Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 241 Use soldiers like a god Zhu Zhanzhen

Chapter 241 Use soldiers like a god Zhu Zhanzhen

Zhu Zhanchang pushed the door and walked out with a gloomy face. In the room behind him, although the Black Snake Princess was still bound by iron chains, it was no longer tied to the pillar. Zhu Zhanchang covered his clothes with his wide coat. She is not whole.

"Uncle Su, send troops to help my second brother's surprise attack on the Tingzhou troops, be quick."

"what happened?"

"Just now, Hei Sheji explained that the Chagatai Khanate also sent troops from Tingzhou to take a detour to attack our Jiayuguan Pass, and the Tartars also took this route from the north. The two armies were encircled. If luck is bad, our army will They meet."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhanchang said decisively: "No, it's not bad luck, there are so many troops on both sides, it is impossible not to meet, the enemy is outnumbered and there is no city wall to rely on, I am afraid that it is difficult to protect myself, and now we need reinforcements."

Zhu Yanyan understood the urgency of the matter, and immediately said, "Okay, I'll go right now, and I'll personally lead troops to reinforce."

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Ma Yang again: "Commander Ma Du, there are two names on this paper, they are two officers in your frontier army, you can deal with it, it was explained by Hei Sheji, be sure to find out whether It's really a spy, to avoid the Black Snake Ji randomly crawling and biting, and if it's a spy, the trial will be even more severe to see if there are other people."

Ma Yang glanced at the two names on the paper and immediately said, "Yes, Your Highness."

Others looked at Zhu Zhanchang in amazement, not knowing what method Zhu Zhanchang used, but there was no sound of being beaten at all, so Hei Sheji spoke up, what method he used.

Zhu Zhanchang summoned the female envoy and ordered Hei Sheji to be imprisoned in a small courtyard and guarded by heavy troops. She is still useful now, at least she has the value of negotiation.

Black Snake Ji looked at Zhu Zhanchang angrily, her eyes seemed to be swallowing Zhu Zhanchang in one bite, cutting the meat into pieces.

"Send a letter to the King of Han, the Black Snake Princess has been arrested, let go of her hands and feet to attack Turpan City."


On Zhu Gaoxu's side, the Black Snake Cavalry Guards raided the Grain and Grass Camp, and the minefields exploded into the sky, but the Black Snake Cavalry Guards had to be said to be extremely brave. Knowing that they could not retreat, they burned a little bit of food and grass, about 100 people. The cost of a day is negligible, and the entire army of the Black Snake Cavalry that came to attack was wiped out.

The frontal Turpan City launched three attacks, but all of them were blocked back.

That night, it was until dawn, and in the end, Turpan City seemed to be desperate and swooped like crazy.

On the same day, the fish's belly was white, and the mountains and fields were full of corpses, covered with scarlet blood. I don't know how many people died last night, the sand and gravel everywhere were soaked with blood, and many wounded soldiers were too late to retreat. more.

The Daming army also suffered a lot of casualties, but compared to Turpan City, it can be said to be very light.

Last night, I got the news that the Black Snake Cavalry had failed and the Black Snake Princess had been arrested. Prince Batur attacked like crazy, and at the end he couldn't stand it any longer before he withdrew.

Zhu Gaojiao watched the sky rise, and patted Yu Qian, who was covered in blood: "I didn't expect that you, a literate scholar, would not be a coward if you fought a war. This kid Zhanyi has a good eye, and you will be picked from the military camp at a glance. Come out, it's a talent."

"Your Majesty praised it."

"This king doesn't talk about the scene. I don't like any of the literati in the court. I will catch the mistakes between the lines, and I will be stunned. I don't know how to do serious things. I write the memorial quickly. You are good, I am optimistic about you."

Prince Han is generous. Everyone saw Yu Qian's performance last night. He was in the front line of command and blocked the most violent attack of the opponent. He didn't even have any fear, and his mind was clear. Well, well-organized, well-organized.

Yu Qian looked at the corpses all over the mountains and plains, and at the wounded and dead soldiers on his side in the trenches. These people represented the war in the imperial court, but how many people remember their names?Remember what they did?
A handful of loess to respect heroes.

"Soldiers of Daming, Turpan City attacked our army overnight, should we fight back?" Zhu Gaojiu raised his arms and shouted.


"Do you want gold and silver treasures in the city?"


"Do you want girls?"


"Yesterday, the wounded in the battle took a break, and the rest waited with me to attack Turpan City."

Yesterday's attack on Turpan failed. At this time, he was unable to go out of the city to fight again. All the defense lines were shrunk into the city, and the city wall was used to resist the artillery fire of the Ming army.

Prince Batur in the city was already furious, and the repeated defeats let him know that the defeat was set, and the only hope now was to take a detour to attack the troops at Jiayuguan.

"Report, His Royal Highness Ming army has begun to attack the city, and the Turpan city wall may be difficult to support."

