Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 404 Assault Commander·Heavy Combat Exoskeleton!

Chapter 404 Assault Centurion·Heavy Combat Exoskeleton!

[This simulation is over, it took 240 five days. 】

[The retainable options obtained in this simulation are as follows. 】

[[-]. Sword of the Lion King (primitive body)]

[Note: "This is a melee weapon used by Primarch Ryan Johnson during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. Legend has it that it was forged on Terra by a weapon craftsman serving the Emperor himself."]

[Note: "The Sword of the Lion King is a power sword. Its blade exudes a faint light. Whenever it cuts off any object, a mysterious flame can burst out from the sword of the Lion King, igniting everything in front of it. .”]

[Note: "The broken sword of the Lion King was once reforged by the six-winged commander Hoguin and returned to the Primarch Ryan Johnson. Now, as Lord Cypher, you hold this powerful Primarch weapon." 】

[Note: "Anyone who is disrespectful or unforgivable touches the sword of the Lion King without authorization, will be dragged into a mysterious and real illusion, and a blurry figure like a roaring lion will launch a terrifying duel to the enemy, Until the opponent releases the sword of the Lion King."]

[Note: "'You are already, dead!' The vague figure suspected to be the spirit in the sword put his hands on his shoulders and said coldly."]

[[-]. Dark Angel's Revenge Land Speeder (Normal)]

[Note: "The Revenge Land Speeder is a rare variant of the Land Speeder, currently only used by the Dark Angels and its sub-groups."]

[Note: "The Vengeance Land Speeder is the main vehicle used by the Dark Angels to hunt down the 'Fallen Angels'. It is equipped with four engines that are far larger than ordinary speed boats, and the flying vehicles of the plasma storm cannon can completely deal with the absolute Most of the battle scenes."]

[Note: "The STC and related information about the Vengeance Land Speeder are strictly sealed by the First Legion, and even the Mechanic Order has no knowledge of it."]

[Note: "What? The extremely precious Rand speed attack boat STC? Where is it?!" The great sages of the Mechanic Order shouted overjoyed. 】

[[-]. Salamander Assault Centurion Heavy Combat Exoskeleton (Seiko)]

[Note: "This is an assault centurion heavy-duty combat exoskeleton from the Salamander Chapter. The combat exoskeleton equipped with a siege drill weapon will become a humanoid tank that will completely scare the enemy and the fortifications."】

[Note: "Assault Centurion Heavy Combat Exoskeleton can be equipped with melta weapons, flamethrowers or storm bolters, and any weapons you want to install."】

[Note: "The Assault Centurion of this Salamander is a heavy-duty combat exoskeleton that Old Cypher accidentally stole from the Blood Ravens. Unfortunately, the opponent who lacks the assistance of a machine servant has never worn it once."]

[Note: "Power armor? It's long outdated! Heavy mechs are the romance of Astartes!" A Centurion user from the Ultramarines Chapter gave a positive review. 】

[This simulation has ended, and the consumption is one throne coin. 】

[The current number of throne coins held: zero. 】

[The resources for the next simulation are insufficient, please obtain supplements in time. 】

[Do you want to go directly to the support prayer page? 】

The simulation gradually came to an end, and Rorschach quickly came to his senses.

He blinked some dry eyes, and began to carefully look at the text and labels on the simulator page.

"You actually inherited the title of Lord Cypher? Did you survive?"

"Tsk, I thought we would get the black technology heritage of the golden age of space-time crystals... Even if we can't research anything, the value of the collection alone is inestimable!"

"I feel that if all the procedures are running smoothly, I can exchange a Queen of Glory class battleship from the Mechanic Order, right?"

"Of course, the greater possibility is that a large group of Adeptus Mechanicus fleets lead countless cathars and intelligent control legions to round up Lord Cypher, which is much more terrifying than the Dark Angels."

"But speaking of it, this is the second simulated body that survived, right?"

Rorschach, with flickering eyes, rubbed his chin subconsciously, and muttered to himself:

"If there are enough surviving simulated bodies in the future, can I ask the other party to help me when I perform support tasks?"

"The possibility cannot be said to be non-existent, but it is very low. There is no concept of time and space in the subspace, but the other party may not be at the same time as me. Forget it, let's talk about it if we can meet."

Rorschach turned his attention back to the rewards of the simulator.

Among them, the most valuable one is of course the Sword of the Lion King.

Whether it is used as a token for summoning the Dark Angels or as a Primarch weapon, it is an excellent choice.

But the dark angels' inner circle borders on heresy in bad behavior.

It also gave Rorschach a very dissatisfied first impression.

"If there is a chance, I must rectify the inner circle of the Dark Angels. These guys' obsession with 'Fallen Angels' is almost depraved, and they have completely forgotten the duties of the Astartes and the philosophy of the Emperor..."

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, thought blankly.

Afterwards, he shook his head and gave up the Lion Sword.

Slowly set his sights on the Vengeance Land Speeder.

It's a pity, if what is in front of you is the STC template of the Vengeance Land Speeder.

Even if Luo Xia gave up the Sword of the Lion King, he would choose this reward without hesitation.

Today there is only one Vengeance Land Speeder.

To Luo Xia, it was like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away.

Therefore, in the end Rorschach chose the Assault Centurion who could enhance the team's overall combat capability.

After Rorschach pressed the reward option casually.


Accompanied by a low humming sound shaking the air.

A heavy-duty combat exoskeleton with a height of nearly four meters and a weight of more than ten tons floated in front of Luo Xia out of thin air, and landed heavily on the metal floor!
Rorschach, who was sitting cross-legged on the metal bed, immediately got up and came closer.

He slightly raised his neck, looked at the combat exoskeleton, and at the same time reached out to caress the thick ceramic steel armor that was cold to the touch.

"I don't know if Reditus and Doom can transform this thing into an automatic mode that is easier to wear... If they can't figure it out, maybe they can try it with Tony. After all, the design of a combat exoskeleton Ideas and casting structures are probably more useful to him than any favors."

Not long after, a smiling Rorschach opened the door to the private room.

After he glanced left and right, he raised his hand to greet two teams of passing autonomous servo robots.

"Send this thing to Reditus's foundry, and I will also tell them the idea of ​​transformation through the communication channel... Everyone, be careful, this thing is too heavy, don't crush yourself to death. "


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(End of this chapter)

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