Chapter 216
Hu Shanwei came outside the Zongren Mansion with a basket full of food, and the guards guarding the door stopped her.

"Hushang Palace, the important place of the sect's mansion, no one can enter without permission." The imperial guard blocked her way.

Hu Shanggong took out the crown of the Crown Princess: "By the order of the Crown Princess, come here to deliver meals to His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County."

The two looked at each other: "Hu Shanggong, please check the basket for the two of me. The emperor's life is on his side, so please be considerate."

Hu Shanggong reached out his hand to stop the two of them: "There is no reason to stop the mother from delivering meals to the son. It is understandable that the two of you are devoted to your duties, but the prince and the concubine love the Fifth Highness, please understand." Hu Shang Gong protected the basket with the vegetables behind him.

"But Your Majesty has an order that His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County needs to eat fast food and recite the Buddha. The meat in this basket is fragrant..."

"This is the new cooking method of vegetarian dishes in the imperial kitchen, which was specially arranged by the concubine's wife." After speaking in vernacular words, his face did not change.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them was easy to offend. One of them said, "Hu Shanggong, please go in."

"Thank you two, I remember you two for the Crown Princess."

"Thank you Hushang Palace."

After Hu Shang Palace entered, a guard said, "Is it really just put in like this?"

"Otherwise, what should I do? You are stupid. Although the Prince of Zhujiang County has lost his power, he is still the prince or the grandson. What are you doing with the Crown Prince, the Princess and the Concubine? Your Majesty also said that the Prince of Zhujiang County will be fasting for two months. You will be released after a month, you are young and don’t understand, there are many ways in the palace, don’t offend people easily, these nobles can kill people with a single word, and they can give you prosperity and wealth with a single word.”

"It's just a little bit of food. I opened one eye and closed one eye and passed by. The empress's waist card also lit up. The emperor knew that there was a concubine who was to blame. You really stopped me."

"You have to follow my fourth brother." The younger guard smiled and flattered.

"You have just arrived, and you still have a lot to learn."

At this time, Zhu Zhanchang was being punished in the ancestral hall. The ancestral hall was lit with candles. In front of the ancestral tablet, Zhu Zhanchang was lying on the edge of the table. He took down the offering fruit that was changed every day and took a bite.

The other hand holds the largest tablet, which is the tablet of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

"Grandpa Zeng, I knew that I had to come to Zongren Mansion to kneel for two months. At that time, I brought some fresh fruits from Guangzhou Mansion. The fruit from Shuntian Mansion doesn't taste good, and it is not as fresh as Guangzhou Mansion. Taste the fruits of the South, and I'll send someone to you when I'm out..."

Before he could finish speaking, the door rang, Zhu Zhanchang hurriedly put the tablet back, and respectfully knelt down in front of the table where the tribute was placed.

"Your Highness, it's me."

The familiar gentle voice sounded, Zhu Zhanchang breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and Hu Shanggong came over with a basket.

Walking to the kneeling Zhu Zhanchang, he stretched out his white hand to Zhu Zhanchang's mouth and wiped the residue left by Zhu Zhanchang who ate the fruit in a panic.

"It seems that the Crown Princess is worrying too much, and Your Highness is quite comfortable here." Hu Shanwei teased.

Zhu Di did not specially arrange for someone to detain Zhu Zhanchang, at least he was free to move around here, but he couldn't get out.

Hu Shanwei opened the lid and took out the dishes little by little. Zhu Zhanchang had eaten vegetarian food for several days, and he was finally able to eat meat and fish, so naturally he would not miss the opportunity to eat a lot.

"Braised pork, braised abalone..." Zhu Zhanchang moved his index finger as Hu Shanggong took out the dishes one by one.

"Did you cook the abalone in Hu Shanggong?"

"Yes, Your Highness, I am afraid that the people in the imperial kitchen will not know your taste, so they will cook it for you. Don't dislike it."

"The abalone in Hushang Palace is naturally delicious."

Put something on the scarlet table and eat it.

Hu Shanggong felt inappropriate and said, "Your Highness, this table is a tribute to the ancestors of the clan, why don't you put it on the ground and eat it."

"It's okay, can the ancestors watch their children and grandchildren starve?"

Seeing how Zhu Zhanchang was eating, Hu Shanwei couldn't help but smile slightly, and changed the position of the meat and vegetables in front of him: "His Royal Highness, please slow down."

"Weeds grow in the mouths of vegetarians."

Hu Shanggong said earnestly: "His Royal Highness, this time, for your sake, His Royal Highness has contradicted in front of His Majesty. You are no longer a ten-year-old child. Now you can't do things by your temper, and Shuntian Mansion is not Guangzhou Mansion. You have made a big mistake in playing courtiers with official bodies like you in the palace, and you don’t know that a group of people have come to the palace gate these days and are calling to punish you.”

"What did they scold?"

"What else can I say? Saying that Your Highness has no king's law and so on. There are also rumors that you said that people have changed from monkeys, that you are a lunatic, etc. The ladies of the Gongbo Hou's mansion returned the portraits today. It also made the Crown Princess very angry."

