Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 293: The Sparrow Occupies the Dove's Nest and the Oriole is Behind!

Chapter 293: The Sparrow Occupies the Dove's Nest and the Oriole is Behind!

Rorschach's mood was much happier because of the unexpected joy.

He slowly drove the Terminator armor back and forth, waiting for the arrival of others.

And the speed at which Kama Taj's reinforcements arrived.

Far faster than he imagined.

It's near the portal left by Wang when he left.

The portals with splashes of sparks also quickly appeared in the air.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of official mages with solemn expressions filed in.

Appeared in Rorschach's field of vision.

However, when these mages who came in a hurry saw the huge and burly six-armed terminator at a glance.

And there are Ao monster machine guards and automatic machine bee queens everywhere.

They obviously misunderstood something, and there was a little shock on their faces.

Afterwards, a handful of melee instruments stained with fresh blood and the Magic Shield of the Ring of Raggador were quickly held up in front of him!
"Put down your weapons and spells!"

"This is our honored guest of Karma Taj, and he is the one who helped us keep the sanctuary in New York!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and repair the magic nodes polluted by black magic!"

At this moment, Modu, who had just stepped out of the portal, immediately put on that expressionless dark face.

He reprimanded the people around him a few words.

Afterwards, wearing a dark green mage robe, he rolled up his sleeves and stepped up to Rorschach.

With a serious expression, Modu bowed to the huge six-armed Terminator armor without hesitation:
"Mr. Luo Xia, the king has already informed us of what happened here. As the eldest disciple of Kama Taj, on behalf of Master Gu Yi, I would like to thank you for your generous help. When the teacher returns, I will definitely repay you accordingly. .”

"Let's just skip the polite words, I didn't even get a single hair of what happened last time...Mo Du, did you guys just end a battle?"

Rorschach in the diamond-shaped helmet looks through the eyepiece.

It was accurately discovered that there were several fresh damage marks and dark red blood on Modu's mage robe.

He turned his eyes slightly again, looking at the battle-damaged magic weapons carried by the mages who were running towards the magic node.

A deep voice mixed with doubts slowly passed out of the helmet.

And heard Rorschach's inquiry about this.

There seemed to be a fleeting wry smile on Modu's dark-skinned face.

He took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible:

"The Sanctuary on Hong Kong Island was besieged by a terrifying wave of corpses caused by a supernatural creature 'Iron Corpse'. The Asian Spear Bureau sent several elite teams to cooperate and help us eliminate this disaster."

"And the London sanctuary, because of the keenness and vigilance of the local guardian mage Constantine, caught a group of black magic puppets who wanted to sneak into the sanctuary and destroy them in advance, but the manipulator hidden behind did not leave any traces, and He chose to infiltrate and then disappeared after he failed.”

"It can be seen that these things are all related to each other, and the only purpose should be the magic node of the Supreme Sanctuary!"

"This time, if you hadn't helped the New York sanctuary where the mages suffered heavy losses, then there might be bigger problems with the magic defense system covering the earth, instead of just being polluted by black magic as it is now..."

Mo Du's voice just fell.

Rorschach, who was wearing a diamond-shaped helmet, was silent for a moment.

He looked down at Modu through the eyepiece and continued to ask:

"Your enemy has launched an attack, so what about Master Gu Yi? Faced with such a major disaster that may even endanger the whole world, she should know about it? And, what about her?"

However, at this moment, there seemed to be slight hesitation between Mo Du's dark brows.

But in the end, he took a deep breath and told Rorschach the truth.

"Mr. Rorschach, this is the crux of everything."

"The backbone of Kama Taj, the ancient supreme mage Gu Yi is now missing..."

"This kind of situation is not common, at least since I followed the teacher to learn the way of the mage, I basically haven't seen it a few times."

In the face of Modu's words.

Rorschach leaned slightly while driving the Terminator armor.

The faint hum of electronic muscle bundles and servos echoed all around.

And his eyes also looked through the eyepiece, staring directly at Modu's dark face and asked:
"So, what about Karma Taj's many plans and plans for such events?"

"Don't tell me, you are unprepared for this. You are only learning spell knowledge and combat training on weekdays."

"Kama Taj's most important duty is to guard the three sanctuaries and protect the magic nodes from being destroyed by villains. In addition to the mages responsible for guarding, we have also prepared several combat teams to deal with various sudden supernatural events. "

"However, over the years, every time a supernatural event is encountered, the mages of the combat team suffer heavy casualties, and the training of the apprentices is very slow. After all, the knowledge of spells and spells is not something that can be learned overnight, so , the number of mages in Karma Taj has never been increased."

"In the past, when faced with such matters beyond our ability, Master Gu Yi usually solved them himself. The great reputation of the supreme mage is not accumulated by age and fame, but by killing!"

