Destiny Only Han

Chapter 803 Liu Ying: Parents Love...

Chapter 803 Liu Ying: Parents Love...

"Oh my general..."

Hearing Antiochus III's strange emphasis, Mrs. Fan subconsciously frowned, but then hearing the other party's generosity, he suddenly smiled.

After all, when he was living in Chang'an City, Liu Ying once drank too much at a family banquet, and said unabashedly that in the north of Seleucid, there is a place called the Balkan Peninsula, which is rich in beautiful women. According to legend, because of a beautiful woman, And sparked a war...

Therefore, this is also the reason why Mrs. Fan did not stay comfortably in Southeast Asia, but traveled all the way to West Asia.

So he held up the silver cup and said with a smile, "Thank you, thank you..."

Antiochus III also toasted: "Oh my general, you don't have to thank, as long as you can help me defeat the Romans, you have as many women as you want... If you can lead my army into the territory of the Romans , maybe you can also taste the taste of the women there..."

After he finished speaking, he babbled for a long time to the translator beside him.

Mrs. Fan waited for a while with some itching, and then nodded slowly.

What Antiochus III told him through a translator was the history of the Romans. After the Romans built towns on the seven hills, in order to expand the population, no matter if they were criminals, vagabonds, or all kinds of refugees, as long as they came to Once you are in Rome, you are Romans!

But the problem is that most of these people are bachelors, and even Romulus, the king of the Romans at that time, was also a bachelor.

So they had the idea of ​​next-door neighbors, the Sabines.

So the Romans held a grand sacrificial activity and invited the Sabines to come to participate, but when the sacrificial activity was in the middle, the single men in Rome suddenly rushed out and snatched the young Sabine woman when they saw it. The Sabine man had no choice but to run away because he was unarmed.

In this way, the Romans robbed many Sabine girls.

Then, the Sabines, who felt that they had been humiliated, launched a war against Rome. Unfortunately, the war lasted for three years and there was no winner. And gave birth to a child of the Romans...

In the end, the Sabines gave up the war and merged with the Romans to form a country. As for the king, there were two kings, Romulus, the leader of the Romans, and Thetis, the leader of the Sabines.

But within a few years, Titis was assassinated and killed, and there was only one king left in Rome, Romulus.

But the good times didn't last long. Romulus was invincible in foreign wars. His power and prestige were rising day by day, and finally made the Senate feel afraid. So one day when Romulus was parading in the military training ground, a storm suddenly broke out, flying sand and walking stones, It's dark...

After the storm, Romulus disappeared...

And the reason why Antiochus III said so much to Mrs. Fan was not to give him the history of the popular Romans, but to tell him indirectly that the Romans were never a good thing. He helped him fight Rome. a just thing...

But Fan Kang didn't really care.

The main purpose of his running out this time is to avoid the nagging of his old mother, and the advice of the empress aunt who made him so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe just by looking at him, and to escape being a father and mother. Husband's responsibility.

After all, his age is placed in later generations, at best he is a junior high school student, and his body has initially matured, but he is still a child.

How can a child be a father to another child?

So, he ran away first, came out to eat, drink, have fun, and then made a move that shocked the world, and went home with his head held high, making that extremely terrifying aunt look at him with admiration!

Because of this, he put down his wine glass, and patted his chest in the second breath: "Don't worry, Rome, he will never come back!"

In an instant, Antiochus III became full of confidence.

To be honest, his commanding skills are not good, but as a king, his political level is still good.

The reason why he honored Mrs. Fan, a young man who speaks so much, as his honored guest was not only because he was Han, but also came from an aristocratic family, and he was a half-brother with the emperor of Han!
What's more, the other party has real skills.

Among other things, the weapon named Gravity Catapult drawn by Mrs. Fan on the first day of his arrival is a killer weapon that the skilled craftsmen in their country can't think of even if they want to break their heads!
Although he made a mistake when he fought the Romans last time, the elephant soldiers trampled on his silver shield infantry, and the scythe chariots broke up his flanks, but the main cavalry led by him really tore apart. on the Roman front.

But helplessly, the elephant soldiers, chariots, and heavy infantry corps all collapsed, causing the cavalry who still maintained their advantage to retreat.

Although their cavalry is called armored cavalry, they don't have stirrups and saddles, and they can't break through the tortoise shell formation of the Romans...

Well, even with stirrups and saddles, heavy cavalry dare not rush into the infantry phalanx, especially when the opponent has almost won a complete victory and the momentum is like a rainbow.

So next time, when the armored cavalry led by him encounters the tortoise formation of the Romans, he can use this trebuchet to smash them all to death!

The important thing is that the armor he bought from the Han people is a complete set, not only comes with a matching long knife, but also a pair of strong crossbows!
Anyone within thirty steps is dead!