Zhu Zhanchang didn't care: "It's okay to retire, these people will really suffer a serious crime if they marry a concubine. This kind of woman's family who listens to the wind is the rain, leave early and feel at ease."

He said hehe smiled and looked at Hu Shanwei: "Hu Shanggong, no one will be my wife now, why don't you feel wronged?" He reached out and raised Hu Shanwei's chin.

"His Royal Highness, please don't talk nonsense, what kind of virtue and ability is Shanwei, I just hope that in the future, His Royal Highness is a concubine with a broad mind and a tolerance for others. Shanwei is already grateful." Hu Shanwei knew that it might be impossible, But Zhu Zhanchang also knew that she was not the kind of person to be slaughtered.

"What Your Highness has just said to you must be taken to heart, and don't act recklessly." Hu Shanwei warned again, Zhu Zhanchang's appearance obviously did not take the words to heart.

"I'm not reckless. I can't think of the consequences of hitting that courtier? I just wanted to hit that Chen Yun on purpose."

"Ah? Why is this, Your Highness?" Hu Shanwei was puzzled, his face full of disbelief.

"Do you really think I'm used to being domineering? Couldn't help but beat me after he said a few words to me in the court?" Zhu Zhanchang asked in return.

"I have dealt with affairs in Guangzhou for the past few years, and I still have some patience. He was sent to me by someone and asked me to fight. I originally wanted to kill him directly, but I think about it. It's a life, and if you kill it, it won't end well, so let's just give it a shot."

"Although this kid has been beaten, he is proud of himself now, and he has become a leader in outspoken persuasion. This thing has been enough for him to brag about in the officialdom for several years. After drinking with his colleagues, he will inevitably take this thing out and brag about it. , according to the dispositions of these civil servants, the death at this time must be recorded on the genealogy."

After Zhu Zhanchang finished eating, he said, "Hu Shanggong rubbed my shoulders for me. I feel tired these days."

Hu Shanggong naturally did not refuse, and pressed his slender fingers to Zhu Zhanchang, who continued to express his thoughts.

"The day Chen Yun came to the imperial court to sue me for treason, I felt a little strange, this book has been published for almost a year, and it was only used as an article at this time. Do you think it's too coincidental?"

"It's quite a coincidence, but it's not impossible for the civil servants to choose you to face each other when you come back."

"No, no," Zhu Zhanchang shook his head: "If I didn't know my temper well, how would I know that I would be stubborn with His Majesty because of such a book, and I would shirk my relationship, what can he do to me? This matter must be Those who knew me planned, and they had to know me very well, but Chen Yun probably only knew me in the Dibao."

Hearing what Zhu Zhanchang said, Hu Shanggong also felt something was wrong. According to normal people's thinking, the emperor was not happy because of this book, and he didn't really write it himself.

"Later, in front of Grandpa Huang, this person talked eloquently. As usual, he still pressed me with etiquette. Grandpa Huang didn't express his position. It was just a book. I knew that Grandpa Huang would not treat me. The strange thing is that Grandpa Huang's Attitude, I have been letting me confront Chen Yun, and I can feel the taste, this matter must be pushed behind Chen Yun's back, deliberately targeting me."

"Who is it?"

"I was not sure at the beginning. I should have no enemies in the officialdom. I have always been a good negotiator, and there are only a few people who know me very well. I think the biggest possibility is that I have too much power. Well, at first I thought it was Big Brother."

"Tai Sun? Impossible, Tai Sun..." Hu Shanwei said, but he thought it was possible as soon as he said it. After all, the two are brothers, but they are also competitors. Zhu Zhanchang has a good reputation in recent years. , and there is a military power much larger than Zhu Zhanji, and it is not impossible to have a grudge.

Zhu Zhanchang shook his head again: "I thought so too at first, but I immediately felt that it was not a big brother."


"Intuitively, according to Big Brother's character, if you have to use conspiracies to deal with me now, you will feel inferior to me from the bottom of your heart. I believe Big Brother can't feel that way, Big Brother is very confident."

"Who is that?" Hu Shanwei asked while massaging his hand without stopping.

"Who else is there, Grandpa Huang."

"Ah? Your Highness speaks carefully." Hu Shanggong was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Zhanchang pulled Hu Shanwei into his arms: "It's just you and me here, can you still tell me?"

Hu Shanwei's face was red, but he did not resist: "Why is it Your Majesty?"

"Grandpa Emperor gave me the sword of Emperor Yongle, and he was in charge of the forces of the four vassals for the purpose of pacifying the south and opening up territories. Now the south is peaceful and prosperous in trade. With such a great power in his hands, the character of the grandfather can't let me. Continue to be bigger, otherwise Chen Yun will be accused of treason one by one, how could Grandpa Huang not express his attitude at all."

"And when I beat Chen Yun, Grandpa Huang was watching from not far away. He didn't punish me, not only he didn't punish me, he didn't even say a word of guilt. I was punished only because I was reluctant, if it wasn't for my father who knew the temper of Grandpa Huang, I'm afraid I would now blame all the guilt on Yanguan."

