Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 403 Lord Cypher: Bearing the Primarch Sword, Two Guns to Debate Loyalty and Traitor!

Chapter 403 Lord Cypher: Bearing the Primarch Sword, Two Guns to Debate Loyalty and Traitor! (ten)
[Azure blue plasma balls and exploding bombs continuously bombarded the tall body of the Haemonculi. 】

【The light armor used by the other party to set off the exquisite curves splashed countless resin fragments, and at the same time instantly aroused the unique flickering force field of the Dark Eldar. 】

[The illusory light and shadow make Haemonculi's tall body flicker very slowly, as if it will disappear from your field of vision in the next second. 】

[Unfortunately, you who are in the 'bullet time' can easily distinguish any movement of the other party. 】

【You didn't give the Haemonculus more chances to struggle. 】

【You took advantage of the moment when the 'bullet time' was about to end, and pulled a melta bomb from the waist of the power armor. 】

[After you started it casually, you immediately threw it at the opponent's feet. 】

【You quickly stepped on the ground repeatedly with two magnetic boots, and drove the power armor backwards. 】


[Wait until the invisible 'bullet time' covering the surrounding area completely disappears. 】

[The Haemonculi, whose light armor was covered with damage and wounds, subconsciously let out an angry roar in your direction, and the remaining four arms also pulled out a few guns or melee weapons from behind their backs. 】

[However, at this time, the terrifying high temperature that erupted from the ground under the opponent's crotch completely gasified Haemonculi's tall figure almost in the blink of an eye, and completely evaporated. 】


[At this moment, the four-handed snake bodyguard whose only client was accidentally killed seemed to have suffered a huge shock and stimulation. 】

【They made ear-piercing hisses like whistles one after another, and even Clive's broadsword, which was waving back and forth in the palm of his hand, became more terrifying every time he swung it. 】

[Thirteen are repeatedly fighting with the three snake bodyguards to kill the Dark Angels, and they could have used their power swords and flexible steps to parry frequently. 】

[But with the death of the Haemonculus, several dark angels were divided into two by the four-handed snake man who became more and more violent, together with the power armor, and they were split into two halves! 】

[You glanced at the battle situation indifferently, and didn't step forward to provide any support. 】

【You slowly put away the double guns in your palm, and took advantage of the opportunity to draw out the wide power sword from the back of the power pack. 】

[You drove the power armor with a blank face, and launched a ruthless killing of countless remaining dark spirits on the battlefield. 】

[A few minutes later, the Dark Eldar warriors on the battlefield were basically dead or injured. 】

[Dark Angels who still have the ability to fight are only seven Astartes left, and there are only two violent dead hand snakemen left. 】

【You flicked the blood on the edge of the broad power sword casually. 】

【You suddenly changed the direction of attack, driving the power armor to charge towards the two sides in the fight. 】

【You tightly held the wide power sword in your palm, and quickly approached the back of a violent four-handed snake man. 】

[You took advantage of the great opportunity when the other party was slashing a dark angel madly, two magnetic boots stomped on the ground and jumped up. 】

[The sharp blade that inspired the azure blue disintegration force field slashed at the flat head of the four-handed snake man without hesitation. 】


[Accompanied by a slight sound, a snake-man's head rose into the sky in an instant, and the headless tall body fell heavily to the front, almost crushing a scarred dark angel. 】

【At the same time, you who just landed quickly pulled out the plasma pistol from your waist, and without hesitation, pulled the trigger one after another at the violent snake man who changed the direction of attack. 】

[Wait until the four-handed snake man wielding Clive's broadsword finally arrives in front of you. 】

[Every part of the other party's body has been covered with plasma burns and the tragic injuries that penetrated through the past, and finally fell headfirst in front of your magnetic boots. 】

[At this moment, the entire battlefield seems to be completely quiet. 】

[Only those dark angels who are still standing still, the breathing valves in front of their helmets occasionally make subtle sounds. 】

【'What are you waiting for? !He is a 'fallen angel' ah!And the most important Lord Cypher!Let him repent in pain!Do your duty! 'The crazy roar from Asmodai resounded all around instantly. 】

[The silent dark angels are like activated robots, waving the power weapons in their palms and rushing towards you. 】

