Tears Fairy

Chapter 948 Nangong Mei Has Changed Sex?

Chapter 948 Nangong Mei Has Changed Sex?

They have all deeply realized that only by following Fengmeng can they increase their success rate by half in the difficult hurdles.

Nangong Mei looked at the clansmen who seemed to have no combat power, and continued to grit her teeth and follow behind Fengmeng, struggling to stand upright.

After dozens of team battles, under the care of her clan and her uncle, Nangong Mei has never confronted phantom beasts or phantoms head-on.

Because she was moved, Nangong Mei felt sorry for her uncle, her uncle, and the members of the Nangong family.She thought about it for a while, and finally told her uncle Nangong Taiqing the hidden worry in her heart.

"Uncle!" Nangong Mei followed Nangong Taiqing, and continued to advance with the battle formation, while calling out to Nangong Taiqing.

Seeing Nangong Mei calling him suddenly, Nangong Taiqing couldn't help but pause, and asked, "What does Meier want to say?"

"Uncle!" Nangong Mei's worried eyes remained undiminished, and while following Nangong Taiqing's footsteps, she continued worryingly: "Our tribe is getting fewer and fewer. The consumption of spiritual power is becoming more and more unbearable." .

Moreover, the deeper we go into the inner circle, the more hordes of phantom beasts and phantom warriors we encounter.

However, we have to follow behind the Fengmeng, although, so far, we have not encountered a Phantom Beast King, a large group of Phantom Beasts, or a thousand-man army with generals.

But only such Eudemons.Just let our clan be reduced by half.If we continue to go deep into the inner circle, we will unfortunately encounter a group of thousands of phantom beasts led by the Phantom Beast King.

Our loss is definitely not something we can bear.Uncle, look, how many more battles can our tribe fight tenaciously? "

Nangong Taiqing also understands this point, but they have penetrated into the inner circle, retreating is a dead end.They can only move forward with one heart, only to fight to the last moment.

The only way for their Nangong family to survive is to break into the center of the independent space with all their might.

Nangong Taiqing's determination to break through the barrier has never been questioned by others.However, Nangong Mei's words made Nangong Taiqing's heart move suddenly.

"Meier thought about it, what is a good way to save the people?" Because he knew this grandniece too well, his pace slowed down.Ask Nangong Mei in a gentle tone.

Feng Tianyu's black eyes are bright and clear.When her uncle Nangong Taiqing asked her, she had an idea in her heart, but she didn't know if it would work.

Nangong Mei took a deep breath and took a look. The Zhanfei guards who were a hundred steps away from the Nangong battle formation finally spoke to Nangong Taiqing, telling herself, which was tantamount to a whimsical idea, "Uncle, I want to go to the Wind League , ask the brothers and sisters of the Feng family to take them!"

"What?" Nangong Taiqing's eyes widened, and his footsteps were also stopped by Nangong Mei's words.

"Uncle, I want to try!" Nangong Mei also wanted to do her best to repay her kindness to her people.So she decided to go to the Fengmeng, and ask the brothers and sisters of the Feng family for help.

Nangong Taiqing knew that this was hopeless.However, Nangong Mei sincerely wants to give it a try, and he is also willing to live in hopeless hope.Look for the silver lining.

Nangong Taiqing looked at the Zhanfei guards a hundred steps away, fixed his deep eyes, and asked, "Okay, do you want me to go with you?"

"No, they are wary of us. If you go, they will think too much. I offended the brothers and sisters of the Feng family before. Fortunately, I didn't really cause irreparable losses to them.

I thought, I'll go beg them, maybe they see our Nangong family's affection on the same continent as them.Take us for a ride, not without a chance.

At least, I also want to ask them for a chance to join them to break through the level together. "As Nangong Mei spoke, she had already thought about the five brothers and sisters of the Feng family in her heart.

At this time, Nangong Mei really realized that, in fact, the brothers and sisters of the Feng family are all gentlemen.With this understanding, her hopeless hope of going to the Fengmeng to seek a belt also increased a little bit invisibly.

Zhanfei Guards, Dong Guoyuan is guarding at the end of the formation.As soon as Nangong Mei approached, he immediately shouted: "Come on, stop!"

Nangongmei's footsteps slowed down. She cupped her fists to Dong Guoyuan and introduced herself: "I'm Nangongmei, a fellow from Fengtianyu's hometown. I want to meet their brothers and sisters. Seniors, please be considerate."

Nangong Mei knows Feng Tianyu too well, she knows that Fengmeng belongs to Feng Tianyu.Dongguo Yuanxiu is at a high level.They still couldn't surpass the brothers and sisters of the Feng family.

Dong Guoyuan saw only one female cultivator approaching. With her cultivation level, no matter how close she was, she could not threaten them.Moreover, the female cultivator introduced and stated that she came from the same continent as the five young masters, which made him dare not neglect for a while.

"You wait!" Dong Guoyuan took another look at the beautiful Nan Gongmei before striding towards the action tent in the center of the battle formation.

Four brothers and sisters, Feng Tianlei, since Feng Tianyu went to the front to fight.Picking up the leaks from the beginning, and then there is no leak to reduce.

For their safety, Zhan Fei simply set up a big tent for them in the center of the battle.Let them safely break into the center of the independent space while traveling safely.

"Eldest young master, Nan Gongmei who was following behind our battle formation suddenly approached the rear. She said that she and the five young masters are from the same village, and she came here to ask the five young masters to see her. Can the young master want to see her?"

In the action tent, the brothers and sisters of Feng Tianlei were drinking tea and chatting in the tent. Dong Guoyuan's question made the brothers and sisters forget to respond for a while.

Nangong Mei asked to see them?
Nangong Mei was as beautiful as a celestial being, but her jealous nature made it hard for them to forget.Feng Tianqing thought for a while, then couldn't help looking at the third brother and asked: "The third brother can read people's hearts the most. Third brother, tell me, why did Nan Gongmei come here?"

Feng Tianlei couldn't help being moved when his sister asked the third brother, and left the decision to see or not see Nangong Mei to his younger brother, "Yes, third brother, tell me, do we want to see her or not!"

Feng Tianxing is a gentleman, he is always kind to others, although he doesn't like Nan Gongmei's behavior.But he will not speak out to judge her.

He felt that the third brother's decision, no matter what it was, was right.Moreover, he also wanted to hear the judgment of the third brother who analyzed people's hearts.

"What else can it be?" Feng Tianyu took a sip of tea, then asked Feng Tianxing with a slow smile: "Brother Xing, where are we now?"

Feng Tianxing smiled and replied: "Inner circle."

Feng Tianyu nodded, suddenly looked at Dong Guo Yuan and said, "Dong Guo, let her in!"

"Okay." Dong Guoyuan agreed, and hurried to the back of the battle formation to let Nan Gongmei into the battle.

Seeing Dong Guoyuan leave, Feng Tianyu said with a smile under his younger brother's gaze waiting for the next words: "We have no choice but to hide in the big action tent for the intensive fighting in the inner circle.

The monks of the Nangong family are not as good as the monks of our Fengmeng.The monks of the Wind League are exhausted physically and mentally.If it weren't for the supplement of strange energy gas.It has long since lost the power to fight again.

Nangong Mei came here just to let us see that the Nangong family and our brothers and sisters are from the same continent.She wants to seek asylum for her family. "

When Feng Tianyu said this, he suddenly frowned, no, this is not in line with Nangong Mei's always jealous and selfish personality.

This, could it be that Nangong Mei has changed her gender?
(End of this chapter)

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