Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 294 Terra is still calm today!

Chapter 294 Terra is still calm today!
Rorschach is not trying to capture Karma Taj.

At least when Master Gu Yi was still alive.

He will not choose to be so.

It was a conversation with Modu that made him accidentally discover the present Earth.

Faced with ancient guys like Dimensional Demon God, they are so vulnerable.

Even the components of the so-called magic defense system are just three supreme sanctuaries that can be easily invaded by people.

Even the guardian mages are not only insufficient in quality, but also insufficient in quantity.

Even if it is because native spells follow the law of equivalent exchange.

As a result, the more powerful the spell, the greater the cost of casting it.

But the Karma Taj mages who specialize in close combat never seemed to think about it.

Since the beginning of the industrial age, firearms have been the most convenient lethal weapons on earth.

Why didn't anyone make magical artifacts into guns or even more deadly weapons?

And faced with Rorschach's little question.

Mordo seemed to be in a stunned state.

But then, he also frowned slightly and began to think.

Yes, why is this?

Could it be that physical damage is almost useless against supernatural beings?
But only supernatural beings that are very powerful, or born that way, are immune to physical damage.

There are also quite a few supernatural creatures that can be completely wiped out with melee weapons alone!
Even those supernatural monsters that can only be harmed by magic tools and spells.

Wouldn't it be nice if we just turn guns and bullets into magic weapons?
Even if the cost of making a magic weapon is still much higher.

But it's more cost-effective than casting spells for a long time, right?

At this moment, Mo Du's eyes gradually brightened.

He seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

And Rorschach naturally knew nothing about it.

He just contacted Iron Man David through the communication device.

Ask the other party to propose a batch of carapace and laser weapons, as well as heavy logging guns and ammunition supplies.

Afterwards, Rorschach pondered for a moment.

He ordered Iron Man David to command more automatic servo robots to organize the materials and equipment of the base.

The overseas relocation plan was launched in advance.

If the time comes, the big phantom really descends and invades.

And the local powerhouses like Master Gu Yi can't show up to stop it.

Then, Rorschach will let Reditus loosen the restrictions and create an endless army of intelligent control.

Gain breathing time for the future of mankind.

Until he uses the simulator to become powerful enough, or obtains a killer weapon capable of killing gods.

Of course, all of this is the worst scenario.

Rorschach didn't want things to develop to such an extent either.

He will do his best so far.

So, for the next period of time.

Except for the guardian mages who are still stationed in the other two sanctuaries.

There were only more than [-] masters of Karma Taj and their apprentices gathered in the Sanctuary in New York.

Rorschach equipped everyone with carapace and laser weapons.

At the same time, he also took out a heavy logging gun and some ordinary firearms.

Rorschach's only requirement for them is.

First let them learn the orders and prohibitions on the battlefield, and be familiar with weapons and equipment.

Then let these official mages start to cast spells that sublimate ordinary items into magic weapons on firearms and weapons like assembly line workers.

Because it is too late to re-manufacture new firearms.

Therefore, Modu and Wang found a kind of black magic that can be said to be completely tricky from the library of Master Gu Yi.

The price is that those weapons and equipment sublimated into magic weapons can only last for a short period of time before they will be completely destroyed and disappeared.

However, for Rorschach, this is just a means to make the best use of everything.

He can't afford it either.

After about twenty-four hours.

More than two hundred mages and apprentices are thoroughly familiar with the orders and prohibitions on the battlefield by virtue of their physical fitness far beyond ordinary people.

Forty-eight hours later.

The first batch of firearms and instruments that can last for about half a month were successfully released.

However, seventy-two hours later.

Master Gu Yi with the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest suddenly appeared in front of everyone with a smile on his face.

She announced a very important news to Rorschach and others.

That is the Great Shadow Sithorn.

If no miracle happens.

Then basically it won't come again.
Facing Rorschach's act of becoming the leader of Karma Taj without authorization.

Gu Yifei didn't have any resentment.

Instead, he hinted to Rorschach inside and outside the words.

Ask him if he is interested in becoming the Supreme Mage.

Rorschach naturally had no interest in this.

Especially after he knew how weak and hard the local mages were.

Even the slightest curiosity was snuffed out.

In fact, the next supreme mage is still locked in the underground base by him.

When Gu Yi personally agrees, he will be given an equal return.

Rorschach, with an indifferent expression, immediately drove the Terminator armor back to the underground base with the Intellectual Control Legion.

Today's underground base seems to be much empty.

At least the autonomous servo robots, which have been coming and going endlessly, have joined the base's relocation plan.

It basically didn't appear on the first floor of the base.

The first thing Rorschach met was Jessica in a set of battle nun power armor.

Even if the power armor is not light.

But Jessica can still levitate and fly in mid-air with superpowers.

At this moment, the smiling Jessica expressed her thanks to Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't say much, but just encouraged Jessica a few words.

At the same time, he let Jessica continue to lead the gang dogs to guard the underground base.

Until the end of the relocation plan for the entire base.

Immediately afterwards, Rorschach casually recruited a group of Ao monster machine guards who hadn't left yet.

Let them help dismantle the Terminator armor.

Not long after, Rorschach, who finished eating a lot, returned to the lounge.

He slowly closed his eyelids, which had never been closed for several days, and fell asleep.

I don't know how long has passed.

Luo Xia, who was in a deep sleep, suddenly woke up.

He blinked first, then lay in a daze for a while on the cold metal bed.

Then the whole person sat up slowly.

"I remember that I haven't had a dream for a long time, why did I suddenly have such a real dream?"

Rorschach narrowed his eyes slightly.

He muttered to himself.

It seemed like an incomparably real dream.

Three powerful lights and shadows with completely different energy colors are fighting side by side.

They repeatedly rushed forward to a dark phantom that was so huge that it could be measured in light years.

Until the opponent's nearly majestic power gradually weakened, there was no longer any way to resist.

The three of them who completely tore apart the huge body of the pitch-black phantom began to devour the surging energy scattered by each other!

And the whole weird dream seemed to end there.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was sitting cross-legged on the metal boat, was puzzled.

In the end, he vaguely guessed something and just sighed slowly.

Rorschach lay back on the metal bed again, planning to continue sleeping for a while.

But then, without any sleepiness, he chose to turn on the simulator.

"The water in the local universe is also deep. Perhaps the more you know, the less courageous you will be... Let's proceed with my simulation in peace."

"This time it should be a simulation of the item, I hope the emperor will bless you..."

 thanks for your support!

  Writing about Marvel is a bit annoying, so change your mind and write about Warhammer!

(End of this chapter)

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