Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 617 Crow and Shadow: Damocles Bay

The outskirts of the Hive Capital of Agreland.

Numerous explosion flames and gunpowder smoke filled the air.

The azure blue beams of the ion weapons continued to pass through the dirty air, and fiercely bombarded the fortifications of the imperial troops that were on the verge of collapse.

At the same time, with the powerful fire bombardment brought by the 'Manta Ray' gunboats that continuously dived at low altitude.

Among the burning wreckage of the Leman Rus tanks that were scattered all over the battlefield.

Manta ray troop carriers loaded with Fire Clan warriors were making their final push towards the broken defenses around the hive capital.

At this moment, many bunker fortifications that have been lost are inside.

A large number of Kroots armed with earthen weapons are now under the leadership of Guvisa, that is, the Human Titanium Association Army, and they are engaged in brutal and bloody melee fights with mortal warriors who are almost close at hand.

Even though nearly two-thirds of the imperial guards on the entire front were affected by many factors such as the failure of the commander-in-chief and the collapse of morale, there were continuous routs.

However, there are still quite a few hard bones still loyal to the empire and the emperor, using their remaining combat power to launch a fierce counterattack against the aliens and traitors who are constantly pouring in.

chi chi chi-

Inside many dimly lit bunker lanes.

The deadly roar from the hellgun continued to sound, and countless scorching beams penetrated the fragile bodies of the Tie Alliance Army one after another, blocking their continuous advancement.

After the number of the Tau Alliance army decreased rapidly, more Kroots opened their beak-like sharp mouths one after another. They waved their melee weapons and launched a fierce surprise attack on the mortal warriors who were still stubbornly resisting.

Not long after, most of the bunker fortifications outside the hive capital were occupied by the enemy one by one.

Even in a small part of the bunker, the mortal warriors fought hard to complete the counter-kill against the Kroot with their steely will to fight.

However, the large number of Fire Clan fighters and the drones floating in mid-air that broke into the position later also caused the mortal fighters to die on the completely collapsed front.

Now, as time goes on, this defensive battle to guard the human hive is about to lose.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, accompanied by thick smoke and dust filling the battlefield, and the sound of heavy footsteps echoing around.

From a hidden location on the flank of the battlefield, a group of Astartes wearing black and white Terminator armor suddenly rushed out.

They wield bolters that burst out with deafening roars.

He pushed the power armor with all his strength, and launched an incomparably fierce assault charge towards batches of Fire Clan fighters who were attacking.

And another group of Astartes squads wearing black cross burqas also quickly rushed into the defense line of the lost bunker, temporarily taking on the blocking force to delay the advance of the opponent's front line.

At the same time, there was a buzzing sound from the metal ten rings.

A tall figure in pale gold powered armor was like a missile rising from the ground.

Quickly launched a terrifying flight attack towards the 'manta ray' gunboats that were still soaring back and forth in mid-air and were more threatening!

The opponent's whole body was like a golden cannonball that had just been fired, forcibly smashing through several 'manta ray' gunboats that had no time to dodge in the air.

Afterwards, among a large number of falling metal fragments, as well as one after another explosion flames.

The opponent suddenly drew a very eye-catching flight path in the air, and continued to attack the surrounding air vehicles!

At this moment, the sudden Astartes reinforcements were naturally Rorschach and the others who had just arrived near the Hive Battlefield.

In an instant, Rorschach successfully penetrated another 'Manta Ray' gunboat by virtue of the indestructible defensive characteristics of the vibranium power armor.

In the next second, he, who was suspended in the air, shook his skull helmet slightly.

The line of sight that scanned back and forth had already passed through a large number of metal wreckages that kept falling from the side, and completely overlooked the battle situation on the entire battlefield.

Today, the defensive front of the empire has been completely lost.

If it hadn't been for the Lamenters and the Astartes of the Black Templar to take on the defensive task, a large number of Fire Clan fighters would have already arrived under the Hive Capital.

However, without the support of heavy firepower and vehicles, the Astartes could not last long in the face of the enemy's fierce offensive.

At the same time, Rorschach also noticed that a large number of evacuation ships of the Star Forces were rapidly landing towards the interior of Agreland's hive capital against the harassment and surprise attacks of the Tau battle uniform formation.

"It seems that the commander of the hive capital has issued an order to abandon the hive capital and evacuate all."

"Everyone listen to my order, the battle plan has changed, the defensive task has been changed to a cover retreat, and the target direction is the entrance of the Hive Capital!"

At this moment, Rorschach, whose thoughts were spinning, gave the order to evacuate without any hesitation.

He also quickly gave up on aerial entanglements with the resurfacing 'Manta Ray' gunships and more Tau battlesuits.

Luo Xia turned the direction he was facing, quickly controlled the propulsion device behind the power armor, and quickly flew towards the sky above the hive capital.

Soon after, there was a fierce whistling piercing through the air and the roaring sound of the magnetic boots stepping heavily into the ground.

Rorschach, who was wearing power armor, landed on the ground at the entrance of the hive capital.

At the same time, mortal warriors holding laser weapons quickly stretched their upper bodies out of the fortifications, aiming firmly at Rorschach's tall body.

Immediately afterwards, many Raven Guards who quickly emerged from the shadows with tall figures also galloped towards him!

In the next second, under the slightly dull eyes of a large number of mortal fighters.

These Raven Guards wearing black power armor almost knelt down on one knee in front of Rorschach without any hesitation, and low-pitched excited words came from inside the metal helmet.

"All Astartes of the Raven Guard welcome the return of Lord Corax! Since you left, we have never let go of your great ideas!"

"To be honest, I am not the Raven King himself, I am just one of his Primarch brothers. Who is your current commander? Let him come to see me immediately!"

At this moment, Rorschach, whose skull helmet quickly squirmed back, revealed his bronzed face in front of everyone.

With a calm expression, he said loudly to the Raven Guards who fell silent.

In an instant, these Raven Guards repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the blood connection between themselves and the strange Primarch.

Confused, they subconsciously got up from the ground.

Then he led Rorschach into the hive capital very respectfully, and at the same time secretly initiated a communication with the Raven Guard's battlefield commander.

A few minutes later, a tall, pale figure with furrowed brows drove the power armor, hurriedly passed through a large number of retreating mortal troops, and arrived in front of Rorschach.

"Captain of the Raven Guard, Severax sees this... Lord Primarch!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who stared deeply at the other party, did not ask the Chapter Leader too much.

He quickly adjusted his thoughts and asked the other party about the follow-up arrangements for the evacuation plan.

And the Chapter Master of the Raven Guard has repeatedly restrained the natural worship of the Primarch by the Gene Children.

However, he only hesitated a little.

Still revealed the specific situation to Rorschach, an unfamiliar Primarch.

Not long ago, he had ordered the Shadow Company Commander to lead a large number of Raven Guards to launch sneak attacks on the major offensive lines of the Tau.

The purpose is also to buy more time for the retreat of the imperial side.

As the saying goes, the defeat is like a mountain.

Now that the morale of the mortal warriors on the Imperial side has completely collapsed, the Raven Guard is not the kind of Astartes Chapter who makes mortals die for them.

Simply, the best choice is to evacuate the remaining troops from the hive battlefield first and regroup.

thanks for your support!
The Lion King is up—

i guessed right lol

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