Destiny Only Han

Chapter 749 Liu Bang: I always feel that I have been emptied...

On the westward road of Chang'an City, a long procession snaked like a snake.

From a distance, it looks like an army, because banners and flags can be seen everywhere, and many soldiers wearing armor and riding horses are running back and forth; but when you get closer, it looks like a caravan. There are vehicles of different sizes, including mules, horses, and camels. There are also many Hu merchants in strange clothes, and orchids in cool clothes, carrying food boxes in their hands, selling dried fruits to the crowd.

But after the noisy crowd passed by, you will find that this is actually a convoy offering prisoners to Chang'an.

On the prison car in the middle of the line, sat the old Shang Shanyu, whose hands were bound but had gained a lot of weight. Among the hundreds of prison cars lined up in a row, all were dirty and fatter Xiongnu expensive long.

After all, it was a prisoner offering ceremony, just as white and fat sacrifices were used in the sacrifice, so the prisoners presented to the ancestral temple must naturally have an excellent mental outlook.

It's a pity that there is no suitable occasion for them to clean their bodies on the road, so after they are locked up, they have to be washed clean.

But to the idle and panicked Chang'an people, it doesn't matter whether it's dirty or not.

Even though the sun is scorching today, the air is steaming, and a gust of wind is blowing the heat wave, making people feel cool, but this does not prevent them from running over to take up positions from the dawn...

Rise and fall continue, the army went on an expedition, captured the enemy chieftain alive, and sacrificed the prisoner's ancestral temple!
This kind of magnificent martial arts made everyone feel proud even though they couldn't go there in person!
So among the crowd, whoever started it, babbled and sang a little song that had only been circulated in Guanzhong not long ago.

"...Eight thousand miles of roads, clouds and moons. Don't wait for the boy's head to turn white, and be sad... Drive a long car to break through the gap in Helan Mountain. Aspirations eat the meat of Hulu, laugh and talk about drinking the blood of Huns..."

According to legend, this is a piece of music written by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince when he was sweeping the ancestral temple of the Zhou people.

Because of this, the onlookers who are now humming a ditty can't help but have a faint idea in their hearts.

It's no wonder the prince is always beating this small barbarian tribe in the north. It turns out that the roots are here!
It's all the fault of Quanrong, their demise is too inopportune!
As a result, many people looked at the dejected old Shang Shanyu sitting in the prison car, and couldn't help feeling a little bit of sympathy for him...

After all, the Huns at this time had just started, and before they had time to become giants spanning the entire northern grassland as they did in history, they were beaten by the Han in a fancy way, and even the Great Chanyu was captured alive and offered to capture Chang'an... …

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, which does not detract from people's hatred for the invaders!

Especially in the Di Bao some time ago, it detailed the Huns’ burning, killing, and looting in Wusun, and even expressed deep condolences and endless mourning for the Han merchants and accompanying followers who died in Zhaowu City.

Each of them is a good son of their parents, a good husband of their wife...

However, he suffered a catastrophe, and his life was permanently frozen at that moment, and his bones were buried in a foreign land...

Now, they are back!

Many people looked at the rear of the prison car in amazement, where there were hearses connected end to end with soul-calling banners hanging on them.

Those tightly wrapped wooden boxes contained the remains of the victims.

Although Liu Ying built a cemetery for them outside Zhaowu City, and planned to erect a monument, people at this time paid attention to returning the fallen leaves to their roots.

Therefore, after cremating the remains, he deliberately picked out some ashes and sent them back together with their inheritance and clothes, which can be regarded as a memory for their relatives...

As a result, there were wailing sounds everywhere, and the voice of crying father and son was endless.

Those onlookers who were just here for fun could not help feeling angry, they only hated that there were armored soldiers patrolling around, otherwise they would have punched the Huns in front of them!

Well, beating to death is not enough, after all, people at this time have clear grievances and grievances, and what is important is that the grievance has the leader and the debtor has the owner. Although the Huns are the source of man-made disasters, the enemy is the Wusun people in Zhaowu City!
Therefore, no one brought up the rhetoric of resisting the Huns and aiding Wusun, but for the matter of Liu Ying's killing of the chief culprit and the destruction of Wusun, they all gave thumbs up and said that it was a good job!

All of a sudden, the streets and alleys were full of voices praising Liu Ying, killing Liu Ruyi and Qi Ji who were trying to keep the rhythm...

At this moment, with the wailing of the families of the victims and the cursing of the onlookers, many children carrying small bundles in the crowd suddenly ran around.

