Chapter 237

Zhu Gaojiu set up the headquarters in place, and then a group of students from Whampoa Military University began to dig trenches and build protective areas according to the way they learned in class, because everyone knows that this battle will be a tough battle, and it may take a long time. , is expected to require a step-by-step advancement.

These students, Zhu Gaojiu, also saw it in their eyes. They had the enthusiasm of a literati to study and ask questions, but they were not pedantic. They followed Zhu Gaojiu and the generals under him. They were eager to learn and ask questions. Everyone under Zhu Gaojiu responded. Several times, these people really can be used.

And it looks like a literati, regardless of horsepower, or swords, guns and sticks are basically above the horizontal line, and the level of one-on-one fighting is also very good.

He couldn't even figure out where Zhu Zhanqian found such people, and there were more than 30 of them.

If these people are really trained, Zhu Zhanchang's officer corps will not be weaker than any other army, or should be said to be stronger.

Zhu Gaojiu took out the binoculars after arranging things properly and began to command the operation.

Yu Qian followed Zhu Gaojiu with a roughly drawn map.

Zhu Gaojiu pointed to a high point and said, "There, give me more firepower there, the artillery is aimed at that side, blast down first, and use two tanks on it."

Yu Qian glanced at the place where Zhu Gaojiu was pointing and said, "Highland 105, suppress the fire first."

"Why is it called 105 Heights?"

"This is learned from those students. Once the map is drawn, it will be marked with names, which will be more convenient in commanding operations."

When Zhu Gaojiu heard it, he also felt that this plan was very good. In the past, they used flags for punctuation, such as red flag one and red flag two, but obviously the 105 highland is simpler.

"Go ahead and besiege Hill 105, where there is a crossbow machine. If you take the high point, you can liberate a part of the flight area."

As long as the hot air balloon is not attacked, they can throw explosives at will.


The general of the Turpan garrison who had shot down a hot air balloon of the Ming army was triumphant.

"The Ming army is nothing more than this, and our army will inevitably..."

"Report, General, the Ming army has begun to bombard our army's hilltops."

"Paper, General, and the left side too."

"Report, General, I am here too."

After the continuous reports, the Ming army started to suppress the firepower. All of a sudden, the generals were stunned: "What's going on? Does the Ming army have so many artillery pieces?"

"Some generals, the Shenji battalion of the Ming army brought dozens of artillery pieces. At present, this should not be all, and all the soldiers of the Ming army have firearms in hand."

I know that the Ming army is rich, but I don't know that the Ming army is rich like this.

"Report, General, the Ming army's chariot has entered the battlefield."

"What, chariot? Give me a blast, aim at the horse blast."

"But their chariots don't use horses, they are very fast, and their chariots have cannons."

The general frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about, how can it run without a horse, a chariot with a cannon? You probably lost your head last night."

"General... General, it's true, why don't you see for yourself."

As soon as the general climbed to the high platform, he saw a tank in the distance climbing a snakeskin position. From time to time, a shot was fired. Several squads of infantrymen followed the tank. The accuracy of the cannon on his side was not at all. A way to target such moving objects.

The guns of this era lacked accuracy even for things that could not be moved, let alone a tank that moved.

The general of Turpan looked at the tank that showed great power on the battlefield and could be used as a bunker for soldiers, his eyes widened instantly, and he asked the person next to him with anger: "How does it move, what's going on."

General Turpan suddenly roared: "Where's the horse, where's the horse, where's the horse!?"

"We don't know about General, but we seem to have heard that Daming has a car that can be moved without a horse, and a warship."

Exasperated, he shouted and then commanded his subordinates: "The cavalry is attacking, no matter how you stop that chariot, you must capture one for me, go, go quickly."

When the sun was about to fall, the tank had already rushed to the high ground with a team of people and occupied all the defenses of the opponent. The tank was almost invincible in such a battle dominated by cold weapons, but the internal living space was too bad. Well, the soldiers fighting today were almost suffocated to death.

Even if the enemy organized a cavalry attack, but relying on the cover of the tank and the advanced equipment in the hands of the soldiers still blocked it, especially the shotgun. , otherwise you will hurt yourself.

Today's first battle was temporarily rested as the sky darkened. After today's battle, both sides have a new assessment of each other.

Zhu Gaojiu underestimated Turpan City before. I have to say that the resistance of Turpan City was very tenacious in this battle. Today, he won a 105 highland after fighting all day. Although he received the goods, it was smaller than expected, and they The large crossbow designed for the hot air balloon also exceeded his expectations, and the battle was more difficult than expected.

Moreover, the power of tanks on such a battlefield can be seen today. The opponent is still dominated by cold weapons, and the accuracy of firearms and artillery is not enough. Tanks are almost indestructible.

"Tomorrow will still revolve around tanks."

"It is estimated that the driver of the Wangye tank and others will be difficult to fight tomorrow. They have to be replaced. The temperature inside the tank is too high."

"Then change people, and send someone back to tell Zhanyi about these situations, and let him make improvements as soon as possible."

Unlike the Daming army who encountered some difficulties but everyone understands that things are progressing differently, Turpan's morale and attitude are now bleak, not only for the soldiers, but also for their generals.

It seems to be a slight defeat today, but they clearly see the indelible gap between their side and the Ming army. The equipment is no match, the firepower is no match, and the chariot that can drive without a horse is even more. Well, that's just a monster.

The crushing at the basic industrial level allowed the Ming army to open fire at will and cover the firepower, while Turpan City could only rely on the flesh and blood of the soldiers to pick up the shells. How could such a battle be won? Turpan City has already Showed a failure.

Without a mountain today, there will be more tomorrow. When the air force of the Ming army can enter the city, there will be no way to fight back.

Nearly half of the Chagatai Khanate firearms have been hoarded in Turpan City, but compared with the Ming army, these firearms are backward and insufficient. The Ming army's firearms battalion has almost one firearm, or even more than one. By the end of the calculation, only five or six people have a gun, let alone the number of such things as artillery.

A group of people are all decadent, and at this time there is a military order to report.

"General, Prince Batur has an order to defend Turpan City. They have ordered people to take a detour from Tingzhou to attack Jiayuguan behind the enemy. There are 10 people in their party. If the enemy's main force is back again, Jiayuguan will definitely be empty. As long as Prince Batur takes down the Jiayuguan, if we work hard, we will definitely be able to destroy the Ming army."

"Stand on, hold on, hold on?"


At this time, a Ming army team rushed from Jiayuguan to Tingzhou, and a Chagatai Khanate team rushed from Tingzhou to Jiayuguan.

Isn't this a coincidence?

(End of this chapter)

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