Destiny Only Han

Chapter 546 Liu Ying: This is the benefit of living in a big city!

Chapter 546 Liu Ying: This is the benefit of living in a big city!

Guanzhong, Chang'an City.

As soon as the meal time (Chenshi, 40:[-] in the morning) arrived, the bell tower standing at the gate of Changle Palace suddenly sounded loud and clear, waking up this super-large city with [-] million residents.

Accompanied by the sound of bells and drums from the drum towers and bell towers arranged on the central axis of the city, the gates of the squares that had been closed all night were opened one after another, and the residents in thick jackets walked out of the gates yawning.

Although the Xiongnu were coming in menacingly at this time, and the entire northern border was ignited with beacon smoke, the Han army that went out only recruited good families and soldiers, and did not recruit people who were relegated from the seven families such as evil boys to join the battle. This shows that The scale of the war is not large, and it is still within the controllable range.

So, life goes on.

The officials rushed to the government office, the students went to the school, and the workers and merchants went from south to north. The former hurried to catch the first free public carriage, while the latter wanted to be ahead of their competitors before the opening of the East and West markets. One step to solicit business.

It's just that just when all of them thought that this was just an ordinary day, many children with a waist bag slanted on their bodies suddenly appeared on the street outside Lifang.

"Extraordinary! Great victory for the West Route Army!"

"Extraordinary and extra! The Han army conquered Fuping County without bloodshed, and expanded the land for thousands of miles!"

"Extraordinary, extraordinarily! His Royal Highness, the crown prince, is benevolent and virtuous, countless soldiers and civilians cheered and worshiped, saying long live..."

These children with shofar braids on their heads, waving the pamphlets that were added overnight in their hands, walked through the streets and alleys, selling newspapers to the surrounding residents with passionate voices.

Ten cents a share, earning only two cents per share, small business, no credit...

Well, it's called work-study!
And the residents living in Chang'an City, the capital of goodness, feel itchy and want to save face, and don't want to share a newspaper with others. money to buy a newspaper.

But immediately, they felt cheated.

The entire newspaper, except for the single issue, and some interesting court newspapers on the front page, the rest of the newspaper are almost all kinds of advertisements, some selling soap, toothpaste, and Dali Pill's...

After cursing a few words in a low voice, they touched the thickness of the paper, stacked the newspapers full of advertisements neatly, and stuffed them into their sleeves.

They want to keep these good papers for the children at home to practice calligraphy, and then they will have to paste the walls and windows. They can't waste any of them, and try to return more books...

So, while waiting for the bus, they opened the newspaper and started reading.

The news about how to fight was taken by them at a glance. After all, let alone the current Han army, the Huns who were able to fight the Qin army with rougher equipment before were looking for teeth all over the place!

Therefore, their focus is on the results of the battle.

Watching and watching, their minds became active.

The most difficult thing in land reclamation is to get rid of weeds.

This is a continuous project, and it will continue until the abandonment of agricultural production. After all, even in the era of herbicides, it is still necessary to spray them every ten days and a half months, otherwise the weeds will be killed in minutes without human intervention. Under, uncompetitive crops.

For example, Tao Yuanming, who is retiring to the countryside, needs to "clean up the filth in the morning, bring the moon lotus and hoe back", and after such hard work, he is also a "grass full of bean sprouts" in the end...

Well, this may also be the reason why Mr. Wuliu is not good at agricultural production. It is not impossible to kill the seedlings when weeding...

According to the newspaper, "Jue soil is yellow soil, and Jue Tian is upshang", that is to say, the soil in Fuping County is the same as the soil in Guanzhong Plain. The loess layer is very thick and soft.

what does this mean?
This means that the cost of land reclamation in the early stage is far less than any great plain under the control of the empire!

Especially the Shuzhong Plain.

Well, this is because alluvial plains such as the Hetao area and the North China Plain belong to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and the sediments are mainly sand and clay, and large gravel and sand are generally deposited in the upper reaches.

For example, in the North China Plain, there are mountains near the west of Henan, so there will be stones in the soil layer, but if you go further east, you may not be able to find stones if you dig three feet...

Although the Shuzhong Plain is also a plain formed by the impact and accumulation of river water, Chengdu is surrounded by mountains, especially the upper reaches of the river are mountains and not the Loess Plateau, so there are so many stones in the soil that it is outrageous!
Therefore, for those farmers who have been farming for generations, weeding is relatively simple and just a daily job. The most troublesome thing for them is the stones in the soil.

After all, the soil is originally a product of rock weathering. It is normal to have large and small stones in the soil layer, and even the soil itself will be re-petrified under a certain pressure.

For reclamation, the first thing to do is to loosen the compacted and petrified soil layer, which is conducive to the growth of plants.

