Chapter 107
This year's winter really came early, the eaves were covered with fine frost, the sky was slightly bright, and the gate of the palace was crowded with people. This was the first morning after Zhu Di's Northern Expedition, and all the ministers came with their hearts in mind.

Everyone in the hall filed in. Zhu Zhanzhen and Zhu Zhanzhen stood under the dragon chair. Today's clothes made Zhu Zhanzhen uncomfortable, and they were very straight. On the other hand, Zhu Zhanzhen glanced at him with a smile on his face. The high dragon chair.

There was no hiding his lofty ambitions in those shallow eyes.

Zhu Zhanchang sighed, if the second brother is like this, the older brother can press him to the death.

With the ministers standing on both sides, the process of the early court did not change, but there was no one on the dragon chair. It was San Yang, Yao Guangxiao, Xia Yuanji and others who jointly called the shots.

"The Jiaozhi rebellion, the old ministers of the Hu Dynasty are now occupying the south of Jiaozhi to form a certain scale, and the minister urges soldiers from Guangzhou, Yunnan to be sent to suppress the rebellion."

Xia Yuanji stood up and said, "Your Majesty is marching north, and the army is moving north. If a two-front war is launched, the burden will be too heavy, and the affairs of the south will be discussed later."

Wang Dan was also straight-tempered: "Xia Shangshu, that's not what you said, I heard that His Majesty's Northern Expedition Xia Shangshu also stood up and expressed his objections, and was ordered to be imprisoned by His Majesty. "

"It's a big deal for the barbarians in the north to invade the border, and the rebellion of the barbarians in the south has to be tolerated and discussed later. Xia Shangshu is timid and fearful, and let the barbarians of a small country invade my Da Ming, why is it in your heart?"

Xia Yuanji was furious, but Yang Shiqi stopped in the middle: "If you are in the state of affairs, don't belittle people for it."

Wang Dan was not convinced, but saluted respectfully: "I hope that this matter will be heard in the sky, please let Your Majesty make the decision."

This matter is about to come to an end, but Zhu Zhanxuan's voice rang out: "Grandpa Huang once said that if the Great Ancestor opened up the territory, if I have to be bullied by barbarians, it is because of disloyalty and unfilial piety. If you dare to rebel, you should send a large army to suppress it and raise the prestige of our country.”

Zhu Zhanchang looked at his second brother in disbelief. Do you understand what your light-hearted sentence of military suppression means?
Sanyang, Xiayuan, Ji, Yao Guangxiao, have to suppress this matter first, and you pick it up.

"What the Second Highness said is very true." Wang Dan finally heard someone mentioning what he said, and immediately echoed it.

Several ministers probably rolled their eyes in their hearts, but Yang Rong said very respectfully: "Second Highness, the war between the north and the south is too much, so we should wait for the report to His Royal Highness before making a decision."

At this time, Zhu Zhanzhen nodded. He just wanted to have a presence in the court so that these ministers could see him.

He looked at Zhu Zhanchang again: "What do you think, fifth brother?"

What do I think? I want to beat you up. If you want to show off yourselves, you can do it yourself. Why bring me?
But when asked, I had to say: "Master, I would like to trouble you and Qin Tianjian tonight to calculate a hexagram, to test the good and bad luck of Nanzheng's trip, I will go home tomorrow, and I should obey the destiny."

As a staunch materialist, Zhu Zhanchang used God's will as an excuse. He knew how Yao Guangxiao calculated this hexagram was a big omen.

"Amitabha, what Your Highness said is very true."

In ancient times, when God’s will came, it was basically a one-hit kill, and everyone had nothing to say.

Although Zhu Di went on the expedition, the team of Yongle's prosperous age in the court basically kept them and restrained each other. As long as they didn't mess around, there would be no trouble, and what Zhu Di wanted now was stability.

After Wang Dan retreated, another minister came out. The people from the army, mainly talking about the recent northern supplies and the situation of the army, just made a statement, and then they returned.

The governor of Jiangxi, who had just returned to the DPRK, came out: "Jiangxi is in trouble with bandits. Chen Gan was originally the head of the county government. He robbed the prison and went up the mountain to cause bandit trouble. Now it has become more and more serious. One thousand, and I hope to send troops to suppress it.”

Bandits are more troublesome, and they hide in the deep mountains, so they can't suppress the border.

"When the report was made at the beginning of the year, there were less than 200 bandits in Meiling. How did they grow so fast?" Yang Shiqi asked puzzled.

"I just robbed a prison a few days ago and took away more than [-] prisoners."

"What's the use of your local officials and defenders in Jiangxi?" Yang Shiqi was furious.

It was the local officials who were afraid of taking responsibility and kept pressing, and this was only discovered by the governor after the robbery caused too much noise.

This matter is relatively urgent, the scale of thousands of people is not small, and Jiangxi is not far from Yingtianfu.

After a few discussions, Yang Shiqi took the final decision: "First deploy troops from all over Jiangxi to encircle and suppress the Meiling bandits, do not take the attacking into the mountains as the first priority, encircle but not destroy them, and deploy a team of [-] people from the Yingtianfu Shenji Battalion. Jiangxi support."

Ying Tianfu's forces could not be impressed. What we need to do now is to stabilize the bandits. These bandits are all rabble. Although they are vicious, they cannot be too united inside. They can be surrounded and cut off their food and wealth, and they will not be allowed to rob their homes. These people will be unsustainable.

