Chapter 108 Aka Forty Seven
It is rare to see Zhu Zhanchang expressing his opinion so resolutely, and Zhu Gaochi was a little surprised: "Why do you value Jiaozhi so much."

Zhu Zhanchang did not care so much about the vast grasslands in the north, but he cared more about Jiaozhi in the south and Dongying overseas.

Because although there are vast grasslands in the north, there are also abundant resources buried under the Siberian plain to the north, but they are temporarily unavailable.

I care about Dongying because there is no room for snoring beside the couch. Dongying has coveted the land of China for a long time in history. Whenever there is a chance, it will try to invade our country. We must solve this hidden danger as soon as possible.

Dongying won the game by invading the Qing Dynasty and gambling on the national fortune. If they didn't solve them earlier, they would not be able to.

As for Jiaozhi, this place is one of the footholds of Zheng He's voyages to the Western Ocean in the future. If this place is not within the scope of our country in the future, the activities of the Western Ocean will inevitably encounter greater resistance. Daming's current position wants to go south to west. go.

If you want to go to the South China Sea, pass through Jiaozhi, and then enter the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca, not only Jiaozhi, but also all the key ports on this route must be in your own hands. The prosperous maritime trade in the future will bring huge wealth, but if These places are unstable, and even fall into the hands of enemy countries, then it will be very troublesome.

Cochin can not be lost, this is the first stop of the voyage to the West.

"Father, can the matter of Jiaozhi be delayed by the Mufu of Yunnan first, without requiring immediate suppression, but the situation cannot be allowed to continue to expand. If Zheng He returns from the Northern Expedition smoothly next year, he will go to the Western Ocean, and at that time it will be in the form of double-teaming before and after. annihilate its rebellion."

Zhu Gaochi thought for a while: "This method is not impossible. I will first ask someone to prepare a book for the Mufu in Yunnan. After each conquest in Jiaozhi, there will be another rebellion within two years. The place is more chaotic than the north, but it is not as good as the northerners. Just a good fight."

"Father Shengming."

"You don't have to worry about the bandits in Jiangxi. Let your second brother do it. You should go to Zheng He. According to the report, the steamboat has an effect that is incomparable to ordinary ships. Nonstop."

"Yes, father, I will go in the afternoon."

Before going out, Zhu Gaochi stopped Zhu Zhanchang again: "It's cold, add more clothes."

"Thank you father for your concern."

Seeing that Zhu Zhanchang is at least very focused on doing things now, Zhu Gaochi is also very pleased, and he sighs that the power of this princess of the Western Regions is really great, this lazy son has become a diligent son, and Zhu Zhanchang is better than him in terms of work. The second brother is much more stable.

Zhu Zhanchang hurried to the shipyard after lunch. At this time, there were steel smelting factories, steam engine factories, and firearms factories under construction on the riverside. They were all under construction, but the quality must be guaranteed, and it could not be completed so quickly.

"Your Highness, you are here." Zheng He greeted him.

"How many days can a steamship be built?"

"It's fully calculated, one ship in seven days, and now all the steamships have been put into the transportation of materials."

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Zhang San's workshop. Now there are similar simple machine tools in the workshop. There are drills, reamers and other tools on the machine tools. These things were figured out by Zhang San and others themselves. Machine tools can work more efficiently.

There is also a half-developed shuttle loom on the side. Now the demand for steam ships is huge, and the development of other things can only be stopped first.

There are many factors that restrict the output of steam engines, labor speed, basically no mechanized manufacturing, steel output, and the number of craftsmen.

"Master Zheng, add craftsmen, and let Zhang San and other craftsmen continue to observe the use of all steamboats. The steam engine must be continuously improved."

"Understood, Your Highness, but craftsmen need to be skilled. Will these craftsmen continue to be retained when the Northern Expedition ends?"

"The demand for steamboats is by no means what it is now. You can rest assured that the more people, the better."

bang, bang

Suddenly I heard the sound of a fire gun from outside.

Zhu Zhanchang looked puzzled, and Zheng He explained: "It should be Taoka. Although the firearms factory nearby has not been built yet, Taoka refused to drink a drop of alcohol during this period of time, and slept on the unfinished firearms almost every day. In the factory, we continue to study and improve our own firearms."

"Go and have a look."

The two walked towards Taoka, who was trying out a new gun by the river.

bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

The sound of the fire gun became clearer as it approached, and five fire gun sounds were made in a short period of time.

Taoka saw Zhu Zhanchang and Zheng He and hurriedly saluted: "Caomin Taoka has seen the Fifth Highness and Lord Zheng He."

Zhu Zhanchang looked curiously at the fire gun in Taoka's hand. On the basis of the original kidnapper gun, a hand grip was added in the middle of the fire gun, and the fire gun was made longer, with some modern submachine guns. looks like.

This surprised Zhu Zhanchang.

"What kind of firearm is this, Taoka?" Zheng He was obviously seeing this firearm for the first time.

Taoka picked up the fire gun and introduced it: "This fire gun is bigger and longer than the original kidnapper, because last time Master Zheng suggested that the kidnapper's firepower is not enough, a bigger one can increase its power, and a longer one can be loaded. For more ammunition, here I added a handle, which can be held by a single person with both hands to improve stability, and the current test can be used by a single person."

