Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 273 Restoring the Temple Name

Chapter 273 Restoring the Temple Name
Zhu Yunwen thought that Zhu Zhanchang wanted Kui's information, not to pull Kui out, but to use Kui's hidden stake in Daming for his use.

In their thinking, Zhu Zhanchang definitely wanted to fight for the throne. After all, who wouldn't want the throne.

With Kui's hidden stake and the commander of Jin Yiwei, Zhu Zhanchang's information will cover a wide range, and there is a lot of secret information in it. He can use these secret information plus the hidden stakes on both sides to monitor and control. Many court officials fell to their side.

Zhu Yunwen was an emperor. Although Jinyiwei was not reused at that time, there is a lot of secret information hidden in the Jinyiwei left over from Zhu Yuanzhang's time. Many of them can trip over a high-level minister at one time, and wait until the need arises. When it is time to take it out and use it, the current Jin Yiwei is even better than before.

"Do you know how I train these Qun Kui spies?"

"I've seen many..."

"But we are different." Zhu Yunwen didn't seem to hear Zhu Zhanchang's words, and said to himself: "Kui's spies are all trained since childhood. From a very young age, some spies went to the local area to train spies. ."

Zhu Yunwen glanced at Zhu Zhanchang and said, "For example, the singer you raised outside, Li Xianyu."

He didn't know that Zhu Zhanchang already knew that Li Xianyu was a spy, and now he deliberately said it with a hint of pride and showing off.

Zhu Zhanchang has anger in his eyes, but his face is calmer. His acting skills have improved in the past two years.

"Really? It's just a plaything, why bother so much?"

"She is one of my best spies. Although she has been out of contact for a long time, she brought back the news I wanted most, your steam engine. Now Dongying has the ability to independently manufacture steam engines."

Zhu Zhanchang took over the words: "But it's useless. I have already cooperated with General Ashikaga Yoshichi, and I have given Dongying a steam engine. Your efforts are nothing in the end."

Zhu Yunwen still didn't seem to take Zhu Zhanchang's words to heart, and said to himself, "Did she tell you that she is a North Korean princess?"

"She's not a North Korean princess. That's a set of words I thought of for her when I went to Daming. She's not a Jurchen princess. We lied to her since I was a child, and she's not a princess from Oara Tatar. She is a girl born to a geisha who does not know which benefactor she is pregnant with. In Kui, I will come up with a set of rhetoric to teach her and set a background for her, but they are all fake, all fake, not a single sentence It's true, it's just for them to believe."

Zhu Zhanchang's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't understand why Zhu Yunwen said these things, and he didn't seem to be in a normal state. He couldn't listen to what he said.

I don't know if he is acting or if he is really mentally ill.

"Li Xianyu is just an ordinary spy. What I am most proud of is that I have a spy who is teaching in Daming. He found a child, a local child, a child without a father, and told him a story that he was mine. The grandson of a minister who was punished by the nine tribes kept instilling this story into him, until the child finally believed it."

"My minister, I know his affairs in great detail, and he instilled in that child in great detail. He was so angry that he succeeded in the imperial examination. Nothing could be found in the Ming Dynasty. His background was very clean. He is a noble son of a poor family, but he himself firmly believes that his ancestor was killed by Zhu Di, so he sent us a lot of useful information, including a lot of drawings of steam engines. Even if there is no information from Li Xianyu, we will It's almost going to be a steam engine."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Zhanchang's back felt a little chilly, and these methods did make him a little uneasy.

When recruiting talents in the Ming Dynasty, they all had to examine their backgrounds. Those whose ancestors had criminals or committed crimes themselves were difficult to be hired.

But according to Zhu Yunwen, the second-generation spies trained by his spies were completely brainwashed by PUA. You can't find out anything about these people by checking their backgrounds, because he is innocent, but he believes it. The stories that Zhu Yunwen made up for him were brainwashed. Such spies are the most dangerous. Unless they reveal their faults, it is really difficult to detect them.

"Who is it?" Zhu Zhanang lowered his voice. It is indeed very dangerous for such a person to be placed in Daming.

"Guess." Zhu Yunwen laughed out loud.

Because of the loud laughter, Hei Snake Ji outside the door opened the door, and the knife was already unsheathed when the door opened.

But inside the house, Zhu Zhanchang and Zhu Yunwen sat as if nothing had happened.

Hearing the movement, Ashikaga Yoshichi, who was not far away, ran over with joy. He thought it was Zhu Zhanyi who started it, but seeing that Zhu Yunwen was still alive, Ashikaga Yoshichi was obviously a little disappointed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhu Zhanchang exited the room first, and pulled Ashikaga Yoshichi alone and asked, "General Ashikaga, is your Empress Komatsu, you have a bit of a head..." Zhu Zhanchang pointed to his head, meaning Zhu Yunwen's spirit something wrong with.

