Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 236 The grapes in Turpan are ripe

Chapter 236 The grapes in Turpan are ripe
When six iron armored monsters arrived in Jiayuguan, a group of soldiers approached curiously.

"Is this a cannon?"

"But why does it look like a car? If I read it right just now, it drove over by itself."

"It must be a cannon. You see, this cannon tube is not a cannon."

A soldier knocked twice with the handle of a knife.

The top cover was opened, and Zhu Zhanzhen got out of one of the cars, and said with a serious face, "Let's stay away, this is the latest tank chariot, don't beat it, what does it look like."

The soldiers retreated one after another. This Second Highness is not as negotiable as the Fifth Highness. The Fifth Highness will only punish himself and others when they make mistakes. This Second Highness may be punished if he is angry.

Zhu Zhanzhen sat on the tank and sternly reprimanded the soldiers. Those who didn't know it thought that the tank was invented by him.

It's just that he's been training step-tank coordination quite effectively these days, so this time he came by himself in a tank, and it's also considered a majesty.

Although Zhu Zhanyi doesn't have any hope for his second brother, sometimes people are very magical. You think he can't, but he really can. The effect of Zhu Zhanyi's training on step-tank coordination is really good, which is beyond expectations. good.

Soldiers are naturally very curious about tanks, but in order to keep secrets, Zhu Gaojiu does not intend to let everyone know the purpose of tanks.

Zhu Gaojiu counted the army and prepared to go out early tomorrow morning, but he was still very uneasy at night.

He didn't know how to drink before the usual expedition. He didn't need to be brave, and he knew how much he could drink, but recently he came to Zhu Zhanchang with a small pot of wine to talk to him.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse. The two of them are at a small stone table in a small courtyard, a small pot of wine and some side dishes, and the uncle and nephew have a rare heart-to-heart talk.

"What do you think about tomorrow, Zhan?"

"It's naturally auspicious to go on an expedition, and it will be a victory."

"The two of us don't talk vainly. You and I can talk more than the unsatisfactory boy in my family. I'm still worried about tomorrow's expedition."

Zhu Zhanchang poured Zhu Gaojiu a glass of wine: "Second uncle is still worried about sandstorms?"

"Well." Zhu Gaojiu did not deny it, and frowned: "If we meet again, this battle will be impossible."

"Second uncle, it used to be a season of frequent sandstorms, but now there's less sandstorms, and we have asked a lot of old people. There shouldn't be any sandstorms recently."

"People from the Seven Guards of Kansai can't be counted. It's normal for our people to count. Sometimes the wind and sand are unpredictable. Do you really think that God will not let you fight like this?"

Zhu Zhanchang shook his head: "Second uncle, I don't believe this as you know."

"Second uncle, since you are going to go out on an expedition, why worry about these things anymore. The planning is up to people, and the success is in the sky. If there is a destiny, I don't believe that the Ming Dynasty can't overwhelm the Chagatai Khanate."

"Okay, what you said is good, and are you really not going with me this time? If you win the battle, the northeastern part of the Chagatai Khanate will all belong to my dynasty, which should be considered an unworldly achievement."

"Someone has to take care of the rear for the second uncle."

Zhu Gaojiu glanced at Zhu Zhanchang with admiration. He finally understood why Zhu Xi had to supervise the country by Zhu Gaochi. It was really reassuring to have this person who was not greedy for merit.

"You look a lot like your father."

"Grandpa Huang said the same, and Dad himself said the same."

"Your father is shameless, your grandfather can see clearly." Zhu Gaojiu can always belittle his elder brother anytime, anywhere.

"Not much to say, I wish Second Uncle a victory in this battle and come back with a great victory."

"It's rare to hear your boy say auspicious words."

The second uncle still firmly believed in his plan to go on a two-line expedition, and he asked people to take a detour to Tingzhou overnight. Zhu Zhanzhen was in the team heading to Tingzhou. The Tongzhou team had two tanks and Turpan four.

The army set off, and this time, except for the team that needed to stay behind, almost the entire army was pressed in. If this battle was lost, Zhu Gaojiu would be embarrassed to go back.

Zhu Zhanchang stayed behind and also had to guard Jiayuguan to avoid enemy surprise attacks.

In the hot summer, the march became difficult, and when he reached his previous position, Zhu Gaojiu had lingering fears, for fear that the demonic wind would come again.

