Tears Fairy

Chapter 82 Return to 7 Color City

Chapter 82 Return to Colorful City

Feng Tianyu waved and threw five rings, "This is the development fund for Fengying Wumen. Whether it is a dragon or a worm is up to you."

"Subordinates wait for orders!"

Yang Yong and other five people respectfully took orders, and immediately started a joint development negotiation. The five people were all heroes in one party, and they decided to go to one of the five domains of Tianyuan to seek development space.The five sects worked hand in hand, making Fengying famous in the Tianyuan Continent from then on.

The internal affairs hall of the Feng Mansion said, "Auntie, the Feng Mansion is hereby handed over to you. This is the order of the Son of the Wind, and you can execute this order to exercise the power of Tian'er. If something cannot be solved, you can go to Fengfu to seek help from Patriarch Feng Shao.

Aunt, please remember that Fang Xiaocui died in the Land of Punishment in the past, but now you are the aunt of Fengtian, son of the wind, and the head of Fengying headquarters. "

Feng Tianyu solemnly handed over to Fang Xiaocui the black gold and jade talisman engraved with the three characters "Zon of the Wind" and a name card. "Auntie has worked hard for you!"

Fang Xiaocui took the token and the name card solemnly, put them away carefully, and exhorted with concern in her eyes: "Tian'er, you are the son of the wind, and Fengying cannot do without you. No matter what you do, Fengying waits for you." You come back safely, aunt and Minger are waiting for your safe return!"

"Don't worry, aunt. Tian'er knows that aunt is in the late stage of alchemy. After everything is on track, go to retreat. These are the training resources that Tian'er prepared for you. Come on, aunt!"

Fang Xiaocui took the storage ring Feng Tianyu gave her, nodded and said: "Auntie knows, Tian'er take care!"

"Auntie take care!"

After Feng Tianyu cupped his hands and saluted, he turned around and left the Internal Affairs Hall. After everything was arranged properly, Feng Tianyu finally went to the Gongde Hall and left a lot of training resources, and immediately rushed to the forbidden area of ​​Dongsheng Forest in Fengfu.

She is going to enter the space world from the three talents teleportation array in the forbidden area of ​​Dongsheng Forest, and take part in the assessment of the last college of the North College. This is her only chance to enter the college.

When the lights came on, Feng Tianyu held the identity card of the first-class guard of Fengfu Fengyuan in his hand, and smoothly entered the gate of Fengfu, and entered Donghuamen without hindrance along the way.

The Donghua Gate is a descendant of the Feng family who lives in a separate mansion.Donghuamen is the most luxurious place in the complex besides the main courtyard of Fengfu, Fengshishu, the brother of the owner Feng Shihao, also lives in Shengjingyuan inside Donghuamen.

Feng Tianyu held the identity card of the guard of Fengyuan, and used the reason of the master to ask Shengjingyuan for things. After registering as a guard of Fengyuan, he entered Donghuamen. The roads in Donghuamen extend in all directions, and there are road signs at every intersection. .

Before Feng Tianyu, in the universe in the sleeve of the ancestor, when the ancestor did not close the connection with the outside world, he wrote down the so-called transmission place of the secret realm of three talents.

Wind and rain as usual to a public rock garden.When he came out, Feng Tianyu, who had been wrapped in gray mist, put on the fiery red dress transformed from phoenix feathers, and with a thought, Feng Tianyu's figure disappeared out of thin air.

After Feng Tianyu activated Huang Yu's gray mist connection, Huang Yu instantly turned into a magic weapon of invisibility and protection.

Under the road sign of Dongshenglin, Feng Tianyu walked towards Dongshenglin without a trace, "Hoo hoo..."

There was a gust of wind, and the two guards who were guarding the entrance of Dongsheng Forest Garden in the forbidden area of ​​Dongsheng Forest only heard the whistling sound of wind blowing past with a gust of wind.Blinking his eyes, Feng Lin smiled at the other guard: "The west wind is coming, it can be seen that it is another cold winter."

"Hey, spring, summer, autumn and winter, for us monks, only the visual scenery is different. What does the Han Dynasty have to do with us? Brother, it's a picture."

"That's right, it's just that my brother's concubine is a mortal, so I express my feelings."

During the conversation between the two guards, Feng Tianyu had already stopped in front of the second door. This was the water-patterned door to verify his identity. There was a small rotating vortex recessed an inch on the water-patterned door.

Feng Tianyu forced out a drop of blood from his fingertips, flicking his finger, the blood drop fell into the small vortex.

The water pattern door shrinks to both sides in an instant, revealing a door opening for one person to pass through. Feng Tianyu steps in, and a black steel stone corridor extending underground is displayed in front of Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu walked forward quickly, and the wide and bright corridor went deep into the ground.

The Sancai teleportation array is an underground Sancai hall, guarded by a guard team formed by disciples of the Feng family.

The Sancai Hall is connected to the second water-pattern door on the ground, and has the function of automatic identity verification. After Feng Tianyu drips blood on the second water-pattern door for verification, the Sancai Hall can automatically scan and verify the identity that matches it.

The only difficulty is to activate the three-cai teleportation array to leave without the guardian team noticing.

The twelve disciples guarding the teleportation array sat at the entrance of the teleportation array, meditating three feet away.

Feng Tianyu couldn't help stroking his forehead. Unable to imagine, Feng Tianyu had no choice but to use the fourth form of Wuji Taiyin Finger to sneak attack the twelve guardians who were practicing.

While interlacing his hands, Feng Tianyu quickly tapped his hands towards the twelve guardian disciples who were practicing cross-legged meditation. The twelve guardian disciples were attacked one after another, and 12 of them fell asleep at the same time.

