Destiny Only Han

Chapter 494 Liu Ying: Let's start from scratch now!

Huangxi Pass.

When the sky was not completely bright, the gates of the Han army barracks were opened, and groups of infantrymen with helmets and armor came out.

Accompanied by the beating of the drums, more than 20 simple gravity trebuchets slowly pushed towards the small hill built in advance, followed by the bullock cart pulling the stone bullets, grinding stones the size of a human head one by one. Put the bullets in the leather pocket, ready to fire at any time.

Behind the catapult position, there are kickers holding strong crossbows and wearing iron armor, and infantry holding long knives and shields with ladders beside them.

Today, Han Xin, who has been stationed for more than half a month, finally issued an order for a general offensive.

At this moment, he was standing on top of a tall cloud car, waving various flags in his hands, commanding the whole army to take a stance and prepare for successive attacks.

By Han Xin's side, Liu Ying pulled Wu Chen, whispered to persuade him to mourn, and expressed affirmation to him and Li Cang for leading the army to meet up on time.

Wu Chen had never seen such a scene before, and wanted to let out an awkward laugh to relieve his mood, but because he had just become an orphan, he couldn't laugh.

Li Cang took the first two steps to take over the conversation, and kept hinting to Liu Ying that the Changsha army was willing to be the vanguard and go to Huangxi Pass first.

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He has been the county magistrate in Lantian County for so many years, under the feet of the emperor, and he is also a meritorious official, and his daily contacts are either rich or expensive, so he knows very well that some things are better to ask Liu Ying for a word than to ask the elders of the court.

Changsha's army made great achievements in battle, and Wu Chen's position as the king of Changsha was stabilized.

The important thing is that the Changsha country also has certain value, and no one will suffer when the two sides form a friendship!

Liu Ying knew this very well, not only did he not say that he was seeking the barbarians in the territory of Changsha Kingdom, but also said that in order to deal with Yingbu in the future and prevent Huainan Kingdom from expanding westward, it was also necessary to make friends with Wu Chen.

So he and Han Xin whispered a few words, and when the flag was waved, a group of troops whose height and armor were much inferior to those of the Han soldiers appeared on the flanks of the army, carrying ladders and climbing poles, waiting for an order, and went to the distance Huangxi Pass to kill.

Huangxi was closed, and when the Han army stepped up its deployment, the soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom guarding the city were also in full swing.

In strict accordance with the old Qin army's method of defending the city, they arranged bed crossbows one by one on the top of the city, transported the arrows and lost the spears, and lit the fire to heat the golden juice. The smell made the soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom at the head of the city sick...

Despite this, they continued to transport the dung from the cesspit of the pass to the city according to the order of the officer.

Well, in fact, the surgical level of ancient Chinese doctors has always been good. As early as the Shang Dynasty, there were already surgical instruments and some theoretical guidance for surgical suturing, such as surgical scissors and hooks for suturing wounds.

After all, the intensity of the war is there. After a great war, thousands of wounded soldiers are waiting for treatment, and even the doctors in the army have been fooled by the technology.

That's why Hua Tuo dared to perform a craniotomy on Boss Cao...

But what classical medicine has always lacked is the understanding of bacteria in the microscopic realm. After the wound is sutured, alcohol or plant ash is often used to disinfect it. Therefore, whether the wounded soldier can survive is entirely up to God...


Because of this, golden juice has become a biochemical weapon in this era. With large areas of burns, plus the unkilled bacteria in the feces, any soldier who is splashed with golden juice on his face can be said to be ten dead. .

It's just that when the soldiers of the South Vietnam Kingdom wore masks and smiled wickedly, the first to attack Huangxi Pass was not the infantry they thought, but stone bullets that soared into the air one by one, drawing a perfect parabola.

boom! boom! boom!
Due to lack of calibration, most of the stone bullets either hit the city wall, or smashed into the inner city of the pass from a distance. There was a burst of crying and howling.

However, for the soldiers defending the city, the smashing of the archery tower did not shake their morale. What made them hide on the top of the city was because their bed crossbows could not attack the Han army on the opposite side, and the Han army's stone throwing But the machine can throw stone bombs on their heads!

There is no way to fight this battle!
And this is just the beginning.

Amid the restlessness of the South Vietnamese soldiers, the catapult squeaked again after calibration, and stone bullets the size of human heads roared into the air, and began to call the arrow towers above the pass.

In an instant, sawdust flew around, and the arrow towers whose pillars had been smashed fell irregularly, leaving the soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom running around on the top of the city without knowing where to hide...

The most terrible thing is that they put a lot of gold juice on the top of the city before, and now it is scattered everywhere, and the stench rises to the sky, so that the soldiers on the top of the city can hardly open their eyes.

On the cloud car, Liu Ying retracted the binoculars, looked at Han Xin beside her, and had the same thought in her heart.

Fortunately, the soldiers of Changsha Kingdom are willing to take the lead...

Reminded by Liu Ying's eyes, Han Xin waved his command flag immediately, ordering Zhang Shi and Changsha's infantry who were holding strong crossbows in the distance to move forward and prepare to ascend the city.

The archery towers and bed crossbows on the top of the city were almost cleaned up, and the strong crossbows suppressed the defenders at the top of the city, basically with one blow.

After all, the South Vietnamese army at Yangshan Pass has already retreated, and the South Vietnamese army at Huangxi Pass is not elite, it is only used to prevent the Han army from going south to attack Panyu, so as to buy time for Zhao Tuo to recruit soldiers from the Yue people tribe to fight against the capital. defense.

Amidst the sound of war drums that shook the sky, Zhang Shi in heavy armor began to march forward to the sound of the drums, while on the other side of them, those Changsha soldiers holding rattan cards and holding high swords sang loudly about their hometown. The song, the long sword struck the rattan plate and walked forward boldly and passionately.

Strictly speaking, they can also be regarded as a branch of Yue people, but so what?
Today, only you live and die!
Above the cloud car, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth raised slightly. Although he couldn't understand what the other party was singing, the tune was very beautiful, which reminded him of the famous song "Song of Yue People".

Since he copied many famous poems from later generations and published a few collections of poems, he has become famous. Whether it is scripts or other folk tales, once published, all of them are expensive in Chang'an...

So he also brought dozens of imperial literati to the south this time, planning to collect some Lingnan stories, legends and folk songs, and earn a wave of manuscript fees after publication!
So he turned his head to look at Wu Chen and asked, "What are they singing? Can you tell me about it?"

Wu Chen was stunned for a moment, facing Liu Ying's expectant eyes, he was reluctant to speak, but his mouth was suddenly covered by Li Cang who was standing beside him.

"Kids, don't inquire so much!"

So, Liu Ying understood in seconds...

In the distance, the flag of Zhao Tuo of the South Vietnam Kingdom was thrown down from the top of the city, and a huge battle flag of the Han army was slowly raised, fluttering in the wind.


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