Chapter 165

Zhu Zhanchang created a separate place to house foreigners. Several people were able to achieve such a high position, and their thinking was extremely sharp, and they noticed that things were unusual.

There was a sea ban in the Ming Dynasty, so foreigners who came here generally referred to the envoys from various countries who came to pay tribute.

But there are not many envoys, so there is no need to set up a separate county, let's make such a big place.

Does such a big fight mean that there will be many foreigners in the future?
I can't figure out the meaning of what Zhu Zhanchang did. Did he want to bring in foreigners privately?Want to open the sea ban privately?

Jin Wu instantly noticed that something was wrong, and he could be a political envoy at the level of a vassal official. He was very sensitive to politics. He knew that Zhu Zhanchang could not do these things without reason and without basis.

"He may know some news that people like him don't know. Could it be the opening of the sea ban?" Jin Wu thought to himself, if the sea ban was really opened, it would be a major matter of national origin.

Jin Wu thought for a while and then said, "Your Highness, this place is too close to the outer sea, and there are Japanese pirates at sea, so the port is probably too dangerous to build there."

"Have you seen the steam warship yesterday?"

"Very mighty."

"If the pirates and pirates want to disturb my coast, they have to beat me first." Zhu Zhanchang was very confident in his own strength.

The technological level and weapon level of both sides are not on the same starting line. When the crushing trend is formed, the other side will be broken at the touch of a touch. This Zhoushan naval battle is the proof.

And with the continuous improvement of Daming's steam warships, a small group of Japanese pirates will not dare to invade our Daming border in the future.

They didn't understand Zhu Zhanchang's self-confidence, so Fang Shi said: "Your Highness, the warships are mighty, but there are only three ships and it is impossible to stay at the port of Xiangjiang Village all the time."

"Who said there are only three ships, I will build [National Pearl River Shipyard] [Pearl River Steam Engine Factory] [Guangzhou National Steel Group] [Guangzhou Fu Electric Group] [Guangzhou Fu Machinery Manufacturing Group] [Guangzhou National University] in Guangzhou Prefecture. Church] [Guangzhou National Military Academy].”

Zhu Zhanchang said all the things that need to be established in the first step in his vision in one breath, all things that few people have never heard of.

Seeing how they didn't understand, Zhu Zhanchang could only pick something they understood and said: "Steam warships will be built at the Guangzhou Shipyard, and steamboats will be produced next, some for military use, some for civilian use, and so on. I will greatly encourage manufacturing and infrastructure construction, and I will issue a reward system when I understand the situation in Guangzhou."

"His Royal Highness, what is manufacturing and what is infrastructure."

"The manufacturing industry includes but is not limited to textiles, ceramics, ships, vehicles, metal iron ore, electrical appliances, and electrical appliances. You may not be aware of it. After a while, the Electric Group will show you."

"Infrastructure construction, bridges and paving, house building, brick and tile improvement are all counted."

"These two items will be the top priorities for Guangzhou's development in the next few years."

At first, Zhu Zhanchang said that he would not intervene in the development of Guangzhou Prefecture, but in fact, the plan was planned, but the prefect of Guangzhou Prefecture, seeing that the three big bosses did not speak, naturally did not dare to say a word.

"His Royal Highness's plans are all for the livelihood of the people. It is really a blessing for the people of Guangzhou to have a county prince like His Royal Highness." Jin Wu probably didn't understand it yet, so the flattery came first.

"In the future, there will be places where you need your help, Jin Fantai, Liang Zhifu, His Majesty ordered me to manage the taxes, grains, taxes and silver of Guangzhou Prefecture, and I have to trouble the two officials of the Central Bank of Ming Dynasty, who brought me to count them. Next, it will be managed by the Prince’s Mansion of Zhujiang County.”

"It's my responsibility, how dare to let His Highness say this troublesome sentence, Wei Chen and Liang Zhifu must do it well." Jin Wu respectfully took the order.

