Destiny Only Han

Chapter 117 It's my fault for humiliating my father and brother!

Chapter 117 It's my fault for humiliating my father and brother!

"If he doesn't take it off for you, how will you treat it?"

Chongda stood with his sword horizontally, like facing Yuanyue. Although he had a horse face, he showed the demeanor of a master of swordsmanship.

Liu Ying is not only Liu Bang's son, but also his apprentice. Now, any cat or dog would dare to bully Liu Ying!
court death!

So he dragged his long sword and cut the soldier's throat immediately.

"What about the agreed 'how'? You don't talk about Wude..."

The soldier clutched his throat and collapsed in despair, many pearls and hairpins jingled and rolled out of his arms, many blood-stained pearls and hairpins.

In the corner, the little girl was holding a baby in her arms, and she was dumbfounded.

Did the gods in the sky hear her prayer and send heavenly soldiers and generals to rescue her?
Just, why did you come so late!

The little girl burst into tears, her voice full of grief and indignation in despair.

They are just a group of harmless ordinary people who lack food and clothing but live positively and optimistically. Why should they suffer such misfortune!

Liu Ying didn't dare to look at the little girl who was crying. He silently walked up to Chongda, raised his head and asked, "Teacher, why are you here?"

Chong Da smiled and patted his head: "It's not just me, Marquis Wu An is also leading an army, and is saving people in the city right now."

After finishing speaking, he said with some regret: "It's just that there are not many people left in the huge city of Xianyang..."

After a moment of silence, Liu Ying asked again: "Teacher, do you know where my father is going to resettle the population in the city?"

Chongda shook his head: "I don't know about this. Let's go, I'll take you to see Marquis Wu'an."

After they left, two Mohist disciples picked up the little girl and the baby in her arms and walked out of the city.

"Shu Shu, do you know the name of that noble man?"

"Huh? That's the son of Marquis Wu'an, Liu Ying."

The little girl looked back from the Mohist disciple's shoulder, stared blankly at Liu Ying's retreating back, clenched her fists, and swore in her heart:
"My Dou Yi's room is a knot of grass, and I must repay the grace of my son's life!"


To the west of Xianyang City, Duyou Pavilion.

Liu Bang stood in the pavilion, looking at Liu Ying in front of him with a dark face.

"Who told you to come to Xianyang City? Don't you know it's dangerous here? I'll settle the score with that old woman when I go back!"

Liu Ying pointed her index fingers together and said in a low voice, "Actually, it was my father who agreed to my coming..."

Liu Bang jumped on his feet and said, "My father? He's a fool... Forget it, pretend I didn't say anything."

Liu Ying raised her head: "But I heard it!"

Liu Bang glanced at him: "Did you see that? Daddy is now commanding an army of 10. If you dare to speak nonsense, I will let these [-] people take turns covering their faces and beat you up every day!"

shameless!You are cruel... Liu Ying made a frightened expression very cooperatively, and then sighed: "Father, Xianyang City has now been reduced to a sea of ​​flames. Where are the homeless refugees going to be resettled?"

Liu Bang thought for a while: "How about we arrange it in the barracks first?"

Liu Ying questioned: "Military camp? A large group of women, children and children, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled stay there, isn't it good?"

Liu Bang immediately said: "Then tell me, where will it be placed?"

Liu Ying said while thinking: "Why don't we resettle to Lantian County first, and it is not easy to have conflicts in a strip of water."

"Let those who are strong and strong help repair the city walls and roads. As for the others, they can mend clothes, beat sandals, and pound rice for money to buy food."

"Well, work for relief."

Liu Bang thought for a while, then nodded in agreement: "Yes, you can figure it out."


East of Xianyang, Gaoling County.

With Liu Bang's strong intervention, the coalition forces of the princes who had almost plundered all the wealth of Xianyang City began to withdraw one after another.

Xiang Yu parked his horse on the high slope, in front of him was a carriage full of gold and silver treasures.

All he could see were pairs of satisfied eyes.

As the general of the coalition of princes, he has the right to divide the areas where the armies of various countries search for wealth.

It is also because of this that the Chu army under his leadership can get the most and the most lucrative spoils.

But the coalition forces of several other countries did not have any dissatisfaction.

After all, if Xiang Yu hadn't forced Liu Bang to give in, those who entered the customs later would not have gotten a copper coin!
People who eat people are soft-mouthed, but people who take others are short-handed.

Under such circumstances, the coalition generals will naturally obey him.

Especially before the looting of Xianyang City, Xiang Yu once said such words to them.

"When the world was in trouble at the beginning, the feudal lords were set up to attack Qin. However, he was the leader of the strong and strong, and was exposed to the wild for three years. Those who destroyed Qin and ruled the world would all have the power of the princes. Huai Wang has no merit, so it should be divided. Its land is king."

Hearing Xiang Yu's statement, apart from Zhang Er and Fan Zeng showing a bit of bitterness on their faces, the rest of the generals, especially Sima Ang and Tian Du, immediately became Xiang Yu's supporters.

Even Zhang Han and Dong Yi, who strongly opposed the looting of Xianyang City before, didn't say anything more.

Prince and general, would you rather have a kind?
At this moment, Xiang Yu looked back at the burning city of Xianyang, and rode his horse east contentedly.

His purpose has been fully achieved.