They are selling rotten vegetable leaves and gnawed melon rinds, a small bag of five baht...

Well, there are no rotten eggs. After all, the productivity is still too low. Even if the eggs are rotten, no one is willing to throw them out and hit others. This is the reason why "stinky" dishes such as stinky tofu and stinky mandarin fish can be invented.

So, in the innocent and bright smiles of the children, the Huns sitting in the prison car were in bad luck...

In the distance, Aya, who was following Lu Matong with her children to see the excitement, had a look of unbearable involuntary flashes on her face.

After all, many of the noble chiefs of the Xiongnu who were smashed by rotten leaves were her acquaintances, close relatives of the Lieutenant family such as the left and right captains, and some were even her playmates when she was young...

But that's it.

At this time, although there was no point of view of marrying and obeying the husband, after marrying Lu Matong and having children, Aya already regarded herself as a Han.

The Han people naturally would not have too much sympathy for the Huns.

But when Aya's gaze inadvertently swept past Lu Zhi on the other side, facing the other side's eyes full of hints, Aya suddenly understood, walked out from behind Lu Matong, looked at Liu Bang and said:

"Your Majesty, the so-called soldiers can be killed but not humiliated. Although those people are prisoners of war, it is better not to humiliate them too much."

Although Liu Bang really wanted to say what grade those guys were, how dare he call them 'scholars'?
But he changed his mind and said with a smile: "Okay, just follow Mrs. Zhongshui Hou's words. Come here..."

After all, politics is to get more of your own people and fewer of the enemy's people. If Han wants to master those nomadic tribes that come and go like wind on the vast and boundless grasslands, they also need those locked in prison cars. The Xiongnu nobles cooperated with each other.


At night, Zhongshui Houfu.

Lu Matong stood in the room with a dazed and dumbfounded face.

"What? Female single Yu?"

"Is this a big joke?"

Aya hadn't told him about this before, and it wasn't until just now that he fully understood why he couldn't continue working as a good Lieutenant of Sishui County, and was transferred back to Guanzhong before his term expired...

But what he is worried about now is that if Aya becomes the queen of the Huns, then his position as the head of the family will not be guaranteed...

Who's on top, that's the question!
Aya raised her head triumphantly, and Dabing had a teasing and proud smile on her face.

Back then, Lv Ma's child companion was a merchant and came to the Xiongnu to spy on information. She fell in love at first sight and fell in love again. She hoped that he would stay in the grassland, herd horses and sheep with her, and have more children by the way...

But in the end it was she who followed Lu Matong to the south and settled in the Central Plains.

But what I never expected was that the twists and turns, and now Lu Matong is going to follow her north to the grassland, it is really a trick of good fortune...

And their daughter will become the king of the Huns after her, galloping on the grassland for generations!
So Aya's breathing became rapid, she stood up abruptly, carried Lu Matong on her shoulders, and walked into the room.

"Come on, my little pony..."

Lu Matong was full of helplessness, although his strength was much greater than that of Aya, he could easily break free.

But, this is the queen's order!

In the south of Chang'an City, the Ancestral Temple.

There are huge crowds of people, with flags flying, and there are warriors in iron armor cruising everywhere, as well as civil servants and generals in formal attire and beam crowns, waiting for the kings.

Today is the day for the prisoner offering ceremony.

Although the expeditionary army to the Western Regions has not yet returned to the court, there has been no fighting there. These days, a notice issued by the Protectorate of the Western Regions calling on the people of the Kanto region to immigrate to the frontier has also been posted.

Therefore, the courtiers gathered together to discuss an important issue, which was who would be the chief guard, deputy captain, and other official positions such as the captain of the Qiang guard and the captain of the Yue family.

After all, Duhu is a high-ranking official with two thousand shi, and most of the rest of the school lieutenants have food salaries above a thousand shi!
Therefore, this must be contested!
Liu Bang watched this with cold eyes, did not say a word, but raised a somewhat sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth from time to time.

You didn't contribute much during the war, but you want benefits now?

It's pretty beautiful!
But having said that, he still scoffed at Liu Ying's suggestion of boldly employing a newcomer as Mushou.

After all, Liu Ying's arrangement is as follows: Wei Shangshi, the county magistrate of Jiuyuan, was transferred to the governor of the Western Regions Protectorate. , the crown prince Xima Fengtang was the lieutenant to protect Qiang, as for the other bits and pieces of official positions such as Cheng, Marquis, Sima, etc., most of them were transferred from Zuo Erguan who was born in the Han Public School...

Therefore, Liu Bang didn't even bother to write a reply...

Eating alone is not good.

