Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 135 Controlling Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 135 Controlling Thunder and Lightning
In the small courtyard, Zhu Zhanchang instructed Chu'er to gather abalone, sea cucumber, fish lips, king oyster mushroom, hoof tendon, flower mushroom, cuttlefish, scallop, quail eggs, etc., add broth and old wine, and simmer it.

Zhu Zhanchang was doing it according to the method of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, but he had eaten this kind of expensive food once, and he knew that it was stewed in a pot, how to stew it, and how long it would last, so he gave it all to Sang Yu.

Sang Yu was doing it carefully in the courtyard. It was all precious materials, and it cost a lot of money to make a broken pot.

"Just do what you do, don't worry about money, I have plenty." Zhu Zhanqian was rewarded with 200 taels of gold this time, and instantly became an upstart.

Chu Er was a little anxious: "His Royal Highness, all this money is used up, what should I do if it's gone?"

"Don't worry, the money will come back when it's used up."

Xiaosheng walked in with a letter in his hand: "Your Highness, Miss Cao's letter."

Zhu Zhanchang sat up from the reclining chair and took the letter, which had the fragrance of a girl on it, and thought that he had put some good-smelling powder on it.

He tore open the letter and looked at it for himself.

"His Royal Highness Wan'an: The flying shuttle loom has been received, and some suggestions for improvement after the use of the female workers have been brought to Mr. Zhang San. The cotton needed in the north is in the plan, and it will not be a hindrance to His Royal Highness. Society, rest assured, Your Highness."

The text is very short, and Zhu Zhanchang is unhappy after reading it: "It's all serious business."

Chu Er reminded: "Your Highness, Miss Cao looks naughty, but she is actually shy and reserved."

Do you want her to reply that I miss you on the boat too?
Just these few words let her write all night. She was afraid that which word could not be written well, that she would write too much and rewrite it. She used more paper in one night than the otaku.

Apparently she's matured a lot since her mother thing, and has a lot less frizz.

Zhu Zhanchang picked up the pen and wrote it down after thinking about it.

"Your letter is too official, you don't even say you miss me."

The love letter should be copied, or it should be copied.

Another little eunuch came back with a magnet and some copper wire in his hand.

Seeing these things, Chu Er knew that her Highness had to tinker with some strange things.

Zhu Zhanchang has been free recently, thinking that the steam engine is in good development, and Zhang San and other craftsmen are constantly learning and improving, so he can tinker with some other things.

engage in electricity.

As an excellent car mechanic, he has encountered more than one car generator, and the principle of generator is junior high school knowledge, which is not very difficult.

Of course, what we need to do now is not something as complicated as a car generator, but simply make a device for cutting magnetic lines of induction, and by the way, make a prototype of an electric light.

There is electricity, there is no use, it is useless.

Copper wires, magnets, carbonized bamboo wires, and wheels are also simple.

Because he couldn't get tungsten wire, Zhu Zhanchang used carbonized bamboo wire. In the beginning, the light bulb was made of this thing, but the durability and lifespan were not good, but now he first studied the principle clearly, and then asked Zhang San Just wait until it's perfected.

I am in charge of thinking, and you are in charge of doing.

Magnets include natural magnets and artificial magnets. Our country has records of making magnets since the Song Dynasty.

Wujing always records the production method of guide fish.

The guide fish is made from a thin sheet of steel and is shaped much like a fish.

Cut with thin iron leaves, two inches long, five minutes wide, with sharp head and tail like a fish shape, set it in a charcoal fire and burn it, Hou Tongchi, use the iron seal to set the fish head out of the fire, with the tail facing the child, dip it in a water basin, If there is no mantissa, it will stop, and it will be received with a secret device.

That is, place the red-hot iron sheet in the direction of the meridian.Putting it into the water at a certain angle will increase the effective magnetic field strength of the fish magnetization, and the magnetization effect will be better.

Of course, Zhu Zhanchang used natural magnets.

The copper sheet is made into a collector ring, and then the copper wire is wound into a coil and connected to the runner, the other end is close to the collector ring, and the carbonized bamboo wire is connected with copper wire outside the collector ring to form a simple closed circuit. .

When a part of the conductor of the closed circuit is in the magnetic field to cut the magnetic induction line, the conductor will generate a current.

Zhu Zhanchang started to turn, and after turning for a long time, there was no sign that the carbonized bamboo silk had lighted up.

Several people looked at Zhu Zhanchang suspiciously, and Zhu Zhanchang himself was also puzzled.

It shouldn't, the principle is correct.

I checked it and improved the connection between the copper slip ring and the coil. Once it starts to rotate, the connection between the two is easy to disconnect. If the circuit is not closed, there is no way to generate current.

Zhu Zhanchang started to turn again, this time speeding up.

With the continuous and rapid rotation of the coil, the carbonized bamboo silk gradually reacted and slowly lit up.


Chu Er and several people exclaimed in surprise, and in the exclamation of several people, the carbonized bamboo silk gave off a bright light, and then immediately broke and went out.

"Wow, I thought I was going to catch fire just now." Chu Er was taken aback.

"What happened below Your Highness?"

"It's called electricity."

"Electricity? Lightning's electricity?"

"Simply put it this way."

Chu Er wondered: "But I didn't hear the sound of thunder just now."

"This electricity doesn't need thunder, and we can make it ourselves."

"Really? Isn't His Highness now the mother of thunder and lightning?"

"This is not magic, it's called science."

"Science?" Both Xiaosheng and Chu'er murmured the word to show that they didn't understand.

Zhu Zhanchang is in a very good mood. Now he has to find a time to go out to find Zhang San and others. He only has the theoretical foundation to support him, and the tools and the like are all there, and he has to say that he still loses to Zhang San in his hands-on ability. Third class craftsman.

The generator Zhu Zhanchang is confident that it can be made after a period of time, but the light bulb is not so simple. The carbonized bamboo wire can only last for a while and then burn out.

If it can be evacuated or can be supported for a long time in a pure nitrogen environment, but eventually tungsten wire has to be found.

Don't think about tungsten wire at this stage. Zhu Zhanchang has no professional knowledge to support him in refining tungsten wire. This work can only be tried to see if the newly built smelter can do it. It is quite difficult at this stage.

Zhu Zhanchang ran to the outside of the palace excitedly, and was about to leave the palace, but was stopped. The prince had a special circumstance, so Zhu Zhanchang could not leave the palace. It was too convenient for Zhu Zhanchang to leave the palace before. That's why it happened that he could sneak out, and now he has to get Zhu Gaochi's answer like other princes before he can leave the palace.

Zhu Zhanchang simply walked to the Prince's East Palace and went straight in.

"Father, I have another important discovery, as long as the application is successful, it will definitely change the world."

Zhu Gaochi smiled bitterly and said, "What did you find?"

"Control the lightning."

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(End of this chapter)

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