Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 618 Crow and Shadow: Damocles Bay!

Over time.

One after another, the astral army evacuation ships carrying a large number of remnants of the empire gradually rose towards the sky above the hive capital.

And many Thunderhawk transport planes from the Raven Guard also carried the Astartes and quickly evacuated towards the sky.

Not long after, as more and more 'Sunshark' bombers arrived over the hive capital, they launched continuous fire bombing.

It also completely announced the fact that Agreland's hive was completely lost, and the human side unfortunately retreated.

And above the orbit of the planet.

The mixed fleets of the Raven Guard and the White Scars, as well as the Imperial Navy, are engaged in an even more intense battle with the massive fleet of the Tau.

Wait until a large number of evacuated ships and Thunderhawk transport planes successfully return to the fleet.

The mixed fleet on the human side quickly got rid of the continuous entanglement of the Tau fleet, and launched a breakout operation into the depths of the icy void without looking back.
The Avenger battle barge.

The interior of an ancient temple with a colossal statue of Corax the Raven King.

Rorschach, who was wearing pale gold power armor, had just met with all the Raven Guards, and successfully reached a consensus that both sides benefited.

The Raven Guard recognized Rorschach's identity as the Primarch.

And Rorschach will lead them to continue fighting in the name of the No.20 two original bodies and the brothers of the Raven King.

"Master Primarch, all your Terminator guards have evacuated to the ships of the White Scars. Their third company commander, the hunting master Khosaro Khan, also welcomes the arrival of Lord Primarch. However, from the Black Templar Ten of our battle brothers were unfortunately killed and sacrificed due to the rear mission, and only half of their gene seeds were recovered, and the rest of the battle brothers basically evacuated to our ship."

At this moment, Severax, head of the Raven Guard, said to Rorschach with a solemn expression.

And Rorschach, who was listening attentively, pondered for a moment.

His eyes fell on the pale face of the Chapter Leader, and he said in a deep voice:

"Severax, do you have any thoughts on the failure of this hive battle?"

"Master Primarch, it's not that I want to shirk my responsibility and make sophistry, but when our Raven Guard arrived on the battlefield, the local imperial commanders had given up their belief in fighting, and those traitors who had defected to the alien side Familiar with various defense facilities, even if you switch to another battle group, it may not be able to turn the whole battle situation over."

At this moment, Severax seemed to take a deep breath.

Facing the questioning of the Primarch, he slowly expressed his opinion.

"Moreover, the unfortunate loss of this important portal world leading to the Dorval galaxy now means that the defense forces of the entire galaxy will gradually react and come to provide us with more support. Coupled with the existence of Lord Primarch, We will surely regain what we lost!"

"Very good, I hope you can maintain this fighting spirit."

"Now, take me to the bridge, I want the Raven Guard to contact all the imperial forces that can come, and regain the command authority of this war!"

Rorschach, who narrowed his eyes, stared at the Chapter Leader in front of him.

He ordered to the other party without any hesitation.

And with the chapter leader Severax slowly moving his head.

The other party quickly activated the power armor and led the Primarch towards the outside of the ancient palace.
The fall of Agreland, the hive world.

Indeed, to a certain extent, the war council on the human side fell into an uncontrollable state of anger.

Thus, a general lord from Cadia led a large Cadian guard.

Together with a knight family and a lot of Liberty Blades, with the assistance of more Adeptus Mechanics ships, they joined the counterattack against the Tau invasion.

At the same time, Rorschach, who successfully obtained the command authority of the Raven Guard Fleet and the White Scar Fleet, also arrived at an important node of the Tau's next attack.

This is a mineral world called Prefetia.

And there is only one planetary fortress stationed on this planet, which has not been exploited on a large scale.

There are a large number of precious minerals that are enough to support the progress of the tau's conquest.

Therefore, it has become an important place on the planet that the Tau expeditionary force led by the Tau commander 'Shadow Sun' and the ether 'Andu' must capture.

Thus, after the mighty Tau fleet successfully occupied the hive world.

They quickly launched a series of fierce attacks on Prefitia and the surrounding planets.

However, Rorschach, who originally wanted to organize a large-scale imperial fleet to launch a counterattack, did not fully obtain the command authority of all imperial forces.

Even if Severax, the head of the Raven Guard Chapter, vouched for the reputation of the founding Chapter, Rorschach's identity as the Primarch is absolutely no problem.

But only the Chapter Astartes, including the White Scars, are willing to believe this statement.

As for the war council of this galaxy, the reason is that it cannot identify the identity of the original body.

They continued to launch a series of wars with the Tau in accordance with their war plan.

In this regard, Rorschach can only lead the two Astartes battle groups of the Raven Guard and the White Scars.

Started the ambush and hunt for the Tau ether 'Andu' alone.


The near-earth defense platform above the orbit of the mineral planet continuously burst out laser beams, shooting towards the depths of the cold void.

And the terrifying light spears and space torpedoes from the Raven Guard fleet also continuously bombarded several Tau hero-class cruisers.

The constant threat of fire forced them to move their huge metal hulls to minimize more direct damage.

At the same time, a white-scarred strike cruiser successfully penetrated the gap between the Tau fleet with its excellent advancing speed.

A landing assault craft equipped with Astartes and jumping torpedoes quickly launched a large-scale jumping battle towards the Tau ships.

And slowly over time.

A hero-class cruiser was completely paralyzed by repeated attacks from within, and after losing its shield system, it was completely torn into a large number of metal wreckages floating around by the saturation attack of the Astartes fleet.

However, at this time, several Orca-class transport planes of the Tau tribe successfully entered the icy void just before the Hero-class cruiser was about to explode, and landed rapidly towards the surface of the mineral planet.

Immediately, the low-pitched roar of the hunting master Khosaro Khan sounded on the communication channel from the Astartes jumping troops.

"Everyone listen to me, the Tau's aether is inside one of the Orca-class transport planes! Can't let it get away!"

"Master Primarch! Raven Guard! The next battle is up to you!"

In the next second, with the end of Korsaro Khan's words that have not yet dissipated.

Just above the flight deck of the battle barge Revenge.

A Thunderhawk transport plane full of Astartes quickly lifted into the sky, rushing towards the interior of the icy void one after another!
These Raven Guard who suffered the shadow of the defeat of the battle.

Under the personal leadership of Primarch Rorschach, the shame of the past will be washed away with the blood of the Tau ether!

thanks for your support!
Ah, why is Guilliman's Smurf pulling so hard.

Even if it is original casting, without the combat experience comparable to that of a veteran, you can't give it like this against Tyron, right?Not even a basic battle formation.

As for the brain worms of the think tank, I will not talk about it. Even the protagonist in our book has to rely on the hardness of the vibrating armor to play close combat with them.

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