Tears Fairy

Chapter 85

Chapter 85


There was a slap on the table followed by a boy's furious voice, "Who do you say is trash?"

A tall freshman with rough facial features stood up and pointed at the emaciated old students who complained that they were trash.

"I am talking about you!"

The image of the two is very abstract, full of joy, a thin boy pointed at a tall and strong boy like an iron tower and said that he is garbage, the visual and sensory convey the opposite message, and the college is indeed an interesting place.

"Stop, stop, stop... what are you doing! It's class time, and I have a suggestion to go to the arena to earn spirit stones during extra-curricular time."

"Earn Lingshi?" Feng Tianyu whispered, a little puzzled, and an ordinary-looking fair girl next to her smiled friendlyly at her, after Wang Yifei, a class of seniors, stood up to stop the dispute.

The ordinary girl began to explain Feng Tianyu's confusion in a low voice: "The arena is a place for students to resolve conflicts, and it is also a cruel place. Before fighting in the arena, both parties need to sign a certificate of life and death at the notary office of the arena. to proceed.

Life and death can be decided in the arena, but not outside the arena. Therefore, students who have grievances and disputes are allowed to settle freely in the arena. The reason for earning spirit stones is because the notary office of the arena initiates, allowing students who watch the battle to tip freely.Among them, the winner of the competition in the arena can win the provident fund distributed by the notary office, 1000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones plus the reward on the spot."

"Oh, so that's the case, where does the provident fund come from?" Feng Tianyu continued to ask the ordinary girl in embarrassment.

The ordinary girl saw that everyone had calmed down, so she said in a softer voice: "You have to hand in a high-grade spirit stone to enter Bi Arena."

Feng Tianyu nodded, expressing his understanding, and smiled brightly at the ordinary girl. For a moment, the eyes of the ordinary girl dazzled.

"stand up!"

Senior Wang Yifei suddenly yelled, and with a hula, all the [-] students in the classroom stood up. After being stunned by Feng Tianyu, they also stood up with everyone.

"Sit down. On behalf of the college, Fang Yuan welcomes all the new students. Everyone applaud!" Mentor Fang Yuan, who was wearing a sky-blue tutor robe, continued after the applause.

"To welcome all the new students today, today's class is a scholarship class, and you will be rewarded for your hard work." After the instructor touched the black screen in front of the class, a bright light flashed, and the class immediately became a world of beautiful mountains and rivers, singing birds and flowers. Taoyuan.

Feng Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and realized that this was an artistic conception, and then he concentrated his mind, and found that there were exactly one hundred peach wooden houses in the peach garden, and he was already in the wooden house.

After leaving the peach-wood house, peach blossoms bloom everywhere, and the fragrance of the flowers overflows with the wind. Occasionally, petals dance with the wind, which is nothing more than a fairyland on earth.

Waves of joyful girlish laughter resounded in the peach garden. It was the happy laughter of female students.

The sound of sword dancing resounded in the peach garden. It was boys dancing swords in the peach blossom forest.Under the shadow of flowers, three or five people sat around drinking tea, and the wind, weather and rain blended into it silently, feeling that the years are quiet and beautiful!
When the time is forgotten by the students, "buzz..."

In a sunny day, for a split second, the black wind and cloud stirred, "Chichichi..." Amidst the buzzing sound was a chirping sound, and a girl exclaimed sharply: "What is that?"

Feng Tianyu is feeling quiet, "In the quiet, the years stand still...still, still..."

The sound of crying and fighting, the sound of puffing and puffing dark clouds, that is the sound of bats in the dark sky, the peach blossoms are gone, the peach trees are being eaten, and it is a dilapidated scene.

The number of students fighting up one after another is increasing, and the voice of crying is decreasing.Everything is so natural to wake up, only to fight, only to become stronger, where the strong survive, it is useless to cry.

Feng Tianyu's fighting spirit surged in his heart, and the years were as quiet as an electric current flashed through his soul, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the dark scene in the sky, and whispered "still" in his mouth

Time stopped for an instant, and it returned to its original state within three breaths. Feng Tianyu whispered "Static" again, stretched out his fingers to the bats flying all over the sky, and returned to his original state after being still for three breaths.

Feng Tianyu was overjoyed, and whispered "Still!" Pointing at the black bat, he took a step forward, and swung out the sword 'Cutting Heaven and Earth'.

Resting black bats are sliced ​​into dust.In three breaths, the world was cut ten times. After three breaths, the bat dust scattered, and the peach garden recovered in an instant.

The space was turbulent for a while, people had returned to the classroom, and a pile of spirit stones were piled up on each student's desk.There is a full 1000 yuan top-grade spirit stone on everyone's table.

Instructor Fang Yuan looked at the students with a smile, and the color of approval floated deep in his eyes. This reward class won a lot of applause.The scholarship arranged by the college was exhausted in just one go.Think of the penny-pinching College Treasurer.

The smile on Fang Yuan's face continued to widen, "Put away the spirit stones on your desks, this is the reward you got for this reward course."