In the battle of entering the mountains, the enemy is familiar with the terrain, and I am afraid that there will be no small losses. Ying Tianfu's troops cannot make a big move. The attitude of Yang Shiqi and others is still based on stability.

"Please also send a conductor to go."

To suppress bandits, Zhu Zhanyu said, "I'll go."

I go!This second brother is really provocative, Zhu Zhanchang couldn't help but secretly slandered.

"His Royal Highness, the bandits, why bother you to go."

"No, Jiangxi bandits are changing too fast. If we don't suppress and let them develop as soon as possible, what will we do if it affects Yingtianfu? Does Grandpa Huang have to worry about Yingtianfu when he leads the army?"

Zhu Zhanzhen was filled with righteous indignation: "Although I have never led the army, I have read more military books. Grandpa Huang and the eldest brother and the third brother are all fighting for the country on the frontier. If I can't even maintain the security around Yingtianfu, I will be ashamed to see Grandpa Huang. "

The heart is good, and the ambition is still good, but can you fight?Do you know how to deal with bandits?Is it a kill or an attack?

You are not Wang Yangming, so don't be brave when you shouldn't be brave.

"Second Highness, there is no need for you to go in person." Xia Yuanji advised.

"Hmph, the mere bandits? Bandits occupy the mountains as kings, plundering the common people, and local officials hide and do not report them, and it will become more and more serious. If they do not suppress, there will be thousands of people, and next year will it be tens of thousands, and wait until Your Majesty wins the northern barbarians. Do we still have to see Jiangxi rebels when we return to the DPRK?"

Every word of Zhu Zhanzhen seems to be questioning why these civil and military ministers are so incompetent. Xia Yuanji and others dare not say that they are afraid of his incompetence. After all, he is now an assistant to supervise the country, and disrespecting him is disrespecting the prince, right. The emperor is disrespectful.

Yao Guangxiao kicked the ball to Zhu Zhanchang's feet again: "Five Highness, what do you think?"

"What the second brother said is very true. You can't sit back and watch the bandits grow. The mountainous area of ​​Jiangxi is continuous. If you want to go into the mountains and destroy the bandits, I may not be able to completely remove them in a short time. You need to ensure supplies and hang them for a long time. Listen to the governor's intentions, there are many bandits. The perpetrators are not trustworthy with each other.”

"Control their supplies, prevent them from robbing their homes, and order the surrounding yamen to participate in the suppression of bandits, and those who violate the law will be executed."

When Zhu Zhanzhen heard that Zhu Zhanchang agreed with his idea, he immediately continued: "The fifth brother has the same idea as me, and sent a battalion in Zhejiang to go with me."

"Second brother, the bandits are going to be suppressed, but it can't be you."


"Second brother, the two of us have obeyed the will of the emperor, and my father is unwell. You and I will assist my father in supervising the country. If the second brother leads the army to suppress the bandits, it will be as short as three or five months. Without the second brother, father I am missing my right arm, and I alone cannot bear this responsibility."

Do what you say, let's do it, you are the minister of the country, and the country cannot do without you, so I beg you, don't do anything.

"What Your Highness said is very true." Xia Yuanji followed.

"Hey, let's do it. From now on, we will send troops to suppress the bandits. I will personally supervise the handling. All bandit suppression information will be passed on to me, and those who are ineffective will be severely punished."

"Follow your orders, Your Second Highness."

Zhu Zhanxun has found a job for himself. He needs to make certain political achievements. Otherwise, everything will be done by Yang Xiayuanji and others.

Zhu Zhanchang has errands for steam engines and banks. As long as there is no problem in transporting grain and grass, and steamboats are used, there must be political achievements, and there are also errands for Dongying spies.

But he doesn't have the errand he leads now, and he can't wait to find one. It is also his political achievement that he has done a good job in suppressing bandits.

Other matters in the early dynasty were resolved by several ministers, and Zhu Zhanzhen and Zhu Zhanchang first reported to the prince.

Today's ministers are also saying that although Zhu Zhanzhen acts impulsive and speaks more impulsive, he has a straightforward personality and dares to speak bluntly.

Zhu Zhanchang was young and mature, but he didn't show much in the early dynasty. For the ministers, he was too young, and those who didn't understand him still complained that the emperor asked him to assist in the supervision of the country.

There was a doll standing in the hall, and he couldn't help laughing bitterly after hearing his slightly childish voice.

Zhu Gaochi learned about Zhu Zhan's practice and encouraged him a few words. At least Zhu Zhan's spirit was good and he was active in doing things.

Zhu Gaochi asked Zhu Zhanchang to retreat first, leaving Zhu Zhanchang alone.

"Zhanchang, what do you think about Jiaozhi today?"

"Jiaozhi is in the south, and Northern Xinjiang is in the north. It is absolutely not advisable to start a war on two fronts." Zhu Zhanchang said bluntly.

"Since Jiaozhi was taken back, there have been continuous rebellions and poor management. I don't know if the Mufu in Yunnan could not be suppressed or it was difficult to suppress. Originally, your grandfather meant that your second uncle should be in Yunnan, but your second uncle was unwilling, and the matter continued. drag."

"Father, what do you mean."

"There has been a discussion in the courtroom for a long time, what do you think about the policy of abandoning the cochin?"

When Zhu Zhanji came to power in the Ming Dynasty, he made the decision to abandon Jiaozhi, and the discussion started long ago.

"No, this is not possible, absolutely not, I am in the Ming territory, and I will not give in an inch."

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(End of this chapter)

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