Chapter 274 The Emperor Yongle Died
Zhu Zhanchang's words made Zhu Yunwen unbelievable. Zhu Zhanchang could actually take this as a condition. His nephew was really ambitious and unscrupulous. He felt that Zhu Zhanchang could really do anything in order to be an emperor.

But such a person is the one he looks forward to, the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the fourth uncle, the fourth uncle. I didn't expect that Zhu Di, who was ambitious, would have a grandson who was even more ambitious.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Zhu Yunwen couldn't restrain his smile: "Do your words count?"

"a man of his words."

"But you are not a gentleman." Zhu Yunwen said coldly.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you to decide."

Zhu Yunwen smiled and pointed at Zhu Zhanchang: "If Zhu Zhanchang violates your own oath one day, I curse you, I curse you to die without a place to be buried, and your body is abandoned in the stinky ditch. The internal organs are swallowed by wild dogs, even if I die, I will follow you, bite your flesh bit by bit, suck your bone marrow, tear your soul, and the sky will be thundered, and you will not die. ."

His face was grim and his voice was low, and he couldn't tell whether he was normal or abnormal now, maybe he was somewhere in between.

These vicious curses seem to be the only condition that Zhu Yunwen can limit Zhu Zhanchang. He can't believe that Zhu Zhanchang will really reincorporate Zhu Yunwen and Zhu Biao into the Zhu family tablet as he said, and call them in the name of the emperor. This means that Zhu Di has become a misnomer.

But Zhu Zhanchang couldn't do anything in order to fight for the throne.

He understood that Zhu Zhanchang was lying to him, but this seemed to be his only chance.

In the rolling torrent, this is the only life-saving straw, his father can receive incense in the name of Xingzong, and he can also be in the ancestral hall of the clan in the name of the emperor after his death.

Huaxia has always attached great importance to the matter of the ancestral temple. It is the most honorable thing for the courtiers to enjoy the Taimiao. As the orthodox emperor of the Ming Dynasty, how could Zhu Yunwen not want to return to the clan ancestral hall by himself.

"You are lying to me, you are lying to me."

"You really didn't lie to me?"

Zhu Yunwen's unstable mental state made Zhu Zhanchang a little worried, and it seemed a little ridiculous to discuss cooperation with such a mentally abnormal person.

"Forget it, don't believe it."

"No, wait, I'll help you, I secretly arranged some hidden stakes, neither Ashikaga Yoshimitsu nor Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, I will help you kill him, I will help you kill him." Zhu Yunwen's eyes were abnormally empty. , with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Not now, I'll let you know when the time is up."

"How to notify?"

"Since Li Xianyu is your spy, let her come, I'm familiar with it."

"You want to kill her?" Zhu Yunwen said with narrowed eyes.

"There are always ways to make her feel better than she is when she died." Zhu Zhanchang pretended to be very angry that Li Xianyu was still a spy next to him.

Zhu Yunwen understood that Li Xianyu was a sincerity he gave to Zhu Zhanchang, and nodded. He was still a little embarrassed before, but now he has regained his elegant appearance.

"Okay." Zhu Yunwen responded.

Zhu Yunwen asked again: "You don't kill me today, and you talked to me for a long time. How will you explain it to Ashikaga Yoshichi when you go out?"

"The time has not come." Zhu Zhanchang spread his hands.

"Ashikaga Yoshichi's letter?"

"I said he would believe the others?"

"How could the gentle and kind fat man Gao Chi give birth to a son like you."

Zhu Zhanchang said again, "Uncle Huang, I have to trouble you with something."

"You said."

Zhu Zhanchang said slowly: "My eldest brother set up an inner book hall in his mansion, invited famous officials to teach eunuchs to read, and used eunuchs for his own use. It violates the ancestral system and violates the etiquette system, so let your secret gang use this to find an opportunity to attack my eldest brother."

Zhu Yunwen squinted slightly: "Is this the beginning?"

"You can't make a tall building in one day, you have to build it up a little bit every day."

