Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 239 Black Snake Princess Night Attack

Chapter 239 Black Snake Princess Night Attack

Two days later, there was black smoke everywhere in front of the city of Turpan, and the bombing was devastated, and the corpses were everywhere. The Ming army had already approached the city wall. If it went further, the artillery of the Ming army could attack the city wall, and if there were not giants in the city. Bow and crossbow, the hot air balloon of the Ming army must have flown in and bombed.

Judging from the situation, it should not be able to withstand it for a few days. If there are no variables, the defeat of the Chagatai Khanate has already occurred.

The defenders of Turpan are now praying that a strong wind and sand will destroy the Ming army as they did at the beginning, but God seems to be on the side of the Ming army these days, and the weather is calm.

When the morale in Turpan City was low, a cavalry guard of no more than 800 people covered in black armor slowly entered the city. Everyone avoided them on the way into the city. effect.

Ordinary people have only heard of this unit. According to rumors, there is no grass everywhere they go, and the dogs passing by will lose their heads. They are the Black Snake Cavalry Guards.

They are the most powerful and elite cavalry guards of Prince Batur. Each cavalry guard is the strongest one selected from thousands of people who are carefully selected to be eligible to enter this guard.

Before, they had beaten the Timurid Empire countless times in the battle with the Timurid Empire, and also assassinated the Prime Minister of Timurid. It is rumored that some of them can do magic. It can suck up a [-]-pound big man, and has two long fangs that can even crush iron armor.

The legends about them have the effect of stopping the crying of night babies in the folk. Many parents often frighten their children. If you cry again, the Black Snake Princess will come to arrest you, the effect is very good.

The frowning Prince Batur learned of the arrival of the Black Snake Cavalry Guard, and the depressed mood these days finally relaxed a little.

A small group of Black Snake Cavalry Guards walked into the hall, and the leader took off his helmet. Unexpectedly, there was a beautiful woman's face under the 1.8-meter strong figure.

She is like a fitness blogger on the Internet. She has a toned body and a beautiful face. The two things that seem to be incompatible are just the right combination, and it also makes countless men who want to kiss Fang Ze shy away. , after all, her biceps can crush your biceps, men who are not strong and strong enough dare not approach such a woman.


"Alia, you can count it." Prince Batur hurriedly greeted him.

Black Snake Ji's original name is Alia, the daughter of Prince Batur, but her temperament is very boy-like, and in terms of combat, her combat effectiveness is extremely good. She is proficient in assassination and wrestling. Most people are not her opponents. In the end, she succeeded became a member of the Black Snake Cavalry Guard, and was the best among them.

The Black Snake Cavalry Guard was specially recruited, and naturally there was the most difficult task waiting for them to perform.

"Father, what is the mission this time?" Alia didn't say much, she knew that her father's call for the Black Snake Cavalry must be in trouble.

"Have you seen it on the city wall?"


"In the past few days, our army has been retreating steadily. The Ming army has already approached the city wall. With the power of the Ming army's firearms and artillery, as long as they reach the range where they can attack the city wall, there will be a burst of indiscriminate bombardment. The Ming army's ammunition seems to never be used. It's over, we will lose in this fight, so I need you to undertake the task of surprise attack."

"Please ask my father."

"We already know the supply route of the Ming army, and we have our inner responders in Jiayuguan, so we got this supply route map, and the northern front line should be able to surprise Jiayuguan in a few days. Fast forward, sneak attack on the Ming army's grain and forage camp outside Turpan, and you will lead a small group of people around the rear to interrupt the Ming army's supply route."

"Only relying on our Black Snake Cavalry Guards, I'm afraid it will be difficult. After all, the Ming army has a large number." Alia is not a reckless person, but a very delicate mind.

"As the night falls, we will conduct a general attack on the Ming army. Our goal is to return it to the original front. This attack is at all costs. The ultimate goal is that you can disturb the local grain and grass. The task is heavy and time is tight. , but I believe that the Black Snake Cavalry will definitely be able to complete it."

They are used to performing the most difficult tasks every time.

Alia held a helmet, saluted, and shouted valiantly, "The mission must be completed."

