Tears Fairy

Chapter 84 North College

Chapter 84 North College

One day later, amidst Feng Tianyu's infinite anticipation, Feng Tianyu led Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan to finally set foot on a large flying boat heading east.

In the space world, the eastern part is a plain area. After seven days on the airship, the airship reached the sky above the east. In the sky above the east, you can see the vast plain, and there are seven buildings standing on the eastern plain.

The seven building groups are connected in the form of a common connection, and the seven building groups are naturally formed into a huge city centered on colleges. That is what the monks yearn for, the seven great colleges of the Holy Land of Dakong Realm.

As soon as the airship entered the sky above the eastern region, the rich spiritual energy that surpassed other regions in the space world poured into the airship.The guarding monks and new students couldn't help but suck in a few mouthfuls of spiritual energy.Feel the blessings of heaven and earth in the Holy Land of Practice.

When the flying boat landed in the North College area, it was noon, Feng Tianyu and the others followed the crowd, and disembarked the flying boat outside the tall gate of the North College. On the tall gate wall of the North College, a huge golden plaque was engraved with The banner of North College fluttering in the wind in the sky above the North College, the same three vigorous and majestic characters of "North College".

A team of college deacons came out of the gate of the North College to greet the freshman assessment team who came down from the flying boat. After completing the handover with the recruiters.

A deacon in charge began to announce to the new students: "The guardian of the new students is waiting outside the courtyard. The freshmen are now following the arrangement of the deacon to enter the college and handle the admission matters."

Feng Tianyu and nineteen students, led by a deacon, entered the gate of the college and entered the dormitory area of ​​the college.

Feng Tianyu and a group of 20 people were assigned to a five-story student building in three buildings of the second grade.Four people on one floor, the yard is shared.

Feng Tianyu and the other three girls were assigned to the third floor.The student building has four bedrooms and one living room. The room has its own kitchen and bathroom, and the hall is shared.

Feng Tianyu's house number was [-]. She swept the house number towards the red light, and the door opened automatically. After the door was opened, Feng Tianyu went in to have a look. The inside was clean, tidy and spotless.Feng Tianyu nodded secretly. It really has the style of the Holy Academy. Although it is a college such as Yuemo of the North Academy, it is also one of the Holy Academy.

Feng Tianyu closed the door of the room and all the new students, under the leadership of the deacon, completed the admission procedures, and at the same time completed two gold attached plates with the names of Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan engraved on them. District ID card.

Under the guidance of the deacon, Feng Tianyu bought a map of the North College, and after crossing the huge square, Feng Tianyu walked towards the entrance of the college.

"Uncle Feng, Yang Yuan, let's go!" After Feng Tianyu handed the affiliated identity cards to the two, he took the lead to walk towards the affiliated courtyard. Apart from the students of the academy, they were guardian monks.

When Feng Tianyu led Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan to the check-in office of the affiliated hospital, there were only a few people in the check-in office, and soon it was Feng Tianyu's turn.

"This is a form to fill out." An administrator took a form and handed it to Feng Tianyu to fill in the information of the three masters and servants, and finally filled in the Grade A main courtyard at the end of the column for renting a house.

The Grade A main courtyard is a separate courtyard with three floors, four bedrooms and one living room with a small courtyard.It is the best cultivation environment.


"Cultivate well, it's not a problem that can be solved with money." Feng Tianyu waved her hand to stop the two from saying, she only wanted them to practice in the best environment with peace of mind.

Ten thousand high-grade spirit stones appeared in the administrator's space box with a wave of his hand.The administrator smiled and took out the map of the Grade A small courtyard and let Feng Tianyu choose.

"There are people in the red light spot, and the green light spot is an empty courtyard." The administrator said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

"It's your job, you're welcome."

"It's Tsinghua University."


The administrator gently marked the green dot of Tsinghua University on the map. After entering someone's information, the green dot of Tsinghua University disappeared and the red dot lit up.

After receiving the three Jade Talismans for entering and exiting the small courtyard, Feng Tianyu led the two out of the office.