Such long and short cooperation is the way to defeat the enemy!

Therefore, this is also when Mrs. Fan proposed to him to shrink the main force of the army, to strengthen the walls and clear the fields and not to fight the Roman legion, and then take advantage of the rainy season when the Romans could not launch an attack immediately, build more trebuchets and wait a little longer, and wait for the Han merchants to slowly follow up. The reason why he immediately complied with the proposal to fight the Romans to the death with five thousand sets of armor.

This time, time is on his side!
The Roman was still the Roman, and Seleucus was no longer the same Seleucus!
Antiochus III felt that if he could wipe out the Roman legion led by the former Roman consul Scipio the Great in the Asia Minor Peninsula, the Greek city-states on the Balkan Peninsula would definitely turn against him!

In this way, he will have enough fleet to drive the Romans back to the west of the Balkan Peninsula!
Maybe you can easily bring down Egypt as well!

The Seleucid Empire will replace the former Macedonian Empire, and he will also become the next Alexander the Great!
Well, at this time, King Philip of Macedonia had already been defeated by the Romans in the Battle of Konos Kephale, and the super-long spear phalanx was dragged numb by the Roman Centuries. In the end, they were defeated and lost. Ownership of the city-state, while abolishing the army, let the son go to Rome as a hostage.

In this battle, the city-state of Athens contributed a lot.

But in the end, Athens did not get the promise of the Romans to withdraw their troops and regain their freedom. The result of the Athenian infantry fighting with the Romans and the Macedonians was to change themselves to a new master...

Therefore, as long as Antiochus III truly fulfills his promise, restores the independent status of the Greek city-state, and the two sides form an alliance for offensive and defensive mutual assistance, he can get the sincere help of the Athenians!
After all, the Seleucid Empire was also a Hellenized country, and it had a somewhat close relationship with the city-state of Athens...

So Antiochus III raised his wine glass and cheered loudly: "Victory!"

The same is true of Fan Kang: "We must win!"


About several hundred kilometers south of Antigonus, a group of more than ten Han knights galloped on horseback.

Although the place is sparsely populated and there are frequent bandits, this group of cavalry did not worry about their own safety at all. After all, there was a large flag waving in the wind among them.


As red as blood, he controls the life and death of the world!

The young man in the middle of the knight is Xu negative's third brother, Xu An who is now enshrined as Lord Fanyang.

After all, in the world, the most important thing is that one person can ascend to heaven. Xu negative is now the wife of the harem who ranks second only to the queen. Her status is noble, comparable to that of kings. Still a little small.

Therefore, when Fan and his wife were feasting and drinking in the palace, Xu An kept going back and forth between Anxi's fleet and Seleucid's capital, Antigonus.

He is now not only urging the fleet to transfer the armor, but also to load and send the [-] sets of infantry armor that Antioch III has paid for in full as soon as possible. As for the Parthians who also paid in full, let them wait. ...

However, Xu An's more important task was to recruit mercenaries.

To be precise, they are the guards of overseas caravans.

The Han Dynasty ruled the world with Wu, and now the people of the world are serving all over the world. Naturally, the horse puts the Nanshan swords and guns into the warehouse and transfers them to economic construction. There is no large-scale all-out war.

Therefore, those domestic veterans who have practiced battle formation since childhood and have fought under Liu Bang or Liu Ying for more than ten years, and are now in their [-]s, have no use for them.

The important thing is that under the [-]th-class military merit system, the best way for the Guizhou chief who is a soldier to achieve a class leap is to fight!
Although there is now a relatively tortuous road of studying, entering various universities, and then taking the national examination, this road is still easy for those young people in their teens and twenties. For the veterans of the Chu-Han War, let them write with a pen and study hard, this possibility is unique!

Reading, how can it be easier to kill someone?
In the same way, these veterans will not go into the factory to screw screws...

So their way out is to act as guards for overseas caravans, kill water bandits when they encounter them, and occasionally encounter merchant ships that are not under the Han trade system, or barbarian settlements that have not surrendered to the Han, they will also be promoted Put up any other banner, come to a deal with no money...

Although these half-way privateer armed forces are not proficient in water skills, in the sea battle of the sailing warship era, the final victory is the boarding battle. The shirtless warriors wearing only a pair of shorts use short knives or battle axes to decide life or death!
Therefore, Xu An came to recruit these killers who have long been pessimistic about life and death...

In particular, the large caravans running at sea are either officially owned by Han, or directly or indirectly controlled by Liu Ying and Chaozhong Xungui, so what Xu An has to do is very simple, that is, a cloud-piercing arrow ...

