Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 217 I'm Not Here To Resign

Chapter 217 I'm Not Here To Resign
In the study room of the East Palace, Chen Xuan was a little cramped and his face was nervous. Compared with five years ago, his temples are a little grayer, and his face is a little older. He has worked a lot for the navy these years.

The prince was drinking tea with him, and the princess arrived later.

"Where's Hu Shanggong, you always stay with her when she finds out." The prince asked casually when he saw anyone.

"I asked her to bring some food to Zhanrong."

They don't know what's going on there right now.

The Crown Princess sat down and asked, "Your Highness, what is the reason for calling me here today?"

"Marshal Chen, speak for yourself."

Chen Xuan said a little embarrassedly: "Prince Concubine Empress, Wei Chen is here today because of my little girl's business."

This first sentence made the face of the crown princess collapse. Today, so many ladies have returned the portrait, is Chen Xuan here now?
"Little girl, Chen Xinyue, I have known your Highness since early years. In some cases, I have to talk to Your Highness in advance and make it clear with the Crown Princess to avoid misunderstandings."

"What do you want to say?" The Crown Princess's tone was not very good.

Chen Xuan took out his family tree and opened it to his own page. Chen Xinyue was written under his name, but the Crown Princess did not expect that he even brought the family tree with him.

"Prince Concubine, the situation is like this, Chen Xinyue is not my direct daughter."

"Ah?" The Crown Princess was furious. Isn't she a concubine?Isn't this looking down on our royal family?
"Wait for Chen Xuan to finish speaking." The prince already knew the matter before.

"Prince Concubine, don't be angry, Chen Xinyue is not a direct daughter, nor is she a concubine or a daughter without a name. Her original name is Cao Xinyue. She is my sister Chen Xu, the daughter of the Cao family in Huzhou Prefecture."

The Crown Princess didn't know much about this matter, but the Crown Prince knew a little bit, because when Zhu Zhanchang was in custody for the first time, he had private trade with the Cao family among the charges of stabbing Lou Zi. His Majesty also knew about it, but The princess didn't get to know it in depth.

The younger sister's daughter adopted her brother as the direct daughter. She had never heard of this method. She only knew that when the prince saw the portrait, he said that the direct daughter of the Pingjiang family and Zhan Chang knew each other.

The family affairs are not publicized to the outside world, and as long as the portraits sent are definitely the first-class daughters recognized by the clan, there is no further investigation, and Hu Shanggong has been asked to inquire about the reputation of the noble ladies of various houses and prefectures before, only I know that this uncle Pingjiang is both talented and beautiful.

Chen Xuan continued: "At the beginning, Xinyue met His Highness, and then His Highness took her to the Canton Prefecture."

This made the Crown Princess stunned for a moment. He didn't know that, Zhu Zhanchang was hiding a lot of things from her.

"The Cao family has a great kindness to our mansion and a life-saving grace to the minister's father, so the minister's father married the minister's sister Chen Xu to the Cao family who had no official status. A few years ago, Chen Xu was a young widow and raised Cao. The first son of the family, His Majesty also awarded her an archway in two years, but my mother felt ashamed of her daughter. According to the family of the ministers, no matter how bad the younger sister is, she can marry a talented courtier with official status. She is equivalent to paying it back for her father. Kindness, my mother has always wanted to put Cao Xinyue in my name, at least the daughter of the Pingjiang Household is better than the daughter of a businessman."

After listening to Chen Xuan's words, both the concubine and the prince could not help but sigh. Marrying their daughter to the Cao family was a matter of morality and righteousness in the Pingjiang family. Apart from the complicated relationship between Cao Xinyue and Chen Xuan in terms of etiquette, there is nothing to blame.

The prince knew about Cao Xinyue, but he didn't understand it in depth. He didn't expect that there were so many stories hidden in it.

