Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 136 Father and Son Touching the Switch Together

Chapter 136 The father and son touch the switch together
"What are you talking about?" Zhu Gaochi was startled by Zhu Zhanchang's words.

"Father, how can this be arrogant, it's just thunder and lightning."

Zhu Gaochi said helplessly: "You are not an immortal in the sky, how do you control lightning?"

"It's not so exaggerated to say that control is so exaggerated, but it can be manufactured."


Zhu Zhanchang didn't speak much. Xiaosheng and a few little eunuchs were already waiting with the previous power generation device. At this time, they brought them in with Zhu Zhanchang's order.

Seeing the strange device, Zhu Gaochi was dumbfounded. This thing was more complicated than the kettle that boiled water before.

Zhu Zhanchang put the things in place, checked the connection, and then started to rotate together. At the third rotation, the carbonized bamboo filaments lit up again.

With a flash, the carbonized bamboo filaments are broken and extinguished.

"What is this?"

"Father, when this thing turns, it can create lightning. Of course, it is not as powerful as the lightning in the sky. It is a small lightning. The lightning can make the bamboo silk light up through the carbonized bamboo silk, which is much brighter than lanterns and candles. Let the night be like day."

Zhu Gaochi was puzzled: "What's the use of making the night as bright as day at night? If you don't sleep at night, how can you sleep brightly?"

Zhu Gaochi is not as positive about the future of electric lamps as he is about the world without horses. He has not been able to understand the essence of electricity in a short period of time, and he cannot imagine its benefits.

However, the development of science and technology is inseparable from electricity, and the application of electricity naturally takes a certain amount of time, but the prototype is made first, and then it is gradually improved.

"Father, I'll turn it again. Come and feel the circuit."

This kind of small current can't hurt anyone, so Zhu Gaochi can experience the feeling of being electrocuted.

"His Royal Highness, it is absolutely impossible." The old eunuch stopped: "If it is really lightning, what should I do if I hurt His Royal Highness?"


As Zhu Zhanchang said it himself, he reached out and touched the wire, feeling that it was almost negligible.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanchang was fine, Zhu Gaochi also touched him curiously.

Father and son touch the switch together.

Feeling the weak presence of electricity, Zhu Gaochi was still puzzled.

"Father, let me go out first, I'll go to the shipyard to see."

Zhu Zhanchang stalked him to the death, but Zhu Gaochi still did not agree with him to leave the palace. No matter what, he had to be punished so that the imperial censor and other ministers would not come and play him a book.

Zhu Zhanchang had no choice but to let Xiaosheng go out of the palace, tell him how to use things, let him demonstrate in front of Zhang San and others, and then let them make a better one.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanchang was downcast, Zhu Gaochi comforted him: "After the new year, I will make you the king of the county, and you can leave the palace again."

"Father, how long will it take?"

"Look at these memorials, all of them say that you went out of the palace privately, you have lost your dignity, and you have lost the dignity of the royal family. Next time you will suffer from it in the early court, don't take it as it doesn't matter. These officials are in trouble in the court. It is the etiquette and law as the basis, but you have lost the etiquette and law, so you can't go back."

Zhu Zhanchang smiled, and whenever he laughed like that, Zhu Gaochi knew that this guy had some tricks up his sleeve.

"Father, this time, I still won the battle and came back. After all, I can say the past."

"Did you fight the battle? Zheng He fought it."

"Isn't Grandpa Huang also blamed?"

Seeing that he still didn't know what was wrong, Zhu Gaochi was angry and funny: "Come here, put a cane on me and hit him twenty boards."

"His Royal Highness, it is absolutely impossible, His Royal Highness is just right, if we call again, His Highness will not be able to participate in the New Year's banquet."

Zhu Zhanchang hurriedly admitted his mistake: "Father, my son knows he is wrong, he really knows, I have deeply reflected on my mistake, and for this incident, I wrote a five-hundred-word letter of repentance. Let me read it in front of all the ministers first."

Others don't work. Zhu Zhanchang is still very good at writing a review.