"There is no time for you to rest. The black snake cavalry guards are divided into two teams. You lead one team and then disturb the other team to interrupt the supply route between Jiayuguan and Ming army positions. , This is the supply route map of the Ming army, and their supply must be cut off."

Looking at the supply route map of the Ming Army, Alia turned and left, putting on his helmet while walking: "Father, don't worry, I heard on the way here that the supply is maintained by a small Ming Dynasty king named Zhujiang County King. In charge, he is only a small county king, and he has no hair on his lips at such a young age, if he personally escorts the food and grass, I will capture it together and give it to the king."

"Da Ming's men, huh, are all weak."

Prince Batur looked at the Black Snake Cavalry with confidence in his heart. Since the formation of this guard, the mission has basically never failed. The excellent equipment and brave soldiers are his sharp edge. The Timurid Empire Even on the grasslands of the northern desert, the Black Snake Cavalry Guard is well-known.

When night falls, this is a moonlit night with few stars. The bright moonlight can have some visibility, but only a little.

In the city of Turpan, a large number of people poured out of Wuyang, and they approached quietly through the night.

Zhu Gaojiu's tent was brightly lit, and someone suddenly came to report: "My lord, the enemy's situation has been detected ahead, and the Chagatai Khanate army marched in the dark to attack our army tent."

"It's good to come." Zhu Gaojiu smiled: "Let me see if the trenches in Zhanchang are useful. The front line is handed over to Yu Qian's command, and he will attack when the attack distance is reached."

"Yes, my lord."

After the messenger went down, he suddenly heard the sound of gunpowder exploding from the side and rear.


"Report, my lord, it's not good. I don't know when an enemy cavalry team made a surprise attack on our army's grain and forage camp, and now it has entered the minefield."

"Don't panic, follow the predetermined battle plan and fight." Zhu Gaojiu commanded the battle in an orderly manner. The enemy can suddenly appear like this. It is true that this team is extremely mobile, but if you want to surprise our grain and forage camp, you must first pass through the minefield.




The black snake cavalry guards rushed into the mine array without knowing it, and the horses stepped on the mines, which exploded again and again, and the soldiers in the camp were already armed with weapons.

When the explosion sounded, the horses panicked uncontrollably, and ran around even more.

Zhu Gaojiu came to the grain and grass camp and looked at the black snake cavalry guard who was trapped in front of him, and laughed loudly: "It's beyond your own power."

Prince Batur was stunned on the city wall when he received the news from various lines.

"The frontal team was stopped by the enemy team, and it was difficult to save under the bombardment of artillery fire. Moreover, the enemy troops were hidden in the tunnels they dug themselves. It was difficult for our army to attack. Second breakout."

"The Black Snake Cavalry's raid on the grain and grass camp was bombarded by enemy artillery (they didn't know about the minefields). It seems that they were prepared for a long time, and now almost the entire army has been wiped out."

Hearing these two news, Prince Batur's stalwart body almost stopped.

"Report, Your Royal Highness, the Black Snake Princess led a team to intercept the enemy's food, grass, and supplies, and most of the Black Snake Cavalry Guards were wiped out by the enemy army. The Black Snake Princess was captured alive and taken to Jiayuguan."

"What!?" Prince Batur only felt that his eyes were darkened. This was his most elite unit. How could he lose to the other party's supply unit that transported food and grass.

The Ming army had sufficient armaments, and the cooking team that transported food and grass had an Aka [-] and a shotgun. It was reasonable. In addition, a student from Whampoa Military University supervised the delivery of supplies to gain experience.

The head of the city of Jiayuguan, Kuaima newspaper.

Zhu Zhanchang lived on the tower, and he also attached great importance to this battle.

"Your Highness, the Chagatai Khanate raided our army's food and grass troops. Our army has wiped out 300 enemies, captured more than [-] people, and captured Black Snake Princess alive."

"Black Snake Princess? Who is this?"

"The captain of the black cavalry, the daughter of Prince Batur, it is rumored that she can suck human blood, and can suck an adult male dry in one bite."

"What level of oral work is this, bring it here and I will review it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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