"Commander Huang, this is Yang Lu, the former minister of military affairs. Next, I need you to take him to understand the military situation of the Guangdong vassal."

"The minister takes orders."

On the first day, I didn't plan to do too many things, just make arrangements to get to the bottom of it first, and two things, money and people, must be clear first.

These officials who came along now have no official status in name. They are all retainers of the Prince's Mansion in Zhujiang County, but they will be assigned positions in the future.

This team was selected by Zhu Di for Zhu Zhanchang, and it is the foundation for Zhu Zhanchang to manage the Guangzhou government.

"I'm tired today, except Fang Zansi, everyone else should retire first."

After less than an hour of talking, Zhu Zhanchang issued an order to evict the guests and yawned again and again.

Jin Wu is not an ignorant person, but he is just envious of Fang Shi's good teacher. Zhu Zhanqiu must have something special to explain to him. He sighs that the backstage is hard enough.

The two came out from the 24th Bridge on a moonlit night, and Jin Wu smiled and said, "Commander Huang, our Prince of the Zhujiang County, despite his young age, is full of vigor and courage to be the first. He is really a young hero."

"Brother Jin didn't say that last night."

The two were accompanied by people sent by Zhu Zhanchang. Jin Wu was afraid that Huang Huihong was talking nonsense, so he smiled shyly: "Let's say goodbye now. Everyone has a lot of things to do next. Commander Huang may be more busy."

"I don't care about Brother Laojin anymore."

Huang Huihong's temperament is relatively straightforward. Jin Wu is the most despised by people who do things in person and behind the scenes. In his heart, he is just a fat man who likes to play tricks.

After sending the two away, Zhu Zhanchang asked, "Sir Fang Zhan, you are in charge of the judicial affairs of Guangdong, in charge of judicial prisons, supervision and administration, and administration of post-posts. It can be said that you have worked hard and made great achievements."

As someone who has been in the officialdom for many years, when Fang Shi heard Zhu Zhanchang say this, there was something trouble to come, otherwise he wouldn't praise it first.

"His Royal Highness, you will be fine when you call me Fang. The tutors often send letters to fulfill their duties, always look after me, serve the country, and dare not claim suffering or merit." Fang Shi remained humble and humble.

"People say that the governor is a big official in the territory of one side, but I personally think that the governor is more important, the family has the family law, the state has the state law, if there is no law, the family will not exist, and if there is no law, the country will not be established. The hardest person."

Hearing Zhu Zhanchang continue to praise, Fang Shi's heart froze, there is no reason to praise so much.

Zhu Zhanchang definitely had something to say, but he didn't want to start a conversation himself, so Fang Shi firmly refused to answer: "Ordinary official duties can be handled, but I have less time to spend with my family. My parents and children have taken the government exam this year. I don't have time to tutor me if I'm not doing my duty as a father, hey."

It's useful to others, but Zhu Zhanchang doesn't play cards according to common sense.

"The exam for the eldest son in the family is a major event. If the company should go home and rest for a while, it's not good to delay Young Master Ling's study."

Zhu Zhanchang's sudden and merciless words made Fang Shi feel a little angry, annoyed that His Highness couldn't speak his mind. After all, he was the chief of the third division, and Zhu Zhanchang did not have the right to appoint or remove him.

But he holds a heavy army in his hand, and he has the power to kill and kill. As long as he is disrespectful, he can be executed first and then remarked.

Judging from the short meeting in the past two days, he can do anything. He is a person who can't be sure. The meaning of Hu Guang's letter is to follow him.

I dared not turn my head: "Wei Chen is stupid, how can I delay major affairs in the department because of small matters at home? Your Highness is just here. If there is a place where I can help you, Your Highness can speak bluntly."

That's right, complimenting you on Datong means you have something to look for. You should have said it earlier, don't go around me.

If I give you steps, go away, if you don't go, roll down for me.

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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