Zhu Zhanchang showed his intention to attack Zhu Zhanji. Zhu Yunwen understood the reason why Zhu Zhanchang did not use his own subordinates, because neither Zhu Di nor Zhu Gaochi were deaf and blind. If Zhu Zhanchang's subordinates attacked Zhu Zhanji, then it would be very difficult. Obviously, Zhu Zhanchang is going to be on the opposite side of Zhu Zhan base station, that is, he is clearly going to grab it.

But using his hidden stake to participate in the performance, it would be impossible to investigate. As long as the cause and effect of the matter are arranged, it can play the role of attacking Zhu Zhanji.

When Zhu Yunwen understood Zhu Zhanchang's intention, he nodded: "I will arrange for my subordinates to do this."

He could not ask for such a thing.

"Then let's talk about this today, I'll go first." Zhu Zhanchang got up and prepared to leave the room.


Zhu Zhanchang turned his head, and Zhu Yunwen got up slowly.

"What else is there?"

"Ashikaga Yoshihide holds a Mitsui Consortium that is the sponsor of most of the pirates in this sea. It is in charge of Ashikaga Yoshihide's son, Ashikaga Yoshihashi. Some time ago, Daming's steam warships fought against Japanese pirates at sea, and the Mitsui Consortium was accepted. The impact is very serious, he is about the same age as you, and he told Ashikaga Yoshichi many times that he should assassinate you."

"is it?"

"He's also in Daejeon now."

"thanks for reminding."

Zhu Zhanzhen walked out of the door, and Ashikaga Yoshichi trotted all the way over, but he could see that Zhu Yunwen was still alive, and he was a little dissatisfied.

"General Ashikaga, I had a great time talking with Emperor Komatsu today, let's make an appointment another day."

Ashikaga Yoshichi followed: "His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County, I finally made an appointment with Empress Komatsu."

"What does General Ashikaga seem to be expecting?"

Ashikaga Yoshichi couldn't say straight: "Your Highness, you don't look like someone who would keep threats by your side."

"It's not time yet." Zhu Zhanchang smiled and took people away.

Ashikaga Yoshichi originally felt that Zhu Zhanchang would take action against Zhu Yunwen today. After all, the existence of Zhu Yunwen was a huge threat to the Zhu family of Ming Dynasty, and he wanted to use this opportunity to completely tie Zhu Zhanchang to his side. He understood that Zhu Zhanchang He hesitated, but felt that Zhu Zhanchang would eventually choose to kill Zhu Yunwen.

It's a pity that Zhu Zhanchang exceeded his expectations.

Ashikaga Yoshichi returned to the house and said to Zhu Yunwen, "What did you two say just now?"

"Let's talk about everyday life."

"He knows who you are."


"Did nothing to you?"

Zhu Yunwen raised his neck and asked Ashikaga Yoshichi to look at the marks on his neck: "At the beginning, he wanted to kill me, but then, for some unknown reason, he took it back."

Ashikaga Yoshichi narrowed his eyes slightly, but Zhu Zhanchan was still motivated to kill. He probably didn't think about how to deal with it later, so he stopped. This is also common sense.

He believed that Zhu Zhanchang would do it, and he would just do a little help.

And now that he has cooperated with Zhu Zhanchang, there is no difference between Zhu Yunwen's death and life. Since Zhu Zhanchang doesn't kill him, he will keep it for now, and he will not receive Kui at one time. receive it.

After Zhu Zhanchang left, he breathed a sigh of relief in the carriage: "Alia, will you really get retribution for telling a lie?"

"What's wrong, Your Highness?"

Zhu Zhanchang looked at the roof of the car coldly. Now he is full of lies. It seems that he is no longer the simple boy he used to be. Even Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, and Zhu Zhanji are the same.

Now he seems to have changed.

He went to find Zhang Xianqi first: "Go and help me find Ashikaga."

He also immediately ordered Yang Feng to order the steam mothership fleet at sea to speed up the clearing of the Japanese pirates at sea.

The sea trade between Dongying and Daming is now accelerating, and steam engine factories and shipyards have also been established. Obviously, these Japanese pirates are no longer needed, and Ashikaga Yoshichi himself will dismiss these people.

Zhu Zhanchang took the initiative to find Ashikaga Christian Church. He was busy with Zhu Rihe Group before and didn't have time to meet him.