"Keep it, keep it for me no matter what."


"No, but once the city is broken, the Ming army will inevitably sack the city, and your wives and daughters will also be slaughtered and humiliated. If you don't want to do this, give me a desperate defense."

"His Royal Highness, let's retreat first. The Ming army Han Wang Zhu Gaojiu is good at fighting and attacking the city. Turpan city won't last long. We still have a chance to retreat from the defense committee." Prince Batur's guard whispered a few words. .

Prince Batur's eyes flashed fiercely: "Damn the Ming army, who captured my daughter, and the Ming army and I will never die."

"His Royal Highness, the county master is arrested, I'm afraid it will be more fortunate and less fortunate."


The artillery of the Ming army landed in the city, causing Prince Batur, who was talking, to almost stumble and fall to the ground.

"Cover, cover."

Prince Batur patted the dust on his body and looked at the fiercely fighting city wall.

"His Royal Highness, do you think that if the Ming army is surrendered, will it retreat?"

"Preface to the battle, do you want to die?" As his most loyal servant for many years, Prince Batur did not kill him directly in a rage.

"His Royal Highness forgives your sins, it's just that the Great Khan has been suspicious of you for many years, and this time I will give you the impossible task of defending against the Ming Army. Even if you win, it will be a great achievement. As far as I know, the Great Khan is right. You already have the intention to kill."

"If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

"His Royal Highness, I have followed you for many years. I have never had a second heart. I am sweaty and self-willed. I fought in the Timurid Empire.

At this time, an urgent message came to report: "Report, His Royal Highness, the Tingzhou troops on the northern front joined the Tatar troops, and they met the troops of the Ming army on the way. This is the battle report."


At the same time, Zhu Yanyan, who had just left Jiayuguan, led three swift horses to return to Jiayuguan, holding high the broken Tatar and Chagatai flags.

Rehma shouted: "Frontline Military Report, Lanzhou County King Zhu Zhanyi used his troops like a god, and attacked the combined army of Tatar and Chagatai by surprise. With [-] troops against [-], the enemy army was greatly defeated, and now he is heading to Tingzhou."

Zhu Zhanchang was stupid in the tower, my second brother couldn't be so fierce.

The news that Zhu Zhanyu smashed the Tatar and Chagatai Khanates reached Jiayuguan and Turpan almost at the same time.
When the battle of Turpan was in full swing, the detouring troops led by Zhu Zhanzhen were unsatisfactory and even went the wrong way. Later, he used a hot air balloon to fly up to see the location, but he happened to be the first to discover the enemy's alliance. force.

At that time, when Zhu Zhanzhen saw so many people on the other side, he was also muttering in his heart, but it would be too shameful to run away, and the generals under his command came to fight. The Lord's team is right.

And don't underestimate Zhu Zhanzhen, he specially chose to ambush in a place with more complicated terrain, so that the enemy's cavalry formation could not charge on a large scale.

This battle was fought with grief and blood, and there was a temporary alliance between the army of the Chagatai Khanate and the Tatar army, and there was no tacit understanding between everyone. In one rush, Zhu Zhanzhen, the king of Lanzhou County, used his soldiers like a god to break the Chagatai Tatar coalition.

In the end, Zhu Zhanzhen spent [-] taels of silver to let the soldiers who reported to him specifically focus on strengthening his tone and said it to King Su, and King Su also said it again under the city wall of Jiayuguan without omission.

The second brother is awesome.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Lanzhou County has already approached Tingzhou, and our army's morale is high."

Zhu Zhanchang nodded: "Bring me a message to Prince Han, asking him not to slaughter the people of Turpan, not to harass the women of Turpan, and the same for the second brother, so as to avoid a second resistance from the other people."

Zhu Zhanchang knew that these messages were of no practical benefit, so he didn't use the official position to order, and it was better than nothing.


Zhu Zhanzhen led the army to a big victory. Of course, his characteristics are that he reports good news but not bad news. In fact, the damage on his side is not small. After all, neither side has a city. There are also equipment advantages to win the battle and drive the opponent away, but there are many deaths on his side, and more than half of them are injured.

"Two days ahead will be Tingzhou. Once Tingzhou is conquered, the soldiers will follow me to build a great success." Zhu Zhanzhen seemed to see the road to his success.

But when he arrived at Tingzhou, he saw a white flag hanging over the city, and Tingzhou surrendered without a fight.

"Be careful, Your Highness, it may be a fraudulent surrender, and the enemy may have a conspiracy." The person on the side reminded.

"You still need to say it? I saw through it at a glance, let the hot air balloon take off, and first look at the situation in the other side's city."

The hot air balloon took off and slowly approached Tingzhou City. From the air, the scenery of Tingzhou City was good. Different from the desolate Gobi along the way, Tingzhou City has the reputation of being on the south of the Yangtze River, with water and grass features and excellent scenery.

