Tears Fairy

Chapter 947 Three Gates and Nine Turns Skynet Formation

Chapter 947

Xu Yunfei's Qingyan sword is fast, and Feng Tianyu's Ziji Leilong sword is faster than Xu Yunfei's Qingyan sword.

Boom ~ clang chi ~ chi cha cha ~

Following the muffled thunder explosion of the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword, it was toothache again, and with a clang, chich, chi-cha-cha, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword had already slashed on the giant claw.Suddenly a burst of sparks splashed.

Amazing!Feng Tianyu's black eyes flashed, and he flipped his wrist, "Boom!" Ziji Leilongjian suddenly thundered.One stroke of Tianlei Extermination is holding the power of destroying the world.It blasted towards the giant claws in the sky again.

The giant claws in the air suddenly stretched out, like hooks and sharp claws, as if they wanted to shatter this world, they ruthlessly grabbed at Ziji Leilongjian.

"Crack~Boom~" Under the lightning and thunder, a thunderbolt exploded fiercely in the giant claws in the lightning.

Feng Tianyu shouted, "Long Ni!" After Tianlei Juejue exploded, she twisted her wrist and stabbed Long Ni with three swords.The three swords simultaneously slashed, stabbed, and sliced ​​towards Thunder's bursting giant claws.

Boom, bang, chi, Hengkong's giant claws began to crumble inch by inch under the three swords of Longni. "Zhi~", the dark sky suddenly lit up with a violent and mournful cry.

Feng Tianyu squinted his eyes, giant eagle!Seeing the giant eagle with its giant claws collapsed, it spread its wings three times and was about to flee.Her black eyes moved, and she thought, if she can't beat her, she wants to run away?Would this be naive?

Xu Yunfei attacked Feng Tianyu's sword long ago, and immediately swayed his sword falsely, his footsteps moved slightly, and with a teleportation, he had already blocked the way for the giant eagle to escape.

The giant eagle king spread its wings three times and appeared in front of Xu Yunfei. "Hey~ Human, you are looking for death!" When the eagle opened his mouth and spat out a harsh word.A pair of sharp claws turned into two huge claws with spiritual power fiercely like hooks, and once again clawed out to attack Xu Yunfei fiercely.

The two claws of spiritual power this time are far inferior to the one claws attacked before.Xu Yunfei's eyes lit up.It seems that Yu'er's strength has dropped a lot after she lost the giant eagle king's claw.

With a wave of the Qingyan Sword, the Burning Sky Art!

Xu Yunfei, who was standing in the air holding a sword, suddenly disappeared in a sea of ​​flames.The giant eagle showed its claws, and just when it was about to catch Xu Yunfei, it screamed excitedly.

Xu Yunfei disappeared suddenly, and it was startled by the place where it rushed, and suddenly the flames were overwhelming.The sky instantly became a sea of ​​flames.What's more unfortunate is that it just jumped like this.Let yourself plunge into the boundless sea of ​​flames.

"Zhi~", the giant eagle jumped up and wanted to escape. In the sea of ​​fire, the eagle suddenly spread its wings and traveled [-] miles.The sea of ​​flames is boundless, and what makes the Giant Eagle King most desperate is that the three wings of the eagle, with their tail hairs burned halfway, only flew out of the sea of ​​flames for [-] miles, and then collided with them again. The giant dragon has completely blocked its way.

There is a sea of ​​flames approaching behind, a thunder dragon blocking in front, and the Giant Eagle King with green smoke coming out of his eagle nose.Its eagle eyes were fierce, and it knew it had nowhere to go.

"Hey~, human being, you have successfully angered this king!" The giant eagle king screamed, his eagle eyes sharpened, his legs trembled, and his sharp beak pecked towards Feng Tianyu.

"Aww..." Feng Tianyu stood by quietly, facing the ferocious Giant Eagle King, she remained motionless as a mountain.Three thunder dragons, when the giant eagle rushed over.It suddenly circled and attacked the Giant Eagle King.

The giant eagle, which has been defeated repeatedly, has not diminished its hostility, but its strength is not controlled by it, and it loses again and again.

