Steam Daming: Stop calling me to supervise the country

Chapter 275 Let's do it to Dongying

Chapter 275 Let's do it to Dongying
"Why did His Majesty die?"

"What happened last night."

"A few days ago, I saw that His Majesty was able to stand up, why did he suddenly disappear."

"Your Majesty has been weakening since his return from the Northern Expedition."

The ministers whispered at the gate of the palace, the death of the emperor is a major event for the country, and these courtiers naturally know what will happen, and they are also beating drums in their hearts.

Zhu Di's edict clearly stated that the biography was located in the crown prince Zhu Gaochi.

There is another saying: The respect of the national power of our dynasty is beyond the ancient times. It controls the western barbarians in the north and the south island of Xifan. There is no relationship between the Han, no alliance in the Tang, no coinage in the Song Dynasty, and no brothers and enemies. present.Later emperors of Ming Dynasty took this as their guideline.

The safest and most correct way to pass the throne to the eldest son.

But some people disagree.

In Ningbo House, when Zhu Gaojiu heard the news of Zhu Di's funeral, he immediately brought Qi troops to the north, just like what Zhu Xi did when he learned of Zhu Yuanzhang's funeral.

He does exactly the same thing as Zhu Di, everyone understands his thoughts, and so does Zhu Gaochi.

Zhu Zhanji had already returned to Shuntianfu first, obviously he was even more anxious than Zhu Gaochi.

"Father, the second uncle has already led the troops across the Yangtze River. A full [-] troops and horses have come straight to the capital. I also asked my father to order my sons to lead troops to stop them." Zhu Zhanji understood that other people in Zhu Gaojiu's troops did not dare to stop him. Only you can go.

"Naughty, do you want to fight with your second uncle?" Zhu Gaochi glared at Zhu Zhanji.

"Father, the second uncle's heart is well known, should the second uncle lead the troops into Beijing?"

Zhu Gaochi rubbed his forehead, a lot of troubles were waiting for him, he sighed and said, "If he wants to lead the army, let him lead the army, there is no reason to stop his son from going to his father's funeral, wait. When he gets to the capital, let him just bring his personal guards into the capital."

"Father!!!" Zhu Zhanji couldn't believe that Zhu Gaochi actually had Zhu Gaoji's men stationed around the capital.

But when I thought about it, I immediately understood.

Zhu Gaojiu wants to do the same thing as Zhu Xi, but he Zhu Gaochi is not Zhu Yunwen.

Zhu Yunwen was afraid that Zhu Xi ordered Zhu Xi to go back forcibly and not let Zhu Xi go to mourning. In ancient times, filial piety was valued, and he stopped his son from letting his father go to mourning. This matter could be criticized by others.

Zhu Gaojiu also intends to make a trip like this. As long as Zhu Gaochi doesn't let him go to the funeral, he will immediately build momentum. Zhu Gaochi just took the throne and wastes filial piety. You must know that if the emperor is beaten as an unfilial person in this era, the culpability may be heavier than the emperor's murder and arson.

So Zhu Gaochi had to let him come, and he had to come, not only him, but also Zhu Gaojiu, our three brothers went to the funeral for the old man.

What is there to be afraid of? In terms of military strength, I am more than you, and in terms of court officials, I will crush you. People say that the king of Han can conquer and fight well, but my three sons are all outstanding, but can I deceive you?Your [-] troops are not capable of rebelling and breaking into Shuntian Prefecture.

The only thing to be guarded against is whether there is cooperation between the inside and the outside, unless the defenders of Shuntian Prefecture fully turn to Zhu Gaojiu to have a chance.

"Zhanji, go to Guangzhou Prefecture, prepare troops and horses, and go to order the steam carrier fleet at sea to dock in Tianjin." Zhu Gaochi's defensive preparations are still necessary.

If Zhu Gaojiu really doesn't know how to promote and dares to rebel, Zhu Gaochi will force him to surrender with many troops and horses. Guangzhou Prefecture is adjacent to the Chief Secretary of Fujian. Weihai Port and the steam mothership fleet will act.

Therefore, Zhu Gaojiu's entry to Beijing not only was not hindered by any, but he went all the way unimpeded and treated with courtesy.

When he was outside the capital, he had no excuse to bring troops into the capital. Otherwise, it would be him who would fall for the truth. The defenders of the capital were not something that his [-] troops could deal with, so he had to bring his own guards back to the capital.

Zhu Gaojiu entered the palace wearing a linen and filial piety, crying and mourning all the way.

As soon as he saw Zhu Gaochi, he knelt down before entering the door, and Zhu Gaochi hurried to help him.

"Brother, why did you say Dad left?" Prince Han really burst into tears. If he didn't know that this was the emperor's family, he would be a model for a filial son.

