Tears Fairy

Chapter 86 Class Ranking Competition

Chapter 86 Class Ranking Competition

Temporary training camp, under the arrangement of seniors, Feng Tianyu served as a substitute player in the battle formation. The task of the substitute players was to replace the injured and defeated players in the main team.

The next day, it was the class ranking match of the B teaching building. Early in the morning, temporary competition platforms were set up on the playground of the B teaching building.

The ranking competition in Building B is from low to high, starting with the first class of junior high school during the qi training period, then the first middle school class, then the first senior class, and finally the freshman class.

The game started at 200:[-] pm, and temporary seats were placed under the stage. After Feng Tianyu and Yang Fangfang met, they sat in the seats of the freshman class to watch the game. The opponent's resignation is a victory. No matter where the Tianyuan Continent is, the strong will be respected. This is an iron law.

The time has come, and it is the round of the ranking competition for Class [-] of Senior High School. Finally, Yang Fangfang, who is bored and full of enthusiasm, has a place in the gossip.The next game is the home field of Class [-], Freshman.

The freshman class, the first match between the freshman class [-] and the freshman class [-], Yang Fangfang has completely paid attention to it, Feng Tianyu is still sitting lazily on the seat and yawning.

"Feng Tianyu, learn a little bit, don't think you'll be fine just because you're a substitute, you really deserve a beating if you look lazy."

An old student in the class happened to see the scene of wind and rain, and he was so angry that he hated iron and yelled at him.

Swish, eyes swept across, Feng Tianyu gloomily smiled at the students, raised his hands to show that he knew his mistakes and corrected them,

"Hmph, I don't know."

A girl pursed her lips in disdain, mocking Feng Tianyu's ignorance and recklessness.Feng Tianyu rolled his eyes helplessly, there was no way, the question of level was really speechless.

Who let himself be sitting in this environment at this level now?Others' accusations and disdain seem to be quite natural. Team fighting itself is a battle of united will, how can you allow yourself to desert and lead to the defeat of the battle.

Feng Yaoyu immediately corrected her mentality, sat upright and looked ahead, as if she was as serious as she wanted to be.

Feng Tianyu's eyes turned around on the fighting arena, and Yang Fangfang also looked at the fighting arena again. Just now she was really worried about Tianyu's situation, and after seeing that Feng Tianyu was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief and watched the battle again.

The corners of Feng Tianyu's mouth hooked slightly, and his mind moved. Yuanshen observed Jin Yuxiang's recovery status again in the sea of ​​consciousness. Repair Jin Yuxiang's soul and body.

I used the power of the contract to observe carefully, every pet beast in the exclusive space, but I saw that the five beasts that had entered the self-enclosed space had changed invisibly, and the coercion emitted by the five pet beasts was doubled. Yu Yu, the contract between himself and the five beasts has also changed, and the master-slave relationship between himself and the five beasts has become closer.

Everything should be dominated by the gray mist, and this sky-defying mist is indeed the biggest reliance I have in cultivating immortality.

"...The following is the first and second class of the freshman against the first and second class, please invite the first class and the second class to come on stage,"

After Feng Tianyu pulled Yang Fangfang for a while, his spiritual consciousness withdrew from the exclusive space of beast pets. After recovering from his senses, Feng Tianyu heard the elders of the college who presided over the ranking competition. It's time to take the stage.Feng Tianyu smiled slightly at Yang Fangfang, with a trace of gratitude hidden in it.

Under the arrangement of senior Wang Yifei, Feng Tianyu obediently stood in the innermost part of the battle formation, a column-like fan-shaped battle formation competed with the square battle formation of the second class.

Feng Tianyu and the twenty freshmen waited for support and replacement in the middle of the inner circle. During the middle period, Feng Tianyu waited boredly, while Yang Fangfang and the other eighteen freshmen were on the contrary. They were always tense. Nervous, nervously waiting for the deployment of the senior, it is the state of preparing to point and hit.

"Plop, splash!"

"Feng Tianyu, Fang Zhengming, and Yang Fangfang come on," following the plop, Wang Yifei, the senior who commanded the battle formation, immediately ordered the three of them to replace the defeated main team members.

Feng Tianyu was bored, upon hearing this, she immediately joined the two at the same time.The battle formation immediately recovered completely.

As soon as Feng Tianyu took the place of the main battlefield, following the scattered group attacks, Feng Tianyu waved his sword to meet the spells attacking him.


A sword swung out right between the eyebrows of the phantom wolf, and with a bang, the phantom wolf turned into a spirit and dissipated in the air.

"Fengtianyu, good job," an old student immediately praised upon seeing this.

Feng Tianyu glanced at the old student who sincerely praised, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your appreciation."

While joking and joking, I saw Yang Fangfang strenuously fighting against him out of the corner of my eye, a spell sneaked towards Yang Fangfang again, another sword shot down the attack and after adding another sword, the golden thunder sword flew out to meet the big handprint of the sneak attacking Yang Fangfang.


The big handprints scattered at the sound, and the golden thunder sword returned with a blow. Yang Fangfang was frightened into a cold sweat, and thanked Feng Tianyu while waving the sword: "Thank you, Tianyu."

