Destiny Only Han

Chapter 545 Liu Ying: Forward, the Iron Flow Rolls Forward!

Chapter 545 Liu Ying: Forward, the Iron Flow Rolls Forward!

Beidi County, south of Fuping County (now Wuzhong City, Ningxia), and north of Qingshan Gorge (Qingtong Gorge).

After Meng Tian, ​​a general of the Qin Dynasty, established Fuping County on the east bank of the Dahe River in the 33rd year of Qin Shihuang (214 BC) after the general of the Qin Dynasty, Meng Tian, ​​set up Fuping County on the east bank of the river as an outpost for the Huns to bypass the northern Great Wall and invade from Helan Mountain.

The sun had just set to the west, and Liu Ying looked at the tired horses. After consulting Han Xin, Jin She, Zhou Bo, and others, she decided to rest against the canyon for the time being and rest here for the night before attacking Fuping County tomorrow.

Well, with the invasion of the Huns in the last years of the Qin Dynasty, all five counties in Beidi County, such as Fuping County, were occupied by the Huns. Now the northwestern border of the Han Dynasty is in Chaona County, which is more than 300 miles away in a straight line to the south.

Chaona County was originally Chaona State, a vassal of Yiqu State, but also one of the 72 grassland states that professed vassal to Qin State at the same time. Under the leadership of Qin Huiwen King, he went to Luoyi to pay homage to Zhou Tianzi...

However, after Qin destroyed Yiqu, he conveniently took over these former vassals and prefectures, just like the Wuzhi Kingdom in the south...

The difference is that there is a Wuzhi Luo in the Wuzhi country, which is engaged in animal husbandry. There are so many cattle and sheep that can be measured by valleys, which has a sense of existence.

And the most famous one in Chaona County is the Rongdi cavalry that is giving Han Xin a headache at the moment...

Liu Ying sent [-] troops, including not only his own young army, but also Langzhong cavalry dispatched by Liu Bang, and Liangjiazi dispatched from several counties around Chang'an City. Bian County, which has few fighters who are good at riding and fighting, is no exception.

The Rongdi cavalry pursued the honor of dying in battle before the age of 35, so they came to seek death in this battle, and some of them even had their funeral at home in advance...

So, if you go back alive, you won't be able to meet people...

Liu Ying took a look at the old Rong Di who was standing outside Han Xin's tent to fight, exchanged glances with Zhang Buyi, and tiptoed away.

"It was so dangerous, it was almost discovered by them..."

After getting away from Han Xin's handsome tent, Liu Ying patted her chest lightly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was very careful to hide his whereabouts along the way, fearing that the door would be blocked by these guys...

After all, these guys want to die, so the military discipline is naturally not on their minds, they rush out of the camp in minutes, and go to the enemy for a decisive battle...

This is also the reason why the Rong and Di cavalry were not seen since the reform of Shang Yang.

The laws of Qin are strict, and most low-level officers like Shi Chang owe three heads before going to the battlefield. That is to say, when it is their turn to fight in a team of ten, not only can they not die, but they must at least cut off their heads. The four heads of the enemy can only be credited with their length.

Otherwise, they will either be guarded on the border for three years, or they will be liquidated after the war, that is, they will be beheaded to show the public, and they will be killed as an example to others!
Therefore, most of the things that many people say about "Jiu Jiu Lao Qin, never stop fighting", "Qin's legal system", "subdued Pei Gong", etc., most of them have not read "Book of Shang Jun".

If they have read "Shang Jun Shu", the problems in their minds may be completely different.

such as,

The common people of the state of Qin still don’t surrender, isn’t it cheap?

At this moment, Liu Ying pulled Zhang Buyi all the way to those busy cooks, ready to help the cooks, although this was pretending to buy people's hearts, but compared to those guys who didn't even pretend to pretend, I don't know how many times stronger!
But soon he was driven away by the cooks, because he was helping on the spot, and those cooks were so excited that they almost chopped off their hands...

So, Liu Ying took two salted duck eggs with Zhang Buyi's sarcasm and left with drooping eyebrows.


Fuping County.

Outside the ancestral hall in the center of the county seat, there was a chorus of voices, hundreds of men and women gathered together, clamoring for their demands.

Under Liu Ying's infiltration, those teenagers who were still yellow-haired when the Qin Dynasty was destroyed, but now have big arms and round waists, naturally yearned for the Han Dynasty, a more inclusive human beacon.

Especially those bastards who were born in poverty and had no title.

Although the Xiongnu captured Fushun County, at that time Maodun's philosophy had changed from regaining lost territory to long-term stability.

So he didn't massacre those Qin people who surrendered, but allowed Qin people to keep their houses, farmland, and other properties, and adopted a method similar to the "tax package system", allowing Qin people to self-govern, as long as they donated to them on time. It is enough for his tribute to be sent to Shanyu Wangting.

Therefore, the class in Fushun County was solidified.

After all, the systems of human society are all improvements of the previous ones, and new systems will not be created out of thin air. Fushun County in the self-government of the Qin people still pursues the military meritorious system of the Qin State.