Ashikaga Yoshichi didn't hide it: "When my father brought it back to Dongying, he would occasionally go crazy. At first, my father suspected that he was pretending, but after a long time, he thought it should be true, maybe it was a blow. It’s too big, and occasionally there will be abnormal situations, but after following the Buddhist master Huasou Zongtan, the situation improved a little, and it was also the Kui organization that was founded from that time.”

Ashikaga Yoshichi's words confirmed Zhu Zhanqi's guess that Zhu Yunwen had a problem with his head. There was no need for Ashikaga Yoshichi to lie to Zhu Zhanqi in this matter. He just expected that Zhu Zhanqi would kill Zhu Yunwen sooner, but Zhu Zhanqi didn't. kill.

But he is not easy to urge, so he can't directly ask you why you haven't killed him, why haven't you done it yet.

He asked side-by-side: "How are you talking?"

"It was a pleasure to talk."

Zhu Zhanqiang returned to the room under Ashikaga Yoshichi's surprise, closed the door, and Ashikaga Yoshichi looked at Zhu Zhanqiu's back blankly. He felt that Zhu Zhanqiu didn't seem to want to kill Zhu Yunwen, but why was this? ?

Ashikaga Yoshichi didn't understand.

Inside the house, Zhu Zhanchang sat down calmly, and when Zhu Yunwen stopped laughing and calmed down, Zhu Zhanchang said, "Are you awake now?"

"Wake up? What is awake? Life is a big dream. When you wake up, you wake up, and when you dream, you dream. Why not?"

"How come Dongying has been learning to read and write for decades." Zhu Zhanchang sneered.

Zhu Yunwen woke up a lot, and then said, "I just lost my temper, I hope you forgive me." He has been maintaining his demeanor and elegance as much as possible, which is what he cares about.

Zhu Zhanchang knocked on the table and said, "Does Kui have a secret stake in Dongying?"

Zhu Yunwen raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Zhanchang: "Why should I tell you?"

"In exchange for benefits, I will hide your existence from Daming, but you have to help me with one thing."

Hearing that Zhu Zhanchang said that he would hide his existence, Zhu Yunwen laughed grimly.

"I knew it, I knew it, you want that position, right? You want it." Zhu Yunwen widened his eyes and pointed at Zhu Zhanchang with his fingers.

"Yeah, who doesn't want it? It's the emperor. There is no king in the world, and there is no king on the coast of the land. You must want it."

Zhu Yunwen thinks that Zhu Zhanchang wants to hide his existence, and even wants to cooperate, it must be for the throne, after all, he is so close to the throne, and most of the battles for thousands of years are for the supreme right, he thinks Zhu Zhanchang Same thing.

And Zhu Zhanchang also hopes that he thinks so.

Everyone basically thinks this way. After all, Zhu Zhanchang is too close to that position, and his strength is too strong.

If Zhu Di dies, it is no surprise that Zhu Gaochi succeeds to the throne, then in fact, the distance between Zhu Zhanchang and the position of the Ninety-five Honor is only the lives of Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanyong.

Is it far?Not far.

Zhu Zhanchang did not deny it at this time, but said, "Is there a deal?"

"Deal!!" Zhu Yunwen said decisively.

He is naturally willing to watch the infighting of Zhu Di's family, and he is used to such mutual use of chips.

"I will hide all your information, but at the same time, most of the people who know your existence will have to be erased. How many people in the Kui organization know about your existence?"

"There is only one person in the organization, Huasou Zongtan, and Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is a hero. He is indeed a heroic man. He has calmed down the chaos of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and controlled Dongying. His son is far inferior to him. He is also very careful about my affairs, for fear I leaked the news to let Daming know, and caused the war, so Ashikaga Yoshimitsu didn't know my news until Ashikaga Yoshimitsu died." Zhu Yunwen had a high evaluation of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and a moderate evaluation of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

Huasou Zongtan, Ashikaga Yoshichi, called Emperor Guangyi, Hino Kotaro, Monk Danyang, these are the people known to know Zhu Yunwen's identity.

The smaller the number, the easier it is to deal with.

"How is your relationship with your son?"

Zhu Yunwen had doubts and viciousness in his eyes: "What son?"

"I'm called Emperor Guangyi."

"He knows my identity, this is a useless Dongying, cowardly, weak, indecisive, without a backbone, can't accomplish great things, even a general like Ashikaga Yoshichi, who is far inferior to his father, can also take this scumbag down. The emperor is firmly in his hands."