Small stones are not a big problem. Although they will wear out agricultural tools and are not conducive to soil and water conservation, they cannot directly scrap agricultural tools such as plows and delay farming, but those fist-sized stones are different. Even plows made of fine steel, Once it hits a rock under the traction of a farm ox, the coulter will be broken into pieces for you to see...

Therefore, at the beginning of land reclamation, only tools such as claw picks with low cost and relatively crude benzene were used to poke into the soil one by one, and then use the principle of leverage to forcefully push up the hardened soil layer, and then Use the flat end of the other end to break up the clods little by little.

In the end, the stones on the ground were collected with a basket and brought home to build a pigsty...

In this way, plow the land once a year, pick up a stubble of stones, and continuously sprinkle farmyard manure such as manure and fermented grass on the ground to increase the thickness of humus in the soil, lasting for ten or eight years. , even if the land reclamation is completed.

Therefore, this is why the original birthplace and prosperity of the farming nation are located in the Loess Plateau and the North China Plain.

Because of this, the residents of Chang'an City who were reading newspapers became excited.

Regardless of whether it is the agricultural age or the industrial age, which family does not have three or five poor relatives?
Instead of helping them all the time and letting them come to the house from time to time to enjoy the autumn breeze, it is better to show them a way to make a fortune!

For example, abandon the tens of acres of Susukida at home, and go to Fuping County to reclaim the fertile soil with two or three meters of loess layer and accumulated humus for thousands of years!

Because the land in their hometown has been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, the annual output is small and fixed, and the price of the land is also very stable. Basically, dry land costs three to five hundred yuan per mu, and better irrigated land costs more than 2000 yuan. an acre.

However, although the soil around Fuping County is fertile, it is wasteland, and the price per mu is only one or two hundred yuan!
In this way, sell the house and land in my hometown, buy cattle and farm tools, and then go to the fertile land to reclaim wasteland, and strive to realize the class transition as soon as possible, from farmers to farmers.

Anyway, the previous land reclamation order has not been cancelled. The newly reclaimed land is not only tax-free for the first five years, but also deducts a certain amount of head tax according to the reclaimed area!
Just do it!

Many people put down the newspapers and looked around for letter writing stalls, preparing to pass the news to those poor relatives who stayed in their hometowns and had no news.

And when they were ready to act, some had already begun to act.

Unlike ordinary people who can only get news through newspapers, the nobles of Chang'an City obtained first-hand information through various channels as early as last night.

Although the men in charge of their family either followed Liu Ying to fight against the Hetao Plain, or followed Liu Bang to South Korea to defend against the Huns' invasion, but the head mistress who was in charge of the family was still there. Ready to go anytime.

As for them themselves, they began to make up and dress up before dawn, searched for treasures in the storeroom at home, and prepared to enter the palace to meet Lu Zhi.

Whether it was the Qin and Han Dynasties or the later feudal dynasties, although women had little power, the mother's power was almost equal to that of the father.

Matriarchy is actually patriarchy.

So as long as Lu Zhi's approval can be obtained, it will be easy to deal with Liu Ying!
Because of this, they not only prepared a gift for Lu Zhi, but also prepared a gift for Little Lolita.

As we all know, as the eldest princess of the Han Empire and the only sister of the prince with the same father and mother, Little Lori not only has a lot of face in the palace and the Liu clan, but even more in Liu Ying's!
After all, the eyes of these people are very poisonous. The accessories on the little Lolita's body and the jewelry on her head are from the Eastern Palace at first glance!
Obviously, this is Liu Ying, the younger brother, who took the initiative to honor his sister!



When Liu Ying stood by the river and opened the gate to release the water, she suddenly sneezed, her body shook, and she almost peed on her leg...

"Someone must be talking about the prince behind his back, don't let me catch him!"

He rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, pulled up his pants very quickly, and fastened his belt.

Without him, cold.

In front of him, the entire river was solidly frozen. Looking down from the sky, the ice layer lay flat on the ground like winding white ribbons.

Therefore, crossing the river is actually walking across the ice.

Liu Ying had someone test it before. The ice layer was at least several meters thick, enough to support people and carriages walking on the ice. However, in order to prevent the horseshoes with iron palms from slipping, some grass or grass should be tied to the horseshoes. Cloth strips or something to enhance friction.

In order to speed up the infantry crossing the ice, Liu Ying assembled the sleds she had prepared when she stayed in Fuping County to organize the field division.

It's just a pity that there are no sleds like huskies, and the dog-drawn sledge has become a horse-drawn sledge.

Anyway, Liu Ying led [-] cavalry in this battle, carrying hundreds of thousands of horses, and there were countless prairie horses obtained from the Huns through trade and bred by himself.

But more, or mules.

The mule is a hybrid product, although it has no fertility, but it is more resistant to rough feeding, stronger, and has a good temper. It is not suitable for use as a war horse, but it is a good hand for carrying luggage!
(End of this chapter)

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