Ashikaga Yoshio was very friendly and longing for Daming because of Zhu Zhan's saving him and his own reasons.

"Your Highness, why are you looking for me today?"

Zhu Zhanchang said with a smile: "I have been busy for a long time some time ago, and the general matters have been settled yesterday, just thinking that Zhu Rihe Group has already started operation, but there is a leader missing, so I want to talk to you. talk."

"Ah?" Ashikaga Yoshichi froze in place: "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

Zhu Zhanchang stretched out his hand and motioned Ashikaga to sit down: "Yes, I think it has to be you."

"Me? I can't do it." Ashikaga Yoshiki was a little unconfident, as Ashikaga Yoshichi's younger brother, but he did not have any real power in the country, Ashikaga Yoshichi deliberately retained power and did not give it to his younger brother, which also led to Ashikaga Goshi was a little unconfident in the face of Zhu Zhan's sudden olive branch, and if he didn't do it, he would naturally feel unconfident.

"The Zhurihe Group is jointly operated by our Daming and Dongying, we need to communicate with people from both sides, and it is located in Dongying. I hope that a Dongying person will be the leader, proficient in Daming dialect, and able to maintain the communication between the two sides and maintain friendship. , I think you are the most suitable candidate."

"But...but, this also has to be approved by my brother."

"I will discuss with General Ashikaga Yoshichi, you have to be confident, you can definitely do it."

Ashikaga Goshio seemed to be inspired, and his eyes became firmer.

As a member of the Ashikaga family, his status is honorable, but Ashikaga Yoshichi does not give him real power. Just like the Mitsui Consortium has a conflict, which requires someone to come forward to solve it, Ashikaga Yoshigoshi is a good candidate.

Moreover, as far as he came into contact with Ashikaga, this person is not a very assertive person. Zhu Zhanyi is willing to support him and try, but it depends on whether Ashikaga is willing to let Ashikaga take up such an important position.

The next day, Zhu Zhanzhen went to Ashikaga Yoshichi and proposed to let his own person serve as the director general of Zhurihe Group, but he was opposed by Ashikaga Yoshichi. Ashikaga Yoshichi thought that there was a board of directors, and Zhurihe Group The director-general must be from Dongying.

But in fact, he also understands that the core operations of Zhu Rihe Group are all in charge of Daming. If Zhu Zhanchang doesn't consult with himself, it is estimated that the director general or the person in charge will be Daming, but since Zhu Zhanchang came to ask If you have discussed it yourself, you will have to fight for it, but Zhu Zhanchang reminded himself.

It was difficult for the two to reach a consensus for a while, and Zhu Zhanchang's attitude was relatively firm, because the technology and labor are basically people of the Ming Dynasty, and the people from Dongying could not order when they came, but Ashikaga Yoshichi also tried his best to fight for it.

Finally, when Zhu Zhanchang proposed a compromise plan, it seemed very reasonable.

Ashikaga Yoshitsune was pushed to the front of the stage, and it seems that there is no more suitable candidate than him. There is also Ashikaga Yoshima, the son of Ashikaga Yoshihide, but because Ashikaga Yoshima can't speak clearly, and he also controls the Mitsui Consortium, So Ashikaga Yoshiyoshi was not pushed to the stage.

Compared with Ashikaga Yoshiji's other brothers or other nobles in the East, Ashikaga Yoshihide is relatively more suitable, and Ashikaga Yoshiji also believes that Ashikaga Yoshihide is easier to control.

After a struggle, Ashikaga Yoshio succeeded in becoming the director general of the Zhu Rihe Group.

He didn't even know what the Director General was supposed to do or how many people there were in his group.

Zhu Zhanchang arranged for many people to assist him by his side.


As the days passed, Zhu Rihe Group became stronger visibly with the naked eye.

The winter snow fell in Shuntian Prefecture.

Zhu Zhanchang founded the Zhu Rihe Group in Dongying, and Zhu Di, who was lying on the bed, held the Di Bao and muttered to himself: "Zhu Rihe, Zhu Rihe, this child will have a name, which is the same as his father's name. "

Zhu Yuanzhang's original name was Zhu Chongba and he changed his name to Zhu Yuanzhang. The name was changed to "Zhu Yuanzhang", which means Zhu (Zhu) to destroy the Yuan court's Guizhang. Now this Zhu Rihe group is very similar.