"Of course, when I was young, I also raised similar worries to my teacher, but the teacher always told me that fate has its own arrangements, and so does Kama Taj..."

"Mr. Luo Xia, if you want to ask how we should deal with this matter, then my suggestion is to hope that Master Gu Yi can return as soon as possible."

It seems that Rorschach's questioning inspired Modu's desire to complain.

He actually changed his old-fashioned and serious attitude.

He began to tell the truth to Rorschach.

And after listening to Modu's series of words.

Rorschach suddenly let out a sigh inside the diamond-shaped helmet.

He whispered in a low voice:
"A bunch of trash, no wonder Gu Yi got tired of it..."

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach drove the Terminator armor and stepped forward.

He lowered his head slightly, looked down at Modu who was close at hand, and said lightly:

"Mo Du, before Master Gu Yi returns, I will take over the command of your Karma Taj!"

"As the chief disciple of Karma Taj, do you have any opinion on this?"

"Uh, this..."

At this moment, Mo Du who heard Luo Xia's words was slightly taken aback.

Frowning subconsciously, his eyes were full of struggle and hesitation.

However, when his gaze inadvertently passed over the power gauntlet that Rorschach had clenched tightly at some point.

As well as the Ao monster machine guards and automatic machine bee queens that occasionally make metal collision sounds.

Mo Du suddenly took a deep breath.

His eyes also became firm instantly, staring at Rorschach's eyepiece with a solemn expression, gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr. Luo Xia, I am willing to take all responsibilities for this matter!"

"Also, I think that Karma Taj, which has not changed for thousands of years, should probably make some changes!"

"Very good, wise choice."

Rorschach, who was wearing a diamond-shaped helmet, nodded slightly.

He slowly loosened the clenched power gauntlet, and then raised the other metal palm covered with a ceramic steel shell.

Gently patted Modu's broad, muscular shoulders.
Looking down from the icy void.

A living planet with a blue appearance is slowly rotating.

This is the only home of native humans, the Earth.

At this moment, Master Gu Yi, who was suspended cross-legged in the icy void, slowly opened his closed eyes.

Strands of bright energy seemed to flash away from her deep pupils.

Immediately afterwards, a smile appeared between the corners of her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Master Gu Yi suddenly said to an illusory figure standing not far away:
"My older disciple, the fate of failure has completely changed. He even has the initial qualifications to compete for the supreme mage."

"Maybe in the past, I took care of too many things, which made them completely lose the opportunity to grow up."

"Zizizi... The fate of human beings must be in their own hands. This is an iron law that cannot be changed by everything in the universe... Zizizi."

At this moment, the noisy voice from that illusory figure in golden power armor seemed to be much clearer and coherent.

At first glance, even his huge power claw seemed much more real.

"Zizizi... So many times, the human species needs to face pressure to continue to grow...Zizizi."

"Asgard! Can you stop talking about these plausible truths with me! I just want to know when that damn Sithorn will come?"

At this moment, another old voice suddenly inserted into the conversation between Gu Yi and the phantom figure.

The next moment, God King Odin, who was holding Gungnir in his palm with thick knuckles, slightly opened his only remaining eye.

He stared at Gu Yi's bald head, and asked in a bad tone:
"Gu Yi, are you sure Sithorn will fall into this evil trick? Also, are you sure that its energy source can extend my lifespan?"

Gu Yi, who had always had a smile on his lips, frowned slightly.

Without looking back, she said:

"Maybe it will work, maybe it won't work at all...but you'll never know until you try."

"Moreover, everything went according to plan. Our new friend exerted his special power called 'psychic power' to infiltrate some of Sithorn's devout believers, and gradually led them to attack the Supreme Sanctuary. And sent out a bright beacon of black magic."

"According to my understanding, returning to the mortal world of the earth is what Sithorn, who was expelled by Agamotto, has been thinking about, and it has almost become his craziest obsession..."

"Ha...Odin, look, it's here!"

Gu Yi's voice just fell.

It is between the bright starry sky a hundred light-years away from here.

A dark phantom that seems to cover countless stars.

The huge invisible body that is slowly wriggling is rapidly attacking towards the direction of the earth!
In an instant, Odin, the god king with a solemn expression, subconsciously clenched the sure-shot gun Gungnir in his palm.

Master Gu Yi, with a half-smile expression, shook his slender fingers a few times.

The Eye of Agamotto hanging on her chest was quickly opened, emitting a crystal clear green light outward!

Even the phantom figure in the golden power armor slowly raised that incomparably huge power claw.

In the next second, a powered long sword burning with golden flames slowly appeared in his palm!

 thanks for your support!

  In fact, I think the emperor's diplomatic ability is very strong, but it's a bit of a pull... hee hee

(End of this chapter)

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