As a result, those who have a title are connected with fields, and the bastards without a title not only have no place to stand, but also have to cultivate the land and manage the farm for free for the noble households in the Lifang, almost like slaves!

After more than two hours of quarreling, although the vast majority of Qin people agreed to surrender in Kaesong, they did not hold the decision-making power. Finally, he decided to close the city gates and remain loyal to the Huns.

After all, they have heard about it a long time ago, and the Han inherited the Qin system, so if they return to a country similar to Qin, their interests will not be guaranteed.

The tax package system is more attractive than the twenty tax one!

Outside the door, the furious Qin people finally succumbed under the oppression of the shining long sword and rattling armor, and returned to their respective residences in the city step by step.

Violence is the foundation of human society, but they do not master violence...

Therefore, there is only silence, only numbness, and only obedience.

However, just like a volcano, the brief dormancy may be for a more violent eruption.

When the first ray of sunlight pierced through the dark clouds, the concubine from Qin who was forcibly driven up to the top of the city saw a scene that shocked them immensely.

Jiaguang opens to the golden scales of Japan!

Countless heavy armored cavalry lined up neatly and came towards Fuping County like a flood that broke a bank. This Fuping County, which they thought was solid in the past, is now like rootless duckweed.

Gradually, with the surge of the cavalry of the Han army, it seemed that there was no room for other voices between heaven and earth.

What filled the ears of these Qin people seemed to be only the sound of rumbling horseshoes and their frantically beating hearts.

At this moment, they saw the same expressions on the faces of those Juehu who were fearless in the past.



At this moment, the volcano began to erupt, and many Juehus who were wearing armor and acting as supervisors were caught off guard by long swords and fell into a pool of blood twitching all over their bodies.

Their eyes gradually became cloudy, and what they saw was a black and white flag with the characters of Qin floating down from the top of the city, replaced by a white flag that once symbolized infinite humiliation, but is now waving in the wind amidst cheers.

Immediately afterwards, the city gate was opened wide, and countless Qin people who were rushing to the new life ran out of the city.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"The Han army is mighty, the Han country is mighty!"

There were bursts of scattered, but imposing roars reverberating in this inaccessible south of Saibei, tearing up the clouds, pulling out the sun, announcing a new dynasty to the world and making everyone look up to it.

Within Liuhe, the emperor's land; wherever people go, there are all ministers!
Amid bursts of cheers, Liu Ying, wearing his gleaming silver armor and the scarlet cloak behind him, rode straight into Fushun County.

Behind him, there are a total of three hundred specially selected elite knights with a height of 1.8 to 1.9 meters. The halberds in their hands reflect the rising sun. The sound was like thunder, making those concubine sons of Qin people who surrendered on both sides of the road more respectful, their heads almost sank to the ground.

Liu Ying looked around, ignoring the soldiers who were lying in a pool of blood and dressed as terracotta warriors.

The life and death of these people has nothing to do with him.

After all, he won the main attack this time, and the price he was able to command [-] troops was the great plain formed by the impact of the Yellow River.

The soil is soft, easy to cultivate, and there is abundant water, it only takes three to five years to show the first signs of the north and south of the Great Wall.

Therefore, it is very important to him not to have these people who occupy the land in name, and it is also very important to those nobles of the Han Dynasty who supported him!

However, Liu Ying looked at the shabby clothes, the concubine of the Qin people who were still wearing autumn clothes even though it was the middle of winter, with a bit of unbearable expression on her face.

If those nobles were allowed to staking land and buy the fertile fields that have been reclaimed at extremely low prices, wouldn't he be in vain?
So Liu Ying stopped her horse and pulled the reins to make the riding Wuzi spin around in place, saying loudly:
"His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Dynasty once said that rewards and punishments are the most important affairs in the world; the most important way to manage a country is to be fair and upright! For those who have contributed to the city, this crown prince specially bestows those who have no titles to be promoted to the third level, and those who have titles The bestowal will not change!"

The advantage of the Qin State military merit system is not only that it stipulates the number of farmland that each rank can occupy, the size of the homestead, and even clothing, especially the hair bun on the head and the hair crown that decorates the hair bun.

Liu Ying had already seen it before she said Cijue. The men who surrendered out of the city were almost all civilians with their hair wrapped in black cloth.

Well, it is also called Qianshou.

Therefore, bestowing the fourth level of Minjue can inspire people's hearts, and at the same time, it is also the highest authority that Liu Ying can have in theory.

After all, if you go further up, you will break away from the class of "scholar" and become a "bi doctor". That is the privilege of Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Empire.

In fact, Liu Ying can also break through this limitation, but it is not necessary, and there is a sense of boundaries, which is something that makes Liu Bang comfortable and everyone feels comfortable.

As Liu Ying's voice fell, there were suddenly raised heads one by one, and pairs of eyes full of surprises, doubts, and dreams.

But in the next second, doubts turned into ecstasy, and ecstasy turned into cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"Long live the Han Dynasty, long live the prince!"

"Long live the prince!"

Damn, it's not fun to shout... Liu Ying bowed her head humbly, and rode forward with a secret feeling of joy in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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