"You're welcome, be careful!" With a wave of his hand, he slapped the fierce fire curtain attacking Yang Fangfang. The fire curtain should be scattered by the wind and thunder palm and turned into fire and rain.

Feng Tianyu took the time to use the imperial envoy Jin Leijian, and quickly stabbed the opponents of the second class in the phalanx. The three students of the second class froze when they were casting spells, their hands were numb from the pain, and they had lost the strength to fight.

"Okay, Feng Tianyu, come on, come on!" The teammate on the side had shrunk the scope of the battle, and Feng Tianyu's shot refreshed the dozen or so old students who had witnessed this scene.

There was a burst of shouting and cheering, and the senior Wang Yifei couldn't help but follow the crowd to look over.On the battlefield, there were still the sound of ping-pong and clang-dang-dang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang weapons, as well as the occasional roar of magic spells.

Feng Tianyu hid in the team after the battle formation closed, and all the eyes that came to visit were just swept away.

The battle continued, and Feng Tianyu was a little bored with this kind of game, so he simply practiced his newly learned supernatural power, "Static."

Wang Jie, a student from the second class who was about to attack, and dozens of teammates around him suddenly paused, lost touch with the square battle formation, and stopped at the place where the battle formation hit, the battle situation suddenly became chaotic. All the squad members were captured by Leitai.

"Wow!" The spectators in the audience burst into an uproar. Wang Yifei stood proudly in the arena and challenged the winners of the other two classes. Fight for No.1.

Next is the No.2 competition. The last six classes won, the class ranking ranked second, the third class ranked third, the second class ranked fourth, the fifth class ranked fifth, and the fourth class ranked No.6 at the end. Class One won the championship of the freshman class ranking competition, worthy of the name No.1.

In the evening, the college held a celebration banquet for the ranking competition. As soon as Feng Tianyu and Yang Fangfang entered the arena, they were greeted by five old students who were waiting outside the banquet gate of the Weizhi Building of the college.

"Student Feng, you are really handsome in the arena..."

"Student Feng is a girl, how can she be described as handsome! It should be heroic."

"It's, it's..."

"The hero of the female school, I, Fu Juan's idol, I have made a decision, Feng, I want to be your follower!" A heroic girl solemnly announced her great decision.

Feng Tianyu, who was walking forward, listened to the five people who surrounded her and praised her, with a smile on her lips, and suddenly heard Fu Juan's solemn declaration, which was so heroic, she couldn't help being stunned, and turned her head to look at Fu Juan, "You don't regret?"

"No regrets!"

Fu Juan insisted earnestly, with enthusiasm and determination in her eyes.

"it is good!"

Feng Tianyu saw Fu Juan's determination in her eyes.After nodding with a smile, he turned around and continued walking towards the hall, and the seven of them went up to the celebration banquet hall on the second floor together.

"Tianyu, I want to be your follower too!" Yang Fangfang made up her mind to Feng Tianyu as soon as she entered the lobby. She is a collateral branch of the Yang family and will not conflict with the family rules. As long as it is not a betrayal of the family, there will be no restrictions on life choices outside.

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu nodded in response, his eyes swept over the four of them, and when he stopped, he had already sat down at a dining table by the window.

Several tables were already seated in the restaurant. After Feng Tianyu sat down, the four people who were glanced at by Feng Tianyu looked at each other, "Feng classmates, I am Deng Chao, Liu Da, Chang Le, Zhang Jie, we also decided to be Feng classmates. your followers."

"Okay, now that we've decided, we'll be our own people from now on. After the banquet, we'll gather at the gate of the affiliated courtyard. I have something to say," Feng Tianyu explained to the six people, and started chatting without mentioning these topics.

In the living room of the Tsinghua Small Courtyard of the affiliated courtyard, after Feng Tianyu invited the six people to sit down, he calmed down for a while before saying: "Next July will be the opening day of the Void Realm. The Void Realm is a mobile secret realm. move.

Every time the Void Realm enters a continent, it will stop and open for a month, and every hundred years, the Void Realm will appear in the Tianyuan Continent in July, opening the door to the Void Secret Realm.

And the students of the seven colleges, no matter their school age, will go to the Void Secret Realm. There are countless treasures in the Void Secret Realm, and the opportunities and dangers are equal.

So next, we have to put our cultivation base first before the arrival of the secret realm, there is not much time left, strength is the greatest guarantee of life, try to prepare the life-saving talisman array as early as possible. "

The six people were startled, and suddenly looked at Feng Tianyu gratefully: "Student Feng, we decided that following you is the most correct choice! Becoming your follower is really the beginning of our luck."

Alright, you go back first, after you go back, you hurry up and start preparing, except for class time, try your best to practice! "

When the six people left, Yang Yuan who was waiting at the side hurriedly got up and sent the six people out of the small courtyard of Tsinghua University. Yang Yuan returned to the living room and handed over the information that Ding Cai collected that he thought was more important to Feng Tianyu and said: " Master, this is the information of the disciples of the Feng Family in the Seven Great Academies, including a message from Master Tianqing!"

"Sunny? Second sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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