To be precise, it was a telegram. At least before the end of the rainy season in the Mediterranean region, three to four thousand veterans who were generally around 4000 years old and whose combat skills and physical fitness were still at their peak could be gathered.

Especially cavalry.

Today's Han army cavalry is fully equipped with muskets, mainly light-armed dragoons, and only a few thousand lancers are responsible for re-armed charge, so there are also caravan guards who are familiar with horse archers.

As for the armor, Xu An didn't have to worry about it at all.

Although the private collection of iron armor, especially plate armor, is prohibited in the territory of Han, this ban cannot control the overseas Han people. As long as they do not wear or carry iron armor into the territory of Han, the rest will be Let them go.

Therefore, the result of the discussion between Mr. Fan and Xu An was to find a way to recruit a thousand retired cavalrymen of the Han army wearing plate armor.

This is a force that can turn the tide of battle at critical moments!
For example, in the Third Crusade, the knights of the Knights of the Hospital recklessly defeated the army led by Saladin.

Xu An sighed silently while riding on the horse. Unfortunately, the naval guns are too heavy to be used on land, and the gun mounts are different from infantry guns or cavalry guns. Otherwise, this battle would not need to be so troublesome...

Artillery and cavalry rushed, enough to beat all the enemies they encountered...


Weiyang Palace.

The autumn is sunny, and the overlapping high walls also block the noise of Chang'an City.

But in the solemn and solemn palace, there was a harsh clip sound.

"Brother, brother, I have changed my clothes, just let me ride around..."

"Just one lap, really, what you say is true..."

"Please, please..."

On the flat ground in front of the Jiaofang Hall, Liu Le, who was dressed in riding attire, followed behind Liu Ying, with a begging and flattering expression on his face.

Liu Ying turned a blind eye to this, and just used her feet hard to circle around the open space on her bicycle.

After so many years, he finally got on the bicycle again, staggering to find the feeling of learning to ride a bicycle back then, but it was different from the tranquility at that time, and now there was a buzzing fly beside him... …

Well, the bicycle he is riding now is an ancient classic model, that is, in the 90s and [-]s, every household has a [-]-bar...

Only limited by the rubber process, the wheels of the bicycle use the same solid tires as the shared bicycles.

Strenuous, but no risk of flat tires...

On the steps, Liu Bang had an envious expression on his face, but he still pretended not to care and said, "Why do you think it's a good thing, a bicycle? Let me see if you don't pedal it? You don't need to say how slow you run. People use pedals, and with this skill, riding a horse has already arrived, and it doesn't take much effort!"

Lu Zhi gave him a sidelong glance: "If you can't eat grapes, you start talking about sour grapes..."

According to Liu Bang's character, if he had never ridden a bicycle, he would have pulled Liu Ying off the seat a long time ago, so he was standing on the sidelines at the moment, obviously because he couldn't master the balance and turned over the bicycle a few times... …

After all, for beginners who have never ridden a bicycle, it is better to ride a smaller bicycle with training wheels to find a sense of balance, and then learn a big bicycle.

Therefore, what appeared in Weiyang Palace was a [-]-bar. This is Liu Ying's careful thought, to ensure that no one will rob him...

Hearing Lu Zhi's cynicism, Liu Bang was instantly furious, turned his head and stared: "Who are you talking about?"

Lu Zhi snorted and turned his face away: "The sour fox that can't eat grapes, who knows who is the sour fox..."

Liu Bang shook his sleeve vigorously: "Naigong is so mad, you wait, Naigong will show you the horse!"

After finishing speaking, he strode down the steps angrily, and for a moment his waist and legs were no longer sore, and he didn't have the shy and cowardly look of last night at all.

The corners of Lu Zhi's mouth rose, proud of his victory today.

Behind her, Lu Yu, with a solemn expression and meticulous attire, gradually opened his eyes wide, and his eyes lingered repeatedly on Liu Bang and Lu Zhi who were far away.

Learned, learned...

Lu Yu nodded secretly, looking forward to Liu Bang falling on the big horse again, and then coming to compete with Lu Zhi for [-] rounds...

After all, parents are the best teachers for their children...

In the open space, Liu Ying was full of helplessness, and just ordered a few servants to follow the rickety Liu Bang closely, lest he break the bicycle he just made...

"Look, this is the end of eating alone!" Liu Le clenched his fists and looked angrily: "If you let me ride it earlier, why would my father snatch it away?"

A certain black-hearted little padded jacket knows very well that the old man is a slave to his daughter, and he will never rob her of toys...

Liu Ying also made a regretful expression, but accused:
"It's all because my sister wore a skirt when she went out today, otherwise I would have let you ride the bicycle long ago? It's because you went to Dou's place to change clothes. You ran from Weiyang Palace to Changle Palace, and from Changle Palace back again. Weiyang Palace, it takes too much time to come and go, so father didn't know where to get the news, so he also ran back!"