The manpower and material resources in Guanzhong had been weakened, so after he returned to Pengcheng and dealt with the shepherd, he didn't have to worry about someone like Qiang Qin appearing here.

For this reason, he planned to divide Guanzhong into three parts, assigning them to Zhang Han, Dong Yi, and Sima Xin who was kind to Xiang Liang.

As for Liu Bang?

Well, he has other plans!
While the horseshoes were flying, Xiang Yu passed by the convoy carrying women's money.

Suddenly, he reined in Wu Zai, turned the horse's head back, and stopped beside a cart full of women.

"your name?"

He hooked a woman's chin with a long sword with a sheath.

The woman was wearing a long lake-green dress, and there was an exaggerated arc under Bai Nen Saixue's neck. She was sitting on the edge of the carriage at this moment, and she could clearly see that hidden in the long skirt were two round and straight long legs.

"Yu, Concubine Yu..."

The woman raised her head, and said coquettishly and timidly, her eyes became brighter and her teeth whiter, soft and charming, and as soon as her eyes were full, she felt infinite amorous feelings rushing towards her face, which was really fascinating.

Xiang Yusheng's tiger eyes with double pupils were suddenly filled with a strong possessive desire.

With a stretch of his long arm, he yanked Yu Ji up onto Wuchai, and immediately rode away amidst the cheers of the surrounding Chu army.

Wake up and take control of the world, drunk on the knees of beautiful women.



Among the allied forces, Zhang Er looked at the treasures offered by his subordinates, and was slightly dazed.

It's not that he dislikes the few, or that these treasures are stained with the blood of the Qin people.

Rather, he had a vague impression of these treasures.

A large part of this was the tribute that the Zhao State offered to the Qin State. Later, the First Emperor followed Wei Liao's suggestion and used these treasures to bribe Guo Kai to disturb the Zhao State. Wealth was taken back again...

Going around, I didn't expect it to return to my own hands.

What a joke...


Xianyang City, Zhidao Pavilion.

The setting sun shines on the earth, and the surrounding fields are covered with white.

Xiao He took the diners and officials who were attached to him, and began to count the refugees rescued from Xianyang City.

He must hurry up and wait for the sun to set completely. These poor people who have been frightened for a day and have not eaten water will most likely never see the sun again the next day.

In the distance, Pan Gong rescued the last batch of heads of Guizhou from Xianyang City with a large group of disgraced Mohist disciples.

After Pangong and Xiao He greeted each other, they asked, "How many people have been rescued?"

Xiao He shook his head and sighed: "Less than [-]..."

Pan Gong beat his chest and cursed: "In the past, when the first emperor was here, he moved 12 wealthy households into Xianyang. Even after the war, Xianyang City has at least 30 million people! Now...animals, what a bunch of animals!"

Xiao He just kept silent, and after waiting for a while, he said: "The matter has come to this point, even if you scold from morning to night, nothing will change. Why don't you think about how to properly arrange these nearly 2 people."

Pangong sighed sadly: "I'm not worried about this, my apprentice said to send them to Lantian County, and give them work for relief..."

Xiao He interrupted: "That's my apprentice."

At the end, he added: "It's also your teacher."


Lantian County.

Liu Ying led a team of soldiers and knocked down the houses of the residents of Lifang one by one.

"Go in and register. How many people and how many rooms are there in his family? According to the standard of five people per room, see how many rooms can be vacated!"

After Liu Ying finished speaking, she led Wen Wuhai who was holding a pen and bamboo slips behind her, and continued to knock on the door of the next room.

Since Li Kui's reform in Wei State, various countries have begun to strengthen their control over the grassroots. Therefore, in Guanzhong, where the reform is the most thorough, Liu Ying has a large number of grassroots officials who can be dispatched.

In this way, the problem of low work efficiency due to illiteracy is avoided.

He planned to let the people rescued from Xianyang City live in households in Lantian County first, and then dispatch a batch of winter clothes from the official warehouses around Xianyang City.

Well, the Qin Dynasty has decrees.

Anyone who became an official slave, or served as a corvee because they owed money to the government, had to pay for uniforms out of their own pockets.

That is, ocher clothes.

The "Golden Cloth Law" clearly stipulates that: adult men's winter clothes cost 110 yuan, summer clothes cost 55 yuan; children's winter clothes cost 77 yuan, summer clothes cost 44 yuan...

Therefore, the treasuries in Guanzhong are piled up like a mountain of ocher clothes.

Qin law is strict, which can be seen!
Of course, another reason why the Qin government sold ocher clothes to the slaves was that the daily labor of the slaves was not free, but paid by the day.

In Lifang, although the residents are dissatisfied with letting them vacate their rooms and resettle refugees.

But facing the shining swords and halberds in the hands of the teams of soldiers, the dissatisfaction in his heart quickly turned into a flattering smile.

After all, the city of Xianyang in the north is currently burning.

Not long after the registration was completed in the city, a rider flew over from outside the city gate, saying that Xiao He had sent the refugees.

Liu Ying immediately walked towards the gate of the city, only to see refugees staggering towards each other under the protection of two teams of soldiers.

Liu Bang walked out from behind him, and bowed to the ground: "It's my fault for humiliating my father and brother!"

Liu Ying also bowed to the ground, but rolled her eyes at Liu Bang without showing any signs.

(End of this chapter)

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