The weather was sultry and hot, and I felt for a while in addition to the heat, let alone the wind and sand, there was no wind at all.

Standing on a high place, Zhu Gaojiao looked ahead, the road seemed to be curved under the scorching sun, but there was no sandstorm anywhere as far as he could see.

"My lord, this season, there is almost no sandstorm."

"This time God is on our side and let them survive for so long. It's time to let them know the majesty of my Daming army."

"The whole army is ready to advance to Turpan City, and the cavalry is the forerunner."

It was very close to Turpan City, and Zhu Gaojiu ordered a cavalry team to go to find out the news first.

The cavalry team rode their horses and whipped forward, and came to the surroundings of Turpan City with the fastest speed, but before they could do more inquiries, a bang sounded.

The high points around Turpan City were all equipped with cannons, and the Chagatai Khanate placed all its defenses on Velu Mu and Turpan City, hoping that these two eastern defense lines could block the footsteps of the Ming army for them.

Therefore, during this period of time, they naturally would not sit still. They transported most of the domestic artillery and other firearms to the two cities, and also sent the most elite troops to guard them.

At this time, the defenders in the two cities of Turpan and Weilumu totaled no less than 20, and if Tingzhou was added, the number was close to 25. In terms of numbers alone, they were not far behind Daming's army.

This is an undoubtedly tough battle, but it also means that as long as Daming wins this battle, the Chagatai Khanate will almost lose its resistance.

When the artillery fire sounded, the horses were startled, and the defenders of Turpan had been waiting for a long time. After they got the news of Daming's expedition, they were ready to fight.

The artillery occupied the high ground, and it was obviously unwise to break through the front line at this time, so the leading cavalry captain let people retreat to the main force first.

He hurriedly went to tell the King of Han: "My lord, all the highlands around Turpan City, even a small slope, are strictly guarded by the soldiers of Turpan. They have a lot of artillery."

Prince Han thought for a while: "The air force is ready. Today is a blue sky, and the hot air balloon takes off and strikes from the air."

The army pressed forward and the hot air balloon took off. Zhu Gaojiu actually ordered people to paint the image of the local gods and Buddha on the hot air balloon, which was extremely oppressive.

Ten hot air balloons took off, and Zhu Zhanchang built a factory in Suzhou. The manufacture of hot air balloons is not difficult, and the materials can be built when they arrive, so there are a lot of them.

Looking down at the enemy's formation from a high altitude, the formation of the enemy is clear at a glance. The Turpan team saw the hot air balloon, and everyone was stunned. Although they heard that the Ming army could fly to the sky, when they actually saw people flying to the sky, everyone was still in the sky. It's hard to suppress the fear in your heart.

"Don't panic, high-altitude crossbow arrows are ready."

If they came to Turpan for a few months, they would have nothing to do with the hot air balloon, but they have made a lot of preparations for the Ming army in the past few months, including the high-altitude crossbow developed for the hot air balloon.

The huge ballista was more than twice as large as the artillery, and those who watched the hot air balloon from the top of the hill were eyeing them.

"On the crossbow bolt." Following the commander's order, the crossbow bolt was put on the shelf and aimed at the hot air balloon in the air.


The huge crossbow arrow burst out of the air and flew towards the nearest hot air balloon. The crossbow arrow passed through the hot air balloon at an extremely fast speed, causing the hot air balloon to lose its power and fall.


The falling hot air balloon had a huge explosion. Zhu Gaojiu did not expect that the hot air balloon would be shot down in a single encounter.

"Goofy, order Goofy."

In order to hold the hot air balloon, Zhu Gaojiu let the commander on the ground wave the flag, and ordered all the hot air balloons to fly high to avoid the arrows of the crossbow machine.

This kind of crossbow machine technology is immature, and there are only four in Turpan City, and the reloading speed is extremely slow.

"Where's the tank? The tank advances, the infantry follows, and the high ground is captured."

"Suppression of artillery fire."

The battle officially started, and Zhu Gaojiu calmly began to command, and his demeanor was indeed Zhu Di's.

"Four tank formations, after the artillery firepower is suppressed, go to these ten points to capture the high ground." Zhu Gaojiu clicked four points on the map, two of which have crossbow machines, and only by destroying these crossbow machines can they Let the high-altitude tactics of hot air balloons continue, otherwise they will lose the ability to strike in the air.

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(End of this chapter)

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