Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 166 Chapter 165 Multiple Solutions for Reading Comprehension

Chapter 166 Chapter 165 Multiple Solutions for Reading Comprehension

The procuratorial envoy is in charge of the punishment of a province, and has both judicial and supervisory functions.

It is equivalent to a department with the functions of a court, a supervisory committee, a police station, a prison, and a post office.

You say it's not complicated.

The main reason is that there were not many things that needed to be handled by the courts in ancient times. Basically, they were aimed at officials, and the common people were rarely promoted to the commissioner.

The class is a big mountain, and the common people do not have many rights to enjoy the law, let alone the lowly slaves and servants, so the law is basically prepared for officials, the punishment of the law is prepared for the officials, and the power of the law is also given to the officials. prepare.

On TV, you can see ancient villagers reporting their grievances and beating drums to complain about their grievances, but these are very few.

It's like a decoration, it will ring, but it's hard for ordinary people to walk in front of it.

In addition, local counties, villages and towns have not established corresponding judicial departments. Basically, there are conflicts that need to be resolved by village elders or patriarchs. It is really troublesome to see officials. Magistrates and prefects are all administrative units, not all of them are professional judges. .

Is it possible to divide it into one point, professional people do professional things.

If domestic productive forces are to develop and increase productivity, people must be allowed to go out to work, to factories, to do business, and then their rights must be protected.

Every well-developed country in modern civilization must have sound laws to protect the rights of human rights.

At the same time, the judicial and supervisory functions are in the hands of one unit, so do you monitor yourself?

To develop, we must all develop, politics, economy, law, culture, any shortcoming that will become a wooden barrel.

"Fang Yansi, I have one thing I need your help with."

"Please speak, Your Highness."

"The affairs of the Office of Prosecutors and Prosecutors are busy and complicated. I plan to divide them into three parts: Judiciary, Supervision, and Post Biography."

Fang Shi's heart thumped, this was a big fanfare to cut his power, and he was astonished beyond words.

The three fires of the new official taking office are not so burnt.

Fang Shi smiled wryly: "His Royal Highness, the powers and responsibilities of the three divisions are all determined by Your Majesty. If they are divided, this...Xiaguan is only a small inspector, but he has no power and responsibility to decide this matter. Please also ask After His Highness reports to His Majesty, His Majesty will order it, and your Majesty should fully cooperate."

"Just asking for your opinion and listening to your opinion, of course I know that it is up to Your Majesty to decide this matter." Zhu Zhanchang smiled kindly.

"The major events of the national sports, the lower officials dare not talk about it." Fang Shi planned to keep his mouth shut.

Zhu Zhanchang looked at him with interest. Officials at this level are not so easy to fool. All of them are talented people. Although their personalities are different, it is difficult to catch mistakes in their actions and speeches.

"Then let's talk about the responsibilities of the Secretary of Fang Zang, to promote morality, to clarify the management of officials, and to review the prison. This is the responsibility of the Secretary of Fang Zang."

"Returning to His Highness is the responsibility of the lower officials."

"If I remember correctly, Jingcha is imminent, right? Fang Zangsi."

"Yes, Your Highness."

In the Ming Dynasty, the two capitals were conducted once every six years, and in other places every three years. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the Jingcha became a tool for eradicating dissidents. In the early days, it was fine, but it was common for local officials to use it to capture political enemies.

"In this supervision, I will ask Your Majesty to supervise the officials of the Guangzhou government. At that time, I will also submit the reform plan of the procuratorial department to His Majesty."

Fang Shi was more and more surprised. Now that Zhu Zhanchang has taken control of the military, if the emperor gave him the judicial power again, it would be a bit harsh to say that Zhu Zhanchang is a complete local emperor in this place. The decree to be the emperor of the land.

Would the emperor do this?It's definitely not under normal circumstances, but is it normal for Zhu Zhanchang to be in charge of the army?Has the emperor come according to the routine?
Fang Shi was playing the thunder drum in his heart today, and he didn't understand Zhu Zhanchang's intention at all.

"Everything is subject to His Majesty's will."

Zhu Zhanchang smiled heartily: "Fang Yansi is worthy of being a disciple of the elder Hu Ge, he behaves quite in the style of elder Hu Ge, his rules are calm, and he has the style of a general. In the future, I hope to help you more, and I will not be far away today. Sent." Zhu Zhanchang issued a eviction order.

"Your Highness, you are very polite, then the lower official will leave first."

Fang Shi salutes and retires.

After walking out the door, he stopped again, touched his goatee, pondered Zhu Zhanchang's performance today, and thought of the letter Hu Guang sent him.

The letter said: "This time, the Fifth Highness was ordered to control the military forces in the four places. Guangdong and Guangxi have been stable for many years, or it is for Yunnan and Jiaozhi, so the letter said that there is no need to burden, just do things well, do more practical things, or show opportunity for talent.”

Recalling the conversation just now, I didn't know the fifth highness before, and I couldn't fight with the eight poles, let alone offend. It seems that the relationship between my teacher Hu Guang and this highness seems to be quite good. , and left alone to communicate with himself.

Why is that?
Fang Shiyi patted his head: "Oh, my head, when Your Highness came here for the first time, the third division left me alone, or wanted to use me for something, there was advice in the teacher's letter, why didn't I understand how to go in? ,oops."

Fang Shi immediately patted his thigh.

At this time, Zhu Zhanchang was in distress. Today, the three chiefs of the three divisions don't seem to be easy to fool, so no one will do things for him. I think that next time I have to fool around with the prefect of Guangzhou.

He didn't know that his behavior today made Fang Shi interpret another meaning.

This is like a reading comprehension question on a Chinese test paper. For example, the author wrote that the moonlight was dim tonight, and it was true that the moonlight was dim that night, but in the reading comprehension question, the writer must describe the dim moonlight because he was full of melancholy. , There will be wine to pour sorrow.

But the author didn't think so!It is the dim moonlight!
So don't over-understand.

Of course, some reading comprehension is also required at times. For example, if the author writes about the relationship between the grandson and the older daughter Shang Gong, and the intimate matters between the princesses of various countries, and occasionally writes more explicit, is that because the author likes to drive?Does the author really like to write this kind of stuff?

Do not!It certainly isn't!
It is a true and profound writing of the brutal persecution of women of all ages and social levels by the feudal imperial power, reflecting the inequality brought about by the backward and decadent system of the feudal dynasty.

How can you all say that the author is driving?Said he was driving a big car.

It is necessary to see the essence through the appearance, instead of using the appearance to use the imagination and use the small brain.

When the quiet brothel door wanted to understand Fang Shi, he made up his mind and walked back upstairs.

"Your Highness, Fang Shi is back."

"Why did he come back? Let him come in." Zhu Zhanchang put away his distressed expression, and looked like a playful boy with clothes on his head. He pretended to be advanced and his abilities were limited, but if he pretended to love to play, he would be caught. .

"Why did Fang Zangsi come back?"

"I just thought about your Highness's words just now, and I suddenly realized that there is another village. His Highness said that there should be three parts of judicial, supervision, and station biography. In fact, Xiaguan also thought about it, but he was too light to say more."

Zhu Zhanchang is worrying, why are you in another village in the dark and bright?

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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