Tears Fairy

Chapter 83 Entering North College

Chapter 83 Entering North College

When Feng Wuxin rushed to the door of Room 76, after stabilizing his mind, he stretched out his hand and was about to knock on the door, but the door was already opened from the inside, and the pure girl in a sky blue dress was looking at her sweet and hasty self with a smile.

"Young master, I have no intention of seeing the young master!"

Feng Wuxin choked up in his throat, with tears in his eyes, when he saw the smiling master, he immediately bowed his head and bowed.

"Uncle Feng, get up quickly, you have worked hard for a while!" Feng Tianyu said apologetically, reaching out to help Feng Wuxin who was kneeling on the ground.

"As long as the young master is fine, Wuxin has nothing else to ask for."

"Well, I'm fine now. Uncle Feng, you have advanced to the late stage of the God of Transformation. Well, it's very good. This is the congratulatory gift from the master to congratulate you on entering the late stage of the God of Transformation. Keep up the good work!"

Feng Tianyu said congratulatory words, concealed his guilt, and thoughtfully took out a storage ring from the creation bead and handed it to Feng Wuxin with a smile.

"Uncle Feng, this is a gift from the master, come on, practice hard!"

"Thank you master, Wuxin must work hard to cultivate!"

"Well, tomorrow is the assessment time of the North Academy, you go back and have a good rest, and accompany me to the assessment office of the academy tomorrow."

Feng Tianyu saw that Feng Wuxin was embarrassed, smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will definitely not go out today, and besides, as long as you don't retreat, I will be by your side. , can you not feel it? Well, the master is a mortal in the world of cultivating immortals, and has the habit of mortals sleeping, um, you step back, I am going to sleep!"

Feng Tianyu stretched gracefully, waved her hands and walked towards the inner compartment.

"Yes, young master, I have no intention of resigning!"

Seeing that the young master seemed to be troubled, Feng Wuxin immediately cupped his fists and bowed to leave, Feng Tianyu waved his hand, and he had already entered the inner bedroom.

Feng Wuxin carefully closed the door for the young master, and returned to room 77. He was ecstatic at the return of the young master, and couldn't help but burst into tears. Young master...it's great that you're back!
Feng Wuxin sat cross-legged on the futon, and cautiously released a wisp of divine consciousness while practicing, paying attention to Room 76.There was a touch of warmth in Feng Tianyu's touch, and finally sank into a sweet dream with peace of mind.

In the early morning of the next day, after Feng Wuxin finished her training, she finally remembered the storage ring that was bestowed on her by Young Master Tianyu yesterday, so she carefully took it out of her pocket.

The monks in Tianyuan Continent generally use storage bags to store items. There are three types of storage bags: large, medium and small. Feng Wuxin uses a large storage bag, which has a space of ten square meters.

Although Feng Wuxin is a powerful cultivator who transforms gods, it is a pity that he is a guardian cultivated by a big family. His life is in the hands of others. He can't even think about something that symbolizes status like a storage ring. It is the high-level geniuses in the big family, or the geniuses of the big family who are distinguished, who deserve to have the things they get.

Just like the young master, as the descendant of the city lord, the meeting gift given to the young lord by the city lord is the storage ring.

Looking at the silvery-white ancient pattern ring on his palm, Feng Wuxin felt as if he was in a dream, very unreal, but the faint silvery-white halo from the ring on his palm reminded him that all of this was real .

Feng Wuxin tried his best to suppress the shock and emotion in his heart, took a deep breath, and after stabilizing his mind, a ray of consciousness penetrated into the storage ring.


With a plop, Feng Wuxin felt a storm in his heart, his eyes flashed with incredible shock, his heart trembled, how could the young master, how could....

How could the young master treat himself so favorably?What can I do?It has been a blessing for him to be able to protect a master like the young master for thousands of years in his life.

But now, Feng Wuxin will be smashed to pieces, and it will be difficult for him to repay the young master's kindness!He got up from the ground and kowtowed deeply towards Room 76.

He remembered Feng Tianyu's only requirement, which was absolute loyalty.And he, Feng Wuxin, has only one loyalty, and his loyalty to Feng Wuxin is only to the young master.I will protect each other with my life, and be the true guardian of the young master.

Feng Wuxin didn't want to search for the wealth from his master, he only wanted to know what the young master was willing to tell him, and he didn't want to know anything else that he shouldn't know.This is also one of Feng Tianyu's most admired him.

Feng Yuanxin branded his own spiritual consciousness on the storage ring, and from then on this ring belonged to him. After he branded his own spiritual consciousness on the silver ring, three words came from his spiritual consciousness,' Heavenly King Ring'.

In addition to a two-story wooden house in the Heavenly King Ring, there is also a one-acre medicinal field, where many high-level medicinal materials that have disappeared from the Tianyuan Continent are planted.

There are three two-story wooden houses, one on the ground floor is an alchemy room for alchemy, one is a warehouse for storing medicinal materials, and the other is a treasure house.

Ten boxes of top-grade spirit stones are placed in the treasure house, ten boxes of 10 yuan of top-grade spirit stones are packed, and every 1 yuan of top-grade spirit stones is packed into one box.In addition, there is a box of fifty god-level golden fragrant fruits, and a box of top-quality spirit stones, which total 1 yuan of top-quality spirit stones.