Kneeling in front of the hall, crying, thinking in their hearts, everyone is the same, but Zhu Gaochi didn't reveal any flaws to let Zhu Gaojiu attack, so he had to stay put.

Because of Zhu Di's funeral, the death of the Great Emperor of Ming Dynasty made many people have ideas, and the orphans of the old royal family in the northern Tatar Wara were the fastest.

Taking advantage of the fact that Daming's internal affairs were still unstable, the first national division of Warasin also immediately announced that he would unite with eight nearby tribes to break away from Daming.

It has only been a year since Zhu Di's Northern Expedition. It seems that they have forgotten the power of Daming's iron hoofs. Sure enough, the people on the grassland can't be trusted. The generous treatment that Daming gave this year has now become their resources against Daming.

The new national division of Warasin also knew that Daming would definitely not risk a large army at this stage. Zhu Gaochi needed to stabilize the domestic situation first. As long as they intensified the turmoil, not only did they regain the grasslands, but also made further use of the contradiction between the Han King and Zhu Gaochi, and emphasized the importance of the situation. It is not impossible to enter the Central Plains.

His ambitions were vigorous, but he didn't know that Zhu Gaochi had sworn an oath in front of Zhu Di, and Daming would not give up an inch of territory.

All the surrounding Siyi sent envoys to Daming to pay homage to the great Ming emperor who had ruled the Central Plains for more than 20 years, and the King of Joseon even set off in person.

On the coast of Dongying, Zhu Zhanchang looked at the sea, holding the Di Bao sent by Daming in his hand. Even if it was delivered at the fastest speed, three days had passed by the time he got the news.

The Black Snake Princess came over and put on a thick mink fur cloak for Zhu Zhanchang, and said rarely: "Your Highness, the sea breeze in Dongying is cold and cool, don't catch a cold."

The young man dressed in white filial piety, wearing a mink fur cape, stood on the cold seashore, raised his hand to let the letter fly with the wind, the letter fluttered in the cold wind and fell into the sea, and was collided and torn apart by the cold sea water. until it disappears completely.

Zhu Zhanchang opened his mouth slightly, and the white fog came out. In the newly built port, looking back was a ship that was loading things. On the ship was a sword drawn. holds the ship.

Because of the news of Emperor Daming's funeral, Dongying is now so closely related to Daming, Ashikaga decided to use himself as an ambassador to Daming to pay homage to Daming Emperor.

For more than half a year, Zhu Zhanchang has been working well with Ashikaga Yoshichi in Dongying, and Ashikaga Yoshichi also saw the development driven by Ota City, which made Ashikaga Yoshichi gradually develop some trust in him.

The Prince of Zhujiang County is upright and straightforward in his work. The Zhu Rihe Group aims to pursue high efficiency, which has taught Ashikaga a lot.

Ashikaga Yoshichi walked over: "I also wish to express my condolences to His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County. Are you really not going back to Daming with me?"

"I'm leaving two days after General Ashikaga Yoshichi." Zhu Zhanchang smiled slightly, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and he didn't look sad.

Ashikaga Yoshichi sneered from the bottom of his heart, Daming's royal family is really cold-blooded, obviously his grandfather who loved him so much passed away, but he didn't feel any sadness.

"Then I'll go ahead and wait until the capital of Daming, Your Highness, you can do more for the friendship of the landlord."

"That's natural. Good wine and good food are naturally indispensable."

While speaking, Zhu Zhanchang ordered Heishenji to fetch a pot of warm wine and poured two glasses, saying, "General Ashikaga, here's a toast to you, wishing you all the best."

Ashikaga Yoshichi took the wine and drank it.

He went to Daming this time to take advantage of this opportunity to deliberately go out and leave Dongying.

During the time he was gone, he said that if Emperor Guangyi was dead, he would get rid of the suspicion in a grand manner. Although he knew that everyone would count him, the nature was different.

It's like peeing in the pool, and standing by the pool and peeing in the pool.

When you pee in the swimming pool, others can suspect you, but there is no evidence that you have urinated. Many people have done it, but standing by the pool to pee in the pool is the actual evidence.

Ashikaga Yoshichi felt that it was time to take action against Emperor Mitsuyuki, and this time he was fully prepared. Of course, he would notify him when he was about to return, so that he could return to Dongying as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation. .

After making a detailed and thorough plan, he stepped onto the ship confidently, and sailed towards Daming in the rising steam. He had never been to this powerful neighboring country, and he couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Seeing the ship slowly leaving, Zhu Zhanchang poured another glass of wine into the glass in his hand, then flipped the glass and sprinkled it on the ground in front of him.

The warm wine splashed to the ground, condensed into frost, and the wine glass fell into the sea water, drifting and sinking into the boundless dark and cold seabed.