Looking down from the height, the flag was hung on the top of the city, and the soldiers in the city saw no movement from the hot air balloon. After a while, the city gate slowly opened, and a small group of six or seven cavalrymen came out of the city.

Running towards the direction of Zhu Zhanzhen.

The entire army was ready to fight, but when the other cavalry approached, they dismounted and walked in front of Zhu Zhanzhen, kneeling on one knee and presenting the key to the city gate of Tingzhou City.

"Respected His Royal Highness the Prince of Lanzhou, our army has surrendered to the Daming army. Turpan, Weilu's mother, and Tingzhou are all Daming's territory." The cavalry said respectfully.

Zhu Zhanzhen instructed the people on the side to fetch the things, and asked several surrounding generals in doubt, "All the three cities have fallen?"

"His Royal Highness, don't be impatient, if someone really comes to spread the news."

In the afternoon, the military scouts finally came, and as expected, they brought news that all the three cities had descended.

When Prince Batur was defeated by the Ming army on the northern front, he knew that this time was lost. In order to protect himself, Prince Batur chose to surrender and asked the Ming army to return his daughter intact. Alia in exchange.

Zhu Gaojiu agreed to the surrender request after confirming with Zhu Zhanchang that Alia was intact.

"Open the city gate and welcome our army into the city. The original Tingzhou army has all disarmed and waited at the school ground." Zhu Zhanyi smiled crookedly. Although his achievements in capturing Tingzhou were not enough, this time his achievements were enough to enter the city. It's still him.

"The Ming Army is mighty!!"

"The Ming Army is mighty!!"

The soldiers who had been tossed by the wind and sand outside the Great Wall for so long could now win without a fight, so naturally they cheered.

In order to maintain his demeanor, Zhu Zhanyu said: "When you enter the city, everyone must not disturb the people, you can eat and drink, don't take too much, and don't molest women from good families. We are a team with military discipline."

Two days before Zhu Zhanzhen entered Tingzhou, Zhu Gaochi had already accepted the surrender of Turpan City. Prince Han rode a high-headed horse on the main street of Turpan City with a bunch of grapes in his hand. Prince Batur rode on the main street of Turpan City. Horses are on the side.

"I heard that Prince Batur is burly and powerful. The rumors are true today."

"Lord Han, it's too much."

"Prince Batur has a general understanding of right and wrong. This king has already sent a letter to His Majesty to ask for a reward for you. As a minister of Daming in the future, I will definitely contribute to my Daming."

The defeated general, why should he keep his face, Prince Batur lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Lord Han."

"You and I have fought bloody battles for several days. I can see that the soldiers in the city are very hostile to my Ming soldiers. I have promised that the prince will treat the people well and the soldiers well. But if these soldiers dare to offend my Ming soldiers, I will blame all the blame on Batu. Prince Er."


"The King of Han does not know when the little girl will return?"

"We have set off from Jiayuguan, hurry back and return within a few days. We Daming have always treated the prisoners kindly, especially after knowing that the Black Snake Princess is the daughter of Prince Batur, we will serve you delicious food and drink." Zhu Gaojiu When he said this, he was still a little guilty. He knew that Zhu Zhanchang had dug up some news from Hei Sheji's mouth. Although the news from Jiayuguan was that Hei Sheji was intact, did Zhu Zhanchang really do nothing?
Don't do it.

Taking advantage of Prince Batur's departure, Yu Qian whispered to Zhu Gaojiu in a whisper: "My lord, this Prince Batur, seeing that he has a lot of money, is afraid that he will not be willing to be subordinate to others, so he surrendered this time. It should be in order to preserve the strength of the army, and then we have to guard against major events."

"Well, a man can bend and stretch, he is a figure, but if you hit him once, you will hit him a second time. Just be careful not to let him get a knife in the back."

Yu Qian was worried that Zhu Gaojiu would be so complacent with his credit this time, that he was chatting and laughing with Prince Batur, so he reminded him, but he didn't expect Zhu Gaojiu's thinking to be very clear, and he was not a stunner who would show off his strength after winning a battle.

In Jiayuguan, Zhu Zhanchang put the unbound Black Snake Princess on the war horse, and said with a slight smile: "I thought that you would have to persuade Prince Batur to surrender, but I didn't expect that Prince Batur is still a person who knows the times. Let’s land first, then we are our own now, this guard will send you to Turpan City, be careful on the road.”

Black Snake Ji looked at Zhu Zhanchang viciously, and when she saw Zhu Zhanchang's face, she remembered the humiliation that day, and when she thought of Zhu Zhanchang saying that she had no hair on her mouth, she was ashamed and angry: "Wait, I Will come back to find you."

"What are you doing for this hairless boy like me?"


"You are welcome to visit our Central Plains when you have time. You can also come to Guangzhou House. There will be a period in the future."

 Join the chapter today, update the Black Snake Girl tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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