Chapter 240
The prisoners were escorted into the city, and a group of people gathered around watching, discussing the black snake cavalry guard who was tied up with five flowers.

"Is this the rumored Black Snake Cavalry? Isn't that the legendary sandstorm like a desert, where no grass grows? It doesn't look good?"

"We haven't even fought against our forage troops."

"That's not what I said. The troops we went to supervise the delivery of food and supplies this time are not weak. They are escorted by a regular guard, and they are only a cavalry team of more than 500 people. They still attack at night. After we found out, we used shotguns. Shotguns are really powerful, but we seem to have more than 700 casualties."

"Wow, this Black Snake Princess is so pretty."

"Don't look at it, with your small body, it is estimated that you can't beat others."

"With our physique, there is no problem with one against two."

"Don't brag about it, if you are so powerful, your wife can still control you to the death?"


Black Snake Princess was escorted to where Zhu Zhanchang was, along with several team leaders of the Black Snake Cavalry Guard.

Above the high seat of Zhu Zhanchang, there are other generals in the city, as well as King Su Zhu Yanyan.

Black Snake Princess was tied up by Wu Hua, Zhu Zhanchang asked: "Are you the Hei Snake Princess from the rumors? It is rumored that you have two fangs for blood-sucking, but it seems that you don't have either. The rumors are all deceptive. The Black Snake Cavalry is nothing more than that."

"Bah, the big bright boy with no hair on his lips, look at your skinny appearance, if you have the ability to let me go, we will fight."

"If fighting can solve the problem, what do you want the army to do? Is Hei Snake Ji a silly little girl? Or do you think such an outrageous aggression can anger me?" Zhu Zhanchang smiled disdainfully.

Black Snake Ji clenched her teeth tightly. This was the first time she was captured and defeated. She felt that she should kill herself, but she was only 20 years old, and she couldn't be cruel at this moment.

Everyone has a desire to survive.

"It is rumored that the Black Snake Princess is the royal family of the Chagatai Khanate and the daughter of Prince Batur, is it true?" Zhu Zhanchang asked Zhu Suyan.

Zhu Yanyan knew more about Guanwai than him: "It's true, but I haven't been in contact with them, it's all rumored outside."

"If it's true, then her value will be great."

"Hmph, Prince Batur has never been troubled by feelings, even if I am her own daughter." Hei Snake Ji sneered.

"Men who do big things are always ruthless, and there are some who don't care about family affection, but most of them still care about face. I think that if you strip it off and hang it on a log to raise it before battle, it will make Batur angry."

"You dare!!" Black Snake Ji glared angrily.

"Why don't I dare?"

The moment she was caught and became a prisoner, it was the fish and meat on the chopping board that was slaughtered by others. She had no qualifications to negotiate at all, unless she could give enough resources to make Zhu Zhanchang not embarrass her, such as giving the city or give yourself.

"Daming people, despicable and shameless, I curse you not to die, your intestines will be rotten, and your seven orifices will bleed to death." Black Snake Ji glared at Zhu Zhanchang fiercely. Although the man in front of him was tall and handsome, he was definitely despicable and shameless. villain.

"Is there anything more vicious? If I don't have it, I can leave. It's settled like this." Zhu Zhanchang ignored her curse.

If the curse was useful, the authors of the unfinished novels would have died long ago.

Hei Snake understands that if she wants to live now, she can only give equal conditions if she wants to not be insulted.

"Wait, I can give you a thousand taels of gold to redeem myself."

Zhu Zhanchang looked at her playfully, walked in front of her, stretched out his hand and raised his chin: "You look good, a thousand taels of gold is probably not enough."

"Then what do you want?"

"Persuade your father to surrender."

"Impossible, my father would never surrender for me."

"Who said he surrendered for you?" Zhu Zhanchang squatted down, looked carefully at the black snake girl in front of him, and said, "I grant him the throne of Chagatai Khan and become my minister of Daming, you The task is to persuade him to surrender."

"You won't be naive enough to think that when the two armies fight, my Chagatai royal family will defect."

"The person who knows current affairs is Junjie, and Batur is a prince in the Chagatai Khanate. Once our army captures Turpan and the mother of Weilu, then he is no longer the prince of a country, but a prisoner of our ranks, and all the glory and wealth are gone. Not to mention, you have to die yourself, your children are slaves and prostitutes, and accepting our canonization will protect your family’s prosperity and wealth.”

Now the chances of the battle are one-sided, and my mission has failed. I don’t know what the other mission will be. If all of them fail, then it will be a matter of time before the city of Turpan is destroyed. At Jiayuguan, there are still so many defenders, so many firearms and artillery, and there are high walls to defend. Even if Chagatai and Tatars join forces to attack, they should be able to defend the city.

Jiayuguan will definitely last longer than Turpan City, so it seems that the defeat is set.

Zhu Yanyan said to Zhu Zhanchang, "Zhantang, to persuade him to surrender before the battle, even if he really intends to surrender, he will not surrender." King Su reminded him at this time.

Could Zhu Zhanchang not know about this?He did it on purpose, he wanted to see if the Black Snake Princess wanted to live?Or do you want dignity?Which of the two is more important to her, and he also knows that Hei Snake Ji must have tried her best to deal with him at this time, so as to stimulate her greater use value.