"This child is the most reassuring to me now. Do you know that he asked me for an imperial decree before he went to Dongying?"

"My son, I don't know." Zhu Gaochi really didn't know: "Zhanchang has always acted perversely, but his father, Emperor Zhanchang, has always been good."

"I naturally know that it's just a small reward. It's okay to be accurate. It's just that the girl next to him is a spy of Dongying. I'm always worried. You can send this letter to Zhang Xianqi when the time comes."

The matter of Zhu Zhanji was explained and the matter of Zhu Zhanchang was explained. These were the two grandsons he valued the most, and the fact that Zhu Zhanchang had Dongying spies beside him really surprised Zhu Gaochi.

Zhu Gaochi was waiting by Zhu Xi's side. Zhu Xi's health has been getting worse and worse in the past two days. He could stand yesterday, but today he can only stay in bed. One day is good and one day is bad. down.

But how could Zhu Di's character lie still?As long as your body is neat, you will go out for a walk again.

After drinking the soup, Zhu Di said to Zhu Gaochi: "Gao Chi, this is a memorial from the Ministry of Rites two days ago. The inner book hall was set up in Zhanji's mansion, and famous officials were invited to teach eunuchs to read. Talk to him, the eunuch can use it, but not much."

Zhu Gaochi made a memorial and nodded: "Yes, Royal Father, you should rest more, these trivial matters will be handled by the minister."

Zhu Di nodded, stretched out his hand and put it on Zhu Gaochi's face: "Gaochi, are you gaining weight again?"

Zhu Gaochi said a little embarrassedly: "Father, eat more food to keep out the cold in winter."

Zhu Di shook his head and smiled: "Gao Chi, how do you feel about handling government affairs this year?"

"Da Ming has a vast territory, and his son's mental strength is limited. It is far less good than his father's handling."

"I handled it well because my sons were all helpful, Gao Chi, recently, I always think of our family, you three brothers, eating around the table, your mother scolded you to eat more, blame Gao Xu for not letting go As a rule, Gao Sui timidly took care of himself, and now I think it's better for us as a family, Daming Jiangshan can take care of it, and the father-son brotherhood can also survive."

Zhu Gaochi raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Di, who was in a dignified state. He was walking like a tiger. The tall and strong Emperor Yongle was now old and lying on the couch. Now he is just an old man.

"Gao Chi, the mountains and rivers cannot be lost, and I promise that Daming will not give up an inch of land in the future."

"Father, don't worry, my son will fight for this life, and it will not damage the Daming territory." Zhu Gaochi burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's my good son, boss, you are more generous, your younger brothers often oppose you, and I see them all in my eyes, just thinking of the mother's friendship, don't make a fight, don't have any quarrels, If they are disobedient, they will be punished to kneel in the sect's mansion for a few days."

What Zhu Di was most afraid of at this time was that after he left, his children and grandchildren would go to war.

"Don't worry about your father, don't worry about your father." Zhu Gaochi emphasized it again.

"Big brother, big brother..."

Zhu Di's eyes were cloudy as if he was looking back on his own life, his military and horse life, and the Ming Dynasty's ancient and modern territory.

I'm sorry my big brother.

Zhu Gaochi, who walked out of Zhu Di's palace, knelt at the door again. The snow was a little gentler tonight. He was the only one kneeling under the boundless darkness. Later, the Crown Princess Zhang also came.

This night seemed to be very quiet, and the silent silence enveloped the entire Daming Palace. This Daming is even more ancient and modern, glorious and prosperous, and a glorious empire. It's a pity that when Emperor Yongle walked the last journey of his life, his children and grandchildren were not uniform. Helpless is also happy.

I only hope that the children and grandchildren will not fight, and the blood will be destroyed.

In the 23rd year of Yongle, on a snowy winter night, the voice of the eunuch spread throughout the palace.

"Your Majesty, the funeral is over."

(End of this chapter)

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