The Heavenly King Ring is a high-level space artifact. After the owner is branded and recognized, he can freely enter and exit the Heavenly King Ring. The owner can plant medicinal materials and make alchemy in the space. The Heavenly King Ring is definitely the dream ring of the nobles.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, Feng Wuxin immediately opened the door and stood guard in front of the adjacent room 76.

When the footsteps approached, Yang Yuan walked up from the corridor quickly, and saw Feng Wuxin guarding the door of Young Master Tianyu, envious in his heart, but a sincere smile appeared on his face, "Senior Wuxin, the young master has not woken up yet. ?"

"Well, it's still early, keep your voice down." Feng Wuxin pressed his palms to signal him not to disturb Master's sleep.

"Come in!" The door opened in response, Feng Tianyu was already full of energy, sitting in front of the tea table refreshed and drinking tea.

After waving two white jade teacups, they landed on the tea table, Feng Tianyu greeted them with a smile, "Sit down and have a cup of tea first."

The two were too restrained to sit down, Feng Wuxin was shocked when Feng Tianyu looked at him with a smile, sat down hastily and pulled Yang Yuan at the same time.

Yang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw Feng Wuxin sitting down in a panic, he followed Feng Wuxin and sat down nimbly.

Feng Tianyu took a sip from the teacup and said with a smile, "The tea is not bad, let's have a drink!"

"Thank you, Young Master," the two picked up their teacups and drank it. There was a hint of sweetness hidden in the indifferent fragrance, which could not be felt without careful tasting.

However, that trace of sweetness enters the throat, as if the aura is pouring down, the whole body is surrounded by the aura, causing the aura from the outside to rush into the four meridians and eight meridians crazily, and the tea fragrance goes along with the body to sort out the aura that flows into the body.

"Master, this is..."

Feng Wuxin blurted out the question under the shock, but felt a slip of the tongue after speaking, so he stopped immediately.After Yang Yuan absorbed the pure spiritual energy pouring into his body, he looked at Feng Tianyu in shock.

Feng Tianyu waved his hands, two cans of tea leaves fell in front of the two of them and said with a smile: "It's just Yinling tea, if you like it, I will give you a copy."

"Thank you, master!"

Yang Yuan followed Feng Wuxin, saluted Feng Tianyu and thanked Feng Tianyu, and also called Feng Tianyu his master.

"Yang Yuan, you need absolute loyalty to follow me, don't you regret it?" Feng Tianyu suddenly had an aura that surpassed the world.Feng Wuxin once again caused waves in his heart.

"Master, Yang Yuan has nothing but loyalty, please accept Yang Yuan's absolute loyalty."

With a plop, Yang Yuan knelt down and bowed, if he could serve his master, he would never regret it for the rest of his life.

"Get up! Since you recognize me as the master, you are your own, and you will be forced to be polite in the future. You just need to remember that my only requirement is loyalty!"

"Yes, master!" Yang Yuan's expression was startled, and he stood in awe. He deepened his understanding of the master's tolerant temperament in his heart, and sighed secretly in his heart: "Yang Yuan met such a master, Yang Yuan was lucky in his life, what else is there?" beg?"

When the time passed inadvertently, the aisle began to be lively, Feng Tianyu took out the identity jade card and handed it to Feng Wuxin, "The assessment is coming soon, quickly take the jade card and Yang Yuan to the Fengqilou office, and go through the formalities of Yang Yuan's selection .”

"Yes, Master!"

Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan immediately went to Feng Qilou's office.

After completing the selection procedures, Feng Wuxin and Feng Wuxin immediately accompanied Feng Tianyu to the North Academy where the students were assessed.

There were two long dragons lined up outside the gate of the North School Hall, and they were entering in an orderly manner towards the gate of the North School Hall. Feng Tianyu also entered the gate of the North School Hall under the watchful eyes of Feng Wuxin and Yang Yuan.

The assessment of students in the North Academy is divided into three levels. Those who pass the three levels are admitted to the college, and those who fail are eliminated.

The first level of the assessment, the spiritual root test, Feng Tianyu's five elements of spiritual root, but the good thing is that the cultivation base fills in the gaps. The hunter's world is realistic and cruel.

The first level is not eliminated, the second level is the mental power test, and the second level is a mental strength test. A space hut that automatically displays the strength of the mental power. When facing the coercion of the foundation period from the space hut, Feng Tianyu controls the gray mist Shielded the power of the primordial spirit beyond the foundation building period, and resisted it with Qi training Dzogchen spiritual consciousness.

A quarter of an hour later, the space house showed that the mental power was a Chinese character, so under Feng Tianyu's name, there was an extra Chinese character next to the next character.

The third level is the endurance and physical fitness test, which is an endless road. Feng Tianyu entered the endless road along with the students who were assessed.

Feng Tianyu ran on Endless Road for three days. When he stopped, he was rejected by Endless Road. Feng Tianyu looked at the sky and found that it was only a quarter of an hour outside Endless Road. However, under Feng Tianyu's name, write wrote a word.

The grades of junior high school and high school passed the assessment smoothly. When the new students gathered, Feng Tianyu received a student white jade card engraved with the North College on one side and his name on the other side. After recognizing the master with blood, he was officially promoted to the North Academy students.

Feng Tianyu let out a sigh of relief, and went round and round. She entered the last college in the space world. However, what kind of journey will this last college, the North College, be like?

There are some small exciting winds and rains, in addition to looking forward to the North College, I still look forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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