Tears Fairy

Chapter 81 Forming the Force

Chapter 81 Forming the Force
Sitting in front of the ancient array disk and burning the ancient array map, Feng Tianyu has super-strong senses and a powerful soul. When the breeze blows, she knows that danger is close at hand.

When a black shadow suddenly appeared three feet away and attacked her, after paralyzing the opponent, the sword in his hand struck first, and the sword sealed the throat, no one can attack like a storm, and harvested his life mercilessly !

"Ah..." was just his last voice left in this world.

Putting away the engraved jade slips, two miserable howls of "Ah, ah!" came from the left side while waving his hands, and in a gust of mist, two men in black with swords in their chests appeared in front of them. The eyes on the left side of the face showed horror. When they fell to the ground, the painful two looked at the handsome young man with two crystal clear teardrops. The last point of view in life was just two pearl-like tears! .

Feng Tianyu reached out and took off the storage rings of the three men in black clothes. When he waved his hands, the three corpses were covered by fireballs, and turned into flying ash in an instant, blowing away with the wind.

So far away!

Stepping out with one step, Feng Tianyu was already far away from Misty Valley, and when he stopped, he was already thousands of miles away. The bullet fell into the mouth of the father and son who were unconscious on the ground.

Without any hesitation, Feng Tianyu stepped out of the distance, and he was already thousands of miles away. Feng Tianyu, who was walking all the way from the Zhongwei area to the periphery of the boundless forest, finally stepped out of Zhongwei after a day and stepped out of the periphery. , Feng Tianyu concealed his cultivation base with gray mist, and appeared on the outskirts of the boundless forest with his cultivation base of great perfection.

As always, the periphery is where low-level monks are active. When groups of high-level mercenaries and adventurers pass by Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianyu will take the initiative to give way.

"Wow... Daddy, wake up, um..."

There was a sound of crying from a boy, and Feng Tianyu stopped to look at the source of the sound. A five or six-year-old boy was pulling an injured man who passed out on the grass. Lying on the grass was a The emaciated middle-aged monk had his sternum severed by a sharp weapon, and he was in danger at this moment.

The cry of the little boy reminded her of the scene in her memory where the fourth brother fainted and cried sadly, and suddenly came to her heart, her heart felt soft, her fingertips moved slightly, a king-level golden fragrant fruit, into the mouth of the monk who passed out on the grass.

The little boy suddenly noticed the sudden wind and rain in front of him, and immediately stopped crying and knelt on the ground: "Big brother, please save daddy, big brother Xiaowu, please save Xiaowu's daddy!"

"Get up, your father is fine!"


The little boy suddenly looked at his father who was lying on the ground. Sure enough, his father, who was as pale as paper before, now had a tinge of blood on his face, and his breath had stabilized.


After the little boy called his father, he suddenly thought of his big brother: "Big brother..."

The wind and rain had gradually drifted away, the little boy took a deep breath, remembering the faint breath left by the wind and rain when he stopped.

"Benefactor, Xiao Wu will never forget the benefactor's great kindness." The little boy knelt down and kowtowed to Feng Tianyu who was going away.

Feng Tianyu's accidental detection of hidden intentions may have left an unknown good relationship for herself, but who knows?

Five days later, Feng Tianyu entered Black Rock City smoothly, and three days later, Feng Tianyu bought a mansion in the North City area at a sky-high price. A medium-sized family lives in a mansion with an area of ​​ten miles, which is the largest commercial housing in Beicheng District.

On the gate wall of the mansion, the plaque is engraved with two elegant golden characters of "Fengfu" that coincide with the rhyme of Taoism, especially showing off in the sun.

At this moment, in Feng Tianyu's front courtyard square, 52 gold-armored soldiers and [-] generals appeared on the huge V square. Fang Xiaocui and Xiao Fangming were removed from the Genesis Orb by Feng Tianyu at the same time.

A burst of fruity fragrance wafted into everyone's nostrils from the center of the square, and the Immortal Drunk Immortal Wine was lifted immediately. Fang Xiaocui and Xiao Fangming also woke up from the Taishi chair specially placed by Feng Tianyu.

Seeing the unfamiliar environment, Fang Xiaocui stood aside and looked at her Feng Tian with a smile, "Tian'er, this is..."

"Auntie, we escaped from birth. This is Fengtian's territory, and it will also be the future home of Auntie and Brother Ming."

"It's coming out, it's really coming out hahaha...hahaha...it's coming out!" Tears gushed out from the corners of his eyes, flowing across his face that couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing.The return of power explained everything, she really came out, 25 years of desperation and prison life, days and nights of being reduced to a peasant woman.

"General, you saved us. You were our general before, and you will still be our general in the future! We will always be the general's soldiers."

"Come out! I'm back..."

"I'm out of the cage, out!"

"The power is finally back, power...hahaha!"

"We're out... out!"