"I have come here specially to explain this matter to His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. It is the decision of the family's mother that I should participate in the selection of the concubine. I was away before, and I only found out when I came back, and felt that it was necessary to make this trip. "

The crown princess was instantly unhappy. Listening to Chen Xuan's meaning, Cao Xinyue signed up without his consent, which meant that she wanted to take the portrait back next.

"Since Marshal Chen doesn't know about it and doesn't want it, let someone take the portrait back."

Chen Xuan hurriedly waved his hand: "Prince Concubine, the minister does not mean this, the minister is just afraid that the matter will not be made clear and the intentional person will deliberately capture it, the minister will not argue, after all Xinyue is indeed not my biological daughter, a first-class merchant woman, just hanging on Pingjiang Uncle's name, if you want to match His Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County, it is really high, and if His Highness and the Crown Princess don't dislike it, they will keep the portrait, of course, the minister knows that he will not be selected."

Chen Xuan either came to retire from his relatives, or came to explain Cao Xinyue's identity.

It was rare for the Crown Princess to hear good news today. She was usually unhappy, and she was full of displeasure and happiness today.

There are always people who see the truth in adversity, and the Crown Princess's smile climbed onto her face: "Marshal Chen is a transparent person. This Miss Chen from your family is both talented and beautiful, and her name is well-known in the capital." The Crown Princess said, Miss Chen , is to tell Chen Xuan, I only recognize this Chen Xinyue as your daughter.

"It's all a fake name from outside. The little girl likes to write poetry, and she wrote some, and the talents of Shuntian Prefecture liked it and spread it. It's hard to get into the hall of elegance, and it's difficult to get into the hall of elegance."

"Although there are a lot of women who learn Chinese and calligraphy these days, it's rare to have a daughter like yours."

The chat was hot for a while, and the Crown Princess had one daughter of the Chen family. Chen Xuan even brought the family tree. You recognized her as Chen Xinyue. It is the same for anyone else. She is Chen Xinyue, the daughter of Pingjiang.

After Chen Xuan left, the Crown Princess was very happy: "His Royal Highness, this lady of the Chen family is really not bad."

"Why, did you think Chen Xuan was here to quit painting when you first came here?"

"Chen Xuan just said, at first everyone thought it was coming to quit the painting, but after talking about it, I really think this Miss Chen family is a good candidate, she has a talent and her biological mother is also a strong woman. "

"You seem quite satisfied with this one."

The Crown Princess sighed: "Although it is not Chen Xuan's daughter, but the family is innocent, and the mother joins the merchant because of her kindness.

The prince just listened with a smile.

"By the way, why hasn't Shanwei come back yet?" The princess finally remembered Hu Shanwei, who had gone to deliver meat dishes.

"Did you ask Hu Shanggong to deliver meat dishes?" Zhu Gaochi saw through his daughter-in-law at a glance.

The princess did not hide it: "Zhan Qian's 16-year-old boy is growing up, so why not eat a vegetarian every day, don't let him eat meat."


In the middle of the night, in the Pingjiang Mansion, a slender lady in blue clothes played the qin under the moon, playing the qin tactfully, like a young girl who was worried about her sorrows and told her inexhaustible thoughts.

The old lady walked on crutches to the garden under the moon, in the small pavilion on the pool water.

"New Moon, why are you playing the piano at night again, the weather is cold, girls should be careful not to catch a cold."

"Grandma, the crescent moon can't sleep." The girl pulled back her long hair and supported the old lady.

The old lady stretched out her hand and touched her head lovingly: "You have thought about it, now that His Highness has a bad reputation and no power, if you really marry him, what will happen in the future? What if you really provoke His Majesty? Disgusted and relegated to a commoner, you are a commoner’s wife, and it is not impossible to be exiled for thousands of miles, and then there will be more days of hardship.”

The girl who is now surnamed Chen has a shallow smile that surpasses the bright moonlight.

"Granddaughter, yes."

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(End of this chapter)

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