This motherfucker is the prototype of the rifle, and Taoka is really a talent.

Zhu Zhanchang didn't understand firearms, and only inspired people like Taoka to invent them.

Picking up this firearm and feeling it, the fire gun is still the first version, which is not refined enough, and the firing method of the ammunition is still fired once per round, which is the same as the kidnapper gun.

"How many rounds of ammunition can this gun carry."

"Up to eight rounds."

"Can you put a sight on the front end."


Sighting is also better than nothing.

Zhu Zhanchang used iron wire to make a sight and put it on the fire gun.

"Make a standard sight, and then test where the final aiming center of the sight is within the effective distance, so that soldiers can use the fire gun with higher accuracy whether it is training or fighting."

"Good idea." Taoka immediately applauded.

"Master Zheng He, this firearm has been improved and worked well. Send it to the front line, ignite it many times, and launch a single-person firearm many times. It may be useful to install the Shenji Camp on the vast grasslands."

"Understood, Your Highness."

Taoka was so excited when he heard that his fire gun could go to the battlefield: "Your Highness, is it really possible?"

"It still needs to be improved. All firearms installed in the hands of the Ming army must be safe after many tests, and there should be no potential threat to the user."

"En." Taoka nodded heavily, and the feeling of being recognized made him ecstatic.

War is a propellant for the rapid development of industry. Historically, Western industries have been destroyed in wars, but they have also been continuously improved in wars.

Those cumbersome fire guns that need to be operated by multiple people must be replaced with single-handed fire weapons that can be operated by one person. Although this fire gun has no way to achieve real bursts, Taoka still has an idea.

"Taoka, if one day you can really make the fire guns order once and fire many times, your name will be engraved on the purple gold stone tablet, not only you but also your grandfather."

Taoka was full of confidence: "I will do my best to obey Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanchang thought and thought: "I remember the last time I saw a firearm called [Ten Thousand Enemies] in the firearms factory."

"Yes, Your Highness, that is a powerful firearm, which is not usually used."

[Ten Thousand Enemies] Large explosive incendiary weapon, weighing 40 kg, the outer skin is made of clay, which is equivalent to a large incendiary bomb, but it is troublesome to carry, mainly used when sieging and defending the city, but it is basically useless for the barbarians in the north. superior.

There are many barbarian light cavalry in the north. Such large-scale firearms cannot be used at all without a launching device. They only increase the transportation pressure, and they dare not attack the city.

"Reduce the scale of [-] enemies, make wooden handles, extend the leads, and let them explode after a few breaths of time, so that our soldiers can throw them out."

"Why is your Highness like this?"

"Such a small-scale enemy of [-] can be assembled by a single soldier to increase the single-person firepower of any soldier. The battle between our army and the north is mostly a battle of small groups of light cavalry. These firearms can ensure that our army can have more firepower output space before the enemy army charges, or when the enemy army is ambushed, reducing the casualties of our army."

Zheng He thought about it for a moment. If a team of our soldiers were equipped with these two things, and when the enemy rushed in, the fire and guns would strike in a row, and there would be less enemy troops before they reached the front.

If our army makes a surprise attack, throwing small tens of thousands of enemies first to disrupt the enemy army should indeed have a miraculous effect.

Zhu Zhanchang's idea is to increase the firepower of our individual soldiers, and not to increase the load too much, so everything should be light and small. After all, if the cavalry carry too many heavy firearms, they will definitely not be able to keep up with the enemy.

"Taoka, this kind of firearm, and the [Ten Thousand Enemies] in hand, I want to see these two firearms that can be used before the New Year."

"Yes, Your Highness." Taoka was full of confidence.

Looking at the booming industrial area by the river, Zhu Zhanchang recognized these great Ming craftsmen very much. As long as you give them time, there will be results beyond your expectations.

"Master Zheng He, once the craftsman has any reforms and innovations, if they are officially applied, they can distribute rewards, and this invention can also be named after him, such as Zhang San-style connecting rod. "

There is no concept of patent yet, but to encourage invention and creation, there must be a patent to protect the interests of inventors.

"Well, the name of [Ten Thousand Enemies] is too difficult to pronounce, so it's called a grenade, and the mine in the hand. As for this fire gun of Taoka, it is called a Taoka-style fire gun."

Named after his own name, Tao Ka never dared to think, doing well is also something that honors the ancestors.

"Your Highness, my grandfather used 47 rockets when he flew into the sky. I want to call this firecracker Aka [-]-style firecracker."

Zhu Zhanqian looked at Taoka in disbelief, whether it was fate or pure coincidence, why did your grandfather use 47 rockets so skillfully.

 Thank you for the 1500 coin reward from [Author's Little Brother Creation God]

  Thank you for the 400 coin reward of [Hand Shredded Roast Chicken]

  Thanks to [Book Friend 20220324201610822] for the 500 coin reward

  Thank you for the reward of [Youth, Dream and Love]
  Thanks for the reward of [Bang Tian Gang-Au3]
(End of this chapter)

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