Feng Tianyu calmly smiled and watched more than 1 people laughing and crying. She understood them. How many of them were victims of the family conspiracy. A delicate and weak woman like her aunt was sent by her biological father. into a cage.

Feng Tianyu looked at the aunt who was venting out of control, and reached out to hold the aunt's hand, "Auntie, you will be Fengtian's real aunt from now on."

"Tian'er, you are my aunt's salvation, and my aunt will always be Tian'er's aunt!"

After the Quanfeng Mansion vented the accumulated resentment and hatred for decades, the golden armored soldiers in the square who were still in gold armor and red clothes, and the Tianyuan mainland monks who were abandoned by their clansmen and sects returned.

The Tianyuan Continent finally ushered in the abandoned Tian Zhizi. Their return is destined to reach the pinnacle of their lives. Writing about their brilliant lives, they will open a new chapter in the Tianyuan Continent.

In the conference room in the front hall of the main courtyard, 52 monks who transformed themselves into gods performed the Lord Recognition Ceremony to Feng Tianyu.Their lives are reversed because of Fengtian, and the mortals will end 20 years later. Because of Fengtian, they have countless years, and they have an unfinished life.

Acknowledging the Lord is the only kindness that can be done. It is their honor to recognize their generals and their gods as their masters, right?
Feng Tianyu is excited, the future Tianyuan Continent will be full of blood and blood, strength and power are the foundation of survival, she needs her own power!

"Okay, since you recognize me as Lord, loyalty is the only requirement I ask of you, if there is any betrayer, you will definitely be killed!"

"Master, don't worry, I swear that if we have the heart to betray our master, we will be destroyed!" 52 cultivators who transformed themselves into gods raised their hands and swore.

"Okay, since you have decided to follow me, I will shock the Tianyuan Continent. Let's go out and talk to the soldiers about your ideals in life."

"Brothers, I, Yang Yong, and the 51 generals of the Golden Armored Army have all recognized General Feng as the master! What do you guys plan for the future? Do you go out alone, or follow the general like me and create immortal glory in the Tianyuan Continent! "

Yang Yong started in the square. He gave an opening speech, standing in Fengtianyu with a smile, majesty and amiability in a light and calm environment, without any sense of disobedience, it was natural and natural.

"I recognize the Lord, I also recognize the Lord, I recognize the Lord..."

Twelve thousand armored soldiers huffed and knelt on the square, kowtowing to Feng Tianyu who stood majestically on the square.

"Okay, since everyone recognizes me as the master, let me just say that what I need is everyone's loyalty and obedience. In the future, I don't want my team to rebel. So what is your choice?"

"We swear that we will be loyal and obedient to our master for the rest of our lives, and if there is any disagreement, heaven and earth will punish him!" Ten thousand gold armored soldiers swore to heaven and earth with one voice.

"Okay, I am named after the word Feng. I am the son of the wind. You will be my shadow from now on. You will walk the Tianyuan Continent as 'Fengying'. You are the Fengying of the Tianyuan Continent. Fengying is divided into five elements. The first generation of Fengying Shadows are divided into golden shadows, wooden shadows, water shadows, fire shadows, earth shadows,
The second generation, the shadow of gold, the shadow of wood, the shadow of water, the shadow of fire, and the shadow of earth.

The third generation Qiuying, the fourth generation Wuying..."

After Feng Tianyu named the Fengying organization, he began to divide the power layout and appointed the master of the Five Elements Sect.

"Yang Yong is the head of the Golden Shadow Sect, Xiao Jian is the head of the Wood Shadow Sect, Jiangnan is the head of the Water Shadow Sect, Wan Yuqing is the head of the Fire Shadow Sect, and Ye Xiangtian is the head of the Earth Shadow Sect."

"Yang Yong, Xiao Jian, Jiang Nan, Wan Yuqing, Ye Xiangtian obeyed."

"Feng Mansion is the headquarters of Fengzhizi and Fengying's big family. Aunt Fang Xiaocui is now appointed as the head of the internal affairs hall of Fengfu's headquarters, and Guan Fang is the head of the foreign affairs hall of Fengfu's headquarters.

Yan Tie is the head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Fengfu headquarters, He Yuan is the head of the Gongde Hall, and Jiang Hao is the head of the Guard Hall. The aunt and Guan Fang are responsible for each hall of the Danfu Array. Gongde Hall Law Enforcement Hall Guard Hall, preferably 500 people are selected in Fengying.Dan Talisman Gu Fengying joined freely.

43 Huashen Kazekages were promoted to headquarter elders.Maintain headquarters security.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements, wind shadows, each leading [-] wind shadows to freely choose places to carry forward, this is development funds. "Feng Tianyu took out five storage rings and waved them towards the five of them.

"Subordinates wait for orders!"

The five people caught the storage ring floating towards them, knelt down and respectfully accepted the order.

From now on, the Five Wind and Shadow Sects sprouted, and the five domains of the Tianyuan Continent ushered in the rise of Fengying in silence.

(End of this chapter)

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