Zhu Zhanchang exhaled: "Emperor Kazuki asked me to kill Ashikaga Yoshichi."

"Haha, why is he?"

"He told me your news and wanted to use it as a condition and threat."

Zhu Yunwen sneered disdainfully: "Childish, stupid." He seemed to think of his former self again, who seemed to be like this, full of ambition, but in front of his fourth uncle, perhaps he also felt that he was naive and stupid. nephew.

Zhu Zhanchang looked at Zhu Yunwen's mental state and seemed to have some changes, his smile became blurred, and his eyes were in a trance.

"I promised him." Zhu Zhanchang's answer exceeded Zhu Yunwen's expectations.

"Don't lie to me, how could you promise him, you don't like such a person."

"But, people like that are easy to control."

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid of being monitored by Ashikaga?"

"It's not a novel, can there really be ninjas who can hide in the shadows?" Zhu Zhanchang laughed. In these days in Dongying, Zhu Zhanchang has seen so-called ninjas. To put it bluntly, he is a well-trained killer. almost.

There are so many things about Jinyiwei. He has seen Jinyiwei's information and knows under what circumstances he can monitor the information and under what circumstances it can't.

"You, really agreed, called the request of Emperor Guangyi?"

Zhu Zhanchang nodded.

"Then you and Ashikaga Yoshichi are so close? Ashikaga Yoshichi even brought you to see me."

"He doesn't know."

Zhu Zhanchang's answer made it difficult for Zhu Yunwen to refute.

He promised to kill Emperor Yoshimitsu to kill Ashikaga Yoshichi, and promised to overthrow Emperor Yoshihide, and now Zhu Zhanyi also promises Zhu Yunwen to hide his existence and not kill him.

Zhu Yunwen couldn't understand what Zhu Zhanchang wanted to do, and couldn't figure it out.

"Did you have any secret spies in Dongying who didn't know about Emperor Mitsuyuki and Yoshihide Ashikaga?" Zhu Zhanchang continued the question just now.

There is no doubt that Zhu Yunwen nodded this time: "Yes, what do you want to do?"

"Help me kill Ashikaga Yoshichi and Emperor Shimitsu."

Zhu Yunwen looked at Zhu Zhanchang in disbelief: "So you don't want to cooperate with any of them, but want them all to die, what a treacherous boy, worthy of being the grandson of the fourth uncle, insidious enough, enough fierce."

"Both of them know your existence, and you are the leader of Dongying. Kill them to ensure safety. I don't plan to change the situation of Dongying. It's fine to hold the new emperor and general, and my Zhu Rihe It is enough for the consortium to give me one year, and it will definitely allow the nobles of Dongying to subtly guide the consortium."

"Are you so confident?"

"This is not confidence that comes out of thin air. I have always done this in Nanyang. I am sure."

Zhu Yunwen smiled and said, "How difficult is it to kill Ashikaga Yoshichi and Emperor Shimitsu, I have to do it for you if you say a word? Don't forget that we have a deep hatred between us."

"The deep hatred is a matter between you and my grandfather. I am a junior. I have neither participated nor captured it. It has been like this since I was born."

"You are the grandson of the fourth uncle, and the deep hatred and hatred must be counted on your head." Zhu Yunwen said this at this time, and Zhu Zhanchang understood that he was waiting for his own conditions.

Zhu Zhanshang said meaningfully: "Cooperate with me and kill Emperor Kyoko and Ashikaga Yoshihide. I, Zhu Zhanshang, swear to the sky that I will bless you and protect you for life."

"I'm alone, what's the use of this life? I'm a lost dog, a rat crossing the street, I have to hide, hide, and live in a dark and smelly place, I have no hope in this life, I live and die What's the difference?" Zhu Yunwen spread his hands as he spoke: "Why don't you kill me and die at the hands of the fourth uncle's grandson, my life should be counted on the fourth uncle's head, I want to go down and tell the emperor about me. Good fourth uncle."

People who look like this, in such a state of mind, have nothing to do with life or death. Before Zhu Zhanchang strangled him, he didn't resist when he wanted to kill him.

The young man's eyes were deep and he took a deep breath and said, "I, Zhu Zhanchang, swear to heaven that one day, I will restore Zhu Yunwen to the clan, and restore Zhu Biao as Emperor Xiaokang, with the temple name Xingzong, and Zhu Yunwen as the Min Hui Emperor and the temple name Huizong. "

Zhu Yunwen stared at Zhu Zhanchang with round eyes. Zhu Zhanchang gave him conditions that he could never imagine, but could never refuse. Zhu Zhanchang brought Zhu Biao in as well, not thinking for himself, was it not for his own father Think about it?
(End of this chapter)

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