Feng Tianyu, like many drooling students, quickly put away the 1000 yuan high-grade spirit stones she had obtained, with an unconcealable joy on the corner of her mouth. Her joy was not the spirit stones she obtained, but the years in her artistic conception Quiet, static supernatural powers!
"Today's class is here, get out of class is over."

"Teacher Fang, you are so handsome today, we all love you!" A group of students shouted enthusiastically and joyfully at the moment Teacher Fang announced that get out of class was over and turned around. Students, he is also drunk!

Feng Tianyu was in a happy mood and walked out of the classroom together with the ordinary girl beside him while communicating.

"I'm Yang Fangfang, a collateral disciple of the Yang family in the Eastern Region. How about you?" After introducing herself, the ordinary girl asked Feng Tianyu with a nervous look.

"Feng Tianyu is 15 years old, a direct disciple of the Feng family in the Northern Territory." Feng Tianyu looked at the uneasy ordinary girl who had been expressing kindness to herself, and he already liked her. Seeing her unconfident expression, he told her with a smile own identity information.

"Feng Tianyu's name sounds nice. You are 15 years old! I am one year older than you, and I am 16 years old this year." Yang Fangfang was a little excited. She and her disciples in the family were scattered in various levels and classes.

She is the only one in this freshman class, and she lacks confidence in herself as an ordinary person.Seeing Feng Tianyu showed her kindness and friendliness to herself, and told her identity information.Confidence suddenly returned to his unconfident self, and his tone suddenly became lighter.

"I heard from the cousin of Class [-] in the foundation period of the second teaching building that the second teaching building will hold a ranking match every month. There are six classes in our freshman Qi training period. Now our class is ranked No. [-] Class of two.

In order to compete for the first place, the seniors also held a seven-day extra-curricular training. Our sudden joining made them lose their original confidence in the competition. That's why the old student made a shameless statement and offended all the newcomers. student. "

Yang Fangfang and Feng Tianyu walked all the way to the accommodation area. Along the way, Yang Fangfang enthusiastically told Feng Tianyu all the information she knew.

"Fangfang, thank you for telling me this. I live on the third floor of the third building of the second-grade student building. Which building do you live in?" There was a hint of warmth in Feng Tianyu's cold voice, and the warm smile on her beautiful face The spring breeze blows into Yang Fangfang's heart, and her heart is warm.

"Tianyu, I live next door to you, on the second floor of the fourth building, Tianyu can visit me to play when he has time."Yang Fangfang said with a happy smile.

"Okay, I'm here, see you in class tomorrow!" Feng Tianyu stopped in front of the third student building in B, smiled and waved to Yang Fangfang, opened the courtyard door and walked in.

"Goodbye." Yang Fangfang also waved to Feng Tianyu and happily walked to the fourth building.

Feng Tianyu returned to his room, and after re-closing the self-made isolating superimposition talisman, he first investigated Jin Peng Jin Yuxiang, and saw that Jin Yuxiang was repaired by the mutated crystal stone that turned the divine beast into a desolate beast. Thirty percent has been repaired.

After Jin Yuxiang became conscious, he entered the stage of repairing beyond himself. Feng Tianyu tried to wrap Jin Yuxiang's crystal nucleus with a wisp of gray mist, and found that the gray mist was penetrating into Jin Yuxiang's crystal nucleus.

Feng Tianyu was startled, and hurriedly used the contract connection to sense Jin Yuxiang's changes, and found that the gray mist was repairing the damaged primordial spirit, and at the same time used the sharing of the soul contract to fuse with Jin Yuxiang.

When the gray mist oozes out from the crystal nucleus, Jin Yuxiang's crystal nucleus has mutated, and there is a powerful supernatural power on the crystal nucleus.A trace of gray mist that melted in was causing Jin Yuxiang's remaining spiritual power to circulate rapidly in his body.

The divine beast mutated wild beast spar outside was invited, and with a sound of "Lin", it entered Jin Yuxiang's sea of ​​consciousness from between Jin Yuxiang's eyebrows.

The gray mist that came out of the crystal nucleus immediately enveloped Jin Yuxiang's body. From the double restoration from the inside to the outside, one can see that Jin Yuxiang's condition is getting better gradually from the continuously strengthening breath.Seeing this, Feng Tianyu finally let go of what she had been holding on to.

Feng Tianyu entered the exclusive space of the five beast pets through the contract channel, inspected the five beast pets that had entered self-enclosed recovery, and felt moved.

Simply put a trace of gray mist on the crystal nucleus of each animal pet using the law of infinity, and the mist will quickly integrate into the crystal nucleus with the help of the master-slave contract, and blend with the soul of the animal pet.

After everything was correct, I originally wanted to go to the Genesis Pearl to see the [-] ancient rings I bought in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, but thought that I would have to participate in a boring game tomorrow, so I gave up the idea.

"Hey!" Feng Tianyu sighed, and lay directly on the big bed, relaxed his mind and soon fell into a sweet dreamland, and fell asleep soundly.

The next day, it was Conglin survival class. After the class, the senior Wang Yifei called all the new and old students together to organize a temporary team battle practice. Tomorrow is the monthly class team ranking competition.

(End of this chapter)

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