He looked at the sea and sighed: "Grandpa Huang, unfilial grandson, I can't go back to see you until later, so please don't blame me."

When he returned to his residence, Li Xianyu was already waiting for him here. Ever since he met Zhu Yunwen, Li Xianyu had become the messenger between the two.

"His Royal Highness, you are back, I have warmed ginger tea for you, you will get rid of the cold first." Li Xianyu greeted Zhu Zhanchang with a smile.

She consciously had a low status, so she naturally waited carefully in front of Alia, but Zhu Zhanchang warned Alia not to bully Li Xianyu.

"Xian'er, everything has been arranged by Emperor Komatsu."

"Uh, Emperor Komatsu said you can rest assured."

Although she didn't know why Emperor Xiaomatsu would have contact with Zhu Zhanchang, she was just a messenger, and his task was to deliver the words in place.

Zhang Xianqi hesitated for a while at the door. He had two letters in his hand, one was for himself. He had already read it. After hesitating for a long time, he hid it, and only sent it in with the letter for Zhu Zhanchang.

"Your Highness, there is a letter from the court."

It was Zhu Gaochi's letter. After reading it, Zhu Zhanchang said, "The court ordered me to go back."

"When will your Highness leave?"

"Wait for the Dongying thing to be over. Now the court in Daming is in chaos, and I don't want to participate. I will send a warship to Guangzhou, and bring Xinyue and others over to Dongying."

"Your Highness, this is...?" Zhang Xianqi didn't understand what Zhu Zhanchang meant.

"Take them to play in Dongying." Zhu Zhanchang casually found an excuse to prevaricate.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid it's not right."

"Just do as I say."

"Alia, get ready, let's go to Hiroshima."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zhang Xianqi didn't know exactly what Zhu Zhanchang wanted to do, but he knew that he had to do what was good for Daming and Zhu Zhanchang.


On the ship that set off from Daming, Ashikaga looked at the sea with high spirits, and said to the attendants: "The ship prepared by the Prince of Zhujiang is really good. There is no wind on the sea, as long as it is installed on such a ship Cannon, we will also have a strong team of warships in Dongying."

"Daming is a troubled time now. When Daming arrives, I will find some old officials to visit. If I take the opportunity to reveal that Emperor Jianwen is in Dongying, I don't know if he can add fire to Daming, who is in an unstable situation."

The North has already turned against it. If there is another problem in the Ming Dynasty, how much will it cost to submit to Jiaozhi?At that time, they will have more opportunities in Dongying.

Now that they have a steam engine factory and a shipyard, the Prince of Zhujiang County must have the ambition to fight for the crown. If he is with him, he may have a place in the Central Plains in the future. This is the Central Plains that the people of Dongying have dreamed of for many years.

He was thinking about the future, but a wave came, and he didn't know who pushed him behind him, and Ashikaga Yoshichi fell into the vast cold water.

This is the sea in winter. The biting sea water is enough to freeze people to death. When the people on the boat started to rescue, Ashikaga Yoshichi had been struggling in the water for a few minutes.

He had lost the strength to grab the rope, and his loyal subordinates jumped into the icy water without hesitation, but the sea never showed mercy, the sea never grieved, and in the icy water, the ambitious Ashikaga Yoshichi took him The secret behind him sank to the bottom of the sea.

When the news of Ashikaga Yoshichi's fall into the sea came back to Dongying, everyone's reaction was different, and the happiest one was naturally the emperor.

Hearing the news, Emperor Shimitsu was so excited that he almost didn't jump up. Once Ashikaga Yoshichi died, there would be no generals in Dongying, and he could be the master of the house.

Immediately excitedly, he had a drink with his most loyal subordinate Kotaro Hino: "His Royal Highness the Prince of Zhujiang County really did what he said, saying that Ashikaga Yoshihide will go and return without going back, and there will be no return."

"Good wine, good wine, extra sweet, what kind of wine is this."

"This is the cherry blossom wine sent by Emperor Komatsu. It is said that it is made by girls in the form of chewing wine. In addition to the aroma of cherry blossoms, there is also a girl's body fragrance. It is indeed very sweet." Hino Kotaro was also amazed. .

In the evening, Emperor Guangyi and his advisor, Kotaro Hino, were found naked on the bed, bleeding from seven orifices, and there were signs of taking banned drugs. In order to avoid the scandal, the waiters kept silent about the cause of Emperor Guangyi's death.

At Shitianwang Temple, the eminent monk Danyang passed away before the statue of Tianwang.

Zhu Zhanchang set foot on Hiroshima, and Zongchun Yixiu led the way and took him to see Emperor Komatsu.

(End of this chapter)

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