"To tell you the truth, the bicycle was finished yesterday. I just waited for Dad to go to Uncle Lu's house for a drink, and then I got it to show off to Mom!"

Liu Le's face was full of question marks, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, the clothes she left in the Weiyang Palace did not fit well, and they were all skirts, so it was inconvenient to ride a bicycle with a beam in front, and the only men's clothing that she could wear in the harem was Dou Yi Fang there.

Well, they are both about the same height, more than 1.6 meters, but Dou Yifang has a broad mind, so Liu Le can naturally wear her clothes.

"Look, look, is Nai Gong riding well? Let alone riding, I can still hold the handlebar with only one hand!" Liu Bang turned his head to Lu who was standing on the steps while circling in the open space. Pheasant shouted loudly.

Lu Zhi snorted, pretending he didn't hear it, but in fact he felt a little itchy.

It's not that the family doesn't stay in the same family. She has been with Liu Bang for so many years, and she and Liu Bang have influenced each other. Now she has no resistance to these novelties.

But when he thought of competing with Liu Bang for a ride, Lu Zhi lost interest again.

But standing behind Lu Zhi, Lu Yu, who had been instructed by Liu Ying for a long time, immediately stepped forward and whispered in Lu Zhi's ear.

Lu Yu's height is the highest in the harem, and she is slightly over 1.7 meters. She even has to lower her head slightly to keep her mouth at the same height as Lu Zhi's ears.

Although Lu Pheasant was not used to it, he still smiled when he heard it: "I knew that brat wouldn't just make one! Let's go change clothes with mother, and we will also ride around the palace a few times! "

After she finished speaking, she led Lu Yu to the Jiaofang Hall.

In the Han Dynasty, even the concubines and noble ladies would ride horses to shoot and hunt every autumn. Therefore, in the Jiaofang Palace, Lu Zhi made more than a dozen sets of different hunting outfits, in order to go out every year to have fun and relax. Relax, now comes in handy.

Well, the hunting suit worn by women is similar to that of men. It is the product of the horse riding and shooting suit of King Wuling of Zhao in the past. The narrow-sleeved trousers are convenient for riding. Before that, both men and women, especially the nobles, mostly wore skirts. The circumference of the hem of the clothes is generally seven or eight meters, or even more than ten meters.

Such layers are not only bad for riding, let alone bicycles with chainrings, chains and wheels.

After a while, Liu Bang looked in front of him. Not only were there two auxiliary wheels on each side of the rear wheel, but they were also a bit smaller than his [-] big bars. The models were [-] and [-] women's bicycles. Seeing Liu Ying get angry, she froze immediately.

On the long steps of Jiaofang Hall, Lu Zhi in a hunting suit walked down slowly.

At this time, the wind is sunny and the sun is shining brightly. Lu's pheasant is like a flourishing peony, graceful and luxurious, and the capable hunting suit she is wearing at the moment makes this luxury look full of heroism.

This is my queen... Liu Bang showed appreciation.

But Liu Le was much more straightforward. She flew to Lu Zhi's side, bouncing up and down: "Mother, your clothes are so beautiful, you can make me a set sometime..."

"They are all mothers, why are you still so unruly!" Lu Zhi glanced at her, but his face was full of smiles: "This suit was made for me by Mrs. Dou. If you want it, you can find her." Go, anyway, the relationship between you two has always been very good..."

So, Liu Le stopped riding her bicycle and ran towards Changle Palace in a hurry, but she turned back and pointed to one of the two-four bicycles: "This is mine, don't move it!"

"Understood, I will send you to the Princess Mansion later..." Liu Ying waved her hand and drove Liu Le away like a fly.

Lu Zhi smiled, and chose the [-]-model women's bicycle among the remaining [-] and [-]. She knew very well in her heart that the larger bicycle was obviously made by Liu Ying for Lu. Yu prepared.

Harmony between the emperor and empress is also something she likes to see.

On the other side, Liu Bang threw the [-] sticks in his hand to the servant next to him, and walked quickly to Lu Zhi's side, but he was a little cautious: "Well, let me teach you..."

"No, there are those two..." Lu Zhi just wanted to refuse, but suddenly seeing Liu Bang's expression at the moment, he smiled and said, "Okay."

That smile was the same as that in Fengyi many years ago, when there was no one in the middle of the night, the young girl looked at the ranger who came over the wall and knocked on her window, and answered that she would marry him.

ps: Now Europeans and Americans have a ceremony when they get married, which is to ask the groom to carry the bride across the threshold of the new house. It is said that the source of this ceremony comes from the Romans who robbed Sabine women...

(End of this chapter)

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