"Young master, please come with me," an attendant outside the door respectfully stepped forward to guide the three of them. When they arrived at the small courtyard of Tsinghua University, ten middle-grade spirit stones floated towards the attendant who was standing beside him as he waved his hands. .

The attendant Ding Cai hurriedly took over the ten middle-grade spirit stones, and the moment of ecstasy appeared in his eyes, he was covered with gratitude again. This is the benefit he only got after working for a year. Lord's reward!"

"Get up! From now on, every month from now on, you will come to Tsinghua University to ask him to receive ten middle-grade spirit stones. What you have to do is also very simple. Organize the hearsay and all the big and small events that happened inside and outside the attached courtyard into Just hand over the booklet to him. Can Ding Cai do it?" Feng Tianyu pointed to Yang Yuan while speaking, and looked at Ding Cai who was already sluggish.There was a warm and friendly smile on the cold and beautiful face.

"Yes, very capable, young master, Ding can do it well, please rest assured, master." Ding Cai immediately woke up from his sluggishness, and Natou agreed to Feng Tianyu's request.

Ding Cai was overjoyed and felt that joy fell from the sky, ten middle-grade spirit stones a month!My God, today is definitely the luckiest day in Ding Cai's life, Ding Cai's lucky day.

"Okay, Ding Cai, you go back!" Feng Tianyu smiled and told the overjoyed Ding Cai to go back. After Ding Cai left, Feng Tian sat down and raised his hand, pointing to the lower chair, signaling Feng Wuxin Sit down with Yang Yuan.

"Uncle Feng, you and Yang Yuan strive to improve your cultivation as much as possible before the opening of the Void Realm next year. I have something for you to do. In addition, take the time to sort out the information sent by Ding Cai.

Yang Yuan took over this matter, Uncle Feng should try to rest as much as possible, the Tianyuan Continent will be very lively in the future.If your cultivation base is low, you will be nothing in the future.Let’s do this first, this is your cultivation resource for this year. "

Feng Tianyu took out two brocade bags and handed them to the respectful two, Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan took the brocade bags respectfully and saluted: "Wuxin, Yang Yuan obeys."

"Work hard, I'm going back to the academy." Feng Tianyu stood up and walked towards the gate of the courtyard, Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan followed immediately, just as Feng Tianyu was about to stop her, she gave up on another thought.Just let them give it away and feel at ease!
Back to the dormitory area of ​​the second-level students of the college, entered the three student buildings of the second-level, scanned the number plate and entered the room, began to pack the big bedding inside and stuffed it into the locker on the side, and waved the whole set of his favorite The sky blue futon mattress is spread on the big bed.

She was like a mortal in the inner bathroom. After taking out her big bathtub and filling it with hot water, she began to relax and take a comfortable bath.

Life is about enjoyment. Cultivation is a boring daily routine. Survival in the world of cultivating immortals is a sign of hard work and blood. The world of the strong is created by hard work. Only when you are strong can you stand tall and become a god-like existence in the Tianyuan Continent.

Feng Tianyu is now just a mortal who is dedicated to cultivating immortals. She is passionate about life, she wants to eat spiritual meals every day, and she wants to sleep normally like a mortal.Have fun with mortals.

She is strong because the weak do not have the right to control herself. She wants to climb forward step by step, she wants to become the god of this world of cultivating immortals, and she wants to ascend to the legendary fairy world.

Her aspirations are grand, and her way forward will be blocked by the Hunter Alliance. She doesn't want to participate in these things, but things have come to her out of control, and she will face all of this..., because only by solving These are the ways to ascend.

The next day, February [-], the day when the dragon raises its head in the mortal world, Feng Tianyu officially enrolled in the North College. She and twenty freshmen were assigned to the B-character teaching building, the freshman class of the Qi training period, and the freshman class It is composed of students who practiced Dzogchen during the qi training period.There are six classes in the university, from class one to class six.

"Hey, another batch of garbage transfer students, so how can we compete with the other five classes for the first place?"

 Support is the power source of codewords, and your support is what Fengzhonglushui desires!Please recommend, please collect, please comment!

(End of this chapter)

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