Feng Tianyu flew over the heads of the guarding disciples and landed at the entrance of the Sancai Teleportation Formation. A top-grade spirit stone emitting a bright light was embedded in the groove, and the Sancai Teleportation Formation flashed a burst of light.

The door of the array opened automatically, Feng Tianyu stepped into the teleportation array room, stretched out his hand to touch the green button, a sense of dizziness came, the moment Feng Tianyu stabilized his mind and soul, the streamer returned to calm after a flash, the teleportation array had stopped down.

Press the red button in the wind and rain.

After the sound of "啪!", the gate of the teleportation array has been separated to the two sides, Feng Tianyu stepped out of the teleportation array, and appeared in the teleportation square again, still bustling and prosperous, and the streets outside the square were still crowded with people Moving, there is a constant flow of traffic.

Feng Tianyu rented a dragon carriage in the square, and went straight to the colorful city of colorful sky.

Colorful sky, colorful city, Feng Wuxin searched for Fengtianyu in Colorful City every day. At this time, seeing the final enrollment of North College, and the student assessment will start at noon tomorrow, he is strong and loyal, and finally guards the gate of Colorful City. With a sluggish expression, he stood at the gate of the colorful city and watched the crowds and vehicles passing by.

Night fell quietly again.

Under the bright lights, Feng Wuxin walked towards Fengqilou with a dull gaze, when he passed by the front desk in the lobby...

"Senior Wuxin, the young master told Yang Yuan to go to her place to meet her immediately when he sees senior."

"My lord, is it the lord Tianyu who has returned?"

Feng Wuxin raised Yang Yuan, who was equally happy, from the front desk, and asked in a trembling voice in ecstasy.

"Yes, it's rainy..."

Feng Wuxin didn't wait for Yang Yuan to finish speaking, and rushed towards Room 76 like a whirlwind. Excited, Feng Wuxin was extremely happy, young master, you are back...

Feng Tianyu used twice the fare to let the owner of the dragon horse rush to the colorful city along the way, and finally rushed back to the colorful city in the evening of the day before the enrollment of the North College.

Back at Fengqi Building, I found Yang Yuan, the waiter at the front desk, and after asking about Feng Wuxin's situation, I was both moved and guilty.

It turned out that Feng Wuxin had successfully broken through the mid-stage of transforming gods and entered the seventh floor of the late stage. When he came out to meet the young master Feng Tianyu with a solid cultivation base, he found out that the young master Feng Tianyu was missing.

Feng Wuxin's joy suddenly disappeared, and he frantically searched for his master in a radius of thousands of miles in the colorful city. After searching for nothing, he didn't dare to wait and immediately asked Yang Yuan, if the young master came back, please tell him, he will come back city.

Feng Wuxin flew to Fengcheng day and night, asking his ancestors to save the missing young master. The ancestors of the old master were furious when they heard that his junior had disappeared in Colorful City. After the soul lamp returned to normal, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Feng Wuxin with a sullen expression on his face:

"You are already Xiao Yu'er's guardian. Only Xiao Yu'er can punish you for your rights and wrongs. I only ask you for the crime of negligence as a guardian. Go to the execution hall to receive the punishment yourself. After receiving the punishment, return to Colorful City immediately." Search, Xiao Yuer is fine at the moment, try to find her as soon as possible."

The power of the primordial spirit extracted a trace of Feng Tianyu's soul breath from the soul lamp, sealed it on a jade pendant, and handed it to Feng Wuxin who knelt down to plead guilty.

"This is the jade pendant that seals a trace of your master's soul. The jade pendant lives for her, and you live. Destroy her to death, and you die!"

The ancestor Feng Yuanwu was concerned about Feng Tianyu's comfort, the words fell and he disappeared in place, Feng Yuanwu in the air was facing the direction of the colorful city, stretched out his hand and tore it, stepping into the torn space.In a moment, people have appeared in Fengqilou in Colorful City.


With tears in his eyes, Feng Wuxin took the jade pendant and hung it on his chest, and kowtowed in the direction where the ancestor disappeared. He knew that the city lord Feng Yuanwu had gone to the colorful city to look for the young lord.He kowtowed gratefully to the city lord who had gone away.

After Feng Wuxin received twenty lashes of the Soul Whip in the torture hall, his face was pale and his soul was shaken. He didn't stay for a moment, and immediately flew to the colorful city, and started a long search with the first-class guards of the Feng family sent by his ancestors.

"Thank you for telling me this, Yang Yuan. When I go back, I see Feng Wuxin coming back, so let him come to see me soon."

"Okay, my lord"

Feng Tianyu threw a brocade bag with a wave of his hand and said with a smile: "Go! Cultivate hard."

Yang Yuan hurriedly reached out to take the brocade bag that Feng Tianyu threw to him. After hearing this, his heart was shocked and he quickly thanked him: "Yes, young master! Yang Yuan thank you young master for the reward."

After Yang Yuan went back, he was just in time for a shift change. He returned to the guard room where he lived, closed the door, and took out the brocade bag bestowed on him by the young master of Tianyu. The fruity aroma wafted into the nostrils.

Yang Yuan was startled and immediately closed the brocade bag, took out a sealing talisman from the storage bag, and pasted it on the door. After turning it on, there was a flash of light, and the room was sealed by the talisman.

Yang Yuan opened the brocade bag carefully again, stunned, he suddenly shook his hands, the brocade bag fell to the ground, and the person also "plopped", fell to the ground in shock, rolled out several times when the brocade bag fell to the ground. A green spirit fruit, the fragrance of the fruit immediately filled the whole room, Yang Yuan probed into the spiritual consciousness of the brocade bag, and within three feet of space, there was a bag full of the holy fruit of the green spirit.


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(End of this chapter)

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