Chapter 116

"Look, why is the sky red..."

Hearing the shouts outside the house, Lu Zhi quickly walked out of the room, stood in the garden, and looked to the north, only to see thick smoke billowing into the sky, and the fire seemed to burn a big hole through the gloomy sky.

In the room, Liu Ying stood still, tears streaming down her face.

He thought that if he escaped a little further, he could pretend that nothing happened.

Just as if you don’t know anything, like everyone, you can shed a few drops of mournful tears in hindsight, what to do next, what to do...

It's a pity that when things came to an end, he found that he couldn't do it at all!
At this moment, he seemed to be able to hear countless people wailing in his ears.

There are old people, there are children, there are women...

What about the three chapters of the agreement?

It was agreed to eliminate harm for the father and brother, so why not commit violence?
The people of Chu are torched, poor scorched earth!
Liu Ying squatted on the ground, holding her head. These simple eight characters were followed by tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of innocent souls!

They shouldn't have ended like this!

But I can't do anything!
"Brother don't cry... my sister is here!"

Liu Le walked up to him, held him in his arms, and patted his back with his palm.

Even though she didn't know why Liu Ying was crying, and even though Liu Ying had lost her mother's love for her since she was born, this was her real brother, who was born of the same mother and grew up with her since she was a child!

Pushing herself and others, Liu Ying became more and more weeping.

In Xianyang City, there are also countless children of their age, and their lives may be permanently fixed at this moment.

Something must be done!
Liu Ying wiped away her tears and gave Liu Le an ugly smile.

"Thank you sister, I'm much better..."

He stood up, turned and walked towards the door, but was stopped by Lu Zhi when he was at the door.


"Xianyang City, stop fighting and Hongyi!"


"Ouch, why did mother hit me?"

Liu Ying held her head and looked up at the angry Lu Zhi.

With one hand on his hips, Lu Zhi grabbed his braid with the other: "That's your father's business, what does it have to do with you brat!"

Liu Ying was a little surprised: "Mother knows what is happening in Xianyang City?"

Lu Zhi sighed:

"Ever since Xiang Yu broke through Hangu Pass and entered the pass, Mother knew what would happen to Xianyang City."

"You are still young, and you have never experienced the war where Qin destroyed the six kingdoms. This scene is just a repeat of many years ago..."

Liu Ying shook her head slightly: "When is the time for retribution! Isn't the massacre in Xin'an not enough to smooth out the hatred in everyone's hearts?"

Lu Zhi stared and asked: "Do you think this is hatred?"

Liu Ying said solemnly: "This is what children have to do. The nobles of the royal palace eat the blood of the people to live, and they should be buried in Qin State, and their money is enough to satisfy Xiang Yu's appetite!"

"But how innocent is the ordinary leader of Guizhou, and he will be buried in the sea of ​​fire?"

"Among them, there are gray-haired old men and young children who are waiting to be fed. How can mother bear it when she sits and watches them being slaughtered?"

Lu Zhi froze in place, his eyes were slightly rosy.

She slowly let go of Liu Ying's braid, but then clenched it tightly again, as if she was afraid that if she let go, her son would really leave her.

"Let him go."

Outside the courtyard, Liu Taigong leaned on a dragon head crutch, smiling all over his face.

Beside him, Pan Gong, who was wearing a black and white blouse, said loudly: "I will go with you, with me here, I will ensure that you will return safely."

Lu Zhi's eyes lingered on Liu Ying for a long time, pursed his thin lips, let go of his hands when tears were about to come out of his eyes, turned around and walked into the house: "Brat, if you dare to lose a hair, I will never forgive you !"

Behind her, Liu Ying knelt down on both knees and bowed her head in worship.


Outside the county magistrate's mansion, the carriage slowly accelerated and drove out of the city.

Pan Gong looked at Liu Ying who was a bit dazed: "Is there any plan?"

Liu Ying shook her head. At that time, he was only relying on his enthusiasm, and he really didn't think about what to do.

Pan Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You were impassioned in the yard, and made my blood boil, but you didn't think about anything?"

Liu Ying was silent for a moment: "Right now, we can only take one step at a time, how many can be saved..."

Pan Gong shook his head: "It's up to the old man."

After he finished speaking, he took out a whistle with a strange shape from his arms, and blew it suddenly.

Around the carriage, the dozen or so men who were advancing on foot immediately dispersed, took out whistles of the same shape from their arms, and blew them one after another.

For a moment, the carriage rolled forward, and the whistle sounded from this point, spreading rapidly in all directions.

Liu Ying lay on the car window and looked out, and saw many men in black shorts running out of many mileages along the way, and there were sporadic black spots on the snow further away. The figure shakes.

"This is?"

Liu Ying had some guesses in her heart, but she still couldn't help murmuring.

"The world is all white, only I am black!"

"Love is not offense, and violence is punished with the sword!"

After Pan Gong shook his head, he let out a long sigh: "It's a pity that I came a few years late, otherwise..."

Liu Ying interrupted suddenly: "With a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet you!"

Pan Gong nodded in admiration: "Not bad, not bad... It's a pity that I don't have a cloud-piercing arrow in my hand."

