Destiny Only Han

Chapter 495 Liu Ying: Eat 3 Lychees Every Day!

After the Huangxi Pass, the South Vietnamese soldiers who surrendered were divided into two groups, accepting different fates.

Those Qin soldiers who were sent to Lingnan during the Qin Dynasty were pardoned as long as they did not resist too much when the Han army attacked the city. After the war, they could choose to return to their hometown in the north or stay in the South China Sea. county.

After all, these are our own people, with the same language and blood, and they belong to brothers with different surnames who have broken bones and connected tendons, so it is natural to let them go.

As for those Yue people, their lives were not so good. They were all shaved, branded on conspicuous places on their faces, and sent to mines and farms in Yuzhang County to serve as laborers.

On the other side, Han Xin was beating the drums and gathering the generals, arranging the marching order of the various departments in the army.

He didn't intend to stay here for too long. The weather is getting hotter every day. For soldiers from the north, fighting in heavy armor is undoubtedly a torment, so finish the fight early and relax early.

Moreover, according to the information from the scouts in the army, the troops of the Nanyue Kingdom had already assembled, and the troops from Guilin, Xiangjun, and further afield had also rushed to Panyu County. The decisive battle at this time was in line with his idea of ​​consummating their merits in one battle.

The most important thing is that now the Han army has destroyed the city all the way, and they are invincible. In addition, they have joined the army of Changsha, which is a moment of high morale. Passages are lost one by one, and as one ebbs and another, the fighters are naturally not to be missed!

But after leaving things to others, Liu Ying became idle. He wandered around for a while, found a bamboo basket and walked up the hill next to the pass.

There are towering ancient trees, but there is a faint red glow among the lush greenery.


There is no air express during this New Year’s Eve, and fresh lychees from Lingnan are absolutely unavailable in Guanzhong, so Liu Ying, carrying a bamboo basket, turned into a little boy picking lychees, bouncing towards the distant lychee trees.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, . 】

Well, the lychees described in "A Concubine Riding Hongchen Smiles, Nobody Knows It's Lychees" are not lychees from Guangdong and Guangxi, but lychees from Sichuan.

It's just that at this point in time, lychees have not spread northward. It was not until after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty conquered the South Vietnam that the four major fruits of the southern kingdom, known as bananas, longan, and pineapples, began to spread northward.

The first stop is naturally as a royal garden for the enjoyment of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so Shanglin Garden collects exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals from all over the world.

Sima Xiangru's "Shanglin Fu" wrote: So Luju is ripe in summer, yellow sweet orange, loquat and persimmon, Tingnai Magnolia officinalis, 梬zao bayberry, cherry Pu Tao, hermit 薁迪, and answering Li Branch, Luohu harem.

Lizhi is litchi.

When Liu Ying established business with Nanyue Kingdom for the first time, she specially asked people to stay in the suburbs to collect a lot of naturally ripe lychees, and then took out the cores and sent them to Shu County for planting in batches.

It's just that it takes about ten years for the lychee trees planted in this way to bloom and bear fruit. Therefore, although Liu Ying has planted more than [-] lychee trees, she has never eaten a single fresh lychee.


But it's coming soon, in about two or three years, the allusion of Yiqi Hongchen concubine laughing will appear in today's Chang'an City.

Chilled lychees, 98 per catty, the leaves are not allowed to be picked when weighing... Liu Ying has a lychee in her mouth, her eyebrows are curved, and she imagines the days when she counted the money and got cramps in her hands.


"I declare that the lychees on this mountain are contracted by me!"

Liu Ying opened her arms, ignoring the laughter of the attendants behind her, and walked around a few lychee trees twice.

When he went south this time, he not only brought many outstanding graduates from Dahan Public School, but also mobilized more than a hundred skilled craftsmen, in order to reproduce a wave of northern industrial workshops in southern Xinjiang.

Now that the iron ore and coal mines in Yuzhang County have been found, as long as there are enough miners, the relevant iron smelting workshops can be established soon.

However, in Liu Ying's plan, the media iron trading company here mainly produces civilian products, such as iron sheets.

This is the ingredient used to make cans.

Because of the nearby production and sales in the north, most of the cans produced are filled in glass bottles. In Liu Ying's future plan, the three counties in the South China Sea will make money firstly from seafood and secondly from fruits.

In this day and age, these two products are cheap and ubiquitous.

As for the target of sales, apart from the middle class in Chang'an City, the biggest source of business orders is the garrison troops from all over the north.

After all, the army at this time was more similar to citizen soldiers, unlike the slave soldiers in the Song and Ming dynasties. Both soldiers and officers needed to be paid military salaries, and they had wine and meat on a daily basis.

Not only that, but part of the meals for the families of the Han soldiers were also arranged by the government.

For example, in Juyan Hanjian, there is a record of a man named 'Fu Feng', whose job is to hold Hu Suizu, and his wife's name is 'Jun Yi', who is 28 years old and is the mother of two children...

