Chapter 238 Prince Batur

The Ming army and the army of the Chagatai Khanate fought vigorously at the first stop of Turpan. Prince Batur of the Chagatai Khanate in the mother of Weilu was the commander-in-chief of the eastern front of the Chagatai Khanate with a sad face. I looked at the Di Bao that came in a hurry.

This is a tall and rough man with a full beard, and it should be quite hot this summer.

Prince Batur slapped the table angrily: "I can't hold it, I can't hold it, and after a battle, one after another told me that I couldn't hold it, and the cowardly guy was scared by the Ming army, and nearly half of it broke. The weapons and equipment are all in Weilumu and Turpan, why can't they keep it, and then send a letter to him, so that no matter how he drags it into the winter, he can't spoil the great event of the Great Khan."

His mission was not to win the Ming army, but to delay the Ming army, because they knew that the Ming army was still fighting the Mongols on the northern front this time. Although it showed that the army was powerful, the Mongolian grassland was vast. , at that time they may even take advantage of it.

Who doesn't want the Central Plains with thousands of years of history?
Prince Batur picked up the golden cup and drank the wine, pacing back and forth, his eagle-like eyes looking at the battle report and tearing it to pieces.

"Come here, prepare horses, I will personally go to Turpan to command the battle. These useless guys will cry father and mother when they see the artillery of the Ming army. If I don't go, they will abandon the city tomorrow."

"His Royal Highness Prince Bartu, please don't, it's too dangerous for you to go to Turpan."

In the face of Wen Chen's dissuasion, Baltu put his big hand on his shoulder, twisted it slightly, his shoulder shattered, and the attendant fell to the ground and wailed.

"Don't question my decision."

In addition to being the prince of the Chagatai Khanate, Bartu is also the first warrior of the Chagatai Khanate, and at the same time the most brutal person, with a thick and thin.


The sun rose the next day, and there was a slight light, and the Ming army launched an attack, still relying on tanks and driving straight in.

The Turpan team with poor morale was beaten and retreated.

When the Ming army went down to two highlands again, the Turpan army had already been beaten and lost their helmets and armor. If the users of the tanks were not taken into consideration, the tanks would stop using them to a certain extent, and now there is no way to fight for a long time. .

Otherwise, the front can still be pushed forward.

The current strategy of the Ming army is to push forward a little bit. Zhu Gaojiu was very happy today, and he shouted in the tent: "Okay, okay, let's fight like this, and I will be able to hit Turpan in a few days. The city, they deployed so many fortifications outside the city, and now they are all ours."

"You can't take it lightly." Without being reminded by others, Zhu Gaojiu thought of it after a while after being happy. This is the consciousness of the old general. You don't need to worry that he will be influenced by his emotions. Although he is happy to win the battle, he will not get carried away.

"The situation of our army is booming now, and the enemy's frontal combat is not our opponent. Now we must strictly prevent the enemy from dispatching surprise attacks, ensure the route of supplying the troops with food, grass, and supplies, and we must strengthen patrols at night."

"Where is Yu Qian, where is Yu Qian?"

The tent opened, and Yu Qian ran in: "Lord Han, I was watching the soldiers laying out the mine array just now, and I'm late."

"How is the arrangement?"

"The new type of landmines are really powerful. They can ensure that the enemy will never come back, but our soldiers must be careful not to walk into the minefield."

"Well, everything is instructed."

Landmines originally originated in China and were used in the thirteenth century. They are called Zhentianlei, also known as iron fire thunder.

There were mines in the Shenji Camp of the Yongle Dynasty. Of course, the name was Invincible Mine Cannon, which was in line with the nomenclature of this generation. The craftsmen of Guangzhou Prefecture transformed it and now put it into the battlefield. According to Zhu Zhanchang's tactics, The mines were to be laid out as minefields, and they discussed several distribution methods.

What Yu Qian and the others arranged just now was to protect their food, grass and other items.

It is these places that are fought first, because they are out of the city to fight. Once the grain and other materials are attacked and burned by the enemy, they will have nothing to eat, and they will not be able to last for long, so they must be heavily guarded.

"Mine array, this is a good thing. It's false and real, and the enemy doesn't dare to approach it if you make good use of it." Zhu Gaojiao also spoke highly of the mines.


In the city of Turpan, Prince Boutul, who came overnight, saw Luo Hua Liushui who was beaten by the Ming army again that day, and glared at him for a while, so no one dared to speak, everyone knew that this murderous prince did everything Affectionate, a discord can kill.

"Trash, all of them are trash. The mere Ming army has scared you like this, and you don't dare to fight one by one."

A powerful punch shattered the table in front of him, roaring and venting, and the others shivered and dared not speak.

"With so many artillery pieces and fire cannons, the Ming army has hit the city in just two days. You and others are all waste. If I were you, I would apologize."

At this time, the general of Turpan stood up and defended himself: "His Royal Highness Prince Batur, the artillery guns and other new firearms owned by the Ming army are far above our army, and there is even an artillery called a tank. The chariot can run without being led by a horse, and it can also attack like a cannon. We have suffered from this guy's loss during this time."

Batur walked in front of him, the huge body gave people an endless sense of oppression, and he only felt that his death was coming.

But Batur didn't do anything to him but said, "A car that can run without being led by a horse? Can it attack like a cannon, do you think I'm a child? Make up such a lie to deceive me."

"Your Highness is true." The others replied in a low voice.

"Can they still do sorcery?"

At this time, an attendant whispered a few words in Prince Batur's ear, and Prince Batur smiled and said: "The Tartars have news that they will send troops from the north to attack Jiayuguan. As long as Turpan City is defended, Jiayuguan will be broken soon. Even if the Ming army's weapons are strong, they must surrender, but I want to see here what you call a tank that can run without a horse and can attack like a cannon."

The Tatars in the north faced the defeat of the Ming army's Northern Expedition troops, and the Ming army was determined to fight to the end this time, and they did not nod their heads in front of their demands for peace.

The Tartar, who was anxious to jump over the wall, had to find a way to contact the mother of Wei Lu. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and he wanted to open the war from here. This is also one of Prince Batur's tactics. If there is a chance to defeat the Ming army, they will definitely send troops to help, and this is also an opportunity for them.

The Ming army was in Turpan, and Jiayuguan must have defenders, but he felt that these defenders would definitely not be able to stop the coalition of the Tatar and Chagatai Khanate.

He pinned his hopes on being able to break through Jiayuguan and prompt the Ming army to return to defense.

Prince Batur told the Turpan garrison the news to cheer up the army and said: "No matter what, defend Turpan, this is the bottom line, and in two days, the Black Snake Cavalry will arrive at Turpan City, and when this king will bring him personally. The team made a surprise attack on the Ming army base camp, killing them without leaving a piece of armor."

"Black Snake Cavalry!" Everyone was talking.

Because this cavalry guard is known as the strongest guard in the Chagatai Khanate, each cavalry guard is equipped with the strongest equipment and has firearms, and it is rumored that there is Prince Batur's own daughter, known as the black snake. Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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