Destiny Only Han

Chapter 750 Zhou Bo: Camping bluebottles, stopping at Fan, he is not a gentleman, he has no faith in

Chapter 750 Zhou Bo: Camping bluebottles, stopping at Fan, he is not a gentleman, he has no faith in slander.

Xihai County, Lingjusai (now Lanzhou, Gansu)
It was midsummer, and the weather was hot and dry. Even the farmland near the banks of the river still needed frequent watering. Otherwise, it would only take a day or two for the ground to crack and roll up pieces of palm-sized soil.

Therefore, although the sky is full of stars and the moon, many farmers have already carried their homemade water pumps to the irrigation canals to occupy a good position.

Well, that is a simple wooden water pump, driven by human power.

When in use, one end is fixed on the ground, and the other end is inserted into the water, and the scraper is driven by the pedal to pump up the water in the canal, which saves a lot of labor compared with the orange mop that used the lever principle to fetch water in the past.

Basically, two and a half-year-old children can irrigate thirty or forty acres of land in one morning.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the father is standing with a stick in his hand, otherwise the child's attention will be attracted by other things in minutes.

For example, at this moment, the cavalry of the Han army passing by Tianbian Tudao in a long snake formation.

So, those children who were stepping on the pump truck, while their father was in a daze, cheered and ran to both sides of the marching army, waving their hands and jumping.

This is the army of the Han people, their army, and the army they want to join when they grow up!

Well, that's for sure.

After all, the man who came angrily with a stick in his hand had a household registration of 'Shiwu', similar to a military household, and his children would naturally be conscripted into the army when they reached adulthood.

Then, Liu Ying, who was wearing a bamboo hat and flapping her fan, heard the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

This voice couldn't be more familiar, because he also uttered such a miserable howl...

I really miss it... Liu Ying shook her head, full of emotion.

He is not returning to the court as a squadron, but leading the cavalry of the Han army to advance along the Yellow River. After arriving in Beidi County, he then goes up Hebei to Jiuyuan County.

After all, the purpose of sending troops this time was to support Aya's supremacy and make the Xiongnu a vassal state of the Han Empire.

The nomadic people are different from the farming people. In spring and summer, they are mainly nomadic. Nearly a million Huns are scattered on millions of square kilometers of land, just like a handful of broken rice scattered in the West Lake. It is difficult to find them. Like going to the sky, the best time to find herdsmen on the grassland is only after autumn, when the grass is yellow and the horses are fat, and the Huns are concentrated in the winter camp, and at the same time, the Heaven Worship Conference is held in Longcheng.

Therefore, Liu Ying's march here is unhurried, as long as the whole army arrives in Jiuyuan City when autumn comes.

Therefore, Liu Ying looked at the rising sun, and immediately ordered everyone to camp on the spot, and set off after the sun went down.

But he thought for a while, and called a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy beside him: "I pass on my general order, and those who violate the civilians will be executed, and those who step on young crops will be executed. Others who violate the military order will be punished with serious crimes and even sit down!"

The young man bowed his hands in salute with a serious face, and flew away like flying, shouting the order Liu Ying had just issued.

Zhang Buyi leaned over to Liu Ying and asked in a low voice, "Is that him?"

Liu Ying looked impatient: "What is he and is not his, just tell me what you have to say, do you know that riddlers deserve death?"

Zhang Buyi was stunned for a moment, and suppressed his anger: "I heard from Zhiyang that the reason you founded Dahan Public School was because you saw a child who sold himself to save his mother at the market..."

"Is the Donggong Sheren Yuan An who ran to deliver the order just now the younger brother of that child?"

Liu Ying nodded:

"Yes, it's him."

"In addition, the child who sold himself to save his mother has a name named Yuan Kuai. He graduated with No. 13 grades in the School of Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering of Dahan Public School in 1 years of Han Dynasty. My father personally awarded him a diploma. Now he is in the Royal Second Work at the shipyard."

Zhang Buyi nodded, looked ahead, and murmured softly, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally: "Yes, the wings are getting richer..."

Liu Ying didn't bother to talk to that guy, but just jumped off the horse and walked beside the field ridge, looking at the half-foot-high corn seedlings, pretending to understand it well, and admiring: "Well, the growth is very good, it seems that this year is another bumper harvest year!"

The middle-aged farmer who had just taught his two lazy sons a lesson, was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile:

"Yes, this corn is a good thing. The yield per mu is much higher than that of wheat, but after the corn seedlings grow taller, it is too painful to dig in and pull weeds every time..."

Beside him, the two children who were stepping on the water wheel almost didn't cry again.

The children of poor families have been in charge of the family early, and they have grown a lot in the past two years. Naturally, they have to participate in the work of digging into the cornfield and weeding.

It's stuffy and hot in the green gauze tent, and the important thing is that every time we pull out the weeds, there will be blood marks on my body...

Liu Ying nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, yes, pulling weeds is indeed a hard job... I did it back then."

