the Grade A student dormitory building and walked quickly outside the courtyard.She and her brother had agreed to take advantage of Huo Mu to go outside the academy today, and the task office of the information center would set up a tracing mission.

"Sister Qing, you are finally moved by my sincerity, and you are willing to come out to meet me. It's really great, Sister Qing, Brother Hao will be with you all day today, don't worry, Brother Hao...ah!"

Unbearable, there is no need to bear it anymore, the angry Feng Tianqing punched out, ah, with a scream, Fang Shihao's face was suddenly covered with blood.

What a joy!Feng Tianqing looked at her white pink fist, waved at Fang Shihao who fell to the ground and mourned, and shouted cheerfully, "Stay away from me in the future, or I will beat you every time I see you."

During this period of time, Fang Shihao didn't know why he harassed her all day long. She didn't know when he saw her. The gossip of the college made her extremely aggrieved.

She didn't even know whether he was a cat or a dog before, and the sudden entanglement made her stunned for a long time. Facing him who couldn't understand human words, her hands were itchy for a long time, and today she finally waved her anger.

"Sister Qing...Brother Hao..."


"Who is your sister Qing, eh!"

When Feng Tianqing was so angry that the wind was in a mess, Feng Tianlei came suddenly, and suddenly kicked Fang Shihao away with a violent kick while he was speaking. Fang Shihao was about to get up.

"Sister, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Feng Tianqing agreed, and followed her brother to the entrance of the college. The two brothers and sisters walked through the college square all the way. When they were about to step out of the college gate, there was a burst of crying from behind. When Feng Tianyu heard the cry, it was like hearing a ghost. Howling let out a low curse as if he had seen a ghost, the damn Fang Shihao stretched out his hand and pulled his brother up suddenly, and immediately escaped from the academy as if he was dying, and fled to the crowded street outside the academy, racing forward.


The cries passed through the crowded street, and rang in the ears of Cyclonus' brother and sister. The two brothers and sisters felt a chill in their hearts, and they went all the way to Cyclonus.

(End of this chapter)

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