【You are not surprised by this, nor have you experienced any emotional fluctuations. 】

【You quickly raised the broad power sword, and easily withstood the forceful slash of a power sword. 】

[Afterwards, you took advantage of the opportunity to push away the opponent's power sword, and the blade wrapped in the disintegrating force field slammed on the opponent's ceramic steel breastplate. 】

【You haven't completely killed the Dark Angel in front of you. 】

[You just temporarily incapacitated the opponent with your exquisite fighting techniques. 】

[You drive the power armor forward, and during this period, the dark angels who are bravely stepping forward have been severely injured and incapacitated. 】

【There is always only one target for you right now, and that is Asmodai, who keeps screaming madly and swooping towards you with his power sword. 】

【You immediately lowered your power armor and launched a short-range charge towards the opponent. 】

[While the rapidly rising power sword swung away the opponent's weapon, the thick shoulder armor hit heavily in front of Asmodai's ceramic steel breastplate. 】

[In an instant, Asmodai groaned under the dark green helmet, staggered and fell to the ground behind him! 】

[However, wait until the opponent just knelt down on one knee, trying to stand up and fight back. 】

【The wide power sword you swung again has landed on the opponent's tall body. 】


【Accompanied by a fierce roar that resounded all around, a thick arm wrapped in ceramic steel armor rolled and rose into the air. 】

[The next moment, with the continuous waving of the wide power sword in your palm. 】

【Asmodai's other thick arm also left his tall body in an instant, and fell towards the ground. 】

【You stepped forward with a blank face, and under the angry gaze of the rest of the seriously injured dark angels, you chopped off Asmodai's two thick thighs again. 】

【You actually turned the opponent into an Astartes stick lying on the ground wriggling and howling repeatedly! 】

【"Fallen angel! Kill me quickly! Why don't you kill me!" Asmodai let out a crazy roar of anger. 】

【You hold the wide power sword with blood dripping from the blade with a blank face, and stand in place. 】

【You looked down at the extremely painful Asmodai, and said without mercy: "Death? Asmodai, just rely on what you have done in the inner ring, don't think that you can return to the throne, Ryan will also Shame on you!"]

【"Did you feel it yourself? Pain? Anger? This is the most common feeling of those human civilians who are suffering and the friendly forces trapped by your inner ring, and I just let you experience it temporarily."】

【"Moreover, I will not kill you, I will let you enter the fearless mecha, and lock this pain into eternal torture!"】

【You slightly tilted the white hood, revealing your face to Asmodai in front of you. 】

【"Remember this face, and I welcome you to come to me for revenge at any time... Even, I hope you will fall into chaos as soon as possible, so that the next time you kill you will be justified, Asmodai!" 】

【"It's you! You turned out to be Lord Cypher? How is this possible? It's impossible—"】

[Asmodai, who was speaking more and more frantically, writhed his mutilated body on the ground like a wriggling caterpillar. 】

【You once again looked up and glanced at the dark angels around you, a cold smile appeared on the corner of your mouth. 】

【Then, without looking back, you carried the heavily bandaged Lion King Sword on your back, and drove the power armor towards the still open webway gate. 】

【Accompanied by Asmodai's wails and curses one after another. 】

[You casually took out a netway crystal ball from the Spirit Race from the time-space crystal, and held it in front of you. 】

[You carefully modified the transmission coordinates of the webway gate according to the established ceremony and corresponding gestures given to you by the old Professor Cypher. 】


[Wait until the constantly rotating circular webway gate makes a low humming sound again. 】

[You drove the power armor without hesitation, and with a broad power sword in your palm, you stepped into the completely unknown inner space of the webway gate. 】

【Your tall back completely disappeared in front of the Dark Angel. 】

[The webway gate above the battlefield also slowly closed, and finally disappeared completely. 】

【"The emperor is above, the webway is really fucking big..."】

[Shortly after, you, who were lamenting the spectacular scene in the webway space, couldn't help but frowned. 】

[You seem to hear the faint roar of a motorcycle engine in your ears! 】

【You subconsciously clenched the wide power sword in your palm, looking for the direction of the sound. 】

[Now you, the lord of Cypher, are about to embark on a legendary journey that belongs to you. 】

【And you are still alive...】

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  This time the simulation is over.

(End of this chapter)

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