Destiny Only Han

Chapter 1025 Lu Yu: Husband and wife are birds of the same forest.

Changqiu Hall.

Liu Ying woke up following her biological clock.

She felt like her body was being hollowed out... Liu Ying stared at the morning light outside the window and was slightly stunned.

Beside him, Lu Yu curled up into a ball like a lazy cat, dreaming of something, muttering something incomprehensible.

Liu Ying laughed silently, immediately closed her eyes and began to pretend to sleep.

Without him, there was a patter of footsteps outside the bedroom and the sound of palace people calling 'Prince'.

It was obvious that Liu Yan was here.



Liu Yan poked his head around and found no one was answering him, then ran to the bed and shouted again: "Mother, get up, didn't you say you want to run with me in the morning from today?"

"Hurry up!"

"Get up soon!"

But what he answered was deathly silence.

Liu Ying pretended not to hear anything and continued to pretend to be asleep, but more importantly, Liu Yan did not call his name.

After all, it was Lu Yu who said at dinner last night that he should lead by example and go for a morning run with Liu Yan every morning!
Liu Yan shouted a few more times. Seeing that his mother was still asleep, he couldn't help but recall how Lu Yu usually woke him up.

Big mouth!

So, he stretched out his hand and gestured on Lu Yu's face.

At this moment, the rising sun slanted in from the window and shone on Lu Yu's flawless face, which made her look breakable and her skin was like jade.

Liu Yan was stunned for a moment.

After all, at that age, he is most obsessed with his mother and alienated from his father. More importantly, in the heart of a child, his mother has a much higher status than his father!

More importantly, his mother is so hot and beautiful!

Therefore, Liu Yan silently walked around the bed, walked to Liu Ying's side, and raised his palm high.

Well, he planned to wake up Liu Ying first, and then let Liu Ying wake up Lu Yu.


But Liu Ying was pretending to sleep at the moment.

Little bastard...Liu Ying opened her eyes before the big cock bag hit her in the face, pretending to have just woken up: "Huh? Why are you here?"

Liu Yan was overjoyed.

Now, there is no need for him to wake up Liu Ying!

So, he said in a childish voice: "The queen mother promised that she would go for a morning run with me in the morning...but she still doesn't wake up!"

Then you slapped her, why did you slap me... Liu Ying scratched her head and asked: "Then shouldn't you wake her up? Why are you on my side?"

Liu Yan scratched his head.

How dare he tell Liu Ying that he was going to wake Liu Ying up with his big mouth first, and then ask Liu Ying to call Lu Yu?

Therefore, he forced out a silly smile: "Hey hey hey..."

This baby is useless... Liu Ying was speechless.

Liu Yan looked at Liu Ying eagerly: "Father, please help me wake up the queen... She said she wanted to go for a morning jog with me!"

This is the legendary shooting oneself in the foot... Liu Ying asked curiously: "How can you wake up so early at your age?"

Liu Yan smiled triumphantly.

He pointed to the door: "It was Ru Huangbao and Xue Julu who woke me up!"

Liu Ying was confused and asked: "Who?"

Liu Yan stamped his feet and pointed hard at the door: "These are the two big dogs I raise! Ruhuangbao has yellow patches on his body, and Xuezhalu is a black dog, with only its belly and paws white!"

Liu Ying suddenly realized.

He smiled and said: "In other words, if the dog wakes you up, you come over and wake up your mother?"

Liu Yan nodded heavily.

Liu Ying's face was full of understanding.

After all, dogs are different from cats. They have to be taken out for a walk every day, especially since Liu Yan raises two sled dogs, which require a greater amount of exercise.

Therefore, Lu Yu thought that Liu Yan would not wake up in the morning, so he made an appointment with Liu Yan for a morning run!

Unfortunately, she made a mistake!
Therefore, Lu Yu had actually woken up a long time ago, but was pretending to sleep like Liu Ying before...

Without him, what she followed when collecting public grain was that if the enemy moved, I would not move; if the enemy could not move, I would turn over and move crazily...

So, tired.

Liu Ying was also very tired.

He looked at Lu Yu, who was lying on the bed snoring and pretending to be asleep, and suddenly laughed.

Well, he's ready to betray his teammates.

Besides, it was Lu Yu who brought up the morning jog in the first place!

Whoever caused the trouble will clean it up!
very fair!
"Your mother is pretending to sleep. If you don't believe me, slap her twice!" Liu Ying said with determination on her face.

Liu Yan was stunned.

Lu Yu's neat and fine eyelashes swayed non-stop.

Liu Yan hesitated: "But, I don't dare..." Fake
As a 'naughty kid' with a group of people behind him, there is nothing he dares not do in this world!

Therefore, he was mainly reluctant to give up.

After all, Lu Yu is his favorite mother. If it were Liu Ying, he would just slap her down without saying a word...

Liu Ying said with a smile: "Since that's the case, then I'll teach you another way to judge whether someone is pretending to be asleep!"

Liu Yan nodded heavily.

He had a hunch in his heart that he would use this method frequently in the future.

After all, he will come to Changqiu Hall to call his mother every morning when he walks the dog!

Liu Ying looked at Lu Yu, who was still pretending to sleep, and raised one of her arms: "If your mother is pretending to be asleep, then after I let go of my hand, her arm will fall down. If she is really asleep, , the arms will remain in the current raised position!"