Hu Shanggong was very stunned. He deserves to be the emperor. One thing is to clean himself up, to balance the forces of all parties, and to preserve his own reputation. If the prince is a little less clever, he will not make trouble with the civil servants this time. A trouble?
Zhu Zhanchang sighed.

"Grandpa Huang has held father, second uncle and third uncle in his hands all these years, and the few of them can't make any troubles. Now when I grow up, it will be our turn. Grandpa Huang will not allow anyone to threaten him." Well, if I was still ten years old, he would generously let me continue to master these troops, but I am now 16 years old, this is not enough, I have not made any mistakes, the emperor has no excuse to take it back, he can only throw it on me The water is dirty, and I'm also afraid that my reputation in the south will be too strong and my momentum will be destroyed. Isn't this just the way Grandpa Huang has always done to suppress whoever takes the lead."

Hu Shanwei never thought that Zhu Zhanchang could see things so clearly.

"His Royal Highness, since you have seen it all, why did you deliberately beat Chen Yun?"

"Hey, the emperor's life is hard to disobey. I used the strength of the four vassals when I was in Jiaozhi, Nanding. At other times, it was just an empty golden seal. In fact, it was not under the control of the emperor himself. Now, I have always had a reputation for disrespecting etiquette. This time, I was punished according to the reputation of disrespecting etiquette. It's not a big problem. If I don't give the grandfather this excuse to punish me, he has no other way to really take Wenda. The [origin] of the sect goes into depth and punishes me for making a fuss, but that would be troublesome."

"Why does Your Highness attach so much importance to the origin of this Wenda?"

"Hey, sometimes the progress of the times is not the progress of the general public, but the awakening of a very small number of pioneers. Those who have this ability to think, or one person in a hundred years, can't be let go since they happen to meet. He may not be able to meet him in the future, but I made it clear to His Majesty that day, I want to kill Wenda, and even I will kill Wenda, I will guarantee Wenda."

"What I want to protect is the rights of these people with forward thinking, and what I want to protect is that the current good situation of Ming Dynasty can continue to develop. If Wenda is punished, countless censors will follow suit, and the literary prison will rise. I have built it over the years. The education system is abolished, Nanhai University is abolished, and many years of hard work will be in vain, Daming will eventually repeat the same mistakes, and his thinking will not keep up.

Hu Shanwei looked at Zhu Zhanchang full of admiration. She didn't fully understand what he said, but she just felt that such a man had dreams and goals and worked hard for it.

Really handsome.

As expected, Zhu Di avoided the important things in the early court. He didn't say anything about punishing Wenda, but he didn't let the origin continue to be published. Wenda rushed into the Guangzhou government army. According to Zhu Zhanchang's ability in Guangzhou government, Wenda can really join the army. Punishment can be said to be light and light, escaping this point.

All the focus is on Zhu Zhanchang's beating, and Zhu Zhanchang's power is removed. It seems that the officials moved a mountain and used the imperial power to suppress the real power of the county king.

In fact, the emperor used this group of officials to achieve his goal. Zhu Zhanchang pushed the boat along the river and shed all military power.

Does Zhu Zhanchang suffer?That must be a loss, such a great power is gone, and a large pot of sewage has been poured, but he knows that Zhu Di will do what he wants to do. Is it really against his grandfather and his father?
But is Zhu Zhanchang the one who suffers?I have suffered a loss here, and on the other side, I must ask you to help me make up for it. My general power has been cut off, but you have to give me something back, and the relationship between grandfather and grandson must also be respectful.

"Next time, Your Highness, you are not allowed to say in front of Your Majesty that you must be executed if you kill Wenda. Your Majesty has never been threatened. Such words are too dangerous."

"Understood, are you worried about me?" Zhu Zhanchang said, and his hands became unbridled.

Hu Shanggong didn't refuse anything, his eyes were full of ecstasy, and he was softly hanging on Zhu Zhanchang's neck.

It's been five years, do you know how I spent these five years?
High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey, and a humming can make it difficult for people to control themselves.

The two have already revealed their intentions, and Zhu Zhanchang has no hesitation now.

After a while, Hu Shanwei, whose face was flushed, broke free, tidied up her skirt, and said hesitantly, "Your Highness, this is the ancestral hall of the clan, please be careful." She still retained a trace of reason.

Zhu Zhanchang took her hand and dragged her to his side again: "Longyong's descendants can also be regarded as honoring the ancestors."

Zhu Zhanchang pressed Hu Shanwei's upper body onto the table case, Hu Shanwei was lying on the table case in a panic, his hands were slightly supported, and the white tenderness was laid out on the vermilion table case.

I only felt the waves crashing behind me. For thirty-three years, I have traveled to a place that no one has ever been to, and I am open-minded today, welcoming the young man in my heart.

The hairpin hangs in a messy bun, the eyes are full of waves and waves, the blue silk is low and the half moon touches the shoulders.

The candles burned brightly, and the starlight slipped into the darkness. I listened carefully to the sound of the meteor sliding into the darkness. It was gentle and restrained, and it was continuous, like the drizzle on the window edge falling into the mud.

The vegetation grows and becomes more vigorous, and the water ripples more vigorously.

That night, the Hushang Palace was amazing.

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(End of this chapter)

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