He has always spoken fiercely and deeply introspected. When others heard it, they all felt that Ruzi was teachable and very teachable.

Zhu Gaochi didn't expect that he was already prepared. He took the repentance book, frowned and read it again, and sighed: "Do you really think as you wrote?"

"Yes, Erchen already knew it was wrong."

"You said in the text that you were going to take Jing Shang Dynasty?"

"Yes, father, I have to punish me for what I did wrong." The attitude of admitting mistakes must be sincere.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand upright.

Zhu Gaochi laughed angrily: "Nonsense, the grand prince is bare-chested and exposed to the court, and he has not been laughed at to death."

"Father, only in this way can I show my determination to admit my mistake."

Zhu Gaochi sighed: "Forget it, forget it, I will hold their memorials on Yanguan's side, Yang Shiqi and Hu Guang will also look after you, and you can go to court as usual the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you father."

Seeing Zhu Zhanchang jumping away, Zhu Gaochi got angry: "Do you think he really admits his mistake?"

The old eunuch beside him hesitated to say anything.

"This kid's personality is too perverse. This book of admitting mistakes is the same as when the school admits mistakes to the teachers. Every time he admits mistakes, he is sincere, but he is not sleeping in the school. Have you seen him change it?"

The old eunuch said with a slight smile: "His Royal Highness, the fifth highness is also good, but it is much more interesting, and whether the fifth highness is endorsing or doing things, after all, nothing has gone wrong, just naughty and playful."

"I'm afraid that when he has a problem, he will have a big problem. People who are not bound by etiquette are easily captured by others."

The old eunuch said respectfully, "His Royal Highness, such a smart person, will not be framed by others."

"I hope." Then Zhu Gaochi handed a secret report to the old eunuch: "The last time when Dongying and the Jurchen spy were in charge, the Jurchen spy leader was caught yesterday, and Hu Guang was ordered to interrogate quickly, and the remaining young female spy was left. Gotta get caught."

"As ordered."


In the dark prison, the cabinet chief Hu Guang was sitting and drinking tea. The jailer was tortured and questioned the man who was tied up. At this time, there was no good skin on his body, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in blood.

The capital punishment was used to treat this person, making his life worse than death. At this time, he was carrying out the punishment of affixing an official.

The punishment is very simple, a piece of soaked paper is placed on the prisoner's face, two or three of each, and the number is continuously increased.

It was just a little difficult to breathe at first, but as the paper increased, the human brain began to lack oxygen.

Breathing is a human instinct. This kind of punishment does not make him unable to breathe at one time, but makes it difficult a little bit. The more and more difficult it is to breathe, the more and more you want to breathe, and the desire for survival will become stronger and stronger. .

Under the repeated punishment, the man finally opened his mouth, and it didn't take long for a confession to be placed in front of Hu Guang.

"Hugong, the prisoner confessed, but he said that he had never seen the face of the beautiful woman, only knew that she was a shepherd in a certain Fengyue place, and she was good at making pipa. Both of them are leaders of the Zhechen tribe. Abuhan Zhuo, but usually do not contact each other, in order to protect their respective information, so there are not many cases of mutual knowledge."

Hu Guang put down the cup: "Let's try again, these spies don't have a word of truth in their mouths, this confession can't catch anyone, and can't make a deal."

The jailer was a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

"People are about to be tortured to death, and it is estimated that they won't be able to live for long when they wake up."

Hu Guang sighed: "That's it, let's just leave it out. After beheading, throw it out to feed the dog. At least he killed the leader of the Zhechen tribe, Abuhan Zhuoyue, so I can give your majesty an explanation."

"The order goes on, and from tomorrow onwards, all the locations of the wind and moon will be strictly investigated, and any clergymen with unknown details will be brought back for interrogation."

"As ordered, Duke Hu." The jailer rarely smiled. Interrogating these women was fat and poor. It was much more interesting and exciting than interrogating men.

"and many more."

"What's wrong, Duke Hu?"

"The red shepherds with unknown details will also be tried."

(End of this chapter)

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