The monthly rations you can get for free are two stones, one bucket and six liters, and the two daughters are one stone, one bucket, six liters and one stone, one bucket, and six liters. In addition, there is also a monthly ration of three liters of salt.

Well, what is recorded in the Juyanhan Jianjian is not a regulation, but a record of the distribution of materials, which is similar to a ledger.

So this biggest business order, Liu Ying will naturally not let it go.

Before he came, he had already quietly found Xiao He, and after going through the entire process of begging and begging, the two sides reached a verbal agreement. After the samples were delivered to everyone's satisfaction, he would be licensed to be the exclusive agent of the Northern Military Market...

Taste Liu Ying is not worried, relying on his ability, coupled with natural ingredients and cheap spices, it is easy to conquer the stomachs of those old guys.

His only concern is the transportation cost.

After all, the mountains and rivers are far away, and the glass jars are probably broken after they are transported to the place.

Therefore, tin cans are more cost-effective.

It's just that making those small cans that can only hold one catty or two catties is not considered. Such small cans not only waste materials, but also waste labor. A big bucket of ten catties, with a large amount and a full tube, is very cost-effective.

For this reason, he specially made a manual version of the crimping and sealing machine, but at this time, due to the limited production technology, the iron sheet cannot be made very thin, so it must be split with an ax when eating...


This is the reason why cans appeared decades earlier than can openers in history.


North of Panyu County.

The hilly area called Baiyun Mountain by later generations was full of voices, and Baiyue warriors with short hair and tattoos were everywhere.

Although Zhao Tuo's policy of "reconciling Baiyue" over the years made him and the Qin soldiers somewhat alienated, the local indigenous Yue people, mainly the leaders of these Yue people, still supported it.

So when they heard that the treasure house of Nanyue Kingdom could be divided up after the war, especially those glazed vessels that they had been coveting for a long time, the leaders of Yue people, big and small, brought their strong warriors from their tribes to join the battle.

It's just that some Yue tribes are female clans. There are old grandmothers in the tribe, and the group marriage system is implemented, so the warriors who come to fight are all women.

At this moment, those female warriors walking vigorously like leopards, with tribal totems tattooed on their faces, carrying javelins and round shields, and only wrapped in battle skirts to cover important parts walked through the crowd, and the Yue warriors who were full of voices shut their mouths one after another. , staring salute with eyes shining.

The group marriage system means that there is no such thing as chastity, so tonight... no, it's okay now!

The noisy sound gradually spread to the distance, attracting groups of Yue warriors to move after hearing the wind, slowly filling the small valley with water.

Zhao Tuo, who was patrolling the barracks, also noticed this, but he just frowned and didn't stop it in the slightest.

Although he attached great importance to "converting national customs with poetry and books" when he was in power in South Vietnam, he often used the advanced culture and ethics of the Central Plains to educate and induce Yue people, educate them to support the elderly and abolish the group marriage system.

But after all, most of the Qin soldiers in his hands were exiled from the seven subjects, and his skills in business and business were full. If he wanted to cooperate with him to educate the Yue people, it would undoubtedly be difficult to reach the sky.

Therefore, Zhao Tuo practiced Huang Lao's technique, using administrative means to promote the Central Plains characters on a small scale, educating Yue people to "learn characters and learn etiquette", but more of them integrated into it, calling themselves "barbarian elders". , with short hair and tattoos, abandoning the Chinese clothes and changing the clothes of the time traveler.

Naturally, facing the group marriage happening in front of him, Zhao Tuo was powerless and unable to stop it.

As for another reason, the weather is hot and dry, and people's desires will rise as a result, and they will become irritable. If these guys are not allowed to deal with it internally, they will sneak out of the military camp and harm the good people around them.

Zhao Tuo turned around twice and made up his mind.

Yueren is useless!
After all, the military discipline of these guys is loose, because the mud can't support the wall, and they can fight bad battles on weekdays. When the two armies open their battles, and a majestic army confronts a majestic army, the combat effectiveness can be imagined.

But the only advantage of the Yue people is that they are still uncivilized. Although their combat power is stretched, their fighting will is very tenacious.

Of course, after being completely conquered for so many years, and those Yue people who are not afraid of death are all dead, these Yue people will not be as fearless as their predecessors.

But as long as he can be half dead and then defeated, Zhao Tuo is already satisfied.

Nanhai County was extremely hot. From the information he had learned before, the Han army had a high rate of wearing armor. If he fought fiercely for half a day in such hot weather, the Han army would be knocked down by the heat if he didn't need to fight!
So Zhao Tuo turned around with a smile, looked at Zhao Zhong who was following him, and said, "Kill pigs and cattle, and reward the Qin infantry!"

These pawns who are proficient in battle will be his reliance on defeating the Han army!
Naturally, it is necessary to hold Buddha's feet temporarily...

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