Xu Yunfei approached from behind, saw the three Thunder Dragons wrapped around the Giant Eagle King like a twist, hurriedly shouted to Feng Tianyu: "Yu'er, make it quick!" because he saw that the sky was already dark.

"Zhiji..." At this moment, there was a jittering sound from the sky.Feng Tianyu's heart trembled, and when she raised her eyes, she could already see the black waves rolling in from the sky.


"Boom~" After Feng Tianyu yelled loudly, the three thunder dragons exploded.After a loud bang, the three thunder dragons exploded.The Eudemons Giant Eagle King was also reduced to ashes in the huge explosion.

In the tumbling airflow in the air, there is only one remaining, a top-quality spar that is about to drop green.Feng Tianyu stretched out his hand and sucked it, and finally took the spar into his bag before the group of thirteen Phantom Beast Kings arrived.

"Xu Yun set up the formation quickly!"

After Feng Tianyu put away the spar, he immediately flew close to Xu Yunfei.Thirteen Phantom Beast Kings.With the strength of two people, fighting against the monster king is something only a fool would do.

Xu Yunfei waved his hands continuously, with 36 formation flags as the base, and immediately set up a three-door nine-turn skynet formation in the air.

"Go on!" Xu Yunfei threw a formation card to Feng Tianyu.When the two of them rushed into Skynet when thirteen Huanju Wang rushed into it.It has been hidden in the dark base at the gate of the array.

As soon as the Thirteen Illusory Beast Kings charged, Xu Yunfei had already entered the formation through the three gates, and passed through the three gates nine turns.The thirteen Phantom Beast Kings have been completely transferred to Skynet.

"Zhiji..." The thirteen Phantom Beast Kings, as soon as they entered the Skynet, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and they rushed and slammed down.

"Boom..." The three-door nine-turn skynet array couldn't help being shocked by the fierce attacks of thirteen Phantom Beast Kings.

Feng Tianyu suddenly slapped Anji, and then stabilized the trembling three-door nine-turn skynet array.

"Yu'er, we're going to make a lot of money now." Xu Yunfei stretched out his hand and swiped at the sky net.The thirteen Phantom Beast Kings were immediately trapped in thirteen spaces in the Skynet.

Feng Tianyu smiled, and agreed with Xu Yunfei's words: "If you enter the Skynet, it is in our pocket.

Xu Yunfei, let's make a quick decision and try to get online a few more times when we enter the center of the independent space. "

"Well, it makes sense!" Xu Yunfei's eyes lit up. "Yu'er, you guard the door of life, I am trapped in the door of death, use the killing array to strangle the Phantom Beast King!"

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu's figure flashed, and he flew from the dark base to the Shengmen.The Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword in her hand had already turned into a giant dragon entrenched at the door of life in a single thought of her.

When the wind and rain moved, Xu Yunfei moved accordingly.The sleepy word tactic touches the door of death, and the killing intent is overwhelming under the sky net.The killing intent suddenly turned into a real knife from the killing array, rolling towards the Phantom Beast King at the gate of death and strangling him.

"Rumble rumble..."

In the depths of the inner circle, during the rumbling and loud battle, the sky was dark for a while, Xu Yunfei and Feng Tianyu were fighting happily.The Fengmeng, which is thousands of miles away from them, has long been exhausted physically and mentally in the non-stop battle.

Fortunately, there is a strong battle formation as the foundation, and they have gone through thousands of drills and battles.Although they felt exhausted, the Wind Alliance still maintained a record of no one falling, and continued to catch up with Feng Tianyu.

Under the attack of a large group of phantom beasts and phantom warriors, the Wind League was fortunate that none of the monks fell.

However, the Nangong family was fighting non-stop. The members of the Nangong family, in the pain of Nangong Taiqing and Nangong Mei, half of them fell due to exhaustion.

The Nangong family with less than [-] clansmen left, after the battle in the inner circle, they have long realized that the narrow escape from breaking into an independent space is by no means an empty talk.

Because they realized the danger of breaking through the barrier, even if they could only stand up, they didn't dare to be careless when the Wind League moved forward exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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