As a soldier of her level, she must know many secrets and deployments of the Chagatai Khanate, and she must not let it go easily.

Black Snake Ji stared at Zhu Zhanchang: "If you let me go, I can exchange a message with you, and this message is related to the survival of your Jiayuguan Pass."

"I've seen a lot of bluffing. You tell me the news. If I find out it's really valuable, I'll let you go."

"The words of Da Ming men are not to be trusted."

"I count what I say, and you are not qualified to negotiate conditions with me."

"Hmph, this news is related to your life and death in Jiayuguan." Black Snake Ji refused to give in an inch.

Zhu Zhanchang stared at him, and Zhu Zhanyan whispered: "Zhanchan, maybe there is news, we have to find a way to get out of her mouth."

Nodding his head, Zhu Zhanchang looked around and signaled his subordinates to take the other black snake cavalry guards down, and let everyone else back out.

Zhu Yanyan said worriedly: "Zhanchang, have you dealt with her?" He was worried that Zhu Zhanchang might not be able to deal with Hei Snake because he was too young, and after all, Hei Snake had a reputation for being as fierce and notorious as rumored to make her It's a little inappropriate for Zhu Zhanchang to stay here alone with her.

"Uncle Su, don't worry, Zhanchan is a seven-footed man. His martial arts skills are not bad over the years, and he is the best at spear and stick kung fu. Moreover, this black snake girl is bound by iron chains like this, if I am still in danger, it will be too bad. some."

"Then we'll be at the door, and you can call if something happens."

"Well, thank you Uncle Su Wang."

Everyone retreated, leaving only Zhu Zhanchang, who looked gentle and gentle. He didn't speak at first. He picked up an iron chain and tied it to the pillar, and then tied several other iron chains to the Black Snake Princess. Pulled into a large font, tied tightly.

"You want to live, I know, I can see it."

"The Black Snake Cavalry is never greedy for life and fear of death."

"Then bite your tongue and kill yourself, I'll watch it here." Zhu Zhanchang took a chair and sat in front of her.

But Hei Snake Ji didn't bite her tongue to commit suicide, Zhu Zhanchang sneered: "It's normal for people to want to live, especially those of high power or noble birth."

"Despicable and shameless Da Ming people."

"If you cooperate and tell your so-called news, I will measure its value. If you do not cooperate, I will accept the evaluation of despicableness and shamelessness today." Zhu Zhanchang said coldly.


"Don't talk, don't commit suicide, what are you expecting? Expect me to feel pity for you because of your beauty and let you go? Haha" Zhu Zhanchang approached her and smiled: "That's too naive."

"Or are you waiting for someone to save you? You have a spy in Jiayuguan?"

Black Snake Ji turned her head to the other side and did not look at Zhu Zhanchang.

"There is a kind of punishment called the punishment of the scale. It has no effect on taking down a lowly female slave, but it works well for a daughter of a noble prince like you. I am not a vicious person, and I don't want to punish you, but if you don't There is no way to cooperate.”

Measured punishment is a mental punishment. Zhu Zhanchang saw it when he was watching a wind movie in his previous life. Li Ningyu, who played Bing Bing in the movie, received this punishment.

Use measuring tools to measure every part of the body, without any omissions, and record the mapping data, register it, you are like an object to be abused, which is very important for a noble woman or a woman with high self-esteem. Said it was more unbearable for them than whipping and torture.

Seeing that Hei Sheji was just staring at him, Zhu Zhanchang took out a piece of cloth and stuffed her mouth: "You didn't bite your tongue just now and then killed yourself, and now you have no chance."

As soon as she untied her breastplate while speaking, because there were iron chains that could not be completely retreated, Zhu Zhanchang took a knife and cut open her clothes.

The white rabbit jumped out of the cage, and the fat and smooth visible to the naked eye.

Under the constant struggle, it made it shake more violently. Zhu Zhanchang took the ruler and put it on it, but it was difficult to measure because of the fierce struggle.

So humiliating, but why the body doesn't obey, it seems... it seems... there is something wrong with the body.

"As long as you tell what you know, shake your head if you want to say it, and I will stop. No one else will know about the things in the room today."

Hei Snake Ji's eyes were red, a woman like her had the most self-esteem, and the mental abuse brought about by the corporal punishment was unbearable for her. She was like a sow tied with five flowers, and she was slaughtered by others.

But she still didn't speak, Zhu Zhanchang ripped off her belly clothes, which was a beautiful vest line, and her figure was indeed very outstanding.

Zhu Zhanchang put the ruler on her abdomen, and then made eye contact with her.

She still didn't give in, so Zhu Zhanchang had to take back the skirt armor on her abdomen. At this moment, she no longer had any cover, the dignity she cherished was worthless, and it was cheap like a gift that no one wanted.

Zhu Zhanchang glanced under the skirt and smiled: "You said that I have no hair on my mouth, but I didn't expect you to be the real one."

If it is shaving, there will be thorns, which is born without hair on the mouth, white and tender.

Hei Snake Ji's tears fell, and she shook her head, signaling her submission.

(End of this chapter)

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