Liu Yan's face was full of doubts.

But soon, this doubt turned into confusion.

Without him, when Liu Ying let go of his hand, Lu Yu's arm was raised high as he said!
Although it is swaying slightly, it is hanging in the air!
After waiting for half a minute, seeing that Lu Yu's arm still did not fall, Liu Yan's eyes widened: "Oh! Really! It's amazing!"

At this moment, if Lu Yu hadn't been lying on his side with his other arm underneath him, I'm afraid he would have followed Liu Ying's example and raised Lu Yu's other arm high!

With a smile on her face, Liu Ying turned her head and looked at the quilt covering Lu Yu. Seeing that she was wearing pants, she continued with a smile: "Not only the arms, but the legs too!"

"If the legs of a person pretending to be asleep are raised, they will fall down when released, but if they are really asleep, their legs will remain raised high!"

This time, without Liu Ying's demonstration, Liu Yan immediately climbed onto the bed, lifted the quilt, and lifted Lu Yu's slender and long thigh vigorously.

As Liu Ying expected, Lu Yu raised his thigh high, not just lifting it, but perpendicular to the bed!
After all, Lu Yu has been practicing dancing since he was a child, and his body is very flexible. It is not difficult to maintain the movement of a horse...

Therefore, Liu Ying prepared to increase the difficulty for her.

He smiled and said, "Have you ever seen your mother practicing dancing?"

Liu Yan nodded.

Liu Ying then said: "Then have you seen her bending backwards and putting her head on her heels?"

Liu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

He now fully believes that Lu Yu is really asleep!
Therefore, the main thing is to have fun!
So, he struggled to pick up Lu Yu's other thigh, preparing to break his mother into a circle connected end to end...

Lu Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore.

It's nothing to her to raise her arms and do a straight line. It's not difficult to grit her teeth and hold on for half an hour, but that doesn't stop Liu Ying from being so imaginative that she endlessly comes up with all kinds of novel ways to torment her!
So, when Liu Yan struggled to squeeze her thighs, she pretended to finally wake up and yawned, but at the same time, she clamped Liu Yan's head with her scissor legs and pressed him on the soft big bed!

A snap, a very hard one!

"Mother, I can't breathe..." Liu Yan struggled hard.

"Huh? Why are you here? Why are you holding my legs?" Lu Yu pretended to be oblivious, but he only slightly reduced his strength and did not release Liu Yan.

The main theme is a mother's love, but not much...

Liu Ying had a smile on her face: "Of course I came to see you for a morning jog. Didn't you promise him yesterday? Well, you didn't wake up just now. He was waking you up!"

Want you to be troublesome?Shut up... Lu Yu stared at Liu Ying murderously.

Liu Ying pretended to be scared: "Well, that's right! I will have a meeting with Prime Minister Cao to discuss state affairs later, so I won't have breakfast with you mother and son..."

After he finished speaking, he jumped out of bed and ran.

Liu Yan smiled all over his face: "Mother, walk the dog with me, you promised me!"

Well, for him, walking the dog means running.

Lu Yu sighed, with resistance and hopelessness written all over his face.


Xuanshi hall.

Liu Ying was sitting upright, but anyone who knew him well knew that he was out of his mind at this moment.

Although he was very happy last night, he was also very tired.

At this moment, the person sitting closest to Liu Ying was Cao Shen, and next to Cao Shen was the fat and white Zhang Cang.

In March of this year, Zhang Cang was promoted from Jixiang (State Affairs Bureau and Audit Office) to Zhisu Neishi, who is similar to the post of household secretary.

Zhang Cang's transfer is mainly based on seniority, but more importantly, the big man is changing with each passing day.

With the emergence of "accounting", especially after batches of students from the Imperial University of Finance became official officials from Zuo Erguan, the annual "Accounting" report not only became more formal, but also increased in complexity.

An 'old man' like Zhang Cang, who was born in the Qin Dynasty, is naturally unable to take on such an increasingly specialized position due to his declining learning ability.

As for the treatment of millet internal history...

Although this position is also very important and professional, after the emergence of Liu Ying, an emperor with a strong desire for control, and the prime minister whose power was second only to the emperor in the early Han Dynasty, Zhisu Neishi and the puppet as the imperial financial steward also Not too different...

So, anyone can come.

Opposite Cao Shen was another old acquaintance of Liu Ying, Wei Wuwu.

Also in March, Wei Wuzhi took over Lu Shizhi's position as an internal historian, and became the highest administrative officer of the entire Guanzhong region from the Supreme Royal Order.

Well, Wei Wuzhi became the 'inner historian' mainly because he was diligent and capable, and had nothing to do with the fact that he was once a close confidant of Liu Bang, and he was the heir of Wei Wuji, Lord Xinling who was Liu Bang's idol and the 'godfather' of the knight-errant!

At least that's the official propaganda!

Liu Ying yawned, shook her head and said, "Let's put aside trivial matters and focus on the important points!"

ps: I may have to take a day off in the next two days.I'm on a business trip and in a meeting, and I have a lot of materials to write for Cheluluhua. I'll try my best to see if I have time to type!If so, update.

╯ (╯ ▽ ╰) ╭

Just Jiang, bow and retreat. (End of chapter)

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