So Liu Bang beckoned, signaling for a middle-aged man standing under the flagpole in the distance, with his hands folded in front of him, to come over with a very humble attitude.

This man was named Dong Chi, and he inherited his father's position as Marquis Cheng at last year's Summer Welcome Ceremony.

Well, Dong Chi's father is called Dong Xie.

When Liu Bang was the head of the pavilion in Sishui, Dong Xi was the pavilion soldier.

Later, when Liu Bang went to Mount Mangdang, Dong Wei followed Liu Bang all the way to conquer Qin in the west, and entered Hanzhong in the south, and also set up the Three Qin Dynasty. , [-] households in the food town!
Therefore, Liu Bang gave him the posthumous title of "Jing".

At this moment, Liu Bang looked at Dong Chi, who looked exactly like Dong Xie, and nodded slightly. Although the development of the Western Regions needs to forge ahead, there must be a mature and prudent person to help check the gates, and when necessary, restrain those who are full of enthusiasm. Young people thinking about the consequences.

And Dong Chi is the best candidate.

As the second generation of Gonghou, he does not have the arrogance and domineering that the first generation and other second generations are used to. In addition, he was born in Fengyi. If he is the protector of the Western Regions Protectorate, he can live in harmony with the subordinates and calm down. Courtier disputes.

Therefore, after a brief surprise, Dong Chi bowed and saluted: "I must do my best to live up to your majesty's trust!"

Liu Bang patted him on the shoulder without saying a word, and immediately walked away with his hands behind his back.

The prisoner offering ceremony is about to begin.

According to the usual practice, under the arrangement of the ceremonial officer, Liu Bang first used blood to pay homage to the ancestors of the gods, then nodded slightly, and a visitor came out, holding the edict in his hand, and recited the article "Pian Si Li Liu" in cadence .

The content is actually very simple, it is to detail the past between the Han and the Hungarian, emphasizing that although the two sides have conflicts, they still maintain a state of harmonious coexistence as a whole.

In particular, it is emphasized that in the later period of Maodun's reign, the Han and Hungarian sides signed a certificate of mutual non-aggression and business friendship, and the two countries had frequent exchanges, just like a country of uncles and nephews...

Well, Han is an uncle. After all, Liu Bang's age is right there, so it doesn't hurt to call him uncle.

Therefore, the old Shang Shanyu is equivalent to Liu Bang's grandson, and now he has killed his own father and superior, it is true that he is not as good as a beast!

The Han army's expedition was not only for love and justice, and to maintain the harmony and tranquility of the Western Regions, but also to follow the will of God and rectify people's hearts, to capture the old Shang Shanyu, the beast who killed his own father, and to punish him seriously!
So after the prisoner offering ceremony, on the square south of the Jongmyo Temple, a large wolf-headed flag with a historical quality was slowly raised at a glance.

This is exactly the spoils that Liu Ying seized from the battlefield and sent back together with the old Shang Shanyu.

Too bad it's a fake...

But the other people present didn't know, they just looked at the wolf-headed banner with shortness of breath.

After all, killing the general and capturing the flag has always been the highest honor for the world to boast of martial arts.

Needless to say, bursts of shouts erupted in the crowd.

Kneeling under the flag of the wolf with his hands bound, to be precise, the old Shang Shanyu was kneeling under Maodun's coffin, trembling with fear, his eyes full of remorse.

If he had drawn his sword and killed himself in the first place, he would not have the shame of today!

Amidst the shouts, Aya, who had changed into the Hun costume again, came out more and more, holding a short dagger in his hand.

This was a gift from Modu when she was just walking around.

Not only can it be used as tableware, but also a sharp weapon for self-defense!

But today, this is the weapon she uses to avenge her father and kill her relatives righteously!

Aya slowly walked in front of the old Shang Shanyu, all the past flashed in her mind like a revolving lantern, and finally fixed on the picture of the other party peeking at her with covetous eyes.

In an instant, a cruel smile appeared on the face of Aya who was a little hesitant.

The birth of a king is always accompanied by blood, whether it is oneself or others, it will always be bloody.

The same goes for the Queen's Birth these days.

The Huns will follow her blood-stained footsteps, surrender to Han, and gain happiness and peace unlike before!

So, Aya placed the dagger horizontally on Lao Shang Shanyu's neck, and gently dragged it.

Suddenly, blood burst out.

A brand new era is coming.

ps: Dong Chi is actually quite capable. He served as the internal historian of Emperor Wen's dynasty in history, that is, the governor of Zhili...

pps: On the high-speed train home.

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