Well, he was also present when Lu Zhi lived in Tianzhong [nòu], so naturally he should share one-third of the credit!
The farmer looked at his almost endless field, and said with a sigh:

"Thanks to the current crown prince, the Agricultural Machinery Trading Company has all kinds of labor-saving agricultural machinery, and my two hectares of idle land can also be reclaimed..."

"It's a pity that there are only agricultural machines for plowing and harvesting, and there is no one that automatically weeds. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to worry about asking for help... But in three or four years, my third and fourth children will also be able to go to the fields to help!"

For a moment, the two eldest and second children who were sweating profusely and stepping on the waterwheel couldn't help being shaken.

After all, the farm work in the field is always limited, and with two more helpers, they won't be as tired as they are now...

But before that, they still hated the gentleman in Yixue the most.

What summer vacation, winter vacation, everyone has been swimming in the ocean of knowledge, isn't it good!
Well, there are still winter vacations.

After all, Chinese New Year not only has delicious food, but also does not need to work...

While Liu Ying was full of thoughts, Zhang Buji suddenly came over and asked, "May I ask this elder brother, is his ancestral home Taiyuan County or Shangdang County?"

The farmer was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Neither of them. I am from Hedong, a Wei native. I moved to Guanzhong later. You can just call me Feng Zhuang for this young master. I really can't afford to be a young master..."

Oh, it's no wonder you're so good at budgeting... Zhang Buyi showed a satisfied expression, and then asked again: "You said before that there are more than two hectares of idle land at home... But I think at your age, you shouldn't just be an old man. Sir?"

Liu Ying also nodded in agreement:
"That's right, this place is called Lingjusai. It used to belong to Longxi County, but it was recently assigned to Xihai County, in order to enrich the population and taxation of Xihai County..."

"Many years ago, today's imperial edict was promulgated, and the soldiers of the Han army who participated in the previous battles were bestowed with honors. Many of them have surpassed the ranks of the people and are above the doctors... Could it be that there are treacherous officials?" ( Note 1)

Longxi County belongs to Guanzhong, which was the most stable base of the Han Kingdom during the Chu-Han War. In order to fight Xiang Yu, Xiao He squeezed out all the manpower in Guanzhong and Bashu. Basically, as long as the teenagers are over 1.6 meters tall, they will be recognized. As Cheng Ding, he was recruited into the army to step up training, ready to be sent to the front to fight against the Chu army at any time.

Therefore, it doesn't make sense that this middle-aged farmer is a fourth-level noble.

And when Liu Bang bestowed rewards on meritorious officials, it was in the mode of sitting and eating fruit and fruit in rows, and those who had carried guns were counted.

After all, when the population was small and the land was large, the purpose of conferring titles was to win people's hearts. Nearly a million strong men who have achieved a class leap because of the policy are enough to overwhelm any discordant voices in the country.

In Liu Ying's expression of "don't panic, Master Qingtian is in charge of you", Feng Zhuang showed a bit of embarrassment on his face, and his eyes dodged.

If it was asked by others, he would not bother to bother, but the two in front of him seemed to be of high position and authority, and there were a large group of soldiers with big waists and round waists staring at him, I am afraid that he did not have the right to refuse the 'interview'.

Therefore, Feng Zhuang said hesitantly:

"This... Well, I am a fugitive. During the war, I fled into the mountains with my family. After peace, I came out of the mountains..."

"Although His Majesty the Emperor has issued an edict to recognize us as nobles and order the government to issue farms and houses according to our titles...but when I came out, the original house had collapsed and the fields had become vassals. of the fief..."

"So, it's just me. My original neighbors were all moved to this barren land in Longxi County by the government... But fortunately, the government has a decree to exempt land reclamation from taxes, and exempt children from corvee taxes. This is a treat for us people. Way to live..."

Hearing the word Jianghou, Zhou Yafu, who was standing behind Liu Ying with his sword pressed, rubbed his nose with a complicated expression on his face.

After all, his father is Jianghou, that is to say, the land that their family occupies now was originally owned by this farmer named Feng Zhuang.

Not only Feng Zhuang, but also the neighbor's land that the other party said...

Under Zhang Buyi's face full of ridicule, Liu Ying also froze for a moment, and asked again:

"What happened later? I remember fighting against the Huns, and conquering the Nanyue Kingdom, Huainan Kingdom, and Dian Kingdom. Didn't you take part in it?"

Feng Zhuang shook his head, his face full of anger:
"Of course not. How can such a good thing happen to us outsiders! Today's wars in the Han Kingdom are not as good as before. There are very few dead, but the military exploits are exceptionally rich. Just give money..."

When he said this, he stopped abruptly, and his eyes were full of guilt, staring at the ground.

After all, all the soldiers of the Han army who were looking for shady places to camp in the mountains and plains at this moment were all well-born cavalrymen, especially the noisy Qin Yin who came with the wind, which exposed their origins.

So, this is a scene where someone sues this officer...

Liu Ying looked around at those cavalrymen from good families, sniffed and asked, "Well, it's almost noon, can I go to your house for dinner?"

Note 1: Jinshang refers to the current emperor, from "Historical Records Jinshang Benji", which was later stolen by the book and used to refer to the current emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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