No wonder the Mohism declined in later generations. After all, no unified dynasty can tolerate such a school within its borders... Liu Ying suddenly felt puzzled and asked:
"Didn't you say you are Song Mo? Why did Mohists in Qin land obey your call?"

Pan Gong laughed and said, "It's useless to give him a chance! The leader of Qin Mo was wiped out by Zhao Gao, and he couldn't get out of the order. The old man, who is the highest in his generation, is naturally the leader of the Mo family!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows proudly.

Liu Ying suddenly realized: "In this way, I can be regarded as the generation of the ancestors of the world's Mohists..."

After he finished speaking, he also raised his eyebrows.

Pan Gong was stunned, deeply annoyed, he and Liu Ying were teachers to each other under the agitation of his heart that day...

I'm sorry, I'm very sorry now!
While the carriage was moving, hundreds of men with strong skills appeared one after another at the rear of the vehicle.

They all had sharp knives hanging from their waists and wore dark short shirts.

It's just different from the seriousness and silence of the army. When these guys meet, they immediately start to make noise, get together in twos and threes, and start gossip.

Whose son and daughter got married, whose sow gave birth to two more piglets, who was beaten by his wife...

But such a group of people, upon hearing the leader's call, immediately walked out of their homes, gathering their shadows, regardless of their future.

Where righteousness lies, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will go there!


Liu Bang stood at the gate of the barracks, looking north at the raging flames of Xianyang City.

The heart seems to be bleeding.

He glanced back at the indifferent Zhang Liang: "Is such a result what Zi Fang wanted?"

Zhang Liang was unmoved and said nothing.

In the past, when the king of Han came down, Korea was destroyed. The clan and the clan of Korea did not want to accept the fate of subjugation, so they rose up to resist.

After a night of fighting, Korean corpses were scattered all over the place.

The Qin army is also like today, plundering and setting fire to the city.

All the time, he was thinking about an eye for an eye, blood for blood, so that the people of Qin could also experience the pain of their country being ruined and their relatives and friends being crippled!

Now, seeing the soaring flames of Xianyang City, he suddenly felt empty in his heart, and had a thought of living in seclusion in the mountains and forests and never asking about worldly affairs again.

Seeing that Zhang Liang didn't answer, Liu Bang turned around and went back to the camp, beating the drums of Jujiang with all his strength.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of drums rumbled, and the camp, which was as calm as water, suddenly boiled.

In a short time, the generals in the big tent were like clouds, and everyone wore helmets and armor, standing like a mountain.

Liu Bang sat down with his sword, and said solemnly: "I want to lead the troops into Xianyang, drive out the soldiers of the princes, and relieve the people from fire and water. Wait, are you willing to follow?"

Cao Shen and others clasped their fists and shouted, "I wish to follow Wu'anhou to the death!"


Xianyang City, Taipingli.

A little girl with a baby in her arms cried and ran away, but when there was no way to escape, she fell to her knees with a plop, and kowtowed desperately to the approaching soldiers for mercy.

But the bloody killings evoked the cruelest animal nature in people's hearts. In this environment without discipline and legal sanctions, and under the deliberate connivance of the coalition generals, the ugliness in their hearts was infinitely magnified. They just wanted to kill, kill, kill!

He grinned grinningly, and slowly approached with a long sword with a curly blade.

On the tip of the sword, drops of blood slid down.

This is the blood of the little girl's parents, this is the blood of the people in Xianyang City!

The long sword was slowly raised, and the little girl felt desperate, so she lowered her head and comforted the baby in her arms.

This is her younger brother, the only relative she has in this world!

In Xianyang City, the flames burned to the sky, devastated everywhere.

When Liu Ying got off the carriage, she felt the smell of blood rushing towards her face, making her want to vomit.

On both sides of the road, there are dead bodies everywhere.

A white-haired old man opened his arms and guarded his grandson behind him, but a spear pierced the two of them and nailed them to the wall...

A mother hugged her daughter with her back and blocked her with her body. However, the long sword fell, not only cutting off her head and half of her shoulders, but even her daughter's head was split diagonally...

There were dead bodies all over the ground, blood stains all over the place, and only some naked female corpses, probably satisfying the animal nature of those soldiers, so they were not chopped to pieces, but died by cutting their throats or piercing their hearts.

Liu Ying walked tremblingly on the street, and all she could see were pairs of eyes that couldn't be closed, staring fixedly at the sky, as if she was complaining to the sky.

Suddenly, there was a cry in the distance.

Liu Ying froze for a moment, then ran over there.

Pan Gong let out a long sigh, held a sharp sword in his hand, and followed closely behind.

Behind them, hundreds of black-clothed ink men with pale faces followed closely, full of murderous aura.

After seven turns and eight turns, Liu Ying looked at the long sword held high and shouted loudly:

"Let go of that girl!"

After speaking, he picked up a wooden stick on the ground and threw it hard.

The soldier turned his head and looked at Liu Ying who was standing in the inner gate, his face was full of ferocity, and greed slowly flashed in his eyes.

"Take off your fur and give it to me, I will forgive you..."

His voice was condensed in his throat, only because a long sword was slung across his neck.

Chongda's long sword.

(End of this chapter)

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